The head of the Einzbern family was furious, scratch that, livid with what has happened in the last ten years or so since the Forth Grail War ended. Not only did their mercenary betray them by destroying the Holy Grail, but that damnable Archer servant prevented them from getting any revenge on the fools who dare to cross them in their goal to regain use of the Third True Magic.

At first the Archer came as a blessing to the family, not only was it a Knight Class Servant but it also had a lot of useful tools for their mercenary to use. Not only that but it was somehow able to use the Noble Phantasm to save Irisviel from turning into the Grail thus it should give Kiritsugu more reason to fight in this war so he can go leave with his pitiful family when they get the wish.

But then came the end of the Forth Grail War which not only Kiritsugu denied the grail but also destroyed it as well. He was so furious with him that he refused to give him back his daughter as a means of spitting him. Not only that but he also planned to turn his daughter into a Lesser Grail host as revenge on him. But Kiritsugu still had the aid of the still remaining Archer from the war on his side. He could not have foreseen that Archer would have survive to aid him in the rescue.

Then those two scumbags lead a massive assault on their castle in which not only did they get back the girl. But the Servant also looted them for all their research notes and books for profit later on to the Magus Association for not only the cash, but also for the Emiya's family crest as well. He was seething with rage at the insult they paid to them and the amount of research lost.

Not only that, but somehow they had also managed to get into the good graces of the Blue herself! As a result of that, the kids that Kiritsugu has were also made apprentices of the Blue, which anger him to no end. Even he was not stupid enough to get on the bad side of the Blue, add in the fact that Archer was one of the deadlier Servants in the war. Their chance for revenge against the family or their mercenary came to a close for them now.

Years of research lost, a huge amount of embarrassment, no chances of revenge, and all the crap that Archer pulled by using their own credit card and withdrawing a rather hefty sum left him furious. All because of that damn Archer being some kind of miracle bringer to his allies and comrades! If only that damned Archer was not summoned then they would have an easier revenge.

This time however it will be different, this time he will step in to make sure there was no fuck ups of sort to deal with once the next War started. They did say that if you wanted something done right, you have to do it yourself. And that is what the Old Man of the family planned to do just that. He also had seven high capacity mana intensive homunculus to act as the batteries for the Servants that his family will be calling to fight in this war and end once and for all for them.

They will not fail to activate the Lesser Grail and they will gain back the usage of the Third True Magic. Regardless of what everyone from the Magus Association has to say or what not, and he has the perfect place that will allow them to accomplish both their goal and their revenge as well. The city in which the brats of the mercenary and the Archer are currently living in as of right now.

Justeaze Von Einzbern was not happy at all with the current situation, in fact it would be safe to say she was distressed beyond her limits as of now. And she has every right to be pissed off, the ritual in which they would summon Heroic Spirits to help them reach the Root of the world was perfect in every sense of the world. Sure there may have been a few challenges but it would have work perfectly fine.

But then her pretentious pricks of a family decided to fuck all of that up by summoning the Avatar of all the World's Evil, Not only was that servant weak and all, but it also infected the core of the grail making the ritual a literal monkey's paw to any who use it to end the world as it is.

She mused that perhaps messing with this kind of magic was what brought them despair and the foolishness behind it was perhaps something they should not have messed with. And now they have created a nightmarish tool that will only bring death and destruction to the people now.

She was quite glad that the last servant who won the war went towards destroying the damn grail before anyone could have make a wish on it. She also hoped that it would be the last war ever. Because seriously, who would try to fight in a war that has a history of failing to grant wishes not once but three different times?

But apparently the general magus intelligence and morals have gone down the fucking drain since her time it seems. It was something that she was disgusted by, most of these magus were just annoying, sadistic, and idiotic bluebloods who only care about their own goals, as such would not care if they accidentally destroy the world in the process.

