A/N: I haven't wrote for Bamon in awhile, so when the muse hits to give one-shot or two…or maybe a few chapters max, I couldn't pass it up. Hope you enjoy.

Excuse all the grammatical and spelling errors, I didn't edit as many times as I should have.

"We're planning a June Wedding."

That was what she always wanted; a summer wedding to Stefan Salvatore. When Caroline spoke those words for the first time, no one took her seriously. She was a shallow teen who took it upon herself to learn about the hot new student to grace Mystic Fall's presence.

Not that he was really much to look at in the first place. But, because their DNA matched, Damon Salvatore would say his baby brother came in at close second on the world's top 100 sexiest men alive list. And well, everyone knew who came in first.

But, that was neither the time nor place, because right now, his non comatose girlfriend was making sure the venue was up to Blondie's taste, which meant, it had to be perfect down to the last sparkle or she was going to call it off.

He would have been out there helping her, taunting the guest, and possibly sneaking in some bourbon, but no… his attention was elsewhere. And not on his brother who was down the hall, getting ready.

No, his attention was solely focused on his girlfriend's best friend… his best friend; the one person he cared about more than anyone, well her and his brother of course.

Bonnie Bennett. The most powerful person in this world all placed in a tiny body with curves that could make a blind man blush. She was beauty wrapped inside a warrior with a heart that made his own want to beat. And she was standing right in front of him, facing the mirror, making sure each strand of hair was in place for her best friend's big day. He could honestly admit that he couldn't imagine his life without her. She was probably the only one who could stand up to him without any repercussions; the only person that he truly listened to and could put him in his place if needed.

She was his Bonnie, his Bon Bon, his witchy… she was everything to him.

"Zip me up?" she asked, looking at him through the mirror. Caroline had chosen purple bridesmaid dresses, and though all were supposed to be on the bride when she walked down the aisle, his would be on her.

He liked the fact that she was so comfortable towards him that she didn't care that her back and the top of her underwear were exposed, as she waited to be zipped. Their friendship had grown even after his three year lapse in judgment, and her taking almost a year to fully forgive him. They were in a good place, but because of who he was he knew that could possibly change.

When he stood directly behind her and pulled up her zipper, he allowed his fingers to brush ever so lightly against her skin. There was a brief moment where he thought about encircling her waist with his arms, and pulling her back against him. But, he knew that would be crossing a line.

"Can you believe it?" Her voice broke him out of his thoughts. "We're actually at Caroline and Stefan's wedding."

He probably needed to move away from her because a certain part of his anatomy was about to make him really uncomfortable. But, of course he didn't.

"Have you ever thought about it?"

Her eyes found his. "Getting married?"

He nodded, his fingers almost reaching out to touch her earlobe.

But, that move was quickly halted, when she turned around with widened eyes. "Oh, my gosh! Are you going to propose to Elena?"

Elena? "What, no."

Even though with all this wedding planning going on, he knew that she was subtly hinting towards that subject with him. After they found a way to bring Elena back to life a year ago, they decided to continue their relationship. It was what he'd always wanted; building that life with Elena… finally getting the girl. Except now, he wasn't sure if he even wanted that anymore.

"Damon, what's on your mind?"

You, he automatically wanted to say. It's been you for quite some time. But, he couldn't say that.

"Just figured I'd tell you, you don't look bad in that dress."

She grinned, "You clean up pretty decent as well."

He smirked. He was aware that he could wear a suit.

"Except your bow tie is crooked."

"I'm just trying not to upstage my baby brother on his big day."

Bonnie chuckled, and began fixing his tie. "I don't think that could happen."

When she finished, call it an impulse, but he grabbed her hands gently and placed a soft kiss amongst them.

Her eyes held a bit of confusion when they connected with his, but she didn't move her hand away quick like he expected.

"Save me a dance tonight?"

"I think Care has made it mandatory for the maid of honor and the best man to share a dance." She stepped away and began putting on her shoes. "Just try not to step on my feet."

The wink she gave him did something to his chest.

It was an open bar, and he was taking full advantage of it.

Bourbon was his drink of choice, of course, and he was on his third glass. It would probably take him a full bottle or two to get him there, thanks to that incredible vampire tolerance, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to work on it.

His baby brother was married. Speeches had been made, tears had been shed, slideshows had been viewed, and now, the woman he shouldn't be staring at was dancing with her date.

