A/N: Well, here's another, once more. This will mostly be a fighting chapter, so I don't think it will be all that long, if not I'll post the next chapter ASAP. Or at least try to. I'll try to add in a little romantic(not really romantic but you know) part, just to help spice it up a little. Please R&R.
You know dialog.
Disclaimer: I don't own Spyro or his franchise.
Spyro was quite surprised. When the Chronicler said that they would find the main land in a certain direction, he thought it would take a while, a day even. But not even leaving the strange plain of the Chronicler's realm for an hour had the main land come into view. Soon after a huge mountain came into view. And that was before they even made it to land. As they got closer Cynder confirmed that it was Malefor's Mountain. The day was still young so both he and Cynder decided to keep on flying. During so Cynder didn't hide her happyness of knowing that Spyro loved her just as she did him. She showed it by doing flips, twirls, and the random dive by Spyro. Spyro honestly found it funny, and quite cute.
"Hey Cynder. Don't you think we should get something to eat, you know, before we get too close. I mean fighting on a full stomach is better than an empty one." Cynder stopped for a moment next to Spyro in thought before answering.
"Yeah, besides, it'll waste some time so it can be dark, allowing us to get closer easier." Cynder said enthusiastically. She then looked down and around on the ground. "And there's dinner" and she was off again, this time straight for a heard of deer on a tall hill about thirty miles from the Mountain. Spyro quickly took after her. He didn't want all the deer to escape after Cynder grabbed her's.
Cynder didn't just get one but two instead. And she landed on them after dropping one on another, killing both quickly afterwards. Spyro, after a quick thought, did the same before any had a real chance to get away. Grabbing his kills, Spyro made his way to Cynder, who was already eating her kills, though it was more like dragging due to the weight. Before eating Spyro had a small question.
"Cynder, why two?" Cynder looked up at him, blood and a piece of meat falling off her muzzle, an innocent look on her face. Spyro couldn't help but chuckle a little. Cynder didn't mind and answered the question.
"What? I'm hungry." Spyro accepted that.
"Yeah. Me to. Besides, we haven't eaten for two weeks." Spyro dug in after he finished. Cynder, who was in the process of taking another bite, froze.
"How many weeks?" It was barely a sound but Spyro still heard it. He chewed the bite he had before swallowing.
"Two. The Chronicler said that from the time we fell, or in my case jumped, off the boat it had been two weeks. Just two weeks of us floating on the sea on something all the way to the Chronicler." Spyro said before going back to his meal. Cynder had a strange look on her face as she looked off into the distance, noticing that the sun was nearing the horizon. Soon Cynder just shook her thoughts off and started to eat again.
Later, when the sun was near half past the horizon, Cynder had finished both of her deer and was cleaning her claws, face, and muzzle. When she finished she looked to Spyro to see his cleaning his claws. When he was about to start to clean his face, and muzzle Cynder decided to help.
Before Spyro realized what was happening, Cynder had licked a part of his face clean of blood and moved onto another spot. Spyro froze when Cynder did this and didn't move until she finished, and that was only to fidget and glace slightly at her.
Cynder saw this, despite Spyro trying to hide it.
"What? You okay Spyro?" Spyro fidgeted a little more before speaking.
"What was that about?" Spyro asked. Cynder knew what he was talking about and gave a short laugh.
"What? I can't help clean you? What are you worried about? Besides, are we not courting, or was that cuddling back at the Chronicler's just a sper of the moment?" Truthfully it was more of a statement than an question. Cynder knew now that Spyro loved her and wanted to court her.
Spyro blushed before answering.
"Well, yeah I guess we are, it's just that that was unexpected." Cynder chuckled at his answer before cuddling up against his side.
"Get used to it. With the way I was raised I'm more straight forward with my actions and words. Not to add the point I decided to wait to see if you would return my feelings, and now that you have I can try some of the things that I wish to. In this case things one would do in a relationship. Like for instance, this." With her last words Cynder wrapped her tail around Spyro's, making him freeze in place once more before relaxing.
'May as well get used to it.' Spyro thought to himself.
