Thanks for the reviews. I am really sorry for my grammar. I'll try to improve it as I go along with the story. Hopefully I will.

It is now 6.30 am, Naruto is already fully awake. His Kashi-ji-chan is still sleeping , he smell something nice from outside the room. Naruto's stomach gurgle, 'Nawu hungwy and Kashi-ji-chan's hand ish still on Nawu '. "Kashi-ji-chan wake up! Nawu want bweakfash", said Naruto while trying to wake Kakashi. "Naru…. it is still early", said Kakashi who is still sleepy. "NOOO.. Nawu wanna wake up", Naruto is wriggling and pushing Kakashi's hand. "Okay. Okay. I'm awake. Let's go take a bath first". "EEEH? Nawu don't wan to take batsh", said Naruto who is still being manhandled by Kakashi. "Don't Nawu want to smell nice? Nawu's mommy and daddy will really love it", persuade Kakashi. "Reawwy?". "Of course", Kakashi as he smile under his mask. "Pervert?", said Naruto while tilting his head to the right. "Huh". "Whill the pervert likeit?",Naruto look down feeling a bit embarrass. Kakashi look at the little blond in his arm, Naruto cheek is red, "Of course he'll love it".

Even though Naruto didn't fully understand what a fiancé is, but he was excited in getting a new friend. After taking bath with his Kashi-ji-chan, Naruto run towards the place where he smells food. "Naruto! Don't run naked! You'll get cold", said Kakashi who is holding Naruto's towel. Somewhere inside the Nara residence, Shikamaru is still sleeping. He feel that there is something he ismissing.

Yoshino was preparing the breakfast, while both Jiraiya and Shikaku was having some discussion. They heard Kakashi scream and later a small footsteps running towards the kitchen. Behold, Naruto who is naked running from Kakashi, "NARUTO!". Naruto run towards Jiraiya so that he can get away from Kakashi but then he see his Kashi-ji-chan throw the towel to Jiwaiya-jiji. So he made another decision and run towards his new dad. Shikaku saw the look in Naruto eyes, 'He is quite calculative isn't he'. Shikaku extend his arm to capture the incoming Naruto. Naruto see this and go towards Shikaku, Shikaku forgot how strong a kid could be. Both he and Naruto fall down from the chair. Everyone too stun to say anything at that moment, but then Naruto hear his new dad, "Ouch! I think I broke my ribs". "Huh! Awe you okay? Daddy huwt? Caushe Nawu?", said Naruto, his eyes started glistening. "Eeeh. NOO. Daddy is not hurt. See.. Ouch!", Shikaku get up and try to show Naruto how strong he is. "But!", said Naruto while looking right into Shikaku's eyes. Shikaku don't know what to do, Shikamaru never was this cute, 'I just was to squeeze him soo much'.

"HaHa Ha Ha", Jiraiya laugh, then everyone in the kitchen follows except for Naruto who is still genuinely worried about his new daddy. Yoshino took the towel from Jiraiya and go near his husband. Shikaku notice his wife coming near him, he pass Naruto to his wife. "Naru, let mommy dry Naru. Then we go get Naru some clothes. Naru want to help mommy to wake Shikamaru?", said Yoshino while rubbing the towel on Naruto. "Kakashi take the breakfast first. You guys have a meeting with Sandaime this morning. So don't worry and let me take care of Naruto". "Yoshino, after we finish breakfast we'll go and see Sandaime. After lunch can you bring both Naruto and Shikamaru to the Hokage tower? I think everything will be finalize by that time", said Shikaku. "Sure. Now Naru let's get ready", said Yoshino while bringing Naruto to his room.

"So Naru where are your clothes?", ask Yoshino. Naruto point his finger to his bag. Naruto didn't want to be far from his new like it being hold by his new mommy. He always felt jealous towards his friends. In the past, when Naruto went to the park, other kids would be there with their daddy and their mommy. 'Now Nawu hab mommy too', gaze Naruto lovingly towards Yoshino who is looking through Naruto's bag. 'Nawu also hab daddy. And the pervert'. "So do Naru like it here?", ask Yoshino while trying to dress Naruto up. She put Naruto in a black short with white and orange stripe shirt. Naruto nods his head , he was a bit embarrass to talk to his new mommy. He don't know whether his new mommy will like him or not. "Why don't Naru talk to mommy? Naru don't like mommy?", ask Yoshino while faking hurt. She notice Naruto felt awkward with her, after all they did just met yesterday. Naruto see his new mommy is sad, "Nawu like mommy a lot. Nawu shy". "Eh? Why? Naru don't need to be shy. We are going to be a family. Mommy is Naru mommy. What is Naru's favorite food? Later maybe mommy can make it", ask Yoshino. "Nawu luv wamen. Cookiesh. Cake. Erm… wamen… candy..". "Naru said ramen twice", said Yoshino. "Nawu did? But Nawu weally weally luv wamen. It ish shoo tasthy", Naruto was drooling. " if we have free time, mommy can bring Naru to Konoha's ramen shop. Now let's wake Shikamaru up", Yoshino carry Naruto and make her way towards Shikamaru's room. "Shikamawu? Who?", ask Naruto. Due to the things that happen yesterday, it seems Naruto have forgotten his fiance's name. "It's Shikamaru. Naru fiancé, my son.", explain Yoshino. Still confuse, Naruto tilted his head trying to understand what Yoshino said, "Shika?". "The little boy who… Well … The other boy in the room. The one who looks like daddy", Yoshino wanted to say ,'the boy who groped Naru's butt' . She just doesn't want to admit her son was a closeted pervert. She never had taught Shikamaru to be a pervert. She taught him how love is possible no matter what gender, to treat his love one with out most care and loyalty, to be open minded and kind towards others, 'How the hell did that boy become so perverted?! Well.. In the bright side, it seems this arrangement would turn out fine. Then again, I kinda understand how Shikamaru felt. Naru is way too cute'. "Oooh. Pervert's name Shika?", ask Naruto. "Yeah, that is his name. Naru can you go wake Shikamaru up?", ask Yoshino while putting Naruto down in front Shikamaru's room. "Mommy needs to heat up the breakfast for both of you. Later Nawu go down with him, okay?", ask Yoshino while opening Shikamaru's door. Naruto nod and enter the room. He see a bundle of blanket on the bed and a head.' Hish hair is not like daddy? Oooh itsh soo soft' as Naruto put his hand trough Shikamaru's untied hair. As he was playing with Shikamaru's hair unconsciously he sit himself down on the bed. Right next to the sleeping boy.