She could understand why blood matter, but she sure as hell did not get this far back in her day due to blood! She got as far as she did due to studying her smooth, curvy ass off and making a lot of hard work and effort to get to where she was in life! Something most of these Magus nowadays don't seem to care about anymore! No sir she did it with hard work that's for sure!

So when the forth Grail War was starting she knew that it was at some point someone was going to fuck it up. So she checked who were the competition were in this fight. So far, she was underwhelmed, disgusted, and disappointed. She was utterly disappointed by how her old friend, Zouken, became over the years and she hoped that Kariya would have the common sense to not hand over the grail. But damn it, that was not an option due to the hostage situation that occurred.

Which brought her to her next guy. The current head of the Tohsaka family annoyed and pissed her off to no end. He gave up one of his daughter to a clearly evil monster for Root's sake! Furthermore the hero that was summoned to him was an asshole of the highest order so fuck that asshole and his equally asshole like master!

She skipped over the priest because he summoned the weakest of classes and not only that he felt really off. Like sadistic magus level off on the higher levels of the chart. The next one just made her both groan and sigh in exasperation. It was another goddamn blueblood magus, regardless of how good he is as a magus, he was no fighter and honestly expected him to die at some point during the war. Mainly due to ignoring tactics and his doormat of a servant.

The next one seems promising, till she had seen how Waver acted and how much of annoying brute Rider was. The boy was just trying to take a shortcut and only cares about glory and fame. Not someone to trust to save the world really, also Rider was a Conqueror, she does not trust his sense of morals at all, if it meant saving the world from a greater threat to the people.

The last one gave her some measure of relief, the Saber was powerful and moral enough as well. While her master was someone who she could not like in real life he did however have the common sense to say no to the damn grail and save humanity as well. But she needed to tip the ball in his favor while also preventing that murderous ass from summoning a servant.

Knowing Avenger, he would just let him do it to cause a huge amount of chaos and she did not want innocent lives to be killed so pointlessly. So she overloaded the summoning circle that he was drawing and killed the murderous ass and search through the Grail's reserve system to help be summoned instead of a murderous Caster with insanity in his head.

And much to her delight, she found the perfect Servant to assist them, The Courier. She really had to thank the old troll for letting them use his second magic spiel to assist them. Of all the heroes she has read about The Courier had special place in her heart, He was not like most heroes in the least and he was quite self-sacrificing as well. She also loved this version of The Courier the best, he was nice, respectful, brave, selfless, charming, cool, and a hero in every sense of the word. Also, in her opinion, this was the most powerful version of The Courier as well, some versions of him were Counter Guardians, and others were sent into other worlds thanks to the old troll. But this one was perfect to help Saber and Kiritsugu out.

So she slapped the Command Seals intro his wife and voila! The Courier was making changes already by saving Irisviel from her death as the Lesser Grail. And then soon enough they entered the war and it was already in their favor with the Courier to back them up. He saved a little girl, stopped her once mad friend Zouken, defeated all the Assassins, gave Saber friendship and comfort when no one else could or would, and defeated the pompous ass of the King of Heroes as well.

Then once Kiritsugu was exposed to the grail and destroy it, she hoped that it would finally end right there and then. But nope! Avenger was a sore loser and thus decided to taunted Kiritsugu with his ideals with the Great Fuyuki Fire, something that horrified her to no end. She screamed, wailed, sobbed, repeatedly slammed on the view as all those innocent people were slaughtered because of Avenger's cruelty and crawled to a corner in despair.

But not all hope was lost when the Courier was discovered to have survive that, using her connection to him, she felt some semblance of relief as she cried happily like Kiritsugu knowing that they were able to save those kids. But she blamed herself heavily over the fact that those kids lost their identity over who they were before the fire. She was then cheering him on as he blew up the Einzbern manor many times and laughed her wonderful ass off as he just robbed them of many years of research only to sell them later on.

