Sent: September 10, 2:34pm
Subject:Pen pal project
Hello! My professor has set up with yours to do this project. Well supposedly anyway he's kinda scatter brained so I wouldn't be shocked if he didn't. I haven't done something like this since I was in pig tails so bear with me yeah?
My name is Bella Swan. I just turned 21 and I'm a senior at Udub. I'm finishing up my degree in English and composition. I know it's kinda boring but I love to write. I'm from a small town called Forks here in Washington. I lived with my dad who is the town's police chief so I got away with about nothing in High School. I have a part time job at the coffee shop on campus with my best friend Alice. She's also my roommate and is a crazy hyperactive pixie. And now I'm rambling.
So Professor Banner said the purpose of this exercise was to speak to someone from another country who will become our proofreader for a paper we are writing on the country. Plus some "international socialization." I'll be honest, I'm not really looking forward to this project. I don't much like socializing with people here and being forced to kinda sucks. Don't take this personally. It's just my personality. Hopefully I haven't scared you off. Hope to hear from you soon.
Carlisle Cullen reads the email again baffled by how it ended up in his hands. He was not a student or anyone in the English department. He was a professor of music for the prestigious University. He chalks it up to a mistyped email address. Something about the email made him pause. She was different there was no doubt about that. He finds himself replying to the message.
There's something about you Miss Swan.
Here's the prologue to my new story! I'm really excited about this one.
What are you thinking so far?