"Come on Granger, I've got to make the world jealous and you've got to make Weasley regret everything he's done to you." said Malfoy. "Make the world jealous with what?" said Hermione as they joined hands. "The world's most beautiful woman." answered Malfoy and they walked down the runway together.

Main Story Info:

-Hermione and Draco are models

-Ron is a Quidditch player for the Chudley Cannons

-Harry is an auror

-Ginny is a Quidditch player

-Harry and Ginny are not dating

-The Malfoy name has been cleared

-Lucius and Narcissa are still a little prejudice

-Harry and Ron are still a little wary of Draco and are not very close, but they're not enemies

DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER. If I did, I would be so incredibly happy and rich right now.

Chapter 1: The Press is Our Weapon

Hermione Granger age 20. Brightest Witch of the Century. Muggle-born best friend of the Chosen One. Everyone expected her to work as an auror or at the ministry, but she didn't. So if she wasn't a professor or a business owner than what was she?

Hermione Granger was a model and the wizarding world was shocked, but she became quite popular and modeled for many popular brands.

After the war, the wizarding world had opened to many muggle customs like modeling the muggle way. It had become popular and many events and galas were held for the name of modeling. As well as models, there were other celebrities which kept the press busy. However, the news on the Golden Trio was always the front page of the Daily Prophet. That's how Hermione Granger came to know about her long time boyfriend's affair with the one and only fiancee of Draco Malfoy, Astoria Greengrass.

It was Monday, the most grueling day of the week for it was the day that the work week started. Hermione entered her agency, the Millennium Model Agency for Witches and Wizards, the most well known agency in the wizarding world. She noticed the stares and the whispers as she walked towards the elevators wondering what rubbish the Daily Prophet had wrote this time. She was about to press the 15th floor when a pale hand passed by her to press the number instead. Hermione turned around to see Draco Malfoy.

Yes Draco Malfoy was also a successful model that also owned several agencies and was once the wizarding world's most eligible bachelor. He was quite a delicious man with broad shoulders, piercing gray eyes, beautiful hair, and a tall/muscular build. However, he was taken by another part time model, Astoria Greengrass. They were to be married in about two months. Seeing Malfoy around the agency was no surprise and Hermione created an acquaintanceship with him. Greeting him with the small hello they parted ways at the floor, but she didn't notice him stopping and giving her a strange look as she walked away.

Going into the hair and makeup room, she noticed her usual copy of the Daily Prophet wasn't at her seat. She sat down in her chair and was greeted by her make up stylist Olivia who looked guilty.

"Mandy, where's my Daily Prophet?" asked Hermione as her foundation and concealer was brushed on. She was silent and didn't and decided to ask Gustavo her hair stylist.

"Gustavo, where's my Daily Prophet?" asked Hermione. Her curiosity peaked as her stylist team and manager seemed to be hiding what was on the Prophet that day.

She decided to ignore the news for the rest of the day and began to look at her schedule.

HERMIONE GRANGER-December 12th, 2000-Millenium Model Agency Schedule

8:00-Makeup and Hair Room 1563 Usual makeup and changing room

9:00-Photoshoot for 21 Magic Magazine

12:00-Lunch Break

12:30-Continue Photoshoot for 21 Magic Magazine

2:00-Interview with 21 Magic Magazine

3:00-Meeting about future couple works with Director

4:00-Workout session in Gym 3 (weights and dance)


6:30- Runway show for Bellerose

9:00-Permission to go Home

Hermione rolled her eyes at the last thing on her schedule. Why did she need permission to go home, but anyways she had a long day ahead of her and enjoyed her strawberries as her hair was styled for the day. Since she spent many hours a day in various chairs being pampered with hair and makeup, Hermione used that time to read. She was currently reading her favorite book Hogwarts: A History. She was "rudely" interrupted by Olivia who asked "So, what's on the schedule today?"

Hermione handed her the schedule and said "We've got a long day."

"Well aren't all Mondays like that." sighed Olivia as she leaned on Gustavo.

Gustavo was an Italian wizard that had quite a dreamy accent. He and Olivia had hit it off as soon as they saw each other and had been married for almost 5 years. Hermione envied the older couple, but enjoyed their coordination for they worked together so well.

So the day began with Mandy, Gustavo, her manager, Claire, and her workout/fitness instructor, Louise. The news of Hermione Granger's arrival at 21 Magic would of course be known to the press and they were waiting there. She was completely used to the press and their questions and flashes of photography. However, the questions she heard today were so different from anything she ever heard.

"Will you be breaking up with Ron Weasley?"

"What do you think of the scandal?"

"How do you feel being cheated on?"

"Is it true that you're engaged to Ron Weasley?"

"Did you know that he would be cheating?"

"How long has he been cheating?'