Now putting her hands on her wonderful breasts she try to calm down only to lose it when he was forced to become an uncle and all the various shenanigans he's been through over the years with them. Hell, if she was still living she would hit that nice chiseled body as well, while she turned red while seeing the tantric ritual with Irisviel doing their dating period of sorts.

But after some time of doing that she knew that there was another war coming and she already knew who was to be summoned for her foolish family as well. They summoned Mordred as Saber, LegateLanius from the Courier's world as Lancer, Emperor Caesar from the same world as Archer, Medb as Rider, Caligula as Berserker, Giles de Rais as Caster, and Camilla as Assassin. She knew those were bad names but luckily, those idiots trigger a team battle match. So now it would be a team battle of sorts for them to be in now.

She knew that Saber was going to be Arthur as usual, and with the previous War's Archer by her side, they will make a hard to beat team. Berserker was Heracles, Powerful guy to be around, Archer was a nameless hero, who she suspected to be a Counter Guardian. Rider was Saint George, thankfully a good man, Caster Tamamo no Mae, she still did not understand how an aspect of divinity become a hero, Lancer was the Shield of Ulster a powerful warrior, and finally Semiramis as Assassin, who is quite useful due to her double summon.

She knew that the Black team's master were going to be Shirou Emiya, Illya Emiya, Rin Tohsaka, Kirei Kotamine, Bazett McRemitz, Luvia Edelfelt, and Caren Kotamine. They are going to need help as well, so looking into the reserve with less opposition in thanks to the combined attack of Archer and Saber she found the perfect Ruler.

She found the Maiden of Orleans to be the perfect Ruler and sent her to be Saber's partner as well as serving her master as well. She though that the boy can handle it and in all honesty? She wanted to see the boy get a harem, it would be funny to see the King and Maiden fall for him. She seriously blamed the Courier's master for wanting to feed the harem the boy had for himself.

Oh and to give Avenger the finger, she used the excess holy energy that seeped into the cup from Saber's final attack to protect herself and enhance the stats of the summoned Servants on Black team. So that prick can't even hurt her, so take that Asshole Avenger! And she hoped that they can destroy the Grail or cleanse it to prevent anymore loss of life.

Shirou woke up in a rather well developed workshop in his tool shed to the voice of his older sister yelling at him. "Shirou get off your lazy butt and get out of the workshop right this moment!" As Shirou quickly scrambled to his feet to leave the workshop only to come across his rather angry looking sister, who looked like a younger version of their mother in all respect really.

"Shirou! What did mom and uncle said about sleeping in the workshop again?" Illya said with a bit of annoyance in her voice as Shirou became more nervous. "Um, not to sleep in there at all due to the possible dangers that come with having powerful and dangerous artifacts?" then she grew exasperated as she grabbed his ear and yanked it really hard causing him to yelp a lot in pain for the moment right now.

"I cannot believe that you broke one of the rules that uncle set up when we were to practice our arts, you know full well the reasons why he said not to do that. At any rate you need to get to the kitchen with uncle before he decides to give you one of his special punishments for sleeping in the shed." That caused him to wince, uncle's punishments were incredibly harsh when he's mad.

Such as the time Taiga showed up and tried to smack me with a rolled up metal sheet for practice while eating breakfast. He grabbed it then kicked her out of the house for a whole week ignoring her pleas for free food, and his response was. "Are you an adult or are you a freeloader who force my brats to feed you like a stray animal?" Yeah. uncle was not fond of her at all in the least.

He found Taiga to be too immature for his tastes and believes her to be a really bad example for us to be around. He also believes her to be the epitome of a deadbeat adult who should be gone and far away from us. If it wasn't for the fact that dad actually liked having her around for a bit back when he was still alive does he deal with her, and only for that reason alone does he tolerates her, just barely at all.

There was also the time that she pepper-sprayed one of the guests we had over for a business meeting with uncle, and uncle was just barely able to salvage the situation. Uncle was so furious with her, that he banned her from our place for the next two months and her permanent punishment is that we were to never ever make lunch for her ever again, else we be in trouble.

