Well, I've come to the end of this story. Thanks for all the great feedback, hope you have enjoyed!

Epilogue-5 months later

Jane sat in the chair next to Teresa's hospital bed; he watched as she slept. One of his favorite past times; watching his wife sleep, especially today. After twenty hours of hard work on her part, she'd given him the greatest gift in the world. A seven pound, seven-ounce beautiful baby boy. He came out screaming, a great set of lungs. He definitely took after his mother there!

He looked down at his sleeping son in his arms. He pulled back the blanket and looked at the tiny fingers and toes, pulling each foot and hand up, placing a kiss on each one.

"How many times have you counted them?" he heard.

"About a hundred. About that many kisses too." Jane said with a broad smile. "How you feeling?"

"Like I've been run over by a truck." Teresa said smiling. "That was harder than chasing down a criminal."

"But a much better reward at the end." Jane said as he stood up and gave Teresa a kiss.

"Yes, much better reward." Teresa agreed as Jane placed their son in her arms.

She smiled down at their tiny, newborn. She couldn't believe he belonged to them. She was hit with a wave of emotions: overwhelming love, a sense of pride at what she'd accomplished (giving birth was not for the weak), fear, trepidation at raising a child. 'Wow, I'm not a fan of all these crazy hormones.' Teresa thought.

"The hormones will level out soon my dear. You'll be back to your 'totally under control' self soon enough." Patrick said.

"You know I hate when you do that." Teresa replied.

"No you don't." Patrick said smiling.

"Ugh. You're right, I do like it when you know how I'm feeling. It does help me." she agreed.

"We're in this together, fifty-fifty. When you're overwhelmed and I don't see it, you need to tell me. It will seem overwhelming at times. And, I know you my dear, you'll put a lot of pressure on yourself about raising this little guy. We'll make mistakes, but we'll survive; he'll survive!" Patrick said.

"Thank you. Thank you for loving me, for giving me him." Teresa said, crying. "Oh these darn hormones."

They both laughed and sat gazing at their little boy. He yawned a big yawn and started making sucking sounds. "He's hungry." Jane said.

Teresa positioned the baby so he could nurse. As the baby started eating, Jane's cell rang.

"Hey Cho." Jane answered.

"How's it going? Teresa doing okay?" Cho asked.

"Yep, we're all good. Teresa feels like a truck hit her, but she'll be fine. Baby's doing great; he's eating right now." Jane said.

"Great. I'll be up later to see him. Named him yet or is he going to graduate from high school as Baby Jane?"

"No, we're still talking about that. We'll decide today." Jane said. "May have to hypnotize my wife to get it done though." Teresa glared at him.

"You do that man and you may be missing a vital part of your anatomy." Cho said with a laugh.

"Nah, she enjoys that vital part of my anatomy way too much to do that." Jane said with a laugh.

"Ugh, Jane." Cho said.

"Hey, you walked right into that one, had to do it." Jane laughed.

"Yeah, I did." Cho agreed. "Anyway, I called to let you know, Pike entered his guilty plea this afternoon. One count of kidnapping and one count of assault with a deadly weapon. He'll do six more months in the prison mental health facility and then he'll start serving his twenty-year sentence. He'll get credit for the eleven months he will have served and he won't be eligible for parole until he's served at least ten years."

"Sounds like we got everything we wanted. Hopefully he's getting the help he needs." Jane said. Teresa looked at him with a quizzical look, although she suspected she knew what Cho had called about.

"One other thing. Uh, he wants to see Teresa. He says he just wants to apologize, in person." Cho explained.

"Hang on, Cho." Jane said. "I'm going to step outside."

Teresa looked at Patrick, wondering what Cho had said to upset him. The baby started to squirm and she lifted him to her shoulder to burp.

"I'll explain everything when I get back." Jane said. "I promise. Finish with him and we'll talk when he's back asleep."

Teresa nodded. She knew he had to process whatever Cho was telling him. They'd been assured Marcus would be in prison for quite a while. She just didn't know what hitch there could be.

When Jane was in the hallway, outside Teresa's room, he put the phone back to his ear. "No Cho. Teresa's in a good place right now, she's happy. I don't want her upset. How do we know he just wants to apologize?"

"Jane, I talked to him. I believe he accepts what he did." Cho said.

"If that's true Cho, then he should accept that Teresa's happy and done with all that."

"Jane? You need to let this be Teresa's decision." Cho said.

"I need to protect my wife. She just gave birth, she needs time to recuperate, not make decisions like this right now."

"Just talk to her. She doesn't have to make a decision right now. He understands she either just had the baby or is about to." Cho said. He could hear Jane exhale loudly.


