A for Arrows

Just a streamlined piece of wood with a knifed edge and she wears them like an armour, barge in to the battlefield to stand tall in the midst of ongoing ordeal. Sesshomaru paused for a minute or so to indulge in a baffled curiosity of her actions. Her elbows were raised and there was this slightest shudder in her frame, a sense of dread swam across the arena. The demon against which the thin wood was pointed at sniffed her panic and smirked, a sly painted in its ugly visage and it marched towards its juicy target.

"Um Inuyasha.." Her voice trailed, looking for a saviour but the western lord could see that his half brother was busy swinging their father's fang like a toy without any perceived target.

Sesshomaru sighed, he thought he could finally witness the greatness of the miko that everyone trumpeted about but he should've guessed that the day wouldn't go as per his plan; (he woke up on his wrong side this morning.)

He stepped in, ready to flick the demon to a side and spare the ugly death of the future girl. But her eyes narrowed, adrenaline spiked and Sesshomaru stilled to take in the delicious spice dancing in the ether. The bow was angled, her target was fixed and there was a loud boing from the string. Her arrow screamed purity and the violet hue from her aura hugged the crafted wood, flying and soaring towards the destined end. It hit the mark and the demon flickered, burned and turned in to phantom of smelly ashes.

He was duly awed.

Word count - 270