Gods and Legends
Uzumaki Naruto was destined for greatness even before his birth. It was that fear the village shuns him. However, a young girl saw his desire and wanted to stand with him. In doing so, she and Naruto would become the greatest legend in the history of shinobis. For even a God needs a Queen.
Naruto/OC (Uchiha Kyoko) (Kyoko means mirror and respectful child)
Strong/Smart Naruto.
This chapter has been edited
Chapter 01: The Great Tree
Naruto kicks the can in the street as he walks in the street in Konoha, he had once again as he once again 'failed' the entrance exam for the Shinobi Academy.
He knew at once his exam had been sabotage at once, by several of the Chūnin instructors. He never understood why so many people hated him. He never did anything to them. Yet he could somehow feel the hatred and how intense it was. He even knew it was direct purely at him.
The only thing he could really come up with is it had to do with his parents, whose name he did not know. He even began to suspect he stolen from another village. It wasn't unheard of to have children from another village be brought to another.
The Sandaime Hokage's silence on the matter only made Naruto's suspicion grow even more and he started to believe he was a captured child.
There was nothing on him in the Konoha medical records regarding his birth. As far as Naruto was able to piece together, he wasn't even born in Konoha. A small part of him wanted to dismiss that theory and thought, but it grew stronger with each passing day.
That made the question about his birth as well as the identity of his origin grow. As far as he could tell, no 'Uzumaki' had every set foot in Konoha.
He found a clue in the Shinobi Records when he finally managed to break inside at night a couple nights back.
The Uzumaki Clan was a legendary clan, with powerful sealing abilities and powerful fighting abilities. The records went into details that Konoha had used and adaptive many of the Uzumaki's abilities into their own security defensives. However, their origin was unknown. As much of the records had been destroyed or removed. There were many lines that had been blacked out with a marker making the words and knowledge lost.
It was clear to Naruto he was an outcast of Konoha. He even began to suspect the Uzumaki's were enemies of Konoha and he was stolen from them or given up in hopes for peace.
All Naruto wanted, was family to be here for him. If he couldn't have that, then just a single friend would be nice.
Instead, the only thing he could do right now was kick the can and try to think of some way to find answers. However, he was sure the only one with answers was the Sandaime Hokage and he wasn't talking.
Naruto sighs and takes off down the street ignoring the looks the villagers and shopkeepers were giving him.
Getting fed up, Naruto took off and ran, not caring where he headed. He just wanted to clear his head.
Without realizing it Naruto was standing at a great tree. The tree that was created by the Shodaime Hokage. It was destroyed six years ago during the Kyūbi attack on Konoha, but the base of the great tree remains.
"Where the leaves dance, fire burns. The shadow of the fire will flash over the village, and the village leaves will grow once again." The voice of the Third Hokage said
Naruto has pondered those words over and over again. They never made sense to him. The Third Hokage always went on to say the village was family, and it was his job to look out for his family.
Then why, why was he so unwelcome here? Why did the village, whom the Third Hokage declared was family, shun him so much?
The only thing Naruto knew for sure, was that he didn't belong here. He knew somewhere, his true family was out there.
Naruto turns and walks away, unwilling to look at the tree any longer.
The Sandaime Hokage was looking out his window from his office and could see Naruto walking away from the Great Tree. While many villagers gave him a negative report, several of his seasonal shinobi's gave a different view. The most disturbing was Naruto's loyalty to the village.
Many shinobi's, even his own ANBU have feared Naruto holds no loyalty to the village.
In most cases, he would have ANBU keep a close eye on the individual. However, in this case, he could hardly blame Naruto for not having any loyalty to the village. The only thing he has received from the village was being shunned and hated. It was because of this, the village only pushes him further and further away. Parents weren't allowed to tell their children what Naruto was, but they made sure their children stay away from Naruto.
Growing up friendless and without love was only causing Naruto to neglect everyone around him.
Naruto was also starting to ask questions, questions the Third did not want him to ask. Though he should have expected it. Naruto wanted to know about his parents and family. At first, the Third Hokage said they died honorably against the Kyūbi, but Naruto began to push the questions. He wanted their names and to know who they were.
These were questions the Third avoid and it seems to push Naruto further away.
Naruto started to believe he was a political prisoner in Konoha. And his family were enemies of Konoha.
The problem with that was if Naruto started to believe it, then he would turn against Konoha.
The Third sighs and looks at the picture of the Yondaime Hokage.
"Minato, how do I save your son?"
"Still lacking a backbone, Saru?" A voice said.
The Third blink and looks down to see a short elderly woman standing before him.
"Genkai-Sensei." The Third said in shock.
"How you been your foolish monkey?"