Someone who wasn't worthy of her… someone who was a cheap knock off of him. Lorenzo St. John, was nothing but a fill in for his absence, and for some reason she decided not to push him to the curb.

He actually hoped that while she was playing the role of huntress Bonnie, she would have pierced through his heart with that stake and burnt his corpse ass to a crisp. Unfortunately, he wasn't granted with such luck.

And that was two years ago. It didn't even feel like that much time had passed, but those two had been inseparable since…sickeningly so. Well, unless Damon wanted his Bonnie time.

When she finally forgave him, they spent a lot of time together, and he always felt a sense of pride when she chose him over Enzo. She probably wasn't even aware of it that much, but on the inside Damon was gloating.

Yet, here he was now, wanting a dance from her, but she was out on the floor with Enzo. He wanted to rip his own eyes out watching them…well, more so Enzo's eyes and stuff it down his throat, but that would lead to Bonnie using her magic to cause him pain. So, he let that thought dissipate quickly.

"Are you really going to drink up the whole bar at my wedding?"

Damon glanced at his brother. "Would you expect anything less?" He didn't let Stefan get a word in. "Look, in a few minutes, you need to announce that the best man and maid honor are to share a dance. It seems that your wife forgot."

"It's not my wife's job to do that." He rolled his eyes. "If you want to dance with Bonnie so bad just go up and ask her."

Damon just gave him an irritated look. Clearly, it wasn't that easy.

"Or, better yet…" They both watched as Elena began to make her way over. "Dance with your girlfriend, since the woman you have feelings for is dancing with someone else."

Stefan walked away smiling to himself, and Damon wanted to flip him off.

His brother had his suspicions when it came to Damon's feelings for Bonnie, but of course he would always brush it off with some simple minded joke about how he was just seeing things. Clearly, Damon wasn't as good as hiding things as he thought.

"Join me for a dance?"

Elena's smile widened as she stuck her hand out for him. He hesitated for a moment, but covered it up by downing the rest of his bourbon.

"You know I think I lose a lot of cool points for you pulling me out here." He grabbed her hand and walked with her.

"I'll take lead on the dance floor, and you can take lead in the bedroom tonight."

She giggled and he grinned, but it didn't reach his eyes. He was finally given everything he wanted; great friends, him and his brother being in a good place, and the woman he would have given it all for was dancing in his arms. But, of course, Damon being Damon, he still wanted more.

And the more he wanted was laughing at something Enzo said, which was probably not even the least bit funny. But her laugh… damn her laugh, it latched its way into him.

"Where's your head at, Damon?"

On the woman you consider your sister. "On you…" He lied. "And how I can't wait to get you home."

Damon could hear her heartbeat quicken, see the flush on her skin, and smell the beautiful scent of her arousal. There was a time when they wouldn't even be able to make it home before he found a home between her legs.

Now, he didn't feel that urgency, and he hated it. The way Elena looked at him was how he always wanted her too; with love and a deep passion that could burn them both. Except, she wasn't the woman he had spent every day with for four months, the girl who accepted every side of him, but made him answer for his actions when he stepped out of line.

He was currently watching that woman dance with a Muppet.

"Excuse me everyone," Caroline's voice projected through the microphone. "Now, it's time for my beautiful amazing maid of honor to dance with Stefan's….frog of a best man."

People giggled and Damon just rolled his eyes. Having Caroline as a sister-in-law was going to be fun. And yes, that was nothing but pure sarcasm.

He had Bonnie in his arms faster than he'd like to admit. And Elena didn't suspect anything….not that she should right? It was just two friends dancing; two friends that she loved dearly and was happy that they were close and had each other while she was away.

Enzo…well, Enzo had his uncertainties when it came to them, but he trusted Bonnie.

"It's about time I got my dance."

"You could have just asked me." She put her arms around his neck, not knowing the affect she was having on him. "I was prepared to get my feet stepped on."

"You've got jokes." He twirled her around and brought her back to him.

"I learn from the best."

As their bodies swayed to the music, her body flush against his, there was a moment where he felt like they were the only two people in the room.

When people started joining them on the dance floor, he still didn't notice anyone else. He didn't notice that Elena was dancing with Matt, that Enzo was at the bar, and that Stefan was sneaking glances at he and Bonnie, probably plotting.