Well to make things short, he finds her to be really obnoxious and loud for him to deal with every day as every time she appears now. He just groans in annoyance at her obnoxiousness and honestly thought that there might be something wrong with her. Luckily mom can usually calm him down and let himself eat in peace with Taiga around us for breakfast.

Though in all honesty, I think the major reason why he did not like her at all was during their first meeting she thought he was a criminal and try to attack him on sight; he was not amused by that. The second reason I think in my opinion was the fact one time she got both my sisters and my mom into really daring swimsuits that grabbed far more attention than it was worth and uncle and I had to fend off the creeps while we were at the beach. He was not pleased about that incident in the least.

I then passed by Miyu who could only look pityingly me right now, causing me to wince a bit as I hurried a bit into the kitchen. Then once in it I saw my uncle who was calmly cooking the eggs as I then rushed to prepare the miso soup and bacon. "You have been sleeping in workshop again boy." I winced because he only calls me that when he was not very pleased with me.

Now turning to me, he was tall as he was of American descent with a tanned complex and with black hair and dark blue eyes, he made for a scary sight at times. "You know full well of why we forbid any of you from spending the night there in our workshop. So why did you sleep there last night Shirou Emiya?" With a tone saying if he did not like the excuse there was going to be hell to pay.

I wince once more as I prepared the soup. "Sorry uncle but I just finished tracing a near perfect copy of Guan Yu's Halberd and I was quite excited to learn that I nearly perfected it that in my excitement I fell asleep from using my magic circuits like that." I really hope he did not punished me for that, and much to my relief he just went back to making egg toasts.

"Next time you want to trace a weapon of a legendary hero Shirou, you make sure to not do it late at night. Else you will be doing late night training with Aoko and I Shirou." That thought made him pale really bad, both Aoko and uncle were really tough trainers and Aoko is crazy at times with training, while uncle just makes sure I am exhausted by the end. But the both of their training sessions? I do not even think I will last even a minute into their training together.

Now being pulled at my thought as I heard Taiga's roar for food I quickly set up the table while uncle only narrowed his eyes at Taiga's arrival. Then mom came down dressed in her light purple dress smiling happily at us as we all sat down for breakfast and enjoyed it. As mom then drove us to school, much to our horror, then left to go to work at the local library as a librarian.

Uncle just stayed back and watched over the house as he set about cleaning it up and making sure nothing is out of place like usual before going out to work on the requests he had for the say.

When me and my sisters made it to class we passed by the usual, Sakura instructing the Archery club with Ayako helping out, Rin and Luvia getting into each others faces and arguing, Caren and Issei coming up to me and talk while my sisters headed to their respective levels. It was kind of interesting to see how a Buddhist and a Catholic Christian get along so easily.

Maybe it is perhaps of their religion that they can get along with each other better, though to be fair while I am agnostic, I do hold some beliefs towards Christianity due to Uncle Gabe being a Protestant. "Ah Shirou have you been? Have you been avoiding those she-witches Rin and Luvia?" Issei for some reason could sense something off about them, perhaps due to their magic.

In all honesty my family try not to make it so obvious we were magus as well, due to liking our peace and quiet a lot. "Ah don't worry Issei I am doing fine right now, so is there anything that the council needs my help in or something like that?"

Issei shook his head, "Nah there is only but a couple of AC units that needs to be looked at, I swear this school focuses too much on the athletics they neglect the general needs of the school." Issei grumbled as I understood too, this academy was a rather sports driven school at times. Then he checked his watch and left to go assist with the council meeting for today leaving me with Caren.

Caren was an odd girl at times, being the daughter of the local priest and having white hair and cat like eyes at times with her blunt mouth and teasing personality only serves to make her the odd one out. But surprisingly she and I get along quite well due to her bluntness and my increasing take on more subtlety from her.

