And then I wrote a new story. I know I should be continuing the other ones instead (I'm so sorry . I just can't find the inspiration for them yet, but some day I will! I really want to continue them) but this idea just hit me and I had to start writing it.
The first chapter is a bit short, but I hope you'll enjoy it nevertheless. Please write a review if you like it :)

Chapter 1

The stagnant winter air was freezing. It crept through the tiny stitches of the thick winter coats, stretching it's icy fingers out to the skin and penetrating it, settling in the depth of one's bones. It was like Death had breathed over the landscape, silencing every possible movement. Not even the slightest breeze whispered through the bare trees that were invisible in the layer of complete darkness.

There was just one detail that seemed out of place and that was the group of people, quietly making their way through the snow, leaving a trail of footsteps over what would be an unused and overgrown path again in spring.

The atmosphere among them was tense. Their fingers clutched around the handles of their lamps, their faces distorted in grimaces. In the middle of the circle of strong and hardened men was a shivering red-haired figure without a warm, woolen coat. The bandana on his head had slid down on one side, almost taking the eyepatch on his right eye out of sight. So now and then he would get a light push from the man behind him to urge him on, making him stumble and pull at the ropes around his wrists in a reflex to regain balance.

'Come on, can't we talk ab…' Lavi tried to plead one last time before he was cut off by the hiss of one of his companions. He fell silent with a sigh and tried to peer through the darkness ahead of them. He had tried time after time to escape the situation, but six men were too much for him to handle and they were as stubborn as a donkey. There seemed to be no possible way to persuade them to let him go.

Instead they kept on walking through the night, coming closer and closer to their destination.

Suddenly they were there. The captured male didn't realize it until the clouds finally broke up and allowed a ray of moonlight to pass and touch the earth, revealing a huge mansion only 2 minutes away from their place.

The breath got stuck in the redhead's throat while his eyes sucked in all the details of the building. It was old and badly maintained. Weeds had taken over the giant garden and even made the big staircase leading to the entrance their territory, the bare branches sticking out of the snow like spikes. Creepers on the high majestic walls shone a cold silver in the icy light of the moon and the paint on the wooden panels had come off mostly, leaving the unprotected material free for the harsh weather conditions.

'So, we're here.' The men stopped in front of the two front doors of the mansion. One of them took place behind Lavi and started fidgeting at the ropes until the redhead could feel the tension of them fade. Soon his hands were free and he rubbed the sore lines on his wrists.

'As promised you'll get the one weapon you chose before to give you a slight chance of survival.'

That was none if you listened to the tone of the man's voice. It wasn't much more than a symbol anyway, but still Lavi suddenly wished he had chosen something else, at least a sharper object, when his fingers clenched around the heft of the hammer he got offered.

'We wish you good luck and may you rest in peace in case you'll leave the land of the living.' And with those emotionless words, the doors were thrown open and the redhead was shoved in. A second later the doors closed and a key turned in the lock, leaving the male alone in the dark, with only a hammer to protect himself.