This is my first time writing a fanfiction, I an avid reader of fanfic especially yaoi Naruto. Currently I am obsessed with shikanaru. There were a lot of fanfic with shikanaru but most of them has been abandoned. TT_TT. That why I am going to write up my own. The story was inspired by some of the stories I have read in the fanfic.

Chapter 1: The beginning

The terrifying sound made by Kyuubi was stopped as the Yondaime sealed it inside a baby. As if everything was still, everyone in the village let out a grateful sigh and started to cheer. This was with an exception to a few people, Sandaime move towards the scene. Yondaime using his last breath," Please treat him as the hero to the village". With a heavy heart he look at his unmoving successor hugging a wriggling baby in his arm, 'How had this happen? I was the one who should be gone first. I should have been the one doing the sealing but Minato is the expert in sealing. What should I told Jiraiya? His beloved student is dead and leaving his child all alone. What will happen to this child?' Sandaime went and take the child from the Yondaime hold.

At that moment a grey flash went to the Yondaime body, Kakashi was shell shock at seeing his teacher not moving. He kneel beside Yondaime and try to wake him by shaking the Yondaime. He try his best to wake him several time while screaming out his name, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and see Sandaime holding a crying blonde baby. The Sandaime kneel down so that he can give some sort of comfort toward kakashi while still holding the baby. Kakashi didn't make any sound as he look at the crying baby. Curiously he touched the blonde locks, 'it's the same colour as Sensei. Is this the same person I thought ? Sensei wouldn't condemn his own flesh for that? Would he? What would happen to this child?'. As Kakashi touched the cheek of the baby, the baby stop his crying and started giggling while nuzzling into Kakashi hands. The baby felt he was safe and opened his eyes to see who soothed him. A bright blue eyes with large curious eyes open, both Sandaime and Kakashi gasp for a breath as they looked at the innocent blonde. Both with the same mind set, 'I'll protect you'.

Now many shinobi has gather as the scene, some already seen the baby. The Sandaime was startled at the audience they have, he use the Shunshin no Jutsu and leave the scene with the baby. Kakashi saw the Sandaime made his escape, he wanted to follow his example but know that would be improper to leave his Sensei body alone there. With a heavy steps, he pick his Sensei's body and followed the Sandaime example.

The next day, as the sky turn grey as they seems to mourn all the lost Konoha had during the battle with Kyuubi. Everyone in the village gather to say goodbye to their beloved hero, Yondaime. Even though Sandaime and Kakashi wanted to stay with the baby but both of them are obligated to be at the funeral. They had to leave the baby where they called "aka-chan" as they don't know the name given to the boy. They were too busy to handle the massive funeral that were held, therefore the Sandaime uses a Kage Bunshin to take care "aka-chan" at private place where only he and Kakashi knows.

Everyone who attend did give a speech for their beloved Hokage, which include Danzo. At the end of his speech Danzo ask about what happen to the baby used for sealing the Kyuubi. Hearing this, most of the villagers became rage. Most of them screaming "kill the Kyuubi!". The Sandaime silent the mass by speaking loudly, "The baby is not Kyuubi. He is just used to seal the Kyuubi". But the masses still fill of rage and grief, they keep on accusing it is not true and repeatedly chant "Kill Kyuubi". Sandaime was startled at the response of his beloved villagers. He never knew that they would want to kill an innocent baby without any remorse. Kakashi was angry at the villagers and he wanted to say who the baby is, "That baby is …", but was cut off by Sandaime. Sandaime whispered to Kakashi, "Don't bother telling them, these people are worthless, they are too consume with rage. They won't care if aka-chan is the angel. They just wanted to release the frustration towards something. And remember Yondaime has a lot of enemies, what happen if they know about his legacy? We will discuss about this later". What they don't noticed during the commotion and their talk just now, several pair of eyes have been looking at them.

As the commotion reduce, Kakashi and Sandaime wanted to go back to the baby hideout but they notice there were several people following them. Instead going straight to the hideout they went back to the Hokage Tower. Using Kage Bunshin and place them in the office, they leave using the secret path in the Hokage Tower known only by the Hokage and went to the hideout.

Somewhere around the Fire Nation.

"Poof". Came out a small bulldog in front a guy who is giggling and crunching down looking at a few girls taking a bath. The white hair guy was startled and unknowing shriek loudly while standing up, at that moment he gave up his location and was seen by the girls. Several bucket and stone were throne towards him. As he was nursing his injuries, "What are doing here Pakkun? ". " Jiraiya I bring bad news", said the small dog with bandana. "What happened?", jiraiya ask seriously. With a grim face as the dog could make, "The Yondaime and his wife has leave the world". "WHAT? WHAT HAPPEN? AND THE BABY? HOWS NARUTO?", jiraiya became more anxious and shocked knowing his student, his beloved family not by blood are dead. "Kyuubi attacked the Konoha. The baby is safe. Is that his name? We been calling the pup as aka-chan since we don't know his name. You need to come back to Konoha. You are his next kin". "There are a lot of question I want answer but I don't think you can answer it. I'm going back to Konoha", said Jiraiya while he did a reverse summoning and went back to Konoha.

In the hokage office

The Kage Bushin of both Sandaime and Kakashi were having some discussion in regards of the baby. Suddenly the door open, came in the Elders, Danzo, Uchiha Fugaku, and Shikaku Nara. "What is this? What are guys thinking barging into the Hokage office without announce?", said Sandaime's bunshin with rage.

"We know both of you have hidden the Kyuubi! Where is that damn thing! It ought to be slaughtered as redemption for what it did!" ,said Homura, one of the Elders. "Nonsense the Kyuubi should be used as a weapon. I will personally train it. Then Konoha will have unparalleled weapon to be used against other nation", argued Danzo. The Elders were showing interest in Danzo idea which can be seen on their face.

"No! The kyuubi should be with the Uchiha. We are better in training soldiers!" , 'and the Uchiha clan can control the Kyuubi when we want to so Uchiha clan can govern the Konoha', said Uchiha Fugaku.

"...", the Nara was trying to figure out what to do. He know that the child should be his friend's heir as he was there during the scene between the Sandaime and Kakashi. He had been there when the Yondaime tried to seal the Kyuubi. He heard what the Yondaime said to Sandaime. Kakashi. He had been there when Minato sealed the Kyuubi in his own son. He had been there waiting with his friend Minato during the birth since Yoshino his wife help Kushina. He had held and unknowingly fall in love with the baby. He had been arguing with Minato to not do this but his friend do not heed his warning and did it anyway. What should he do? How can he help his friend legacy?