Disclaimer: I do not own Jim Henson's story "Labyrinth" nor do I own the characters created by him. I do hope you enjoy, and please no flames.

Chapter 1


"You have no power over me"

Those words, those damnable words, rang through his mind every day and every night. Oh, how those words made him so depressed. Never before had he fallen in love, and yet, when he finally does he gets rejected. Rejected, by a mortal girl no less. The young and beautiful Sarah Williams, the only Labyrinth runner to ever succeed. He had offered the girl everything her heart desired, as well as himself. All he wanted was for her to return his feelings and stay with him, and did she? No. Instead she chose to trample all over his heart and go home. He had never felt so much pain in his entire life.

As he watched her get ready for bed from his perch outside her window, he couldn't help but envy Hoghead, Sir Didymus, and that walking carpet Ludo. They got to talk to her on a regular basis, hug her whenever they wanted to, and be there for her in times of need. They could make her smile, make her laugh, and have as much contact with her as possible, whereas he could not. The word 'Jealous' didn't even begin to describe how he felt when he saw how lucky they were. He would kill to be able to hold her, make her laugh, make her smile, and hear her call to him just for the sake of talking. Yet, sadly, he knew he would never get that privilege, for she saw him as the villain and only the villain. This highly confused him, as he knew for a fact she was in love with him too. Her eyes, when they danced together in the ballroom, plus her reaction to him whenever he appeared to her while in the Labyrinth, said it all. So why? Why did she turn him away?

"I did everything she asked of me and I was more than generous with her. I even offered her all of her hopes and dreams, as well as my love and undying affection, and the chance to be a queen. I did far more for her then those dolts could ever do, and yet she turns me away. I don't understand it, I know she was attracted to me, it was obvious during her dream. So why?" he thought to himself as he remained perched outside her bedroom window.

After watching her for another hour or so, he decided to return to the Underground and give her the privacy she needed to finish her nightly routine. Tomorrow was another day and he would return to watch her again, for she would most likely be going to the park with Toby, as she did every Saturday.


Sarah hummed to herself as she took a shower before going to bed. The song was the beautiful, melodious tune that she heard while in the Labyrinth . The song that Jareth had sung to her in her ballroom fantasy, as a way to convey his feelings for her. She could still remember the deep look of hurt in his eyes when she broke free of him. Every time she hummed the song to herself, she felt guilty for leaving him and longed for another dance. She'd never told anyone, but she would give anything to have Jareth hold her again like he did that night. When Sarah finished her shower she dried off, changed into her pj's, and then hopped into bed.


Jareth sat lazily in a strewn about manner on his throne, upon his arrival back, in the castle throne room. No sooner did he sit down, did he pull out a crystal so he could continue watching Sarah.

"She looks so beautiful and at peace when she sleeps, just like an angel. Hopefully, someday, she'll be 'My Angel'," Jareth thought to himself. "I must find a way to inadvertently work my way back into her life, to get her to call out to me."

Jareth paused in his thoughts when he noticed something very familiar by the foot of Sarah's bed.

"Is that Mother's music box that Jeremy took with him when he left the Underground for the Above? Who would have thought that my dear brother, would get a chance to meet her before me. So, it was Sarah's Mother that he ran off with. He said he was going to give that to the daughter of his woman for her birthday or some other non-sense," Jareth smiled as an idea came to mind, and he shot up from his throne and called for two of his most trusty goblins.

"Gibble! Hibble! Get in here!" Jareth shouted.

Two mid-sized goblins came running in, and due to the sudden beckon, stumbled over each other and crashed into Jareth's feet.

"Oh! We sorry Kingy, we didn't mean to go bump into Kingy's legs like that!" Gibble said.

"QUIET! I don't care about that!" he yelled at the two goblins.

"I have a mission for the two of you. I want you to bring me Sir Didymus as soon as possible. I would like to have a word with him on a matter of great importance. Understood?" Jareth said.

"Yes Kingy! We go get funny looking doggy Didymus now!" the goblins said in unison.

"Good, now go!" Jareth commanded.

