"Come on Granger, I've got to make the world jealous and you've got to make Weasley regret everything he's done to you." said Malfoy. "Make the world jealous with what?" said Hermione as they joined hands. "The world's most beautiful woman." answered Malfoy and they walked down the runway together. Payback doesn't always go the way its supposed to…

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Wishing I did though.

Chapter 3: The Consequences

Ron Weasley was pissed. How dare Hermione Granger just show up and hex him and to make things worse, the press had been there. His reputation was ruined!

Ugh that bitch! She was lucky to deserve him. He was a war hero. He was the best friend of the Chosen One, Harry Potter. She should be grateful to have him pay attention to her every once in awhile. He didn't even like her. He was just with her because he was expected to like her. Besides, he never planned on having this relationship go so far. He was surprised that she had stayed with him so long. He never really payed attention to her. The romance was gone. They hadn't fucked in like ummm uhhh six months? Maybe even longer? NO he didn't have time for this. NO he didn't.

Ron Weasley grabbed his Quidditch bag and headed to his, wait no the flat he shared with Hermione. As soon as he entered he noticed the emptiness of the flat. He walked around the living room confused wondering where Hermione's bookcase full of books were and where her favorite rocking chair was. He headed to the bedroom and found all her clothes and belongings gone. That's when he felt a pang in his chest. She was gone.

Few Hours Earlier…

"Zabini? What are you doing here?" asked a surprised Hermione Granger.

"I, Blaise Zabini is a regular at the agency. I'm a famous business man. Don't you know?" he joked as he poked Draco in the arm trying to get him to laugh with him.

"I don't get that joke…" said Draco.

"I am very well aware of that, but that doesn't explain why you were hitting on me."answered Hermione with a smirk that would have made Lucius Malfoy proud.

"I...I..well...ummm...here." he said as he quickly pushed Draco towards Hermione.


"Hey! There was no need for you to push him into me!"

"Ya! There was no need for you to push me into her!"

"Stop repeating what I said ferret."

"See, this is what I'm talking about just as I'm about to get used to you, you go ahead and call me a ferret, you swotty little know-it-all."

"Ugh! You infuriate the fuck out of me and gosh you think it's easy for me to get used to you? I mean-"

"Well come on look at me, of course you appreciate this." Draco said as he flourished his hand around his body.

"Uh ya sure whatever helps you sleep at night." retorted Hermione right back.

Now their faces were less than a few inches apart from each other from the heated arguement.

"I can't believe I decided to work with you!"

"And I can't believe that I thought you had matured!"

"Man, the sexual tension is just oozing between you two." said Blaise.

"What the hell man?" said Draco.


"Ummm..I think i'm just gonna go now? Like I'm gonna move to the other gym...so like uhhh…" stuttered Blaise Zabini as he ran for the door.

After the meeting with Zabini and Malfoy, Hermione headed to her shared flat with Ron and began to pack. She felt no sadness as she put her books in boxes. Then she headed to the bedroom to pack her clothes and belongings. She remembered memories with Ron.


"Ron, Ron, Ron I want to leave." said Hermione pulling Ron towards the door of the loud club they were in.

"What? I can't hear you babe." said Ron looking at her.


"WELL OK YOU CAN GO!" yelled Ron over the loud pumping music.

"But we have that dinner with your parents and you promised that you would come this time after the game Ronald." said Hermione starting to get irritated.

"WHAT?" asked Ron.


"BUT WE WON AND I DESERVE TO CELEBRATE." said Ron as he danced to the music taking a sip of his firewhiskey.

"Well that's what you said last time Ron." mumbled Hermione.


"NEVERMIND I"M GONNA GO HOME." replied Hermione beginning to walk towards the door.

And she looked back before exciting and found Ron grinding against a blonde with a top that barely covered anything and a skirt that was hiked up to show her lacy thong.

Of course he's already making a move on another girl.

She exited the club with the loud Chudley Cannons partying from their win from the afternoon and didn't look back.

After that, she went on to cancel the dinner and went on a wild shopping spree buying clothes and to a muggle shopping center to buy DVDs of her favorite movies. She remembered crying and wiping her tears.

Throwback ends.

How ridiculous that was. She packed her DVDs and remaining items and apparated from the flat.


By Rita Skeeter

Yesterday, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger were spotted having a rather heated engagement with one another. They were found outside the Chudley Cannons Stadium shortly after Hermione Granger's break up with Ronald Weasley. Who would have thought that Hermione Granger part of the Golden Trio would end up with the play boy Draco Malfoy who now may no longer be the most eligible bachelor. Oh well ladies, it was short, but perhaps we will all have a chance one day. This is a very scandalous scandal I must say. In my opinion, I think this relationship was happening way before the incident with Ron Weasley and Astoria Greengrass. And if it isn't, is it revenge, lust, or coping with the break up?