It is normal for Shikamaru to wake up late. So he was enjoying his sleep and dreaming about his new fiance. Then suddenly he felt someone touching his hair and it seems that someone also sit down next to him. 'Mom! I just wanna sleep', he try to push the hand off of him. It was successful for awhile but then there is poking on his face. 'Oh hell no!', reluctantly Shikamaru open his eyes while holding the offending hand. ' My mom's hands are not this small. My mom don't giggle like that. Who the hell is it?!'.

Naruto is having soo much fun playing with Shikamaru's hair he didn't notice Shikamaru scrunching his face. He was shocked when Shikamaru's hand push his hand harshly. Mad at Shikamaru, he then proceed to poke Shikamaru's face especially around the nose area. Naruto like it there because Shikamaru will scrunch his nose and try to bat Naruto's hand. Naruto giggled as Shikamaru fail to catch his hand. Suddenly, Shikamaru is holding his hand. Naruto is bit scared but then he started giggling. As he see Shikamaru is trying to glare at him while still closing his eyes. Naruto's hand is pull by Shikamaru which cause Naruto's head to be directly above Shikamaru's head.

Shikamaru pull the perpetrator's hand and open his eyes. He see the blues color he ever seen. Long blond lash. He feel his breath mingle. He feel the heat come from above his face. He see the blue eyes look shock and how the cheek turns to red in matter of second, 'So cute'. He smile smugly at that. He push out his lips upwards, ' Heaven! So soft'.

Naruto saw how the closed eyes open, those beautiful chocolate color eyes. Those eye was looking directly into his eyes. Naruto felt a bit shy. His face turn to red, 'why ish pervert smile?'. Naruto don't know why, he don't like how Shikamaru smile. He unconsciously puff up his cheek and get ready to push Shikamaru from his personal space. Then.. ' what! Eh! Itsh soft. The pervert shmell nice. Eh.. is this kisshing like those in Jiwaiya-jiji's book? But kashi-ji-chan said Nawu should only kish mouth to mouth with Nawu's fiancé. Soo. This ish ok? Since pervert ish Naru's fiance'. On that moment Naruto feel Shikamaru is smiling. Smiling smugly. Naruto don't like it. It feels like Shikamaru is playing with him. So Naruto push Shikamaru and run towards the door. At the door, "Mommy told Nawu to wake Shika. Now Shika ish awake. So Nawu ish going to eat bweakfast with mommy",said Naruto while still blushing.

Yoshino is standing at the door for the whole time. Naruto who didn't notice her, he hit Yoshino's leg. Naruto fall down to his bum, 'Ouch'. Naruto look up and see his mommy look at him. Naruto don't know why it but he feel really embarrass. His face became redder than it already is and he isn't able to look at his new mommy. Yoshino see the dilemma Naruto was having, so she scoop Naruto up, "Come on Naru. Let's eat breakfast". Naruto just nod without looking at Yoshino. "How about we get ramen for lunch?". "We can?!", said a perky Naruto. "Of course. Shikamaru, hurry up and go get ready", she said smiling at Naruto and giving a glare toward Shikamaru.

