God's Final Gift

Naruto was nervous. He was rarely ever nervous.

While he was often joking around and cheerful, Naruto had always had decent control over his emotions and rarely showed what he was thinking. He had been taught this way since he was a child due to being a future successor of Heaven, one that could eventually face the kings of Hell and the Fallen in both diplomatic and actual combat.

The last time he was nervous was the first time he tried Breakdown the Beast. It was terrifying the idea of losing control and truly fusing with Kurama. Naruto was easily Satan-level, if not low Super Devil-level. Kurama was a being on the same level as the Heavenly Dragons. If the two were to lose control while they were fused, Heaven would be in a lot of trouble.

He had also been nervous the first time he had snuck out of the house with Raph. He couldn't even imagine what would happen if Michael or, God forbid, Gabriel caught them. Sure the midnight flying trip was fun and sure America was lovely but still. That woman was terrifying…

Luckily and unluckily for him, he wasn't trying to unlock one of the ultimate levels of the Sacred Gear or sneaking out of Heaven. No, today he was going to take Rias on their first date.

Naruto sat on the couch with a sigh.

It had been a long day. After saving Asia the other day, he had gone through a metric shit ton of paperwork to get the girl into the school without questions being asked. Not to mention after that he had tests which while they weren't difficult were annoying as hell. Finally Naruto spent the last two hours with Akeno helping Issei with his Boosted Gear and Asia with her Twilight Healing.

Issei was an interesting case. Sure, they had very different personalities and sure Issei was a little (read as "very") perverted, Naruto couldn't help but he feel like he was responsible for the boy. Issei was younger than him and weak and ignorant of the world, not to mention Naruto was the one who let Rias reincarnate him.

And while Naruto personally didn't like most beings more powerful than him (a trait he was informed his father had too), he could see the positives of having one of the most powerful dragons in your body. During Issei's training, Naruto had trained him to release the Boosted Gear and begin boosting immediately by launching extremely low leveled Bijuudamas at the young Red Dragon Emperor. This had forced Issei to activate his gift to increase his durability or get shot to the other side of Hell with the blast.

Naruto was happy with his choice to make Asia one of his saints. The girl was kind, innocent, a true believer and a wonderful person who didn't deserve to die from a gift she was given. The Twilight Healing was incredibly powerful, with the ability to heal any being, no matter the species. When Asia had been told she had been expelled because she had healed a devil, Naruto had been furious although not the reason she had thought. He had been furious that his family had done that just because her act of compassion. It was only Asia and Akeno's intervention that stopped Naruto to flying to Heaven and giving Michael a piece of his mind.

Naruto groaned as he removed his blazer and tie, slowly undressing to relax. He was not expecting a door behind him to open. He was really not expecting Rias to be standing in the doorway with the sexiest lingerie he had ever seen in his life. Sure, he was from Heaven and there wasn't a lot of lingerie shops but still. That black lace made his face blush red and blood begin to rush to other places. It was thin and stuck to her incredible figure like a second skin, outlining every...part of her and leaving nothing for Naruto to miss.

Rias gestured for him to come to her with a single finger and Naruto could feel himself begin to sweat.

"I c-can't." Naruto stuttered out, his brain fighting his body's reactions. Naruto couldn't stop his eyes from being glued to Rias as she sexily sauntered over to him, swaying her her hips. Before he could escape, she straddled him, grinding her lower body all over his.

She leaned close, whispering in his ear in her deep, sensual voice. "Why not darling?"

"It's not right…" Naruto's face was as red as Rias' hair.

He tried to get up but in this state, Rias was able to surprise him by grabbing his wrists and pushing them over his head. There was a pulse of magic as the spell that she had bought from a shady dealer in the underworld activated themselves. The spell involved coating your hands with magical energy before grabbing your victim's wrists, thus sealing their arms to whatever surface they were pressed against.

"Now tell me why not? I like you, you like me, let's do this!" Rias said with a bright smile before she disappeared from Naruto's view.

"You're right but…!" Naruto began before gasping when he felt his pants being unzipped. He struggled against his restraints as he felt Rias wrap her hand arou-

Naruto's brain finally caught up to what was going on and in an attempt to save himself, screamed out the first thing in his mind. "What about if I take you on a date?"

