
Hi Myst here, I recently watched the shows Danny Phantom, American Dragon and Randy Cunningham while searching the internet, I saw their trio so I thought I could make this. I was inspired by TheAriaRiver's The Secret Trio and I asked permission to use some parts of the story. Enough of my rambling, So without further ado, on with story. Hope you enjoy!

It was a beautiful Sunday morning and Danny Fenton was sitting on the couch with Randy Cunningham and Jake Long staring at the TV and looking bored out of their minds. Despite their typical teenage look and personality, they were far from normal. They were secretly heroes of different areas, fighting to keep the peace from the supernatural. From the right, we have Danny Fenton aka Danny Phantom, the protector of Amity Park and the Ghost Zone; the shortest, Jake Long the American Dragon the magical protector of NYC, and lastly Randy Cunningham the 9th Grade Ninja protector of Norrisville.

"Guys, I'm bored," Randy said as he flipped through the TV channels.

"Trust me RC you ain't the only one." Danny replied, rolling his eyes and sinking deeper into the couch.

"Yo! Am I the only one enjoying our no 'training day'?" Jake whined despite the fact that he looked completely unwilling to move from his comfortable place on the couch.

"Well I am, 'specially 'cause it's one of my resting days from ghost training." Danny yawned tiredly.

"You know I just realized that Randy's training isn't as hard as ours." Jake contemplated.

"Hey! Training in the Nomicon is hard." Randy defended himself, briefly pausing to one channel before groaning and flipping to the next. The next few minutes was spent in silence until Danny grinned deviously.

"Guys, that's it!" he cheered, standing up suddenly and prompting the other two to look at him warily. Ignoring the less-than-happy reactions from his fellow seat mates Danny continued. "We can have a contest to see who has the best mentor."



"Danny..." Randy began gently. "That's gotta be..."

"...the BRUCEST thing you have ever said to this day!" Randy continued excitedly.

"Dude, you didn't have to build up the tension like that." Danny deadpanned, Randy laughed.

"Sorry, couldn't help it."

"So where first?" Jake asked, getting the conversation back on track.

"How 'bout you go first?" Randy suggested to the Am-Drag.

Jake grinned. There ain't no way Gramps is gonna go easy on these idiots, training is gonna be so fun.

"Sounds good to me," Jake answered easily.

Welp, there went the beautiful Sunday morning.

~~At Lao Shi's Electronic Shop~~

"Yo G!" Jake shouted when both of his friends winced at the loud sound. That was when Jake belatedly realised his companions had heightened senses and probably hadn't appreciated the loudness (despite the fact that Randy is usually loud normally).

"Sorry," Jake apologised sheepishly.

"It's fine," Danny replied. "You're not the only loud person in this group."

"Hey!" was the offended reply, which did nothing but cause the other two to laugh.

"Ah young dragon, what brings you here?" Interrupted a voice, "I thought that this was your 'day-off' as you call it.' Jake's Grampa asked from the counter smack dab in the middle of the antique store.

"We decided to see which mentor is the best," Jake explained. "So we will get to be trained by each of you to know who is the best. Which is obviously you."

Gramps smirked at the added complement but decided to let it slide and instead faced the three teens seriously. "Ah, an admirable contest but know, young dragon, that competition can lead to bad things; but I will not stop you in what you wish to do." Lao Shi advised.

"Fu! Get the broom." The magic Sharpei got the broom as Lao Shi led the trio to a separate room in order to begin.

"We must first learn the creatures in the magical kingdom and know who is an enemy or an ally. This is an example of knowledge training, pick any book and ask Jake a question if he gets it wrong, one smack on the head." Lao Shi explained.

The two teens looked at each other excitedly while Jake wore a look of faint regret. They went out for a while and got back in a few minutes with the book of magical creatures in hand.

They all sat around in a circle and exchanged looks of excitement and suspicion. Lao Shi observed them for a moment before clearing his throat and beginning the training.

"Randy, you first." Lao Shi instructed.

"Okay Jake, who are the oracle twins?" Randy dared.

"That's easy. The Oracle twins are Sara and Kara." Jake answered smugly.

"But who sees good and who sees bad?" Danny countered.

"Um, the gloomy one sees good while the cheery one sees bad." Jake counter-answered.

"So far, so good." Danny said slyly.

"Sara for sad and Kara for good." Right? Jake answered and prepared for the worst.

"Wrong!" They exclaimed excitedly as they smacked Jake's head with their brooms.

"Okay, my turn," Danny said cheerfully. "What is the strongest substance in the Magical World?"

"Um... Metal," Jake answered hesitantly.

"Wrong! It's Unicorn Horn, bromigo." Randy said which Jake earned a smack from Fu that caused Danny and Randy to laugh.

"Your dog hits you." Randy howled through his laughs.

This caused Jake to pout, "Let's just get on with it." he grumbled.

The two boys tried to stop their laughter but failed miserably. After a few minutes, their laughter eventually eased out to brief hysteric giggles until the two landed on a random page.

"Okay, this should be easy," Danny stated. "Who is the ghost or the Spirit of Halloween?"

"Hey, that's not part of the training." Jake complained.

"Well your gramps said that we ask you questions not the other way around." Randy rebutted.

"Young dragon, your friend speaks the truth." Lao Shi reproached. "Continue."

"All I read about that was a sword, Soul-something."Jake answered grouchily, regretting the whole game and its entirety. This was not how it was supposed to happen, quiz time was the last thing that came to mind when training was mentioned with Gramps.

"Soul Shredder, the Fright Knight's weapon" Danny supplied.

"Also Fright Knight has a flaming horse." Randy added.

"And you know this how?" Jake snarked.

"Danny told me and its written in the book." Randy answered while Danny just smiled sheepishly.

"Anyways, let's change the question. Seeing you get hit is getting kinda pathetic." If looks could kill Randy would be in pieces and six-feet-under. "Hey! Don't look at me like that! I was just telling the truth! So anyway, what does the Soul Shredder do?"

"Well... um, it cuts you and rips out your soul." Jake answered.

"Close enough kid, if you touch any part of the blade, it shows a hallucination of your worst fears but you still get a smack for that." Fu explained as he smacked Jake again which caused Randy and Danny to burst out laughing again.

"Since Jake here haven't got a right answer yet, I'll give him an easy one." Randy said "Who are Dora and Aragon?"

"Easy, They're dragons like me and Gramps. The difference is that they're ghosts." Jake answered.

"Finally a right answer." Randy said as Danny laughed and was soon joined by Jake.

"Okay, last question. Who is the king of the ghost zone?" Danny asked.

"Oh, I remember Gramps telling me about it. Pariah Dark was his name, Right?" Jake answered.

"Well, right and wrong. Pariah Dark was the king of the ghost zone until he was defeated a few months ago." Danny replied.

"Hmm... That is news to me." Lao Shi remarked. "Danny, may I ask who defeated Pariah Dark?"

"Easy, you're already talking to him." Danny replied.

"Danny, you defeated a King?! That is the CHEESE!" Randy exclaimed.

"How come you never told us Danny?" Jake asked ignoring Randy's slang.

"Easy, you never asked." Danny answered.

"Danny, you gotta tell us what happened." Randy said excitedly.

"Okay, I'll tell after this little competition. But first let's meet your mentor, RC." Danny said as he inwardly smirked.


Oh no! What is Danny planning? Wait why am I asking you this? Well, See you, readers, again tomorrow or sometime this week. But anyways, I want to thank my beta, my cousin, for helping me in this. Sadly she has no fanfic account.

~ Myst signing out *SMOKEBOMB*