"I didn't say anything Jane. He doesn't know the baby is here, he just knows it's about time for the baby to arrive. He understands she's not in a place to do it right now. When she's ready, her timing. If she doesn't want to do it, I'll make sure he knows it was completely her decision." Cho explained.

"Alright. I'll talk to her. You know it's not what I want, but I also know it needs to be her decision. It sucks to be this new and improved Jane sometimes, open and honest." Jane said.

"I know Jane. Just call me when she decides. I'll be by later." Cho said.

Jane ended the call and stood outside thinking for a few minutes. His overwhelming need to protect Teresa was warring with his promise to her to be open and honest. He took a deep breath and opened the door knowing he would let Teresa make the decision on her own.

When he got back inside, the baby was sleeping soundly in Teresa's arms. His heart was pounding wildly in his chest at the sight before him. His family, something he thought he'd never have again. He would do anything to protect them. He was determined to get it right this time. However, he knew Teresa was very different than Angela. She was much stronger, both physically and emotionally. While he could make decisions for Angela, he knew that wouldn't fly with Teresa. He smiled, his tough, beautiful, firecracker wife. She would keep him in line where Angela couldn't, she would kick his ass where Angela wouldn't.

"What are you smiling about." Teresa asked.

"You. You and him. Thankful for my second chance. So, Noah Patrick, huh? I can live with that. Noah Patrick Jane. Our son has a name. Cho will be happy." Jane said, smiling.

Teresa looked at her husband. What had Cho wanted? They'd disagreed for months about the baby having Patrick as his middle name. Why all of the sudden was he okay with it?

"So what'd Cho want?" she asked. "Does it have something to do with your sudden agreement on his name?"

"He needs a name. Cho says he will graduate from high school as Baby Jane. I figured I was going to give in eventually anyway so why not now." Jane explained, knowing it was just a matter of time before he'd have to tell her what Cho called about.

"Jane? Truth, honesty, remember?"

"Truth- he needs a name and you were going to win anyway. Honesty-Cho did have something we need to talk about." Jane said.

"So spill." she said.

"Marcus wants to see you. He pled guilty, everything was exactly as we discussed with the DA. He wants to apologize, in person." Jane said.

"What do you think?" she asked, knowing the answer to that question.

"I think this needs to be your decision. I will support whatever you decide. Cho believes Marcus accepts what he did." Jane explained.

"But you don't want me to do it?" she asked.

"My first reaction was absolutely not. You don't need that right now. However, I know you. I know you'd always wonder if you made the right decision. If you feel like you need to do this, I'll support you. If you choose not to, I'll support that decision too." Jane said.

"Thank you. I want to think about it, but not right now. I want a few days to enjoy our new family. Just us, the three of us. Then I'll decide." Teresa said, looking down at her sleeping son.

"We'll tell Cho when he comes by later to see Noah." Jane said with a smile.

Cho arrived at the hospital around 6:00 pm. He knocked on the door and heard Jane tell him to come in.

"Hey you two. How's parenthood?" Cho asked with a big smile, holding up a huge teddy bear.

"Couldn't find a bigger stuffed animal?" Jane asked, amused at Cho.

"Hey Cho. Parenthood is great. Thanks for the bear. Noah will love it." Teresa said.

"Noah, huh? The kid finally has a name. You finally gave in or gave up?" Cho replied, looking at Jane.

"Something like that. Happy wife, happy life. Right?" Jane asked.

Teresa snorted. "Yeah, right."

"Want to hold your god son?" Teresa asked

"Sure." Cho said, taking the baby. "Poor kid, looks too much like his father."

The three friends laughed. "I'm happy he looks like his father. I'm pretty partial to those looks." Teresa said smiling.

"Don't you start." Cho said. "It'll just get your husband started.

They all laughed again. Cho sat down on the couch and gazed at the sleeping baby. "He really is cute. You did good boss."

"Thanks Cho." she replied.

"Hey, I think I contributed something to his cuteness too." Jane replied, trying to act serious.

"Yeah, you did good too." Cho said laughing.

"Teresa decided she wants a few days before making a decision on seeing Marcus or not." Jane said, knowing they needed to broach the subject.

"I want a few days to enjoy what I have here. Get home and get settled and then I will make a decision." Teresa agreed.

"That's fine. He knows it's about time for the baby to arrive. I didn't say anything one way or the other. Not my place and it's really none of his business." Cho replied.

"Let's talk about something more pleasant. Teresa should be going home tomorrow. Noah looks great, she's doing great. Wayne and Grace are coming next week. Want to come to dinner while they're here?" Jane asked.

"Absolutely. It'll be great having everyone together again." Cho said.

Teresa had decided to see Marcus. She wanted to wait until after Wayne and Grace went back to California and after she'd had a few weeks to settle into a routine with Noah.