They stayed that way for a while before Cynder saw that the sun had past the horizon. She gave a sigh before untangling their tails, and rising up from her comfortable position. Spyro give an audible displeasure, not that he meant to. Cynder raised a brow but said nothing about it.
"We should be leaving. Gual won't kill himself." Spyro nodded and rose to stretch. Cynder noticed something.
"Hey, your belt with the pouches and satchel is still on." Spyro looked and realized she was right. He looked over at Cynder.
"You still have your sash belt with its pouches too. Guess we never noticed. Too bad we lost the rest of our armor, it might've came in handy. Cynder nodded in agreement.
"Ready?" Cynder asked as she opened her wings. Spyro nodded and did the same and soon both were back in the air. Since they only had thirty miles to go Cynder decided to give Spyro a little background of the Well of Souls. Small things like how it was formed and what it was used for. There wasn't much she could give on the layout nor the routine of the guards. Only that they should expect large guard patrols.
When Spyro and Cynder were about ten miles from the Mountain they could see the light of camp fires all around the South side of the Mountain, it was now dark enough for fires. The dragons decided it would be best to flank left of the Mountain to get around with a less chance to get spotted. Once on the North side they landed a mile away after making sure it was clear of enemies. They ran the rest of the way, and sure enough, there way a secluded cave with very little light, and very little guard patrols.
When the coast was clear Spyro and Cynder made a quick dash from the underbrush they hid under and took refuge with in the cave. From there the young dragons tip toed every step and checked around corners before advancing. The cave was all one way and narrow to the point that only one of the Guardians, if they were here, could go at a time.
Soon, the young dragons found a door with a large lock on it in a huge round room that was mostly dark aside from the two torches by the door. As they approached Spyro asked the question that was on both of their minds.
"How are we supposed to open that?" Cynder shrugged. How was she to know.
"Your not meant to." The voice startled the dragon and as they turned around to find voice's owner, they found more than that. Near the top was a hidden balcony that surrounded then, full to the brim with apes holding crossbows. That is at least Cynder knew what they were, Spyro didn't have a clue what they were.
"Spyro be careful. Those weapons are far ranged and are fast." She whispered to him, who nodded in return.
"Gual had expected something like this when the execution squad never returned, though he expected a bigger force and sooner at that. I bet though he will be just as happy." This time Spyro and Cynder found the voice's owner and turned to a large ape, a commander. The commander gave a signal and the next thing Spyro knew was Cynder giving a loud grunt and falling on the ground. When he moved to check on her something hard hit him in the back of the head and he too fell, losing consciousness fast. The last thing he saw was Cynder before his vision failed.
Spyro woke up in a dark room. Surprisingly Spyro found that he wasn't bound by rope, or anything else for that matter. Lifting his head Spyro looked around and found Cynder still knocked out to his right.
Spyro jumped to his feet in surprise when green flames flared up inside a large kettle in front of a pillar. It first started to Spyro's left then more lit up in a circle, revealing the room to be circler with pillars surrounding the center of a forty foot diameter while behind the pillars was a small section that was divided from the center by the pillars. That area was shrouded by dark shadows but Spyro could swear that he could see shapes within them. The floor had strange designs on it that travelled up the pillars. A plate like thing in the center of the room, another similar one on the ceiling.
Finally, when the room was fully lit, two more lit up on the other side of Spyro revealing a large ape with strange armor on. It was larger than any other Spyro had seen of fought before. It's face was hidden in shadow. At the sight of it Spyro moved in front of Cynder in a defensive stance to protect her. She was still unconscious after all.
"Don't be so dramatic, purple boy." The ape said. Spyro just gave a low growl. The ape chuckled and started to stand.
"You are something." It said, it's face finally revealed as it leaned forward. It had war paint on, red on the right, white on the left. Spyro had a feeling he knew who this was.
"Malefor has plans for Cynder later. But he said I could have fun with you. So, I thought you could entertain me until the event of tonight, then, you die." The ape said as he, obviously male, stepped down from the ledge that Spyro missed from his earlier observation and into the center circle, brandishing two wicked looking blades from behind him.