Cheated...Dating...Scandal...Ron Weasley

Hermione felt dizzy and confused as she heard the questions and words. Then she saw it. She saw red. Well not actually, but you know. There he was. Right smack on the front cover of the Daily Prophet, Ron Weasley thrusting into a gorgeous brunette against a brick wall and not just any brunette. Astoria Greengrass. This was not just any scandal. It was probably the biggest scandal of the century and it was only 2000. No one ever cheated on Draco Malfoy even if Draco Malfoy cheated on them and no one had ever cheated on Hermione Granger because she was Hermione Granger, war heron. This was also the Golden Couple. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger meant to be. Then she just disapparated.

Ron Weasley was terrified. Hermione Granger was a skilled witch. He was wondering why she hadn't already confronted him about the matter. He had made the front page of the prophet and not with his friend or girlfriend. Astoria Greengrass. The oh so sexy, hot, totally fucka-No, step out of it Ron! He had a hot girlfriend. Right?

Astoria Greengrass modeled for bikinis and lingerie a couple of times, while Hermione modeled mostly for fancy wear, sports wear, and muggle casual clothing. Rarely did she model daringly. While he was comparing the two, Ron didn't notice an angry tall brunette storming towards him with her wand out.

"RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY! YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO JUST SIT THERE AFTER CHEATING ON ME WITH ANOTHER WOMAN ESPECIALLY ONE THAT IS ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED!" screamed Hermione Granger as the wind whipped behind her. She whipped out her wand and the spells just streamed out one by one. Her final spell was the bird-conjuring charm leaving him feeling like he did in sixth year. Not to mention the uncomfortable boils on his balls and his disfigured face with his now green hair.

"We're done." she softly said heaving from all the spells she had screamed and walked away without looking back. He just laid there on the ground speechless, while nobody helped him for he didn't deserve it. She confidently exited the Quidditch field in her Louboutins as the press flashed away. The press was a weapon. A weapon that she would use to show Ron Weasley what he was missing.

From far away, a pair of piercing gray eyes watched with amusement and ran ahead to talk to a certain brunette.

"Granger!" shouted Draco Malfoy as he hurried to catch up with the fuming brunette.

She was busy in her own world mumbling and realizing how stupid she was to wait this long to break up with him. All he ever wanted was to be on the front cover or get attention from his fans. He always had meetings with his managers at night and "ended up" sleeping over at the stadium apparently. She needed to get away from this filthy little fucked up ass- "GRANGER THE LAST TIME!" Malfoy? What was he doing there?

She turned around to face the tall blonde with a questioning look.

"I came here to beat the hell out of Weasley, but you beat me to it." said Draco Malfoy smirking.

She smirked back and said "Well then, I guess I'll see you around."

"Wait Granger, do you want revenge on Weasley?" asked Draco.

"Yes, I do and I already have a plan on messing up his flat and making his life a living hell." answered Hermione. She thought of all the hexes and curses she could place on him and his-

"Be my girlfriend."

"What! Are you insane! You're getting married."

"Not anymore. We can be fake and use it to make Astoria and Weasley jealous."

Hermione came up to Draco and put her hand on his forehead "No fever…" she said.

She took his wrist and began to try and take his pulse.

"Granger." Draco said trying to get her attention as she began to cast spell detecting charms on him wondering if he was under the imperius.

"GRANGER!" he shouted grabbing her wrists and pinning them to her sides. "I'm not under anything. I am not sick and I am not trying to get myself into Azkaban."

"Oh, so you're serious. About the whole girlfriend thing." said Granger.

"Of course I am, so are you in?" asked Malfoy.

"I don't know Malfoy." replied Hermione looking hesitant about the interacting with her ex-boyfriend's childhood enemy.

I mean it would be worth it right? Come on Hermione you can do this besides he's quite hot and is a totally fuckable human being.

"Ok. Let's do this." said Hermione Granger looking confident about her decision.

Draco Malfoy looked at her in shock not being able to believe the words he heard. "You're serious?" he asked.

"Of course I am." she replied answering the same way he had before.

"Ok then let's start with how we're going to come out. I mean, since we do the same jobs I guess we could use that as an advantage to-" He said not before being "politely" interrupted by the witch beside him.

"Or...we could use the press as our weapon. Just like they did." she expertly said.

"Wha-." He never got to finish that sentence because Hermione Granger had pushed him into a wall and began kissing him.

Merlin this is great. Has she always been this skilled? I could work with this.

Draco Malfoy flipped the pair so that she was pressed up against the wall and had her wrists pinned over her head.

The kiss was passionate. It was filled with lust and the two couldn't touch enough of each other. They fought for dominance. With their personalities and their past, the kiss was full of all the tension that had been lightly created over the years. She lightly nibbled on his lips which caused him to groan slightly and he returned the favor coaxing her mouth to open up for him. She gasped and he took full advantage of it. With her legs around his waist they heard a flash and broke apart.

The press.

Oh, how wonderfully smart and devious Ms. Hermione Granger was.

Author's Note:

Hello to those who actually clicked on this fanfic and read it till the end. This is my first fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed it and leave me a review with comments, suggestions, and questions. Hope you guys read the chapters to come. I promise to update as much as I can. Enjoy!



My Harry Potter craze returned due to the coming of the eighth book and the movie for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.