*Runs into room and deposits box* It's an update *Runs away frantically*

Morgan was pleased when the "staff" numbers decreased as night began to settle in. True, many of the children would be asleep, but many of the older ones would feign sleep now that they had been in this "hospital" for a few days.

Night had truly proven to be far more effective for meeting and planning without all the adults hovering about and poking and prodding them. Many of the adults at night just checked the halls to make sure they hadn't slipped out. It was rather funny how easy it was to avoid them. It wasn't like they were really quiet or anything. And after living on the Ilse while avoiding their parents, this was mere child's play in comparison.

Morgan wasted no time leaving his room once the small hand on clock fell to the 10. While he wasn't terribly good at reading the machine, he knew that 10 was late and many of the nosier day workers would be well gone for awhile. He slid effortlessly through the hall making it to his second in command's current room.

An impish grin came to his face as he approached his grumpy faced friend. "What's up Sammy?"

"It's Samuel."

"I know. We got a meeting tonight."

Samuel raised a brow, his arms were crossed.

"A meeting? Really, where are we all even supposed to meet. In case you haven't noticed, our rooms are small."

"I doubt auras and aides have such small rooms."

Samuel raised his brow in disbelief.

"Do you even know where they are being roomed?"


"I sometimes wonder how you became captain," Samuel muttered as he slipped out of bed.

"It's dad's one gift to me I admit."

"That's not how that works."

"Well until anyone of us knows, that's my story and I'm sticking with it."

Samuel rolled his eyes but followed the Captain out of his hospital room to find the other children of the Ilse.

"Whoever finds Ursa and Iden's room first stays there with everyone they've gathered."

"What if they're in seperate rooms?"

"Everyone stays and we look for each other."


"Aw Sammy, I know you want to stay with me, but it's more efficient to part. But don't worry,we shall be reunited!" Morgan proclaimed as he pulled Samuel into a one armed hug. Samuel pushed him off in irritation.

"Awwwww. Sammmmy," Morgan whined.

"It's Samuel," he hissed. Without another word, he stomped off choosing his path going left leaving Morgan to go right. Morgan snickered but made his way silently to gather the children he could find.

With his familiar face and jovial attitude, it didn't take long to gather the children he found. The ones Samuel found instantly followed him, feeling comfortable with the no nonsense helper of the Captain.

One by one each of the children were gathered. And soon enough the very problem Samuel had asked about had occurred.

"Why would they put you two in seperate rooms?" Morgan asked rather disgruntled.

"Hell if I know," Iden grumbled, "But if the loose lips around here mean anything, Ursa hasn't been feeling all too great. They never should have taken us."

"I know Iden. But don't worry, I'm going to look for Ursa and the others. You'll see your brother soon enough."

"I better."

Morgan grinned, "Mal! You're in charge until I get back."

"What? I'm the oldest!"

"Yeah but you can't chase after the small children can you Inky?"

Iden scowled at the Captain but conceded as Morgan dashed out of the room.

"So, this sucks."

"At least we can try a few things," Carlos De Vil said softly trying to be positive, "I really like chocolate."

Small hums of agreement were made while Iden looked confused.

"That some kind of land thing?"

"Must be a main land thing. Never heard of it from the adults."

"Fair point."

Hiding in hole. Blanket over head.