Final Thoughts – Legolepsy:

I was unsure if I should address you in the typical bold of an author's note or in normal font. This is not a normal author's note. I'll say that right off the bat. I have a few things I want to address, but I would like to talk about the story first.

Many of you have noticed (and or complained about) the sudden shift in focus in my story. I will admit to this, mostly because it is true. Originally, this was a story about Owen and Wu, then it turned into a story about King and Freeman. Even if Owen's story was still present, it definitely felt as if it was taking a back seat to Freeman and King.

So let me explain what happened. When I accepted this story, I was actually writing a different Jurassic World story at the time. You may be wondering what happened to it, and I'll tell you: it's gone. Well, not gone, it's still in my head, but I lost a lot of progress.

Let me explain. I had read It's Not the Raptor DNA near the beginning of this year. And as I waited for the next chapter, I wrote. Before I even had a fanfiction account, I wrote a magnificent story, that I hoped did justice to what SkullsandDuggary was doing.

It wasn't, of course. I remember saying to the one who commissioned me to write this that I had something else in the works, so it would likely take a back seat. But it didn't, as I wrote more and more for this story, I fell in love with it.

At the time, I had written nearly 100,000 words for my other story. I was going back through and editing, thinking that it was ready to post. I figured that I could edit and post that story while writing and editing Tedium. I was wrong, of course.

The other story (whose name I had debated on for some time) was no longer sounding right in my mind. It wasn't heading in the direction I wanted. So I said, "I'm going to put this story down and focus all my efforts on Tedium, I'll come back to this." A mistake, of course.

It prompted me to put a character you all know as Dr. Freeman into Tedium. He was originally nothing more than a nod to a future story. He was supposed to play a minor part and only hint at his psychic powers (which was why it took so long for me to confirm that was indeed what he could do). You'd find out in the other story I posted.

At the end of the first arc I had gone back to my old story and realized that some of this made more sense in Tedium than in this story. So I cut those parts and moved them to Tedium. That gave Dr. Freeman a bigger role.

Then, as some of you may remember, I lost my old laptop. And with it, all of the data for my old story. It's gone, but not forgotten. When extending Tedium, I started to take more and more from my other story, so much so that I stole the entire ending. King kills Freeman and then dies to Marie's fire.

I didn't realize what I was doing until it was too late. So that's why there's a sudden, dramatic shift in my story. Because a fading dream began to infect a more vibrant one. So perhaps what I'm going to ask is foolish.

I was originally going to as you all a series of questions (but I scrapped many of them because I didn't want to sound like an English teacher), but I only have three for you all. And, if you would please oblige me, I would like you to answer them. Reviews, PM's, whatever works as long as I hear from as many of you who care.

1: Perhaps it is... presumptuous of me to ask this, but I truly care. I enjoyed writing this story and I wish to know if you all truly enjoyed reading this story. Was it captivating? Did you feel engaged to a certain degree? Or was it all too much for a simple fanfiction? Criticism is welcome, of course.

2: Was there anything that stood out in particular? A favorite scene or phrase? Or perhaps a scene that you didn't like, or hated me for. Either one, or both, I don't care.

3: This... is the oddest question out of the bunch, and the most foolish, without a doubt. As I have explained to you, there was another story behind this one. And it was going to be a good story, my masterpiece, but something happened while I was editing it and writing Tedium that I became disillusioned. I am offering up two choices, should I recreate this other story? Or should I write a sequel to this one? Or do neither and move on to other works of art?

Before you all decide, there are a few pros and cons to each. The first thing that I must emphasize, I have two stories I put on hiatus to rush this story. I will be finishing them first, then moving on to whatever you all want.

As for the other story, it focuses more on Dr. Freeman and Saber and their interactions instead of veiling it within a story about Owen. I have been bitten by the creative bug (bastardous little thing) and have been rewriting it completely within my head. I must warn you, however, Dr. Freeman and Saber are written quite a bit differently than in this story.

I know that Dr. Freeman had a violent streak, but you tend to see it as either an accident or to protect what he cared about, but not in this other story. He is violent for the sake of violence. He actually starts out as an antagonist and is more than willing to resort to his full power to just... break people. One of his many feats is actually subjugating the entirety of Isla Sorna and putting all the animals back into cages, including Dracul.

Saber is actually going to be renamed, first off. I know it'll be difficult thinking of her under yet another name, but I was thinking something a little more demonic. Really showcasing that there's something wrong with her, and this other story goes into depth.

On the other hand, a sequel has questions to answer. I left a few things open ended because I had always intended for there to be a sequel... well since the start of the second arc. We'll focus more on Owen, Blue, and Sam and their dynamic, but now we have some Indominus hatchlings to explore.

And, of course, there's still Ila and the man in the black suit, what happened to them? And Mary, Marie's sister that woke up in the last chapter. What does she do? The sequel will be noticeably shorter, but still a story in its own right.

Feel free to pick both or neither. Depending on what you all think, after I finish with my stories on hiatus, I am more than willing to do both. I just need to know the order in which to write them. And that's where you all come in.

I would like to thank everyone again. I never really expected this kind of response. Although nowhere near It's Not the Raptor DNA, I am still... proud of myself and this little story. Sure, there are some mistakes (I would ask you about my mistakes, but I already know where they all are... and trust me, they haunt me) but no fanfiction is without fault.

So please (I know that it sounds like I'm pandering for reviews) give me some sort of response. Even guest reviews are taken into consideration. Everyone's voice is heard (complaint or otherwise). Until next time, Vellichor29 signing off...