When Noah was four weeks old, Jane and Teresa drove the Airstream to the prison. It was decided Jane would go, but stay in the Airstream with the baby. He'd insisted on being close by, but didn't want to take the baby inside the prison. It was agreed, Cho would be in the room with Teresa.

Teresa sat in the interrogation room waiting for Marcus to be brought in. She was nervous, life had been so good the last six months. She really didn't know what to expect with this meeting. If Marcus needed closure, hopefully he would get it today. She didn't feel like she needed any kind of closure, she'd had that when she married Patrick. That was her closure. She'd put the kidnapping behind her and was enjoying being a mother.

She jumped when she heard the door open. Marcus was led in and seated across from her. It was a shock to her to see him in handcuffs and shackles on his ankles. He was also in an orange jumpsuit. She refused to feel guilty about his situation. She and Jane had spent many hours talking about their role in what happened. In the end, it was Marcus' choice to do what he did.

"Hello Teresa. Thank you for coming." Marcus said.

"Marcus." she replied.

"So you've had the baby?" Marcus asked.

Teresa took a deep breath. She really didn't want to talk about her son during this meeting, but she knew it couldn't be avoided. "Yes. He's four weeks old."

"I'm happy for you. For you and Jane." he said.

"Thank you." she said, glad to hear him acknowledge Jane as Noah's father.

"What's his name." Marcus asked.

"Noah. Noah Patrick." she answered.

Cho could tell Teresa was having a hard time with Marcus' questioning, but doing her best to get through with the meeting.

"Nice name. Do you have a picture?" Marcus asked.

Teresa hesitated. "I'd rather not. Why did you want to see me Marcus?"

"I wanted to apologize, for everything. I'm sorry I kidnapped you and put you in danger. I still don't fully understand what happened to me to do what I did. I really did love you Teresa. However, I knew you loved Jane. It's taken me a while to come to grips with that. I should've just backed out when I realized it, but I believe I let my ego take over and unfortunately I viewed it as a game. I wanted to beat Jane, I was jealous of him when he was able to solve the case I had spent so much time working on so easily. So I pressured you unfairly. I knew you'd been through a lot in the last few years and I played on your emotions. When you were upset with Jane, you would talk to me and I used the things you told me to try to undermine him in your eyes. I'm sorry. You're not a pawn in a game."

"Wow, Marcus. Wow. I appreciate your telling me this. I forgive you. I'm sorry for hurting you and I should've known when I was mad at Jane, not to discuss that with you. I should've realized at the time that was wrong. I was just so confused and I let my anger at Jane and your pressure to make decisions I shouldn't have made. I should've taken a step back from both of you and decided for myself what I wanted and what was best for me. Marcus, I knew I loved Jane and I wanted from him what you were offering me. I felt like I was running out of time for a home, a husband, a family. I let you push me. You have to know we never would've worked as a couple. You also have to understand, the choices you made six months ago were your choices, and those choices were wrong." Teresa explained.

"I do understand that Teresa. I'm completely responsible for being where I am, not you. I chose to do something stupid and I have to pay for that choice. I just wanted an opportunity to tell you that face to face. I only wish you the best with Jane…Patrick…and your family. I know you're both very happy and I'll never interfere with that again. Goodbye Teresa." Marcus said as he stood up and indicated to the guard he was ready to leave.

"Goodbye Marcus. Thank you again." Teresa said.

When Marcus was gone and the door closed Teresa let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Wow Cho. I wasn't expecting that. I don't know what I expected, but I don't think it was that. I really hope he meant everything he said. I didn't think I needed any kind of closure, but I feel like I got some anyway. I'm ready to go see my son.

Jane saw Teresa and Cho walking across the prison parking lot. As far as he could tell, she looked relaxed, as did Cho. He watched Cho get in his vehicle and drive away. A few seconds later, the door of the Airstream opened and Teresa stepped inside.

"Hey you." she said as she walked in.

"Hey yourself. So, how did it go?" Patrick asked.

"Uh, good. He apologized for what he did and for putting me in danger. He also apologized for pressuring me when he knew how I felt about you." Teresa explained.

"So you think he got closure and will leave us alone?"

"Yeah, I do. I think I got the closure I didn't think I needed. Thank you for letting me decide whether or not to do this." she said.

"Your welcome." he said as he pulled her into a hug. "I love you.

"I love you too." Teresa said as she kissed him. She heard her son starting to fuss.

"I believe you have another male vying for your attention." he said smiling.

"Only males with the name Jane will ever vie for my attention again." Teresa said as she walked over to the crib to pick up her son.

"I will hold you to that." he said.

"I'll make sure you do." Teresa said, giving the love of her life the biggest, most seductive smile she could.

"I look forward to your effort." Patrick said as the couple laughed together, ready to move on with their lives.