Bored again, so here's another thing. In this, Ash and Bonnie get separated from Serena and Clemont and their pokemon. After getting into a bunch of trouble, which scares Bonnie, Ash decides to use something to protect them both, after making sure Bonnie doesn't look.

And no, it's not his aura he's gonna use. This is kind of a crossover, considering what kind of energy Ash is gonna wield.

Everything belongs to their respective owners.

"Come on, we got to keep moving!" Ash shouted as he and Bonnie were running for their lives.

What happened was that thanks to team rocket, they got separated from the others. It had already been a few hours since then. The reason that they were running right now was because a bunch of wild Ursarings began to chase them. They weren't only mad, but they were hungry as well. And to them, Ash and Bonnie are on their menu.

They didn't have any pokemon with them, not even Pikachu, so they were completely vulnerable to them. They kept running until they spotted a canyon of sorts up ahead.

"Quick in there!" Ash pointed out.

Bonnie saw what he meant, and they both ran into the canyon. Hoping that the wild Ursarings would loose track of them, or give up their hunt.

Unfortunately the wild pokemon didn't give up, and were on Ash and Bonnie's heels. They had no choce but to keep running. However, when they got more ahead, more wild Ursarings appeared in front of them. It appeared that the wild pokemon split up so a few could intercept the two.

Bonnie was scared, she didn't know how they would get out of this mess. They didn't have any pokemon, and Clemont and Serena here weren't hear either. She did the only thing she could do and hug Ash, hoping he had a solution to this problem.

"Ash! what are we gonna do?!" Bonnie was basically shouted while tears were streaming down her face.

Ash looked at her, then look back at the Ursarings. They were surrounded, with no way out and no one to save them.

A thought appeared to Ash, and he knew he had no choice. Out of all his adventures, he hoped he would never have to use it here. But before he acted, he made sure Bonnie did something for him.

"Bonnie," Ash began to softly speak to her as he bend down so he could wrap his arms around her. "Can you promise me something?" The pallet town trainer finished.

Bonnie, looked up at Ash's face, before nodding, too scared to speak right now.

"Whatever you hear, whatever happens, make sure not to look, okay?" He asked of her. He didn't want her to see it.

Bonnie nodded, her head buried in his chest.

The wild Ursarings were getting closer to the two. Bonnie head was buried in Ash's chest, so she couldn't see what was going on. Ash lifted one of his arms toward the Ursarings.

"Remember Bonnie," Ash quietly told her, as a dark green aura envelope him. "Don't look." Ash repeated a few tears going down his face as the dark green energy grew stronger, making the Ursarings stop in their tracks in confusion.


"Ash! Bonnie! Can you hear us?!" Serena shouted, hoping to get a reply, which she got none.

"Bonnie! Ash! Answer us!" Clemont too shouted to the air.

The pokemon were also shouted, Talonflame and Noivern were flying up ahead, scouting the area, hoping to spot them.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu yelled out from Serena's shoulder. He was worried for his trainer and friend. What if something happened to them?

The sky suddenly turned a lot darker than usual, with even some green appearing with it, getting their attention.

"Huh? What's with the sky?" Clemont questioned. He was already worried sick for his sister's and friend's safety and whereabouts, the last thing he needed was more trouble right now.

"I don't know," Serena replied. "But we can't worry about that right now! We need to find Ash and Bonnie!" She told him.

Before he could answer back however, a huge noise was heard, getting their attention in front of them. In the distance, a huge pillar of dark green flames appeared, shooting up in the sky. They felt huge amount of power coming from it. However, Squishy felt more than that. The Zygarde core sense demonic energy coming from it, worrying the Zygarde core.

"What is that?!" Clemont asked as he and the others saw it. Serena was too surprise and shocked to reply.

Eventually, the pillar of dark green fire soon dissipated, and the weird dark and green sky was no more, but dark clouds began to appear, and started to rain.

"What just happened?" Clemont asked, the pokemon were just confused.

Pikachu's nose then picked up on something. He took a few more sniffs to make sure, then his eye's widened. That was Ash's scent! The pokemon then jumped off of Serena's shoulder and began heading his way toward where the dark green fire pillar was.

"Pikachu, where are you going?" Serena yelled out as she began to run after the mouse pokemon, ignoring the rain. The others began to follow them as well.

They eventually found a canyon, at least what's left of it anyways. The ground was charred black, with some unknown dark green fire still a lit despite the rain. They saw charred bodies, some aflame with the unknown fire, which gave them a feeling of dread.

"Are these pokemon?" Clemont questioned in horror. Just what happened here?

Serena looked ahead, and notice two figures up ahead. One of them was holding on to the other as if their life depended on it. She realized who it was.

"Ash! Bonnie!" Serena shouted, running toward them.

"Huh, Bonnie?! Ash?!" Clemont noticed them as well, as ran at them as well.

Ash, who was looking down at Bonnie, making sure she was alright, heard their voices and looked up. Bonnie did the same.

"Serena! Clemont!" Ash responded, Bonnie merely ran toward her brother, who enveloped him in a hug.

"Brother!" She was sobbing in his chest. Clemont didn't mind, she was alright, that's all that matters to him.

"What happened here?" Serena asked Ash, while looking around the now destroyed and charred area. The mysterious dark green fire still present on some of the charred corpses and on the ground.

Ash stiffened, but they didn't notice.

"We were being chased by some wild Ursarings. I thought that if we went into the canyon, we would loose them, but that didn't work out for us."

"Then what happened?" Clemont asked him, after Bonnie had calmed down a bit.

"...I don't know," Ash lied. "I remember we were being surrounded, and making sure Bonnie was alright, the next thing I knew, this happened." He didn't wanted to lie to them, but he had no choice.

"Bonnie, do you know what happened?" Clemont asked his little sister, who manage to calm down.

"Not really, all I knew was Ash telling me not to look." She told them, but she was assuming that Ash told her that so she could feel safe.

"Well, whatever happened here doesn't matter now, let's see if there's a pokemon center nearby." The Luimose gym leader told them, who all nodded on agreement.

Ash knew he had to keep what he did hidden. He never asked for this to happened, but he had to keep Bonnie safe. All he could hope was that they never find out, and hope that he would never be force to use it ever again.

However, Squishy was not fooled, the Zygarde core knew Ash was behind whatever happened. How? Because he could sense the demonic energy radiating from Ash.

Good? Bad? I don't care, you all have your opinions. In case anyone's wondering, it was fel energy and fel fire Ash used.

Everything belongs to their respective owners.