Spyro looked around one more time and noticed that there wasn't anyone behind him on the outer ring ledge so, to get Cynder out of harm's way, Spyro picked her up and, somehow, balanced on his back legs and put her up on the ledge before turning back around to face the ape.
"I'm guessing your him, your Gual." Spyro said as he and the ape started to circle each other around the rim on the room.
"Yes, I am. I'm honestly surprised that you are so willing to fight me."
"Well, we did come her to kill you so, why not." Spyro knew he might not live though this fight, but if he could delay long enough for Cynder to awaken then she could help. Gual chuckled before charging, right sword raised for attack.
Spyro dodged to the right. But Gual wasn't done. He quickly swung his left sword, forcing Spyro to jump back. Gual didn't stop there. He kept swinging his swords, Spyro dodging accordingly. If Gual swung with his left Spyro would dodge to his left. Same with the right. this continued for a while until Gual got tried of it and rammed into Spyro, forcing Spyro into a pillar.
Spyro gave a painful groan as he got back up and saw Gual giving a war cry before charging Spyro again. Spyro quickly jumped out of the way and watched as Gaul crashed into the pillar. When Gaul walked back from the wall, stumbling all the way, Spyro took the chance to climb up his back and sink his fangs past the armor and into Gual's flesh on his shoulder. Spyro tasted the blood as the wound tore open. Gual started to thrash around, trying to shake Spyro off. Spyro only jumped off when Gaul started to use his swords to try and get Spyro.
Once on the ground Spyro looked to Gual only to have the need to dodge again as Gual swung his blade at him. Though this time Spyro was late in his timing and got clipped on his left rear flank, blood trickling out of the wound.
They started to circle the edge again.
"I'm honestly surprised you lasted this long. So long in fact that you get to see the Eternal Night event." With that Gual looked to the ceiling as a green beam shot through a hole in the top and into the floor right on the plate like thing. While Gaul was distracted by the beam, though Spyro was too slightly, Spyro snuck around behind Gual and jumped to attack, aimming for Gual's neck.
Spyro was surprised when Gual's arm suddenly shot out an caught him in midair. Gual turned to him.
"Don't take me for a fool." Gual looked to the green beam then back to Spyro, and evil grin spread across his face. "Not what I had planned but just at effective." With that Gual through Spyro into the green beam. Spyro flew straight into it. When he was fully submerged in it he stopped, hovering in midair by the beam. When he was suspended Spyro let out a sudden scream when the power of the beam seeped into him. For a moment it stayed that way but suddenly the pain that came from the over baring power of the Eternal Night's beam of power stopped and Spyro stopped screaming, though he was giving labored breaths.
Cynder had awaken when Spyro was about to be thrown into the beam. She was about to get up and help but when Cynder saw Spyro be thrown into the beam she froze. She couldn't move. But she was more surprised when Spyro stopped yelling and stayed there, just hanging in the air.
Then he started laughing. And it wasn't a normal laugh. It was one of pure evil. One that even put Gaul on edge. When Spyro opened his eyes, they were pure white and even glowed. Just like Spyro described of Dark Spyro.
While Cynder saw what was going on on the outside, Spyro was having a mental fight with Dark Spyro on the inside.
"No, I won't let you take control." Spyro grunted though it was within his head.
"'It's doesn't matter if you'll let me or not. I have the power to overwhelm you now. Besides, you failed to remove me, a parasite. Yeah, I know, I've always known. And now you'll pay for it. But first, I'm going to test my power on these apes."' Spyro tried to retaliate but Dark Spyro did something that caused him not to be able to speak.
As the body of what once was Spyro slowly fell to the ground, its scales changed to black shadows that moved around. The once golden horns on it's head and back now were a dull grey. It's claws elongated slightly and turned black, and a shadowish, see through scythe formed of its tail. It cracked it's neck.
"'This will be fun."' The words were slow and ominous as they left the dark beings mouth, not to add the point that the voice was extremely demonic. Cynder felt like she would never stop shaking. Gual wasn't doing no better, but he was also stupid, as far as he knew this was some kind of trick. So, in complete stupidity, Gual advanced to attack.
