Oblivion: Last chapter!? What!? I know it has ended soon but i personally think this is a good place to end this fic. But don't worry I will write a prequel and a few other stories about the Underflame universe (this AU) so don't worry.
Temmie: yeah! Don't be so blue like a Tem would! *literally turns blue*
Oblivion: DAFUQ?!
Temmie: onto the fic!
btw I'm writing this on my phone so it might look a little different...and this is mostly Charisk this chapter so yeah.
Frisk's POV...
It felt like a million pounds of pressure was released from my body to confess my love…albeit not directly but still, it felt good. I heard Chara call my name so I turn around and I felt their lips against mine. She didn't kiss me to hard but it wasn't exactly a soft kiss either. She pulled away and looked me in the eye, most likely looking for some sort of reaction. She got a reaction alright. I leaned in and kissed her back, more passionately than she did. It was amazing, during that kiss nothing in the world mattered more than Chara, nothing else existed but us. That was until Sans snapped a photo of us. Chara quickly pulled away and looked at the squat skeleton incredulously.
"Seriously?!" Chara yelled, "Why?! We were having a moment!"
"Well if I find out you tell anyone my secret I will show this to Toriel." Sans said.
Chara turned as pale as Napstablook.
"We weren't going to say anything in the first place!" frisk said.
"Well you two still make a great couple it'd be a shame not to take a picture now wouldn't it?"
"At least send it to my phone…" Chara mumbled.
"Sure, I don't see why not." Sans shrugged.
Chara's POV…
When Sans left I look back to the Girl in front of me. I'm about to kiss her when Alphys and Undyne walk in.
"I freaking called it!" Alphys yelled, "Pay up Undyne!"
"Fine…" The fish lady grumbled, handing over 100 G to the yellow dinosaur.
"Let's go somewhere more private" I whisper to Frisk.
I teleport us to the underground, more specifically to a bench in a hidden in the waterfalls. I used to come here all the time to eat lunch and I stored my favorite snacks under the bench. Another reason I came here was the view. It was beautiful. It wasn't the waterfall but it was the mist that it caused. The light from the mushrooms reflected off the mist and filled your vision with rainbows every time you look up. I turn to Frisk who was gazing at the mist in awe.
"You sure know how to pick a first date pretty well." Frisk said, still staring at the mist.
"Well don't expect any five star food here." I said while starting to pull out snacks from under the bench.
"As long as it's with you, I don't care about the food." Frisk said, earning a blush from me.
I take note on what we have. Some cheese quiche, chocolate bars, some Glam burgers, and a few hotcats. I look at Frisk, who seemed a little lost in thought, and quickly teleport home to get a table cloth and back to see Frisk STILL staring at the mist. I teleport home again to get some candles and some condiments. When I teleport back Frisk is just sitting on the ground staring at the ceiling. I set up a little pick nick and area but I'm missing something…Drinks! I grab a few cream sodas and come back and low and behold…Frisk is still out of it. I light the candles and then I toss a pebble at her arm to get her attention.
"Why don't you turn your attention to something a little more attractive?" I say wiggling my hips.
Frisk blushed and walks over to the little dining area I set up.
"When did you set this up?" She asked.
"I'm just magical like that." I whisper to Frisk.
We sit down and talk for a bit all the while eating junk food. After we ran out of food we lay in the grass enjoying each other's company. I got a blanket for us to lay on and enjoy the mist above. After a while Frisk falls asleep cuddled up next to me. Not soon after Frisk fell asleep I start to feel sleep take control. My last thoughts before falling asleep were, "I wonder if Sans planned for this to happen…" and then sleep took me into its loving arms.
Oblivion: I know, I know, Deus ex machine bench, you would think that food doesn't expire in Undertale. First example is the cheese quiche under the bench in the game. You'd think it would be rotten. Second example, Nicecream and the snowman parts don't melt in hot land even though it has been proven that it is extremely hot there. So yeah that is how the food under the bench is still good. So i am going to write a harry potter fic next. I will right a variety of different fic ranging from many different books, games, tv shows, and anime. Don't be afraid to PM me for a request. If i happen to know about the thing you want me to write about then chances are i will write it for you. have a nice day!