Silence swept into the classroom with such speed and valor that it would rival Iida's quirk. Conversations were cut off and eyes widened immensely as everyone turned to the front of the room. Uraraka tried and failed to hold her breath, letting it come out shaky and awkwardly in the silence in her surprise. Tsuyu's tongue abruptly slipped back into her mouth, and she stiffened as she watched on. Todoroki looked about ready to freeze Yaoyorozu in the sheer amount of shock he was in. Bakugou's eyes snapped open and he tipped forward in his chair, a grin slipping onto his face as the front legs of his chair slammed into the floor. His eyes glistened, the opportunity for endless blackmail had presented itself. All Might was still, his blinding smile never faltering, no sign of him even recognizing the comment was present on his face.

As for Midoriya, he had gone pale. As though his soul had left his body, his back was stiff and his hand remained like stones at his sides, immobile. His eyes were bulging and his mouth was pressed into a thin line as cold sweat broke out across his skin. A trance seemed to pass over the entire classroom, until Mineta managed to choke out the necessary words.

"Did Midoriya just-"

Almost instantly, the spell over the classroom was broken, and everyone was moving again, although erratically. Uraraka and Iida began to move, their arms bending slightly as they tried to decide whether to walk forward or back away. Todoroki dropped his stance, his shoulders slouching as he sighed deeply in a form of relief, but that didn't shake the unease. It took a few more seconds for Midoriya to come back to reality, and when he did, it was hell.

"AHHHHHHHHH! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT! I'M SORRY!" Like a switch was flipped, the boy began to give himself whiplash as he bowed repeatedly, his torso nearly perpendicular with his legs each time. Violently he screamed out apologies, his mind running rampant with words that told him worst case scenarios. All Might stopped him short and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, causing the boy to become stock-still.

"My boy, it is quite alright!" He guffawed, puffing his chest out, "Nothing to worry about! We all do that at least once in our lives. Why, I even remember when I was training, I did the same thing to my mentor-"

The words fell on deaf ears as the boy slowly rolled up, his shoulders shaking as he blushed furiously at the floor, his lips quivering in between a nervous smile and a frown. Uncertainty resided in every inch of him as his face became a red that would rival All Might's Silver Age costume. All Might tried once more to bring the boy back to earth, placing both hands on either shoulders and bending down so he was eye level with him.

"It is quite alright, my boy. Fret not. Now, tell me, what ails you?" He then stepped back to give the boy some space, watching as he rubbed his back awkwardly as he gathered his thoughts. His lips moved silently for a few seconds before he managed to find his voice.

"Umm...It's about yesterday's training. Aizawa-sensei said that- No, I was wondering if I could try-"

A dark and sickening laugh muted everyone once more, and Midoriya feared to turn around. The raspy snickering came from none other than the hot headed blonde that had adorned a snarling smirk moments before. He began to speak, his face knitted with bravado and conveying absolutely joy at the boy's freudian slip.

"HA! Deku just called All Might fucking dad! Did you hear that pathetic fucktard?" The blonde started to thrash back and forth in his seat, releasing chortles of mockery as he slapped his knee. Uraraka tightened her fists and began to march forward, finally deciding where to go. She stormed over to Bakugou's desk, however due to her light weightedness and the addedness of her quirk, she lacked any menace besides from the hell her face was ready to inflict.

"We already heard, Bakugou." She hissed his name out, placing her hands on her hips as she stood tall beside him. She scowled at him, and if she had enough strength and zero restraint, Iida was certain she would have punted him to the next universe, "You're a little late to the realization."

"Huh? Shut your fucking trap, bitch." He snarled up at her, leaning back in his seat with his arms behind his head. He paused in his ritual of persecution and glared machetes at her. "The wimp's a fucking baby, he clings to All Might all the time, following him around like a fucking puppy. Now, he's calling the greatest hero his dad and shit, you think a real hero can go around doing jackshit like that?"

"All Might sees all of us as his children. We're his pupils, but he does act very fatherly. It's only natural that one of us would mess up eventually!" She reasoned, moving her arms about in an attempt at persuasion.

"But don't you find it a little suspicious?" Someone whispered in the back of the class. Everyone whipped around to Kaminari, his hand framing his chin as he pondered. Upon having all the eyes on him, he flinched in surprise and waved his hands in front of him to dispel the looks. "It's just-! All Might always calls his name followed by "my boy". The last name may be a way to shake away any accusations, but that line of affection makes it seem highly probable that-"

"He refers to everyone by that title." Uraraka protested, but it fell on deaf ears. Sero began to speak, and all heads turned sharply to him.