Rias stopped herself mid movement and looked up at Naruto with amused light blue eyes. "Keep talking"

Naruto saw the light at the end of the tunnel. "U-uh Saturday! Me and you all day!"

"I like you, a lot and I don't want it to be just lust. So let's go a little slow for now" Naruto continued, smiling a reassuring smile. He was confused about what he felt but he knew he wanted to be more to Rias than just her friend.

"Hmm not just lust…" Rias mumbled under her breath. She paused and let go of what she was holding, the seals restraining Naruto dissolving.

"Saturday is going to be fun" Rias said with a mischievous smile, carefully grinding her lower regions over Naruto before she got up with that same sexy saunter.

Naruto groaned as he watched Rias slowly torture him. "I hate to see her go but I love to watch her leave"

Rias stopped and turn around, giving him a small wink. "Oh and look sharp Darling, I'm planning to rock your world"

Then with a flip of her stunning crimson hair, the princess of destruction was gone leaving Naruto to drop his face into his hands. "What have I gotten myself into…"

Naruto was broken from his thoughts by a pair of small hands covering his eyes. Naruto smiled as he grabbed her hands and whipped around, taking a big look at her.

His jaw dropped a bit. "Woah"

Rias looked gorgeous, her already beautiful features heightened by a bit of green eyeshadow that made her bright sea green eyes pop. She was wearing a tight mid thigh length dress that was the same color as her hair and had a strange cut to it so that it showed a bit of cleavage while also remaining elegant. She looked perfect...

Rias giggled at his expression. "I like that reaction"

Naruto almost laughed as he stood up and was still a lot taller than her even though she was wearing high heels which earned him an adorable pout from the girl.

"Don't you look handsome?" Rias said with a small smile of her own, her sinful devil eyes quite pleased at the sight.

She was right of course. He had gotten a bit of advice from Michael without giving his big brother any details and had gotten a rather slim suit that showed his lean physique while also being classy. An ebony suit with a blue tie that matched his eyes, Naruto looked like quite a catch.

Naruto, however, was not as confident as he looked and stuttered for words for a second. "Oh um well..."

Before he could dissolve into a mess of embarrassment, Naruto quickly reached into a small pocket dimension and pulled out a bouquet of the most pristine red roses she had ever seen.

"Here," He said as he placed the bouquet in his date's hands with a bit of embarrassment. "They were the same color as your hair so I picked them"

"Oh, thank you" Rias said with a bit of surprise. No one besides her brother had ever bought her flowers before, especially not roses.

"I wasn't sure what to plan for today so I thought we could start with a walk through a park," Naruto said with a scratch of his head awkwardly, remembering the previous night's struggle to think of a nice date. "After that we can catch that new anime movie I heard you mentioned you wanted to see as well as this nice bookstore I found that sells rare books and manga."

"Finally I have reservations at that new five star restaurant that serves japanese fusion cuisine." He finished before letting out a breath he hadn't known he was holding in.

Naruto had been so worried, this would be his first date. Heaven didn't really have a lot of girls that couldn't fall or even had the guts to talk to him. Rias Gremory was upfront and was an embodiment of sin, not the kind of person you think a prince of Heaven would date but maybe it would work.

"Wow" Rias now was the one who looked a little bit awkward. "Now I feel like I didn't do enough for you."

"Your company is more than enough for me." Naruto said with a small whiskered smile that earned him a small smile.

He held out his elbow for her. "Shall we go?"

"Of course" Rias said with a smile of her own as she took his arm. It was then the offspring of dark and light walked out the door to a new future.

"This is nice"

Naruto was right, the fading sunlight cast the faded pastels that colored the country of Japan in a light ethereal glow. They had picked a small bench underneath a tree who was slowly losing its flowers, showing them in a blizzard of petals every now and then. Naruto had his arm around Rias who felt so small cuddled against him for warmth.

As they had walked there, older couples would look at them every now and then and smile as if they remembered times like that. When they were young and free and could love who they wanted no matter what stood in their way. The way it should be...

Rias hummed to herself in thought, her head on his shoulder. "Who would have thought my first date ever would with an Archangel"

"I could say the same, going on a date with the Devil Princess wasn't something I ever saw myself doing" Naruto said with a small smile. "But I'm happy I'm doing it"

Rias snuggled tighter against him. "You're sweet"

"I've been wondering" Rias asked after a moment of silence. "How can you do this?"