"Truth be told sensei, not well. I got many things occupying my mind."
"Like young Uzumaki Naruto?" Genkai said.
"How did you know?" The Third said in shock.
"I've watched him for the past few days. This is not how the Fourth wants his son to be treated or respected. It's also clear things will only get worse from here on out. He needs to learn the truth. It may be the only thing to save him."
"Maybe, but the village…"
"You need to grow a backbone. You've always lack a backbone. That's why you let those stupid councilors and advisors push you around. Need I remain you, that it is you that is Hokage, not the other way around." Genkai scoff. "You've lost your fire."
"Genkai-sensei, I'm still…"
"The Saru I knew, understood what it meant to stand strong in the face of the world. Remember what the Shodaime Hokage told you. No matter what happens, no matter how the wind blows, it is your duty as Hokage to stand rooted as a tree and be strong in the face of the world when you do what is right. Even if the world is telling you it's wrong."
The Sandaime Hokage lowered his head as he recalled he was told that. Lately, he has been pushed around. Even when it came to the Uchiha's, he was letting his advisors pushing him around.
"I take it you're here to take Naruto with you."
"I am; I am getting old. Consider it payment for not being here when I was needed. Also, I wish to teach one last time."
"Then I have a request, take a small team with you. That way it won't appear to be favoritism towards Naruto." The Third said.
"Still lacking a backbone. Very well, I'll take a small team with me. Also, start acting like a Hokage." Genkai said as she disappears from view.
Two Weeks Later
Naruto was sitting in the classroom. He was surprised when he got his acceptance letter. He thought for sure the Third must have done something to allow him to attend the academy. However, because he had the lowest scores, he was rank last. Or as Inuzuka Kiba said, the 'deadlast'. It was a name that stuck with him since he arrived up at the Academy. The very best in the Academy was Uchiha Sasuke. For a strange reason, he had a large number of fangirls that seem to cheer and follow him around.
Today Naruto was laying his head on his desk waiting for class to start. Everyone was being so loud. Naruto wished for some peace and quiet.
Iruka walks in and silence filled the classed.
"Alright listen up, today three of you are going to get a real treat. A personal training trip for four years with the renown shinobi, Genkai." Iruka said to the classroom.
"What?" The class shouted.
"Genkai-same, please come in," Iruka said.
Everyone watch as the door opens and an elderly woman walks in.
"What's this! She's just an old lady!" Kiba shouted as most of the class started laughing.
"Be respectful Kiba!" Iruka shouted. "She has trained the Yondaime and the Sandaime Hokage for years! She is perhaps the only person in the village who can fight the Hokage on even terms."
"I have decided to train three individuals for four years. I have watched you all for a week and have chosen three who will be my best students." Genkai said. She turns to look at Iruka who nods his head.
"Right I will now announce the three lucky students. Uchiha Kyoko." A young Uchiha female raised her head in surprise. "Kuchiki Byakuya." There was no real visible reaction, but he too had a look of surprise. "and Uzumaki Naruto."
This time it was Naruto who was most surprised. He was for sure thought that Sasuke was going to be chosen.
"Alright you young whippersnappers, we leave in thirty minutes, so say your goodbyes cause we got quite the hike to go."
Thirty minutes later they were out the gates and walking the village.
"What are you going to teach us?" Naruto asks.
"I will teach you the art of chakra. As well as how to act and think like a shinobi." Genkai responded.
"That doesn't tell us much," Kyoko said. "We could have stayed at the academy for that."
Byakuya said nothing. His grandfather, the only shinobi other than the Hokage and Councilor's who was alive during the Foundation Era, told him Genkai was a master well respected and very powerful. It was a rare honor to study under her. He told Byakuya to take every lesson seriously and learn as much as he can.
Nothing else was said as they hike through the forest.
After nearly three hours of walking, they finally reach a dojo in the middle of nowhere.
"Alright, I know you're tired, but this is a good chance to train. The first thing you're going to learn is how to control your chakra. However, this is easier said than done. The ability to control your chakra while in the midst of a fight is not an easy thing to do as you must maintain your focus. So I'm going to teach you something you wouldn't normally learn until your Genin's. That's tree climbing."
"Sounds lame," Naruto said.
"Try saying that when you have to get to the top of the tree without using your hands."
Genkai turns to the tree and immediately began to walk up the tree with her hands behind her back. The moment she got to the first branch she hung upside down.
"As a shinobi, you'll be expected to use chakra like this in the midst of a battle. It's very hard to gather one's chakra in the middle of combat. However, I will promise you this, if you train under me for four years, you'll be more than ready to face the world of shinobi's."
Genkai could only smirk at the disbelief faces of her three young students.
Things were going to become very interesting in the next four years to come.