He just noticed her. Her eyes held him captive and he knew that in just a few seconds she would be able to read him. He could have looked away… could have made an inappropriate joke, but he didn't. Because he wanted her to know. He wanted her to understand what he was feeling, and because their connection was so deep he didn't have to say a word for her to catch on.

Bonnie stopped moving to the music only a moment later, dropping her arms, but never letting her eyes leave his. She knew. She knew he had acquired feelings for her. With one look, he bared it all. So, when she walked away, leaving him to stand alone, he didn't know if it was rejection that she just committed or if she was scared to feel the same way.

He was prepared to find out soon.

They both ended up being on clean up duty. Caroline wanted to keep some decorations from the wedding, and because her and Stefan left and caught a flight to some honeymoon destination, Bonnie volunteered to help, which prompted Damon to stay as well.

Matt took a very tipsy Elena home, and Damon promised that when she woke up he would be there beside her.

He was full of broken promises lately. Promising her things he'd never be able to deliver.

Enzo was going to stay and help, but apparently he had plans for Bonnie afterwards and wanted to go back to her Gram's house to set everything up.

Damon could have thrown up. It would be Enzo she would be sharing a bed with tonight, Enzo that got all of her while Damon only got a part of her. And after their dance, he probably wouldn't be able to have any of her.

It was safe to say that he was in love with Bonnie Bennett and she was involved with someone else, and well… so was he.

"I've thought about it."

When she spoke, he stopped what he was doing, which wasn't much at all.

"Thought about what?"

After placing some items in a box, she turned to look at him. "Getting married. You asked me earlier, and it has crossed my mind before."

"If you say with boy wonder or Enzo I may have to pull out my own heart."

Bonnie rolled her eyes at Damon's over dramatics. "Well, Enzo and I have been dating for five years now…would that be so bad?"

"Five years is nothing in vampire time."

"Well, since I'm a witch, and technically human…that's a lot for me."

"Well, I could always turn you and you could be my little vitch."

She gave him a death glare.

"What? I'm sure the Bennett blood would make you a vampire witch…way beyond those boring ass heretics."

She just shook her head and when he saw a small smile appear on her face, he reveled in it.

"There's that smile."

"Like I was saying. I have thought about marriage before, but it wasn't with Enzo or Jeremy."

"Then who?" He watched as she went back to putting items in boxes. "I know it wasn't with your pseudo brother."

She threw a trinket at him, to which he caught with one hand. "I'm just saying, Bons, your male choices are pretty low."

"Well, we can't all have thousands of people under our belt now can we?"


"Then out with it." He was done picking up this place. If Caroline wanted more of what was left, then she would just be out of luck.


Yeah, he definitely was done with all of this. And it irritated him that she said it so nonchalant like she didn't just drop a bombshell on him.

He was behind her in an instant, relying on his vampire speed. She turned around, not even phased by his actions anymore.

"You want to run that by me again?"

She shrugged, clearly not thinking this was the biggest news of his life.

"It's no big. We were in the prison world, and I figured we'd be there forever. Since we were literally the only two people on earth, marriage crossed my mind. I wanted to get married before I died, and when we got that second chance, I figured, what if we tied the knot?" She chuckled. "It was nothing really."

It was something to him. "Well, judgey, glad to know that it would only wait if I'm the last guy on earth."

He saw the confused look on her face at his change in demeanor, and okay, maybe he shouldn't have been as upset as he was.

"Okay, seriously what's going on with you?"

She was giving him a look that was more so reserved for him, and he didn't know whether to be flattered or run for the hills.

"Like you don't know."

"I wouldn't be asking if I knew."

"You may be a good liar with everyone else, Bonnie, but not with me."

She paused for a moment, looked into his eyes, looked away. He could see the uncertainty…he could hear her heart rate speed up a little, and right when she was about to turn away, he grabbed her arm gently, halting her next move.

"Look, I don't know what's going on, but what happened earlier… I think you're mistaken."

"So now you're telling me how to feel?"

"No, I'm saying you're with Elena and I'm with Enzo, and we're friends. Why would you even think about ruining that? Especially after everything we've been through."

He didn't get a chance to say anything.

"So, let's just leave this alone. You've been feeling up on Bourbon and plus we have people we have to get back too. I'll forget it if you will."

He didn't say anything, but this time by choice.