"So Shirou you are going to help out around the school again I see, and like usual with no reward. Perhaps if you convert to Catholicism you will finally find your salvation in Heaven, School's Fake Janitor." And yep, there is her backhanded compliant as she smiled at me.

"Sorry Caren as much fascination I might have with Catholicism you and I both know that I just like helping people out you know?" that caused her to think before smiling once more at me. "I suppose that is true, only naive people like yourselves know what you are doing, not many are like you but it is refreshing to see." Before turning around and leaving to go back to her classroom then.

When she left, she had not notice she attracted attention from many boys. She was one of the school's most prettiest and popular girls. Rin and Luvia were below her due to their personalities while Sakura was above her due to her kindness and then Miyu due to being adorable all the time, then Illya reigned as the most popular girl due to her exotic looks and outgoing personality.

Aside from that though, it was a rather typical day at school. Though the way Taiga sensei looked so depressed due to having to eat plain old sandwiches for lunch was rather sad to see. Especially since she looked at me and my sisters' lunchboxes with envy for being good food to eat. But none of us felt like getting on the bad side of uncle so we just ignored her while we ate.

After the school day was done and I helped out with parts of the school that needed my help me and my sisters went back to our home in which we left to go to one of the safe houses that uncle bought so we can spar and use our mage arts in peace. He first started off with me, as I was the most combat inclined of the trio so activated my circuits as I then trace two short swords and activated the runes on my body.

You see there was not a lot of magic I could do but Tracing, Structural Analysis, Reinforcement, and Runes seem to be the some of the easiest mage arts for me to grasp. There were of course other mage arts that I could do, however these just felt the most easiest for me to grasp. Once I prepared myself I was ready to face my uncle in one of our typical spars as he pulled out two machetes gladius. We began our typical and nightly spars that went on for a bit but ended in my defeat as usual.

Uncle nodded at me in approval. "Your reaction time has improved immensely Shirou, you traced your weapons about one and half times faster than you normally do, you were able to push me back for a time as well." Now he frowned at me as he got to the mistakes in my spars as well.

"However, you keep trying to just push through, you don't dodge a lot of the attacks and took them head on, you missed some of the surroundings around you, and you tried going for that suicidal fighting style again." I winced knowing he did not approve of that style of fighting as it involved me intentionally leaving open spots for me to abuse and ambush my enemies.

When I first developed it, he was not pleased that I was doing something so dangerous but he relented seeing as it gave me an advantage against him. But he preferred if I took more of a head on assault with more focus on dodging approach as not only was it safer but it forces me to adapt on the fly while increasing my reaction time to avoiding any such blows.

After we were done with our sparring for the day, we all went towards the fields of spells we felt most comfortable in. but I was in a meditative stance focusing on knowing the aria to my true powers. My Reality Marble still laid dormant within my and so far I was able to get the first couple of lines meant for me and me alone

My body is made of blades

Steel is my core, fire is my blood

Forging over a thousand blades

For ** family I *****

Knowing true **** and bitter ****

***** *** **** ** the righteous ***

It was times like this I was truly glad that uncle had a Reality Marble as well, using his advice I was able to get three complete lines down in a sort of nine count aria of sorts for now. Ah I believe the fourth line is about to be compete! For my Family I fight, yes! Now I only had about five more aria lines, I think it was that many, to go through now before summoning and calling the extent of my power.

My sisters seemed surprised when I discovered the fourth line of my aria to call upon my Reality Marble. Uncle was naturally impressed and told me to mediate it some more while he went to help out Illya and Miyu with their own preference towards magic as well. And it went on like that for about two hours till we all had to pack up and leave to grab some dinner now.

Then we went back home to prepare for dinner, and unfortunately for our uncle; he had to deal with Taiga once more. But he was left in a good mood since Sakura was also coming over as well. According to Sakura, she used to know my uncle before the Great Fire that occurred in our city. She also speaks to him with a tone of reverence as well every time they talked.