"Yeah, but it's mainly to Midoriya though. It does seem plausible that-"

"Midoriya, my-!" All Might caught himself in his words and everyone spun around for a third time, watching as the door to classroom slammed closed. Through the windows showing the hall, everyone bore witness to the sight of Midoriya sprinting down the hall with his head bowed.

"Deku!" Uraraka ran and jerked the door open, stepping out into the hall as she saw his fleeting form turn a corner at the end of the hall. She unconsciously reached a hand out into the air, hoping that maybe she could somehow draw him back. Concern wrinkled her face as she moved to step forward, ready to follow after him, but a voice interrupted her movement.

"I'll get him." Chills shot up her spine as she whipped around to meet the shadowed eyes of her homeroom teacher. Aizawa stood slouched, his attendance book's spine casually resting between his collarbone and shoulder as he squinted down the hall. Once his eyes darted away from her, the girl walked out of the threshold of the classroom and stood in front of her teacher. She balled her hands into little fists near her chest and bounced up on her toes, trying to reach his height as she explained the situation.

"Aizawa-sensei! It was Bakugou! He started-" A gentle hand pushed her aside, moving her against the open door. She watched with a quizzical doleful expression as the man waltzed down the hall lethargically, merely raising one hand up to dismiss her.

"Uraraka, come back inside." All Might stated as he motioned for her to walk past him into the room. His voice lacked its usual energy and character, his smile was twitching at the corners, it's glimmer was lost despite the blinding whiteness. The inside of the classroom was mainly silent, listening intently with few whispers to confirm things. Although she didn't want to, the girl resigned herself to her fate and let her shoulders droop before she slinked back into the classroom, to upset to even think about slugging Bakugou for his prior taunts. All Might waited for her to get past the teacher's podium before he closed the door as well, but not without one final glance down the hall.

It was hard to miss the tiny droplets of water on the floor glistening beneath the fluorescent lights.

When Aizawa found him, it was just as he expected. Perched on the roof of the school, Midoriya had managed to find a corner between one of the air conditioning units and the fence that lined the perimeter. His knees were pulled as close to his chest as possible, and his face was burrowed deeply into the space between his knees and his chest, only the green puff of his raggly, curly hair sticking out like a bush. His shoulders jerked every few seconds with a new set of shivers and the raspy sound of a child's heart trying to force more tears and sobs from dry eyes and a hoarse throat was muffled by his uniform pants and blazer, which were most likely serving as a tissue for his running nose.

This is why I hate brats, Aizawa rolled his eyes internally as he walked towards the boy, debating whether or not to outright use his scarf to just drag the kid to his feet. He felt bad for the kid, Uraraka had mentioned that Bakugou had done something to chase the kid out of the class. After a few minutes, it became apparent the kid had no intention of moving for the next century, so Aizawa nudged him with his foot lightly.

"Hey, you're skipping All Might's class right now. If you're doing that, something hellish must have happened." The kid jumped when the toe of the man's boot made contact with his shin, sending him scrambling as he tried to settle on a defensive position. In less than two seconds, the boy went from a fetal position, jumped so his legs stretched out in front of him and his arms blocked his face, and finally he managed to get upright on his feet, but his surprise nearly carried him off the side of the building. Aizawa quickly reached out and pulled the boy back down to Earth with him. Once settled on the ground, the boy nervously crossed one arm across his chest to hold the other limp one. He cast his eyes sideways across the seam on his shoulder, his entire face crumbling with each second. He was bright red, flaring up even more by the second by the man's unrelenting gaze.

"So, what did you do?" The boy flinched at those words and Aizawa watched as sweat beaded down the side of his face as his face fell at what appeared to be a painful memory.

"Did you reject Uraraka or something? Is that what got you chased out of class? In that case, I could see why even All Might would-"

"I didn't get chased out of class!" The boy exclaimed and Aizawa only grinned wider.

"Ah, but you did reject her. No, wait, maybe she rejected you?"

"Neither one of us asked each other out yet!"

"So, you were planning on asking her out?"

"That's not-That's not what I'm saying!"

The two fell into a comfortable silence as Midoriya huffed in annoyance and stress at trying to clear his name. The man let his smile fall back into a straight line, but not without reason. If he pressed too hard, the kid would probably start mumbling again for an eternity or something. Time waited a bit before it continued.