He was stopped by the dark being shifting it's bittomless pits for eyes at him.
"'Wait your turn."' With that, the dark being disappeared in a cloud of smoke and shadow. For a moment both Gual and Cynder looked bewildered. But just when they were about to look around a gurgled yelp came from on of the shadows between the pillars. Suddenly a squirt of blood shot through the air from the ape who fell to its knees, holding its throat. When it finally feel over completely the dark being was revealed behind it. Despite the shadows covering the outer ring it was obvious that blood was dripping down from its muzzle. It disappeared again.
Another yelp was heard, then another. It continued. One by one apes fell out of the shadows, all with ripped throats. When only two were left the apes got smart and made a run for the door to get away. They only made it to the door only to find it encased by shadows, blocking it off. An audible sound of wind blowing by but with no wind at all got them to turn around. It was standing right there and it stood up to the ape's height. Which was surprising for two reasons. One was because one ape was a commander and stood seven foot tall. The other was because one would believe that the dark being would be the same size as Spyro, who was only five feet tall.
The dark being chuckled at their scared faces. Surprisingly it turned away from them. But just when the apes were going to let out a sigh of relief, the dark being sung it's shadowed tail blade, effectively severing both of the ape's heads clean off. Cynder let out a light yelp at the suddenness of the action. The being simply walked away, and as he did the bodies of the ape's fell behind it, their blood gushing out where their heads once were. The being stopped on one side of the room, the side with the door. Gual was positioned on the other side by his throne, Cynder to their direct right or left. If any of them looked to the floor they would find it stained by blood that now covered the majority of the floor. The beam was still active and it glowed ominously against the blood.
Gual decided he wouldn't die like the rest and as he started to move to his right, so did the dark being. And so they circled each other, Cynder just watching, not knowing what to do, nor who to help. As they circled each other the dark being decided to speak.
"'Do you know who I am?"' Despite it being directed at him Gual didn't answer.
"''It's simple really. Long ago I was a dragon that meddled with dark magic along with my brother in solitude and got our selves stuck in the Convexity realm without a body. While there he became insane. When Malefor came there seeking power to take over the world, my brother gave it to him, binding himself to Malefor as a parasite. In the end my brother manipulated Malefor into destroying the world, not to control it. I too seek this, but unlike my brother I can do it with my own claws thanks to you. Well, you and Spyro, and Cynder if you think about it. We can only use a purple dragon for a host and Cynder brought Spyro right to me, giving me this chance. Now, I can execute my plan. I'll kill my brother first then destroy the world. Then, then I'll reforge it in my image, with me as the ultimate god of all."' The being stopped, as did Gual, now on opposite of where they started. The being gave Gual an amused look.
"'I'll make a deal with you. Join me, and you to can rule in a new world. One that we will build. I am a fair person after all."' Gual just laughed.
"You, want me to join you. Ha. I'll take my chances with Malefor. Besides, from what I saw from you killing my men is that you are using the shadow element, and when one is going to be dealing with Cynder then he should be prepared." With that Gaul produced a black gem thet took effect immediately. Black particles were drawn from the dark being, absorbing it's shadow element. The dark being gave an a aggravated growl as it felt it's power drained. Before it could do anything Gual attacked, jumping right through the beam with his swords raised. The dark being blocked the right blade with its tail blade and dodged the other.
Both separated before clashing together again. Swords and claws clashed again and again. Sparks flew, and soon, blood as well, though neither backed down. Both were bleeding and for a moment it looked like they were evenly matched. It was the dark being gained an advantage when it knocked Gaul's left blade away. The being grinned as it doubled it's efforts in attacking.
The dark being decided that the fight went on for long enough and made to attack from the left. When Gual went to block the dark being went right with its tail blade and pierced Gual through his chest, right into his heart.