"Go on dates, find me sexually attractive, etc." She continued when she saw the look of confusion on his face. "Without falling? "

Naruto shuffled nervously. "I can't fall"

Rias glanced up at him with a look of shock on her face which resulted in a sigh leaving Naruto's mouth.

"My father, my eldest brother and I cannot fall. Our bodies house too much holy and divine energy for it to suddenly change to corrupted fallen energy." He explained with a neutral face. He had been over this a few times and it always left people shocked.

"Then why hasn't Michael…you know…" Rias said, now shifting a little bit awkwardly while trying to rid the thoughts of the Archangel…ugh.

"Oh I think he might be asexual or something of the sort." Naruto shrugged, never having thought about it. "Or maybe my dad formed him like that. I don't know"

Rias raised an eyebrow. "He didn't form you like that"

"Maybe after my time as leader is done, I'm supposed to make an heir" Naruto sighed. "Who knows what my dad was thinking…"

"You sound like you miss him." Rias said with a small sympathetic smile.

"I wish I got to know him better" Naruto said, his grip on Rias slightly tightening unconsciously. "That's all"

"So what's life like for you? You know, being the son of God and all..." Rias asked, trying to get more information on the enigma that was Naruto.

"I don't know. I'm kind of famous in Heaven and it's weird because people don't think they can approach me," Naruto said with a sigh. "So I usually spend time with my family and some of the high ranking exorcists like Dulio."

Rias raised an eyebrow. "So how did you end up in Kuoh?"

"Well my family wanted me out of Heaven and it would be weird for me to just to be traveling the world by myself so I since I looked this age, they sent me to high school" Naruto explained with a sigh. He still was mad at Raph...

He chuckled at Rias' confused expression. "Don't feel bad. It's a weird story"

After another moment of silence, Naruto decided to ask his own question. "What about you?"

Rias flushed awkwardly at the thought of her odd relatives. "Oh my family is kind of strange. I love my parents and my brother is a weirdo but I wouldn't trade him for the world"

"That's awesome." Naruto chuckled. "So how long until you take me to meet them?"

The smile left his face when he saw Rias tense. "You're kidding me"

The two sat in silence for a moment before Rias sighed and began to speak. "When I was born, my family arranged a marriage between me and Riser Phenex, second son of the Phenex family."

"The problem is he's a dick and I hate him. He just wants me as a toy and he's a douchebag" She continued, refusing to look at Naruto's face as she talked.

"I was hoping if my family saw I had someone who honestly cared for me even if it was an angel then they would dissolve the marriage and let me be happy" She finished with a sigh, tears starting to pool around the corners of her eyes.

Naruto removed his arm from around her shoulders and moved away from her. He didn't know what he felt, guilt, betrayal, anger. He felt dirty and hurt, like he was disgusted with himself that he had been played.

After a full minute of silence, he finally spoke. "So you've been using me…"

By this time, tears had begun to fall from Rias' eyes as she violently shook her head. "No! I care about you so much more than I should…"

"I thought it was lust in the beginning before I realized that…you were strong but kind and caring" Rias admitted.

"So I realized I would rather be with someone who I lo...who I care about even if my family might not approve of," She confessed, wiping a tear from her eye. "Then someone who my family approves of and I could never feel anything but hatred and disgust for"


With that they sat in silence for a little bit more and Naruto just stared at the pastel country for some sort of guidance. He knew what his family would say. Gabriel would yell at him, Raphael would tell him to be strong, Uriel probably wouldn't care but it was Michael's advice that he would take into account.

Michael would say something like "Follow your heart and fight for what you want."

Michael always had the best advice.

Now the question is...what was his heart telling him? His brain was telling him to unfold his wings and fly away, leaving Kuoh and this girl behind to save himself. But his heart...his heart told him something different.

"What's your dream?" Naruto said, breaking the silence.

Rias stopped to think about it for a moment before nodding confidently, wiping his eyes with a small handkerchief. "I guess to lead my people to a new future…"

Naruto smiled once more. "I like that dream..."