"I accidently called All Might...Dad." The boy finally stammered out, letting his head hang loosely on his neck as he confessed with such a tone that one would think it to be a death deserving sin.

"I see." Aizawa said, his mouth turning into an "o" as he blew air out softly, "Is that all?"


Aizawa was smart enough to not say anymore. Letting the truth settle in to both him and Midoriya's mind, he hoped the boy would come to see the silliness of this whole situation. It was an honest mistake, everyone calls their teacher or mentor by the wrong name at least once in their life. If anything, Aizawa could feel himself growing more and more ticked off as he thought of how All Might must have been positively beaming at being on par with Midoriya's father. He could already see that exaggerated buffoon prancing around with joy in his persona at what he percieved as a compliment.

Of course, Midoriya didn't see it that way.

Dammit, Aizawa pressed a hand to his temple and let it fold against him in pain and annoyance. He wasn't good with words, and if he tried to give some sort of advice, it wouldn't even be comparable to what All Might could say to cheer the boy up. The man remained resigned in his thoughts until he saw Midoriya slump against the ground again, curling up once more as the wind bristled past the two of them. The lack of sound was no doubt weighing heavy on his mind as a form of judgement.

He's probably thinking that he's being overdramatic.

With little thought, Aizawa unraveled his scarf and used it to tie the boy up into a neat bundle quickly. A strangled surprised scream escaped him as he struggled against his restraints.

"Aizawa-sensei! What are you doing?!"

"You're skipping out on All Might's class all because of something you said. "

"It was Bakugou that-"

"No, it was you. Bakugou had nothing to do with it. How can you even aim for top hero if you can't take a little criticism?"

At that, the boy clammed up again. Aizawa quickly activated his quirk and finished tying the boy up with his scarf and began to drag him along the ground, opening the door to the roof with a quick huff.

"I'm taking your quirk away so you can't break that scarf. Not that I'd think you'd do something like that in the first place, but then again, I hope you're prepared for the stairs."

Midoriya's eyes widened as he felt a sinister feeling race up his back.

All Might scribbled across the chalkboard, his hand massive in comparison with the broken piece of pink chalk.

"And so-"

"CAN YOU STOP THAT?!" Bakugou hurdled over his desk to spit fire at the seemingly innocent girl, who was hunched over her desk in the front of the room. For the past ten minutes, she had been making various items of her pencil case float, and with the help of her peers, she managed to get it over Bakugou's head before she released them, sending them falling on his head. Her most recent achievement was a very heavy textbook.

"Doing what?" She asked, twirling a pencil in her hand. She felt herself cringe as she heard the sizzling and boom of Bakugou blowing up her expensive book. The money it would cost to replace that, she could only considering it a sacrifice on her great vengeful mission.

"You bitch! You know what you've been doing with that damn quirk of yours!"

"Now, now!" All Might turned his head, trying to ease his students, "Bakugou, please take your seat. Young Uraraka, you know the rule about using a quirk during-"

Loud screams of protest filled the school as footsteps echoed down the hall. Everyone grew stiff as they stared through the window to the hall, watching as Aizawa slithered through the halls, a vein bulging on his forehead as his eyes struggled not to blink. The door screeched open and the homeroom teacher quickly made his way through the maze of seats, dragging a bundle behind him, ignoring the yelps that it announced when it banged unceremoniously against a desk or chair leg. Eventually, Aizawa smacked it against the empty seat and pulled his scarf loose, draping it messily around his neck before he turned and walked back to the front of the room, dropping his gradebook on the podium. All Might stared at the scene over his shoulder as Aizawa carried on like normal, digging eye drops out of his pocket to add to his dried out eyes.

Midoriya struggled to get into his chair as quickly as possible, trying not to make a bigger fool out of himself than he already had.

"You should go. Your class is long over. It's almost time for the bell to ring."

"Ah yes. I just didn't want to leave them unsupervised."

"Of course. Now go."

The man let the bottle of eyedrops fall back into his pocket as he bent over the notebook and stared intently at it. All Might set the chalk down on the sill before he walked towards the door. Despite his need to detransform straining on his body, the man cast one final glance into the class at the boy, watching as he tried to hold in the red blush spilling out across his face as he fiddled with his hands in his lap.

The door closed and All Might closed his eyes and breathed out deeply, walking down the hall.

He called me "dad",the man finally let a small smile grace his features as the school bell signaled the end of the day.