I wake up in a metal box my head feeling fuzzy. It's moving quickly. I try and stand up but fall back to the ground. I stand up regaining my balance. Suddenly the lift comes to a stop. I see a stream of sunlight from above. There are shouts from above.

"It's a girl." Someone says from above me.

"I call dibs!"

"What does she look like?"

"Is she hot?"

"I call second dibs!"

I hear boy's voices range out. I cross my arms and shout at the top of my lungs.

"I have ears and I am not some toy you can fight over." There is stunned silence from above. Someone jumps into the box. A boy. I don't remember anything from my past, just that I was taught to be a warrior, a fighter.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I spin around. I swipe a quick kick to his knees and he falls to the ground. I see the boy in front of me, on the ground. He has sandy blonde hair plastered to his forehead. He's wearing a pale orange tank top and cargo pants. His warm brown eyes pierce into me.

"It's okay. Your safe here, in the Glade." He sits up. I back away feeling uneasy. He stands up and comes towards me. I duck under his arms and go to the other side of the lift. He comes at me again. I jump straight up landing on my feet near a few boys. They all back away from me. I look around. I see an exit. To make it look I'm not going to run I bypass the exit and look at the group of buildings. Pushing through the boys I run towards the buildings then turn the other way heading for the exit.

"She's running! Don't let her in the Maze!" Someone shouts behind me. I know better to not look back when your running, but I can hear them all chasing me. Someone tackles me. I push them off and keep running. I run into the 'maze'. Suddenly my temperature drops. I'm cold not hot. I start running through the Maze, understanding why it's called the Maze. Out of nowhere I run into another boy full force. We both fall. Sitting up I rub my aching skull. The boy across from me rubs his head.

"Whoa. Where are you coming from?" He asks standing up shakily. He offers me a hand. I stand up without his help.

"Some place called the Glade. I'm trying to leave. Any idea how to do that?" I ask moving away from him.

"I wouldn't leave the Glade. It's very dangerous, especially at night." The boy says.

"I don't care. I have to go back..." I say realizing I don't remember where I'm from.

"Go back to where?" The boy asks cautiously.

"Why can't I remember where I'm from? What does this place do to you?" I demand, turning away from the boy running my hands through my hair.

"Look. This happens to everyone. Let's get you back to the Glade where everything will be explained. I'm Minho, by the way." Minho says starting to run away from me. I don't follow. I start running the other way. He runs at me, really fast.

"I wouldn't do that!" He shouts as I turn the corner and another corner. He catches up to me and grabs my arm. I twist him over my back and he lands hard on the Maze floor. I try running again but he grabs my ankle, I fall. He stands up pulling me with him. He has my arms trapped behind my back making it really hard to move. He stands far enough away so I can't kick him.

"Let me go!" I yell. He shakes his head pulling me back the way we came.

"We're going to run now. You're coming with me." He says still gripping my arms tightly. "If you try anything I will carry you back to the Glade." He says sternly. Rolling my eyes we run back to the Glade, him holding my arms the entire time. I'm struggling the whole way. I can keep up with him the entire time.

"Your fast and your not even panting hard." Minho comments as I study the other boys crowding around. Minho still has my arms.

"Whatever." I mumble. Two boys come forward, the one from the box and a new one who looks in charge.

"I'm Alby, in charge of this place. Welcome to the Glade." He reaches out a hand, touching my shoulder. I back away, bumping into Minho.

"Don't touch me." My voice comes out in a deathly calm tone. I sound scary. Alby shares a look with the boy from the box, an uneasy look.

"It's okay. You're safe now. I'm Newt, second in command." The boy from the box says kindly. I eye him up and down. He's strong. His features reveal a tough life but a kind soul. I kick Minho in the knee and he goes down. I do a back flip towards a boy and grab a knife out of his belt. I hold it up, wielding it to anyone who comes forward.

"Just calm down. We aren't going to hurt you." Newt says stepping forward.

"What is this place?" I ask looking him in the eye.

"It's a Maze. We have to find a way out. But we're safe in the Glade. So put down the knife and come with us." Alby says. Newt takes another step towards me. He's close enough for me to reach him.

"Newt! Watch out!" Minho warns standing up just as I grab Newt's arm, spin him around, and place the knife to his throat.

"Look I'd rather not die today so if you could just put the knife down." Newt says quietly.

"Then tell me why I'm here and I'll let you go." I say sternly.

"We don't know why we're here! We have no memories of outside the Glade!" Alby shouts.

"We really don't know." Newt says softly.

"And I should trust you because?" I say releasing Newt. He steps back rubbing his neck with one hand.

"Thank you." He says keeping eye contact with me. I look around. As I look at all the other boys a sudden pain enters my mind.

"Agh! Make it stop!" My hands shoot up to my ears, covering them. I drop the knife. But the pain is too awful to endure. The sound becomes deafening. I see the uneasy looks passed between everyone.

"Ugh!" I scream out sinking to my knees as the sound comes again, but way more intense. Out of the corner of my blurry eyes I see Newt kneel besides me, even after I almost killed him he's still being nice. He looks concerned and a little scared.

"It's okay. Take a deep breath. Out, in. Deep breathes. It will be okay, just calm down. Out, in. Shh. It is okay." He says calmingly. Slowly I take my hands away from my ears. My vision is clear and the sound is gone. Newt is sitting besides me holding one of my arms steady. Alby and Minho sit in front of us. But everyone else is gone.

"Didn't you hear it?" I ask faintly. The three boys share a look.

"Hear what?" Minho asks carefully.

"That screeching sound. It felt like my brain was splitting in half." I say, running my fingers through my long blonde hair.

"What's your name?" Newt asks helping me to my feet.

Struggling to stay up I manage to whisper, "Anna." Before collapsing.

My vision goes dark as the boys shout out in shock.

Then I'm gone.