He slid his arm around her shoulders right now, this time holding her like he never planned to let her go. "I promise I will never let anyone harm you or your dream as long as life courses through my veins"

Rias mock glared at him before snuggling against his chest. "I can take care of myself thank you very much"

"Then let me stand by your side" Naruto offered, his divine blue eyes staring at her with amusement.

Rias giggled, her sea-green eyes meeting his. "I like that a lot"

Our blonde haired archangel smirked before he glanced toward a rather fancy golden watch on his wrist. His eyes widened at the position of the shorter hand and from his back burst his many golden wings. "Shit! We're gonna miss the movie!"

Before Rias could even comment, she was swept off her feet and being carried bridal style as Naruto took to the sky at breakneck speeds.

"Don't let go!" He managed to yell as he sped across town to the movie theater, although he couldn't stop a smile from crossing his face when he heard the little squeak Rias made as he flew.

Naruto was happy he had been listening when Rias mentioned the movie she wanted to see. Sure, it was full of dramatic action sequences and weird romantic moments that made the angel want to sweat drop but he also noticed how Rias' eyes sparkled as she watched it.

She had been in such a good mood, she had clung to Naruto's arm (much to the jealousy of many passing men) as they walked through the Manga shop. It only got worse after Naruto had paid for the dozens of novels the Destruction Princess had picked out with a heavenly credit card given to the Seraphim that neither had a limit nor a bill to be repaid. Naturally for Rias Gremory, any guy who bought her that much Manga was going to have a very special night.

Rias had almost wanted to jump him there and then and claim his lips as her own when Naruto reminded them they still had dinner.

The two walked side by side, their hands seemingly fitting together perfectly. It was like that they walked all the way to the Japanese restaurant, the lady at the giving them a bored and pretentious stare.

"Names" She said rather dryly.

"Naruto Namikaze" Naruto said with a bit of confidence.

It was that that broke the young woman from her attitude. "O-oh Namikaze-sama, right this way"

She quickly grabbed two menus and began to lead them to their table, as if she was afraid to do anything wrong despite Naruto being 5 years younger than her.

"Namikaze-sama?" Rias asked with a bit of a smile, having noticed all of this herself.

"I put down a big deposit for this spot" Naruto shrugged. "Not to mention 'my dad' owned a few major human corporations under the Namikaze name"

Rias raised an eyebrow at the information. "Interesting"

"Here's your table" The waitress said after leading them to a small secluded table all the way in the back of the restaurant with a large window and no one else around.

"Anything you need, just ask" She said.

Naruto nodded as he pulled out Rias' chair for her before sitting down himself. It was only them he noticed the woman had not walked away and was instead just standing there staring at them eagerly.

"A few minutes would be nice" Naruto admitted causing the waiter to blush and walk away awkwardly in embarrassment.

"So this guy you're betrothed to?" Naruto said after a minute of glancing at the menu. "What's he's like?"

"He's disgusting. He gropes the women in his peerage and wants to take me the day of our marriage as his own sex toy" Rias growled. "He doesn't care about me besides the fact he finds me sexy"

Naruto paused, thought about that, frowned before nodding in understanding. "So how do we get you out of this?"

Rias smiled. She liked that he said we.

"We could have sex" Rias suggested making Naruto look at her like she had lost her mind.

Rias sighed. "While it won't break the engagement, it would cause issues most likely leading to a confrontation with Riser…"

"So if we have sex, I will have to fight the Kentucky Fried Chicken for the right to be with you" Naruto said a bit incredulously.

"I'm not sure who will win in a battle with one of the strongest angels and a young high class devil…" Rias said with a mischievous smile that made Naruto realize she had thought and planned this out.

He chuckled. "You're a sneaky little vixen"

"I try" Rias admitted with a shrug and a flip of her hair.

Their conversation was briefly interrupted by the waiter coming over to take their order but by the time they left, Naruto knew what his next question was."What can you tell me about this Riser, in terms of battle?"

"Basic Phenex flames, basic wind affinity, a decent amount of demonic power. His peerage isn't exceptionally strong but they had numbers and coordination on their side" Rias explained with a frown. Riser was a dick but he was powerful, maybe too powerful than her own peerage.

"My holy flames can overcome his demonic flames and my wind affinity is quite high so I can probably defeat him on all fronts" Naruto said almost immediately after taking a bite of his meal.