The two goblins quickly scurried off as Jareth conjured up another crystal. However, this crystal was not focused on Sarah, but rather the little music box of the dancing girl. He remembered the dress on that girl, it was the same one Sarah wore when they danced. Oh, how beautiful she looked, so innocent. She was the perfect mix of innocence and maturity at the same time. He would never forget how she felt in his arms, how right it felt to hold her.

"I wonder, has she ever thought of me since her return? Even once? Would she ever accept a request from me to court her?" Jareth asked himself as he put away the crystal.


The two goblins made their way to the bog of eternal stench as fast as they could, to get Sir Didymus.

"Hey Hibble? Do you think Kingy is finally gonna go get Sarah queenie, be happy again, and dance around?" Gibble asked his cousin.

"Dunna know, I hopes so, me miss Kingy. He no sing, dance, and kick us around no more like he used to. He sad, no fun anymore, make me worry," replied Hibble.

"HALT! Who doth go there?" called a loud voice.

"We doth go here! Kingy wants you over as soon as now! Says he has something important to talk to you about, might involve Sarah lady!" Gibble replied.

"What? Doth thou mention Lady Sarah?" asked Sir Didymus.

"Ya we doth!" said Hibble.

"Very well! I shall come immediately! Come along Ambrosius!" Sir Didymus called out.

Sir Didymus mounted his 'trusty steed' and followed the goblins back to the castle as fast as he could. When Sir Didymus arrived he was led to the throne room, which was currently empty, with the exception of himself and the two goblins.

"Alright Gibble and Hibble, you've done your jobs, now you may go," Jareth said as he waltzed into the room with an air of royalty surrounding him.

"Hello Sir Didymus, how are you?" asked Jareth.

"Greetings your Majesty, I am doing quite well thank you. I hear thou wishes to speak to me," Sir Didymus respectfully replied.

"Correct, you see Sir Didymus, I have a bit of a problem and I need you to help me fix it," Jareth said.

"I shall do whatever I can your Majesty; please do tell me of this problem!"

"You promise to help me?" asked Jareth.

"I promise!" declared Sir Didymus.

"Do you absolutely swear that you promise to help me, no matter what?" prompted Jareth.

"Yes Sire," confirmed the small Knight.

"Good," Jareth said with a knowing smirk that Sir Didymus did not notice.

"You see Sir Didymus, my problem is with the Lady Sarah. I wish to make her my wife and queen, however, I can do neither because she has declared that I have no power over her. So, therefore, I cannot go to her on my own, nor can I bring her to the Underground myself without her permission. The only way I can go see her in person is to get her to say the right words required to summon me. It may be hard for you to believe, but I truly do love Lady Sarah, and I would give my life for her if need be. However, I cannot go to her unless she summons me, nor can I give her any type of gift in person. So what I would like you to do is this, the next time you visit her with the others, I want you to nonchalantly seek out the music box by her bed and 'accidentally' break it," Jareth said.

"Break it?! But Sire that was a gift from–" sputtered Sir Didymus.

"I know very well who it was from, it was a gift to her from my brother," Jareth replied.

"My word! I did not know that you had one. I had always assumed it was a gift from a family member of hers," said Sir Didymus.

"Not many do, he left in pursuit of a loved one, Sarah's mother to be exact. He gave Sarah the music box as a gift of some sort. Possibly a birthday present, or some other non-sense," replied Jareth.

"Oh, I see," said Sir Didymus.

"Now, back to the matter at hand. I want you to 'accidentally' break it beyond what her world can repair. When she gets upset, offer to bring it back here. Tell her that you know of someone who can easily fix such things to the point in which they look brand new. Also, tell her that they will sometimes add things to the item in repair, but only if requested. Are we clear?" Jareth said.

"Yes Sire, crystal," Sir Didymus replied.

"Good. You are free to go," Jareth dismissed the Knight.

Sir Didymus turned around and started to walk off when he was stopped by Jareth's voice.

"Oh and Sir Didymus, I'll be watching. So don't try anything stupid," Jareth warned.

"I see, of course, well good day your Majesty," Sir Didymus said, wondering about the Goblin King's intentions as he left.