According to mom, uncle did Sakura a great deed and saved her from some very unsavory people when she was a kid. Shirou could understand that bit after all, he was rescued by Kiritsugu and uncle during the great fire alongside Miyu as well. Sakura was rather fond of talking to uncle over, surprisingly enough, poetry and philosophy of life in general.

Ever since that incident uncle has always been keeping a tab on her from time to time, in respect to her deceased uncle. And he has always hold a soft spot for her as well, seeing that she seen through something that would take most people a while to truly comprehend his nature at times.

Overall though they seem to be good friends, I even got to know Rin a bit better because of her and know how nice Miss. Tohsaka is at times. Though in my opinion she seems to hold uncle in the same respect as one approaches a lion does at times. But for some reason every time her deceased husband is brought up at times, his eyes narrowed and I thought that he did not like him a lot but held his tongue to not speak ill of the dead. Uncle Gabe works most of the time as a handyman on the normal side, while he works as a bounty hunter on the Moonlit side of things.

During the ten years he spent on the Moonlit world with Aoko, uncle has developed a lot of contacts and informants over the years. Some were indebted to him for helping them out, others were grateful to him for restoring usage of limbs for others, some liked his professionalism, others desire for him to serve under them, and a few just respect him a lot, for his works too.

Safe to say the reason why Luvia was able to move to the city in the first place so she could have a relatively normal high school classes was because of uncle's presence. Her family reasoned that no one among their rivals would dare cause trouble in the home of one of the more skilled bounty hunters in the moonlit world. So with their blessings, Luvia was able to go to school here; according to the informants uncle had heard about.

We were all having fun and just enjoying our rather nice dinner, with uncle even managing a smile from time to time due to the atmosphere of the situation. Of course at some point during the dinner Taiga tried to get me to join the JDSF, which uncle strongly shut down on, citing I needed to complete school. But Taiga argues that I needed to be manlier as well.

Then as if to prove her point, she pulled out her bamboo sword and tried to smack me in the face, only for said weapon be grabbed by uncle who was not in the least bit amused by what she tried to do. He confiscated her weapon and then gave her some left over and then kicked her out of the house and banned her from coming for till the end of the semester, which was about three months. She tried to plead for mercy but uncle was not having any of that with her attack.

"Learn to make your own meals Taiga."

"Waa! You are being mean Gabriel!"

"Once more I have stated what I have seen. If you do not like it work on changing it unless you don't want too, it is your choice."

"Come on please don't do this help me out you three!" Taiga tried doing as a last resort we were thinking about doing it but it was mainly up to me since she did go for me.

In all honesty I was feeling a little vindictive for the time she swapped the labels on every ingredient that I used a lot and I had to work really fast do correct all of it and she did not even apologize for her bad prank, so no. "Like uncle said Taiga you have to learn to make your own meals as well, you are a grown woman." Then both my sisters agreed with me and Taiga left sobbing as she had to eat her cooking now.

Soon we went to do our various activities which involved me doing some maintenance work, Miyu reading some romance stories, mom and Illya watching some fun anime show, and uncle on the phone with someone. We thought it was going to be a quiet night till we heard a large WHAT? Coming from where uncle was, we all waited patiently till he was done.

"Are you serious?"


"That's impossible! It is fifty years too early till the next War starts!"


"Wait are you serious about this?"


"Those damned fools summoned their Servants already and now we have to fight regardless!?"


"Damn those Einzberns! They never know when to leave something alone! All right I will get to it soon then, bye Kirei, see you soon."

Then uncle hung up the phone and then groaned heavily, causing Irisviel to ask him in worry. "Gabriel what is going on right now?" Then uncle gave her a haunted look and when he said caused all of us to pale in worry. "The Fifth Grail War will be starting in a couple of weeks and it is an Apocrypha team death match." He said that quite ominously I might add.

All I know for sure, is that our peaceful life is not coming back anytime soon. It was probably a very good thing Taiga was banned from coming to our house anytime soon.