He thought about it for a second before sighing. "Would I have to call down my saints to engage in a rating game with this Riser?"

Rating Games were usually between Devils and their peerages so he was unsure what the protocol was for the Brave Saint project…

Rias shrugged. "Most likely"

Naruto paused for a second and stopped eating, instead deciding to just stare at Rias for a moment. She was beautiful and interesting…God he was lucky.

It took the Crimson Haired Princess a few seconds to notice her date as stating at her causing her to blush and look away. "What?"

Naruto froze, his mind racing to change the subject so he didn't have to explain that he had just been staring at her for no reason at all. "Uh...I rather like the people of your peerage. They all seem kind, if not a bit confusing"

Rias raised an eyebrow at the wording. "What do you mean?"

Naruto blushed and scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Akeno is…um…"

Rias frowned at thought of her seductive queen and her actions. "Don't even get me started with her"

Naruto decided not to push the subject and eat a bite of his food before smiling as he realized something. "You know, I could help you train them"

"How?" Rias asked with a bit of confusion.

"Kiba seems to be struggling with the trauma of the Holy Sword Project" Naruto commented as if it was nothing.

Rias gasped in surprise. "How did you-"

"I'm an angel. I can sense the warped holy affinity within him as well as the odd sacred gear he holds" Naruto said with a shrug. "I can help him with the holy sword aspect of his powers"

"Koneko seems to be trying to fight against her natural abilities" Naruto continued speaking, reciting everything he had analyzed a while ago. "Channeling Kurama's powers have made me an expert in a different kind of Senjutsu than Kuroka but one I could try to teach Koneko regardless"

"I can help that young Dhampir you have sealed away with his sacred gear as well" Naruto said with a small shrug as if it was simple.

Rias' surprised face made it obvious she didn't think it was quite as simple. "Wait-"

"I sensed Balor as soon as I entered the building" Naruto said with a smile, thinking fondly of his own sacred gear. "I can try to teach him to channel the hatred of his Longinus-level sacred gear just like I did mine"

"And finally my father gave me all the holy elemental abilities that he had" Naruto finished with a small hint of pride. "Ones that some of his higher winged angels inherited"

It was then the gears in Rias' head clicked. "Like Holy Lightning…"

"You're sweet" Rias chuckled to herself as she began to take this all in. "Training your girlfriend's peerage like that"

Naruto, who was midbite, almost choked on his food. "Girlfriend?"

"Yep, girlfriend" Rias said with a devilish smile.

"Rias Gremory's boyfriend…" Naruto was silent as he thought about it before he nodded. "I like the way that sounds"

Rias giggled, her sea green eyes twinkling with "I actually like Rias Namikaze even better"

Naruto smiled, his mind racing. "God, am I in love with her…"

"So you mentioned you play music?" Rias asked as she snuggled slightly closer to him.

The two had left their meal a little while ago and were just enjoying their walk. While super sexy, Rias' sexy dress was not the most warm thing in the frigid evening. Fortunately for her, the Son of God she was on a date was immune to all conditions and barely felt a bit of cold pushing against him, so his natural body heat was easily enough to fill her with a warmth. This also gave her an excuse to rub her breasts against him to excite him…for no reason whatsoever...

"Oh yeah. I picked up guitar about ten years ago and I never put it down since" Naruto admitted with a small modest shrug. "I also learned piano from Uriel a few years ago but I never was amazing with it"

"What about you?" Naruto asked with an amused look on his face. "I feel like you're musically gifted as well"

"I've been told I could sing by some other people…" Rias said with a small blush she would have blamed on the cold if asked. She had always been hesitant when it came to singing...

"We should make a band," Naruto chuckled. "You know, once everything calmed down"

It didn't take long for the two of them to begin joking around and planning this band they wanted to make. They both agreed that Rias' rook Koneko would be a great drummer while either Kiba or Issei could be their bassist. With Rias and Naruto on co-lead vocals as well as Naruto on lead guitar, this dream band had the potential to be awesome.

In fact, the two had spent so much time talking and were having so much fun in each other's company that they had barely noticed they had walked all the way back to Naruto's house.

"So um...want to come in?" Naruto asked awkwardly.

"I never thought you'd ask" Rias said with a grin before she jumped him.

