Hi, everyone! I have a new story that I need loads of cats for it! I need cats with names like the ancient cats from Dawn of the Clans. I have already made some and if you need and example, look below. The form for submitting cats will be at the bottom. I need quite a few cats, so please review!
If you are wondering how my clans work, it is like this. When a kit is six moons old, the chieftain, regent and council cats decide if they're going to be a healer, fighter or hunter. The trainees train for six moons and then they become a full healer/hunter/fighter. Every 24 moons, four new council cats are chosen from amongst the fighters and hunters based on their skills and personality. The original ones return to their duties. The council is made up of the healers, chieftains, regrets and council cats from every clan. They meet once a moon at the first quarter moon to discuss issues, solve problems and share news.
- Maplebreeze of MountainClan
The Clan of the Morning Sun
Chieftain: Mossy Moon
Regent: (one)
Healer: Red Maple
Council Cats: Cloudy Water
Bracken Tail
Rising Water
(one more)
Sage Fur
Passing Storm
Rabbit Nose
Raven Swoop
(three more)
Smoke Pelt
Rowan Leaves
Quick Clouds
Running Wave
(two more)
Trainees: (five or six)
Mothers: Deer Spot - mother of Wren Feather, Blossom Fur, and Tall Pine
Waving Fern - mother of Dew Dapple and Jagged Path
(one more)
Elders: Quiet Sun
(three more)
The Clan of the Blue River
Chieftain: Flame Moon
Regent: (one)
Healer: Apple Blossom
Council Cats: (four)
Fighters: (six to eight)
Hunters: (six to nine)
Trainees: (seven)
Mothers: (two)
Elders: (three)
The Clan of the Dark Caves
Chieftain: Hawk Moon
Regent: (one)
Healer: Night Pelt
Trainee: Doe Leap
Council Cats: (four)
Fighters: (ten)
Hunters: (seven)
Trainees: (six)
Mothers: (two)
Elders: (two to four)
The Clan of the High Peaks
Chieftain: Grass Moon -
Healer: Silver Song -
Trainee, Blue Streak -
Council Cats: (four)
Fighters: (seven)
Hunters: (six)
Mothers: Dusk Leaf - mother of Pale Mist and Berry Foot
Cat Submission Form:
Eye Color: