It was just a normal winter day in the shojo manga department. Or that was until my boss/ex-boyfriend marched into work with a nasty cold. It was okay at first but it was increasingly getting worse. I, Onodera Ritsu did not appreciate this. Not only because he was in a more pissy mood than usual, but thanks to my luck, I sat only a few feet away from the man.

"Achooo!" Takano sneezed into his arm for the hundredth time that day.

I squirmed in my seat, "I swear if you give me that cold..."

"You swear that you'll what Onodera?!" He questioned, challenging me.

"...nevermind..," I mumbled.

"Maybe you should go home early for the day." Hatori modestly suggested.

"Yeah, we can take it from here." Kisa commented happily.

"No, I'm fine, it's just a small cold." Takano said.

I scoffed at my boss. If he was getting sick then hell must of froze over. Takano NEVER got sick, which I could understand. If I was a germ, I would never dare attack him.

"Ah-ahcoo!" He sneezed again.

I jumped up from my seat, "Seriously! Get a tissue or something!" I said before storming out of the office.

I jumped on the elevator and arrived on the ground floor.

I didn't know exactly where I was going, I headed outside towards the door. Then I was suddenly fell backwards to the ground.

"HEY! Watch where your going y-!" I stopped midway sentence to see Yokozawa towering above me, looking just as surprised and flustered as I was.

"AHHHHH! Oh, um, I mean, Ah, Yokozawa-san! I'm so sorry for bumping into you! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going! My bad, my bad!" I nervously sat up.

"You're coming in late today! Is everything all right?" I managed to say. I was so panicked I was willing to do ANYTHING to get out of this situation.

He looked at me confused on why I would dare bump into him, let alone take concern in him.

"Oh, sorry. Well once I heard Takano had come down with a cold, so I decided to stop by the store on my way to work to pick up some medicine and stuff." He said, showing me the grocery bag in his hand.

"Though it took longer than I thought. There was a big subway crash so I was forced to take the city bus." He grimaced.

"Oh, haha well...I'll just be going now!" I tried to shove my way outdoors before he could say anything else but his hand slamed across the entrance, preventing me from escaping.

"You think this is a frickin' game, don't you!?" He yelled. "You think you can just show up 10 years later to steal his heart again, even when you already shattered it to pieces! Even with realizing that he doesn't need you anymore!" He glowered. Then, he reluctantly removed his hand and walked towards the elevator. Not that I saw him get on it, the second he turned, I was already outside.

It was too early for me to head home so I plopped down on a bench near the bulding's entrance. I sighed. "How do I manage to always get myself in these messes?" I thought out loud.

"Well you know the saying, 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!' Maybe it's got something to do with that!" A cheery voice said from behind me. "Takano said he wants you to come back inside Ri-chan," Kisa exclaimed.

"Thanks, but no thanks."

"C'mon Ri-chan! You still have work you need to do. Don't expect for Hatori and I to pick up the slack."

"I wasn't leaving because of my work, either way I can just finish it at home and fax it over."

"Well obviously it's because of Takano, right? Lately you've been avoiding him, you can't even stand to be in the same room as the man."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yes, so will you come back inside now?"

"Ugh, fine"

"Good!" Kisa smiled. He always seemed to be in a cheery mood. I wish I knew his secret. I thought as we headed back inside.

Whats wrong with me? I NEVER got sick, ever. It's just a fact. That was, until today. Not only did I feel like crap, but I was annoying the crap out of Onodera. He'd been bitching and threating all day what he would do if he caught my cold. I smiled, it was kind of cute.

Everyone had been suggesting that I go home early, though they all new I wouldn't, at least not this close to our deadline for this month. I sneezed into my arm again, that was the last straw for Onodera. He jumped up out of his chair and yelled 'Seriously! Get a tissue of something!' Ha, I wish I could of recorded that and played it back for him. He sounded so gay when he yelled. I smiled just thinking about it. But my smile instantly disappeared when Yokozawa strolled into the room.

Authors note:

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it was a little short. I plan on getting to the 'Journals' part in the 2nd or 3rd chapter so bear with me here! And I know Yokozawa isn't one of the most beloved characters so I won't try to include him that much in the story. I'll try to update each week. Please comment and review your opinions and suggestions below! (BTW this is my first attempt at a Sekaiichi Hatsukoi fanfiction, so please go easy on me) Thanks for reading!