Naruto grunted as he was pushed against a wall, Rias' long legs gripping around his waist like a waist. There was the sound of expensive fabric ripping as Rias destroyed her dress in a single motion, revealing a pair of the most amazing breasts Naruto had ever seen. He would have flushed a little at the sight were it not for the constant assault on his mouth that he began to fervently match with his own tongue. With his incredible strength, it wasn't difficult for him to overpower Rias and flip positions so she was pinned against the wall as he began to attack her neck, leaving kisses and small bites that would claim her as his. Buttons flew through the air as the crimson haired beauty ripped off his shirt with ease and it didn't take long for Rias to begin longingly grinding her body against his.

Naruto was like a master at work as he pleasured every sensual area of his girlfriend's body and Rias could only stare blankly with half lidded eyes as she was brought to the brink with simple foreplay alone. His angelic hands worked over every inch of her sinful breasts, twisting and squeezing to make the beauty girl squeal in a way most men only dream of.

And then the dam broke for Rias and she released with a glass shattering scream that made Naruto smile and give her an amused smile.

"Shall we move this into the bedroom?" He asked to the slowly recovering girl who immediately tightened her grip on him at mere thought of more of this kind of loving.

Naruto was in for a long night…

Rias awoke to the sound of an acoustic guitar. Well, it actually sounded like a whole string of guitarists but Rias wasn't so sure. The sound was complex, layers of high and low notes and simultaneous different rhythms that blended together in a masterpiece.

With a grunt of pain, Rias stood up only to almost fall over from the soreness of her lower body. Her special parts felt empty now as if it was missing its most filling piece. Not loose in the slightest, but well used and abused.

"Damn." Rias cursed. Her hand grabbed onto anything it could as support while her knees were pressing against each other to ease the pain her body was in. But dear Satan did it feel so good.

"Baby steps, baby steps" Rias repeated to herself as she walked out of the room.

Sitting on a leather chair in only his boxers was Naruto, a look of pure concentration on his face. His fingers flew over the strings, each focused on an individual task that when added together created something heavenly.

He had told her he had been studying the guitar since he had been a child under the encouragement of Dulio. Apparently the guitar was much older than humans and devils thought as apparently there were arrangements for the instrument written by seraphim and angels long before it was thought to be invented.

Rias didn't have it in her to interrupt him and simply waited for him to finish his piece with a small loving smile on her face.

He glanced up once he finished, a bright smile crossing his face as he looked at her. "You look beautiful"

Naruto put down his guitar and picked up Rias to sit him down on his lap, lovingly holding her to him with a twinkle in his eye. Even when placed on his lap in front of him, she looked tiny in his arms and unbelievably beautiful even after the aftermath of the night before.

Her red hair was messy, tangled and likely filled with mixed juices from the two of them. Hickies littered her neck and breasts like stars filled the sky. Rather clear hand prints could be seen on her breasts, hips and shapely ass that left little to the imagination, as if someone with superstrength had been gripping and spanking parts of her body for no apparent reason.

Nevertheless, Naruto had not left the night unscathed. Long scratch marks crisscrossed his muscular chest and back along with numerous bite marks on his shoulder from his rather loud and passionate girlfriend.

"I'm exhausted," Rias said as she kissed him lightly on the lips. "I think I need some bed rest to make me feel better"

Naruto rolled his eyes before he began to lightly kiss on the neck. "You're unsatisfiable aren't you"

"Absolutely" Rias smiled mischievously like a devil she was. She gave a rather sensual but excited moan as she was picked up bridal style and carried once more toward the bedroom.

Once more there was a mixing of darkness and light.

Long time no see! Sorry for the long absence but life stops for no one and I didn't really have the drive nor time to explore my stories but it was the continued response to this story that brought me back to this.

But yeah, not a super action intensive chapter but this chapter is necessary for the development of the Riaruto passion. I know this is a harem but it's doing to be a loving harem, something along the lines of "Fire & Ash" by Soulreapercrewe or "Apprentice of Ophis" by Lonelydreamer00 (PS. both of those stories inspired me to write this one).

Next chapter should be some interesting developments with a few rather…unique set of Satans, a few brave saints and the lovely chicken teriyaki we all love to hate. Until next time!