Gual stood for a few moments more until the being's blade was dislodged from his chest and blood flew out right afterwards in the form of a geyser. It backed away after pulling it's blade back. Gual looked down at his wound before looking back at the dark being. Gual dropped his last sword and soon fell after it. The dark being observed his kill before turning to Cynder, who only stood a few meters away, paralyzed with fear.
It grinned and approached her. Getting right in Cynder's face and using a claw to lift her head up to his, she now being much smaller than it. Cynder didn't move.
"'Don't worry. I have 'special' plans for you."' It chuckled darkly. Cynder could only shudder in fear.
Unknown to the dark being, Spyro was still conscious and could still look through its eyes and saw all that happened. When it said what it did to Cynder Spyro snapped. During the entire time he had been trying to regain control. But what he heard made Spyro double his efforts. Spyro knew what it had planned and wouldn't stand for it, not to the one he loved most of all. He would destroy this evil being before it laid another claw on Cynder. Spyro finally felt freed from his hidden restraints when he gave a sudden burst of strength. It didn't have the results he expected.
Before the dark being could continue in what he had planned it felt something within itself stir. Something move. Before it knew what was happening something split from it, throwing it in one direction, the thing in the other, both away from Cynder. Looking back at what came from it the dark being found a purple lump across the room, a moving lump.
Spyro had freed himself from the dark being but now he had other problems and shakily stood up on his feet. In truth though, Spyro never felt better. Like something with in him that was holding him back had been broken.
Cynder looked in surprise as Spyro stood up. But before she could do anything the dark being spoke, now on it's feet.
"'Well, well, well. This is a surprise. You some how managed to separate yourself from me. I'm honestly impressed. This gives me the chance to kill you myself instead of having you live within me. Oh, lookiy here."' Next to it was the dark gem that Gual used to drain it's powers. Without hesitation the dark being smashed it, it's withheld power rushing back to it's owner. The dark being grinning evilly as it raised it's right paw, a black ball being energized there above it to the size of Spyro's head.
"''Don't worry, I'll end this quickly."' Spyro looked to Cynder as she looked back to him with fear in her eyes. Spyro looked back at the being, the black ball growing in strength. He knew what he had to do. While inside the dark being Spyro had a first hand view of its attacks. That one was a dark magical sphere was extremely destructive but was weak to concentrated fire. Spyro felt that he could now use his elemental powers but knew his flame wouldn't stop it. If only he could do what he was trying to, then he could control his fire. Spyro looked to Cynder once more and saw her scared, for what looked like the first time. And he used that, he used her fear to fuel his strength to protect her from her fears.
Spyro looked down and closed his eyes. This time he would do it, he would do it not for himself but for Cynder, his reason to fight. He wouldn't do it for the world, not for the dragons of Warfang, not his brother or parents. He would do it for the one he loved.
With a calmness unlike any other Spyro raised his head to look at the dark being. The power of the ball was now strong enough to kick up a wind that drew in everything to it. Spyro didn't flinch, didn't breath fire and try to control it. He felt that all he had to do was summon it from with in, from his heart.
Spyro's power grew to a point that he was now slightly being lifted off and caught the attention of Cynder, who now watched in fascination. Spyro stopped rising and closed his eyes. Time seemed to slow as the winds stopped making sound and things stopped moving through the air. Then, Spyro opened his eyes and with their opening a fire sprang up from Spyro's scales. A dark purple fire that encased Spyro's form.
Both the dark being and Cynder reacted differently. Cynder gasped and jumped back onto her paws. The dark being let out a light gasp and flinched slightly, almost scared like.
Spyro didn't care though. He simply reared his head back and gathered his flame, which now flickered out the sides of his muzzle in a purple flame like the rest of his body, like as if something was guiding it from another world. Spyro didn't hesitate, and when the dark being realized that Spyro was ready to fire it released it's black ball of power. Spyro too released his power, but unlike a normal flame his was a hardened beam of fire that hit the black ball directly.
To the dark being's horror the firey beam pulverized the ball and continued straight on to it. Before it could move the beam him it directly into its chest and pushed it up against the wall. It stayed that way for a moment before Spyro released the beam and collapsed from being strength deprived, all of it gone. But the damage was done. The dark being shrivelled up and right before both Spyro and Cynder, it exploded, doing great damage to the room, while at the same time spreading dark particles throughout the room. Not waiting any longer Cynder quickly made her way to Spyro. When she got to him Spyro was just standing up however wearily.