I'm sure my readers are very confused as well am I. Even I was shocked by this juicy piece of gossip that reached me throughout a photograph of the two rather passionately kissing on the wall. "I think it was inevitable." a source says. "As the muggles say there is a thin line between love and hate. The passion between them would have had to exploded one way or another." This has been Rita Skeeter and turn to page 6 for more theories and gossip about the pure Gryffindor Princess and the charming Slytherin Prince.

After that rather let say encounter the pair didn't meet till Friday. Or as people say the day the day all hell broke loose.

It started off as a normal day for both Hermione and Draco as they woke up and headed to the Millennium Model Agency to start the day. Well, let's not say normal. The past few days had been filled with press and owls for each of the two because of the Daily Prophet. Both Granger and Malfoy thought the plan had been stupid and regretted it. Today was the day. The day the two had to meet in public and act as if they were in love. It was clear that the universe wasn't looking forward to this day either...let's just say that Hermione Granger's morning was going the way she planned. Oh boy.

Hermione woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Literally the wrong side. She always slept on the right side and woke up on the right side. Today she had fallen off on the left side. She always had her robe to put on after getting out of bed, but after an incident with tea and Crookshank, the robe was in the laundry. On top of that she had run out of coffee and you did not want to see Hermione Granger with her daily dosage of caffeine. Next, the shower broke and the plumbing system was down and couldn't be fixed with magic so now she felt dirty and had wasted almost an hour trying to fix the shower. She was running late by the time she arrived in her office realizing that today she was working with Malfoy which meant a whole new office and a whole new schedule. She came into work with a scowl and a very very bad mood indeed.

Now Draco Malfoy's day couldn't have gone better. He had woken up to the sun and a perfectly working shower as well as the kitchen fully stocked. He had a leisure walk before turning into work with a smile. However, the smile soon disappeared after finding out that today was the day he began work with the one and only Hermione Granger. The smile turned into a frown as he walked into their joint office five minutes early expecting the bookworm was already there. But she wasn't. Imagine his surprise when she walked in thirty minutes late looking like shit with her unmanageable hair thrown up in a messy bun. He saw her tired eyes and knew she was having a bad morning so he decided to irritate her.

"GOOD MORNING GRANGER!" cheerfully shouted Malfoy as she sat down in her chair.

She just glared and looked straight away as her makeup and hair artist began to work on her.

"I'm not in the mood to take your crap this morning Malfoy so you better shut up or-" she never finished because Malfoy finished the sentence for her "or you'll turn me into a ferret or hex me or call Potty to come and destroy me or something blah blah blah."

"But I'm sorry princess I think you're gonna need way more than that to take me away." added Draco Malfoy ashe nonchalantly looked at his nails.

"I'm serious ferret I'm not in the mood today and I swear I need you to shut up and don't you ever call me princess again." said Hermione with a look that could kill.

"But I thought you liked being called princess, princess. I mean the Daily Prophet did call you the pure Gryffindor Princess." replied the blonde as he gave himself a wink in the mirror.

That's when Hermione Granger exploded well not physically, but you know what I mean.

She abruptly stood from her chair and walked over to her fellow model and began to shout and oh I don't know if I should go in detail but let's just say that there was a lot of shouting a few crowds looking through the doors. And worse of all a lot of hexing. Like a lot.

By the end of the argument no one could recognize who was Hermione Granger and who was Draco Malfoy. One had purple hair that was cut short with red skin and boils all over the body. The eyes constantly changed color and was constantly itching. On top of that it (let's just say) was wearing a princess ball gown and had an enormously large nose. The other was bald and had pink skin. The eyes were blue and they were quite blown up. The lips were shrunken so that it could barely talk and it wore tight pants that changed colors.

And even worse. The duel had begun in the room but ended up all over the building breaking picture frames and glasses. The pair went to even went to change some of their colleagues with hexes from misaiming. Security eventually came and tied them up and had their wands taken away. They were forced to change each other back and apologize. Then they were sent home by Gordon and was told that if this kind of behavior was displayed again that they would be fired.

The two were planning to leave when Draco stopped Hermione.

"Look princess I know that we don't get along but we need to make that plan happen and what happened today can't happen again cause we really need to be able to show Weasley and Astoria what we've got. Okay?" asked Draco.

Hermione only nodded and cringed at her little nickname.

"Well then let's go get a coffee love. What'd ya say?" said Draco as he took her arm. She first pulled away but sighed and took his hand. It was surprisingly warm and a little calloused and they walked out the door.

From a window up above Mr. Gordon Wright shook his head at the two and said "What are they two up to?"

Author's Note:

SO INSANELY SORRY for taking so long to update the story. To those who continued reading. I'm so thankful and I promise to post a new chapter as soon as possible. And the question from the last chapter still stands Blaise and Ginny or Blaise and Luna? Once again leave a review with a comment, question, or suggestion! And if someone is reading this I can't believe you're reading this it absolutely amazes me that someone is reading something I wrote. Thanks so much! And have a happy holidays you guys!

Feeling very sorry,