But of course when he got in his moods, he either chose to act out or ignore. He'd go with the latter because Bonnie would no doubt kick his ass. So, with a frustrated breath, she grabbed a couple boxes she had been working on and walked away.

He knocked on her front door at four thirty that morning; the bourbon strong on his breath, reeking out of his pores. He was prepared for the words to start fumbling out the moment she opened the door.

What he wasn't prepared for was after the light on her porch turned on, she stepped out in one Enzo's shirts, with shorts that were barely there and no bra on.

She crossed her arms, and one would probably assume she had been sleeping, but he could always tell how she looked when she'd been up the majority of the night tossing and turning. The smell coming off her reeked of Enzo, so already that infuriated him, and made the already present emotions triple.

"Damon, what are you doing here?" She yawned, blocking his entrance, when normally she would have let him in.

"He's in there isn't he?"

She crossed her arms. "It's four in the morning, Damon."

"I'm well aware of the time, Bon Bon."

"And you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk."

"You stink of Bourbon."

"Because it's all I drink….unless you're offering." He licked his lips.

She rolled her eyes and was about to walk back in the house and slam the door in his face, but his voice stopped her.

"No, wait…please. I just…. I need to ask you something. I just need five minutes."

She took a deep breath and turned back around, closing the door behind her. "Five minutes…then you need to leave, and pray that I don't hold this against you later."

"Marry me."

Probably one of the first times, he had truly shocked Bonnie. Well, other than him up and desiccating himself without telling her and her finding out from Enzo nonetheless. Now that he thought about it, Enzo was always trying to get between them.

"Excuse me?"

"Let's just do it. We can just leave here, get married…maybe join Stefan and Blondie on a vacation or something one day. It could be you and me."

She hesitated for a moment, like a split second where she actually thought that would be an idea to think about. And he wondered if it was just the booze making him imagine things.

"You need to leave." She was about to turn back around.

"Just give me a chance."

"What's changed now?" She almost yelled. "What really changed in a span of what? A few days? Because you and Elena...you've been so happy since she's been back."

"I've been happier because you're back in my life, because you're not mad at me…because you forgave me. It's been more than a few days… it's been years and you know what? I think deep down you feel the same way."

Her hesitation allowed him to continue.

"You can't tell me that if I kiss you right now, you won't let me"

Her eyes almost closed. She was considering it. He knew it, but then just like that…those green eyes locked into his blue ones, and she stepped back, almost running into the door.

"Damon, don't do this to me…." Her voice shook a little.

He stood closer. "I love you."

"You're drunk…"

"You know I'm not."

"We're best friends."

"Don't you think we've surpassed that title? I'm in love you, Bonnie."

And that's when he zeroed in on it; her facial expression, the unsteadiness in her stance… the way she looked almost shaken. She felt the same way, and she was fighting it.

The only thing he could think of next was to kiss her, and when he tried, she braced her hand on his chest.

"I'm sorry, Damon."

"Even after everything we've been through."

"And what about what Enzo and I have been through? I love him."

He backed away, pissed as hell. "You say that like it means something. Like your whole relationship didn't start because I left you alone."

Her eyes narrowed. "You're going to want to stop right there."

"What's the point?" Even though he knew an aneurysm could be in his very near future.

"Damon, don't you want me to be happy?" She sighed. "Because that's all I've wanted for you. I sat around countless hours listening to you talk about Elena, went through your mood swings…I have always been there for you. Always. So, be happy for me. Want happiness for me."

"You could be happier with me."

He could tell she was getting frustrated, but so was he.

"Enzo's my boyfriend."

"And I could be your husband."

When she looked away for a moment, he thought she was finally seeing coming to her senses, but the tears in her eyes proved that wasn't true.

"Don't make me choose."

"Why? Because you'll choose him?"

"I'll choose him."

Damon felt like he had been snapped in half when those three words escaped her lips. His first reaction was to go in there and pull Enzo's heart from his chest, because that would change her decision real quick.

He didn't do that though. Instead, he leaned his forehead against hers, surprised that she didn't move away.

He watched as she closed her eyes, revealing in his touch, knowing this was going to be the last time he would be near her for awhile, until he got his head together.

And when she opened her eyes, he was gone.

Damon wouldn't know that for the rest of the night their conversation played repeatedly through her mind.

He wouldn't know that she was in love with him too.

A/N: Thank you all for reading. Let me know what you think, if you can =)