Shikamaru felt a bit hurt when Naruto push him, 'Does he hate me?'. He heard Naruto said about breakfast but he was to focus at seeing Naruto face blushing, 'My fiance is too cute. Don't worry I'll just need to make him comfortable with me first. Then we'll hold hands, hugs, kiss, and SE..'. Shikamaru saw his mom standing at the door, 'OH MY GOD! Was she there the whole time? I didn't do anything bad. Did I? The kissing was an accident! I didn't do it on purpose! OH MY GOD! I'm so dead! What to do! What to do!', Shikamaru was panicking. He knows his mom hate it if he did anything perverted to Naruto. She had warned him last night. Then he heard his mom ask him to get ready. He notices his mom and Naruto already make their way to the kitchen, 'I need to get ready fast. If not I won't get to eat with my Naru. Yesterday was just a mess. This boy. My fiancé. Naruto is an enigma for me. So let me get everything clear out first. Naruto is my fiancé. OH GOD! He just so cute! Oookay. Sooo. That other two guys are his of them is his godfather. Who is a sannin! Then the other one I assume would be at least a jounin rank. HOLY SHIT! How the hell am I going to touch my Naru then?! Wait... From what I seen last night..The guardians are leaving Naru to our family. So... I get to touch my Naru. Hehehe.. But...What if Naru is stronger than me? Of course his guardian would already taught him how to fight and stuff..URGHH...Wait...Is that why my dad keep asking me to train. OH GOD why did I skipped my training. Now I totally need to step up my training. But first let me go and spend my quality time with my Naru'.

Naruto is having the best time in his whole life. He usually saw a mommy spoon fed her child. He never had a mommy before. So this is his first time being spoon fed by a mommy. He like it a lot. Then he heard steps coming to the kitchen. "Shika", he calls. Naruto is too happy to remember what Shikamaru had done to him. Shikamaru smile at him. Naruto feel his heart pumping faster and his cheek turns red as he remembers their kiss. Shikamaru sit down next to Naruto's chair. He put his hand on top of Naruto's hand. Naruto pull his hand and put it near his chest, "Mommy say Nawu don't give Shika touch Nawu". "EH! WHY?", Shikamaru look at his mother and try to glare at her. But then, "Don't you dare gave me those eyes. You know what you should and what you shouldn't do. Both your dad and I already taught you that". Feeling a bit guilty, "Then can't we at least hold hands and hugs? I mean I won't do anything weird. I'll wait till we are big enough or until Naru agrees with it.". At first he did want to lie through it and keep on touching Naruto without his parent's knowledge. But if he did that Naruto will hate him. He don't want that.

Yoshino notice how Shikamaru twist what he says but she doesn't think Naruto will agrees to it easily. So she said, "Okay. Only if Naru agree with it. If not... I'll just make Naru leave with Jiraiya and Kakashi until you are older. Shikamaru after breakfast, give Naruto a tour of our house or play with him. I need to do something". Shikamaru is scared. So now the four year old is trying to think up what to do while eating his breakfast.

"Let's go Naru", said Shikamaru. At first Naruto hesitant to follow Shikamaru but he see his mommy is encouraging him to go with Shikamaru. 'Mommy says Shika is a very nice boy. She says I should try be Shika's friend first. Ermm…', Naruto want to say something to Shikamaru but he was too far ahead from Naruto. Naruto try calling, "Shika". Shikamaru turn back and see Naruto is far behind him. An idea pops up in Shikamaru's mind, he walk toward Naruto. He holds out his hand towards Naruto. Naruto confuse at that gesture and tilt his head. "Give me your hand, Naru. I'll hold it so you won't get lost", said Shikamaru with red cheeks. "But mommy say..". "If you don't want then it's fine", said Shikamaru with disappointment. He slows down his pace and walks right next Naruto, "You've seen the kitchen, the living room, my room and the guest room. We have other two guest room. I don't..". Shikamaru suddenly feel Naruto's hand is holding his hand. He looks toward Naruto but Naruto was looking down. Shikamaru see how red Naruto's ear and he smile, 'Sooo Cute'. Naruto felt Shikamaru is looking at him, he look upwards and see Shikamaru was smiling smugly. He want to pull his hand from Shikamaru's but then he feel Shikamaru tighten his hold and his thumb start rubbing Naruto's hand. His cheeks become red and causing him to look elsewhere. Shikamaru notices how embarrass Naruto is, so he continue, "I don't know where you are going to stay. It might be either of those rooms. This is the master room where my parents. I mean our parents stay. Here is Dad's office... Let's go outside. I'll show you the backyard. Mom likes to plants flower. I think you'll love it… Naru you do know what we are?". Shikamaru didn't heard any respond from Naruto but he still can feel Naruto's heat from his hand. "Naru". "Shika ish Nawu's fiancé", said Naruto. "Well then do you know what a fiancé is?". "Erm.. Auntie said fiance ish a person will be forever with Nawu. fiance will love and take care Nawu. So Shika love Nawu? Care Nawu?", ask Naruto looking directly at Shikamaru. "Huh?", Shikamaru is stun at that question, 'Did I love Naru? I like him a lot. Will it be love?... HELL YEAH! I'll just make sure I'll love him in the future!'. "Shika? Shika no love Nawu? No care Nawu?", Naruto don't know why he feel really uncomfortable in his chest. His eyes feel prickling pain, he eyes glisten when Shikamaru didn't respond. Shikamaru heard Naruto asked him, he wanted to say something back but his mouth feel tight as he saw his angel was crying. The blonde looks so small and fragile in Shikamaru's eyes, "I'll love Naru and take care Naru for forever till death do us apart", say Shikamaru after he pulled Naruto into a hug. Naruto who heard Shikamaru's reply continue crying on Shikamaru's chest.