"Spyro, what, how did you do that?" She asked as she gave Spyro support to hold him up.
"Oh, you know, just a little trick I've been testing, though I'm not entirely sure how I did all that." Spyro's attempted to laugh it off. Before Cynder could say anything about the matter, the dark particles that still floated in the air suddenly went flying into Spyro. At first Spyro thought it was the dark being but soon realized he didn't feel the evil being with in him. Looking at Cynder who still supported him made Spyro realized she thought the same.
"Don't worry. He's gone. I think that was some kind of power. I feel stronger all of a sudden." And he was right. Spyro could now move more by himself, though he still need Cynder to help him to walk around. What Spyro and Cynder didn't realize was the the explosion left a great crack along the floor. And when they moved for the door it intensified, spreading along the floor to the other side of the room. At first nothing happened but Spyro and Cynder were too scared to move.
Then came the screams. They were still within Malefor's Mountain therefore it was filled to the brim with enemies.
"The explosion must of caused that crack and it must have spread farther than what we can see!" Spyro exclaimed. Then the room started to gain more cracks along the floor and walls from where the first originated on their own. Soon, before either of them could react, pieces of the ceiling fell and blocked the door, the only exit. Cynder and Spyro looked on with horror. All around them the room was falling apart. Cynder looked around before looking down.
"This," she began, "this is it. It sounds like the Mountain is falling down." Tears started to well up in her eyes. Spyro couldn't stand it and moved, despite his bodies protests, to in front of Cynder. While she was still looking down Spyro reached out and hugged her and closed his eyes. Cynder returned the embrace.
This was it. They came so far, only to die in a mountain.
'Why,' Spyro thought, 'why would fate have him survive the attack of the Temple, learn of Cynder's true predicament, then fall in love with her and finally tell her, only to kill them both soon after. And the Chronicler, it was like he sent us here to die. 'And why did he teach me how to control my powers of time, if I never even used them in the fights.'
Spyro, your Time Stop ability can do more than just slowing down time. With training you can do more.
Spyro snapped his eyes open when he heard the Chronicler's voice. It was like he was right next to him. Releasing Cynder, who looked in confusion, Spyro looked around the room, only to find it now almost half full of fallen rocks surrounding them, but no Chronicler. Then Spyro remembered. That was what the Chronicler told him right before he left. Maybe his ability could save them. But that only worked where everything slowed, not actually stop.
'Maybe I could freeze an area of space in time and make it so nothing could enter it. But I would need to harden it around us to do that.' Spyro honestly thought that his thoughts were crazy, but he didn't have anything else to do. If he failed, they died.
"Cynder, I have an idea. Stay next to me, no matter what happens." Cynder looked to him.
"Always Spyro." She would never leave his side if they lived, and even then, she would stay with him in death.
As Cynder placed herself on Spyro's right, close but still looking at him, Spyro closed his eyes and focused on his magic and let it flow through him. As Spyro started to force his magic to stop the time around him and to harden, he felt it slipping. Spyro struggled to hold on, almost freaking out while doing so, but calmed as a thought came to mind.
'If I fail, then Cynder dies.' It reminded Spyro of what he thought of earlier, about how he would do anything for Cynder.
With new, undiscovered resolve Spyro instead let the magic flow on its own and simply guided it into what he wanted instead of forcing it. The effect's were instantaneous.
Spyro's power grew so much he started to float up, his front higher than his rear. His power grew so much that Cynder too started to float, but she knew not to flail around. It might disrupt Spyro.
Right before it ended Spyro reached out with his mind, like he read in the books he read in so long ago, and found Cynder's mind and bought his mind and her's together. There was a sudden golden flash as the falling rocks were stopped and pushed back by the force of Spyro's magic.
To the retreating forces of apes, the Mountain fell and all within had died, including their King. And they just ran, to struck with fear to do anything else.
But in truth, within the Mountain was a golden crystal. Within that were two dragons, suspended in the air with their wings and bodies spread out with their forelegs held before them, their back legs hanging below along with their tails, and their heads held high but near each other, a smile adorned their faces. They would be held there until their time to be released.
The Chronicler watched the entire battle from his Pool of Visions and was currently looking at the frozen forms of the young dragons encased by the golden time crystal.
"And so, you must now wait."
A/N: That was honestly better that I thought it would be, for me anyways. I did like I planned though and stuck to the original story line, just changed somethings. So yes, it will be three years before they are set free. I'm also planning on writing the next section, or game story, meaning the third legend of Spyro game, in a different book, not this one. I don't want it to be an endless continuous book. That would probably just, to me, make it cheesy and I would lose inspiration.
Also I probably won't be writing the story until I go over the Dawn Of The Dragons and get a plan set. So don't expect a new new story post for quite a while. And yes, I meant the new thing, meaning a new story book.
Oh, one more thing, this is the last chapter, but this isn't the end. The next part is. Bye, please review.
Ignitus had had a long day. He, along with the other Guardians and moved into Warfang with Cyril's friend, and had to give the whole 'the purple dragon is probably dead' speech. He also told of Cynder's possible death. That was actually meet with happyness from the people of Warfang sadly.
Now all he wanted to do was get some sleep. Apparently he wasn't, at least not entirely. Sure he fell asleep on his bed within the city, but he woke up in some cave full of books stacked on the shelves cut into the stone walls, the walls being curved to make the room circler with three door ways. As he was looking around Ignitus heard a chuckling behind him. Turning and preparing for an attack, only to go slackened when he saw a grey male dragon, matching claws, four black horns, a golden lower neck guard holding a blue cloak that covered most of his back part of his body held down by a belt in front of his back legs with quiver like bags holding scrolls on each side, and two golden tail rings. The grey dragon's wings were also torn but still had enough for flight.
"First, yes this is a dream, no it is not fake. This is simply one of my abilities. To be able to contact one in their dreams, though I haven't used it in a while." He spoke with a voice that let Ignitus know that whoever he was dealing with was old and experienced.
"Who are you?" Ignitus asked while trying to make himself as unhostile as he could.
"Ah, yes. I am the Chronicler. And you are my last, for now anyways, Seer, Ignitus." Ignitus was stunned. Something told him that this being was really who he said he was.
"Why am I here?" Was all Ignitus could reply. The Chronicler didn't seem to mind.
"I thought that I would tell the news of Spyro and Cynder."
"They're not dead are they?" The Chronicler shook his head. Ignitus let out a breath he had been holding.
"But they will not be returning until a time has pasted. When it has I will choose someone to retrieve them. Don't worry, they aren't going anywhere for a while." Ignitus wasn't sure what the Chronicler meant by that but he did put trust with him.
"Then what are we to do until then?" Ignitus realized he had a lot of questions. The Chronicler gave a sad sigh.
"Endure. That is what you must do. Endure until they return to defeat Malefor." Ignitus gave a sad sigh as well. He would do what is needed. Ignitus felt that his stay was soon to end. He just had one more question.
"Tell me, will my nephew live after defeating him?" The Chronicler tilted his head.
"First answer this. How can you alow Cynder to be with him, even not only watching her strike down both your brother and his mate, his biological father and mother, along with your mate?" Ignitus looked down at that. While he waited the Chronicler laid down and crossed his forelegs.
Look up, Ignitus answered.
"Because I care about his happyness, more than revenge. And I want him to be happy with who he chooses, and that is Cynder." The Chronicler smiled at Ignitus' answer.
"He will. He will survive, I can guarantee that. I know not of any other's than Cynder's, who too will survive, fate for this war. Goodbye, maybe we can speak again in more peaceful times." Ignitus nodded to him, happy with the answer he got.
"Goodbye. And I too hope for that." With that the Chronicler sent Ignitus back to his body in his bed.
The Chronicler let out a tired sigh.
"This has only just begun."