A/N: Back in College I had a friend who used to say that the best remedy to a break-up is a rebound relationship, while I never agreed with that, I guess this new fanfic is my rebound after my break up with Grimm last Friday (Well, we're just taking some time off until next season)


Chapter 01 : From bad to bed

« He lied about everything, the proofs were forged and he paid off the judges…You know darn well judge Bonapart's lust for money, it's not a big secret around here…Please, I can't go one more day without seeing her" I plead over the phone, my heart pounding hard against my chest, while I feel blood rushing to my ears. I feel like I was run over by a truck. Guess that's what happens when one compiles sleepless nights.

Kelly Burkhardt sighs heavily over the phone "Adalind, the Bureau is doing everything they can, but in the absence of concrete evidence, there's not much we can do. You know we've been trying to bring down Black Claw for years and you've brought us information that helped us track down some of its key members, unfortunately, your ex husband's record is as white as sheer paper"

I whistle a ragged breath, hardly stopping the tears that pour over my face "Alright" I manage to say in a broken voice "Let me know how it progresses"

"I'll do everything within my power to bring her back to you, Adalind" The FBI Agent promises me, but I try not to be too hopeful. The Bureau's main objective is dismantling BC, an international criminal organization, sort of a Mafia without Borders organization to which my ex husband belongs. He's in the top management of BC and although Federal authorities know he's involved in criminal activities, they've never been able to prove anything.

BC have connections in all the strategic places, all over the world. This is why Sean obtained full custody of our daughter Diana, without so much as sweating for it. He had his men bring some fake evidence that I have a mental health condition and that I'm on anti-depressants, which the judge didn't question, given how well his verdict was paid.

My heart contracts at the mere thought of my baby girl. I haven't seen her in more than two years. She's almost six now and not a day goes by without me crying over her. I burry my head in my hands before I burst into tears again. The agony caused by her absence is unbearable, I feel like I'm going insane with each passing day.

I don't know how long I've stayed like this, my head buried between my arms and resting on my desk, when a soft knock on the door has me perk my head in alert. A head pops in which I recognize as Harrison's once my vision adjusts to the darkness of my office. Harrison is my boss and a very nice man in his late sixties.

He saunters in, a compassionate expression on his face "Cynthia told me that your appeal against the court's decision has been rejected" he takes the seat across my desk "How are holding up, Kiddo?"

My eyes close briefly so that I summon the tears welling in them to stop "Like a mom who hasn't seen her daughter for a couple years" I sigh when I finally open my eyes again.

Harrison is looking apologetically at me "It's late, Adalind. You should go home and have some rest" he seems to reconsider what he has just said "Maybe take few days off, you haven't had a break in years"

I nod, only because I don't see the point in prolonging this conversation. He gives me a gentle hug after I collect my clutch and start toward the door "Have a goodnight, kiddo"

"You too, Harrison" I manage a smile

On the drive back home, I realize it's the last place I want to go to. I consider calling my mother, but I'm really not in the mood of an "I told you so" speech. I scroll through my contact list, looking for somebody I could confide in, but to my utter disbelief, I only have colleagues or work related acquaintances.

Adalind Schade has no friends

My whole life, I was this career oriented person, wanting to prove to her mother that she's the perfect child, probably seeking her attention and her love, by being this exemplar girl, which didn't leave me much time to make friends in the process.

A friend would come in handy when you're down, but I'm used to loneliness I guess. I make a U turn and head to Tony's, a pub that's not far from the office and a place of gathering for lawyers, DA office staff and detectives. It's the place where everybody shares stories about their respective jobs off the record then go back to being who they are the next morning. I went there few times with colleagues after work to celebrate victories etc, but I'm not a heavy drinker, especially on working days, however, tonight a drink sounds like the perfect cure to my aching heart.

As I hurry inside, I'm relieved to see it's practically empty, except for few customers sitting here and there. The bartender is in front of me as soon as I sit on the bar stool "What can I get you, gorgeous?" he leans his forearms on the counter and smiles flirtatiously at me, any other day, I would have appreciated the attention but right now, I'm really not in the mood.

"The strongest liquor you have" he raises a perfectly defined eyebrow, clearly surprised "And make it a double" I add

He shakes his head in amusement "Rough day?"

"The roughest" I deadpan

"Doubt it, the guy over there seems to have it way worse" I follow his gaze only to land on a way too familiar face. Nick Burkhardt, one of the best detectives in Portland Police. As much as I'm impressed with the amazing job he does, we're like the cat and the mouse. I don't know how all this animosity started between us, but…Alright, I know how it all started, but I really don't feel like rummaging in my bad memories box right now.

Anyways, I'd rather throw up and eat my own vomit than go talk to him…Yeah, that's gross, so why exactly are my legs moving in his direction? Well, don't ask me, sometimes my legs do have a mind of their own.

"Detective Burkhardt" I greet as I take the stool beside him

Beautiful green eyes turn my way, annoyance replaces quickly his initial surprise "Miss Schade" he glances at my glass "Scotch! I've always pictured you as the cosmopolitan type"

I tilt my head to the side as I say in an amused tone "You've been picturing me drinking?"

He glares at me, but I can't help the laughter bubbling in my mouth "So, what brings you here on a Monday night?" I ask just to make small talk, because I'm not the least interested. I just want to get wasted and hopefully the next time I open my eyes, we're already tomorrow…or next year, whatever helps forget about the pain.

I heard alcohol is a hell of a time machine

"Shitty day" he doesn't meet my eyes, clear indication that he doesn't want me to cross-examine him "You?" his eyes are glued to the drinks cabinet in front of us

"Same" I sigh

Our eyes meet again and I'm wondering which green are his, is it juniper green, pine green, basil green, maybe crocodile green…Nahh, it's somewhere between pear, pine and pickle…you know what, they're just Burkhardt green.

What the…? Must be booze already affecting me

"Your girlfriend cheated on you too?" his question stops my mental babble.

"Wow" hey, don't judge, I couldn't come up with anything better than that. I'm still dealing with my initial shock. I've met Juliette back when I was dating Nick's partner, Hank which is why we've become enemies actually…I kind of dated him so I could squeeze some information out of him for a case I was defending and they were working on…I was a jerk I admit it, but it was like forever ago.

"Yeah, wow" he says bitterly while he sips from his now empty glass, he stares at it like it's the person Juliette cheated on him with "Hey Nyall" he waves at the bartender "Another shot" he glances my way then back at Nyall "Make them two"

"Do you know the guy…or girl?" for all I know, she might as well switch teams

Nick fights a smile, but his expression darkens again immediately "Her boss"

"What! The short guy with a nine months pregnancy belly?" I snort before I can control myself. I think the guy's name is Trevor or Taylor or whatever starts with T. I met him few times when I took my mom's cat to the veterinary clinic Juliette works at and I swear each time I saw him, I expected a baby to pop out "Geez, doesn't his belly comes in the way when they…"

Nick stops me midsentence "I don't want to go there"

"I think I have just thrown up in my mouth"

Nick chuckles beside me "So, what brings you here on a Monday night?" he quotes my own question

"The appeal was rejected" I shrug, unable to meet Nick's eyes, although I can sense the intensity of his gaze on me "And your Mom says the bureau can't prove Sean's involvement with BC"

Nick knows all too well what's happening to me, it was Portland Police that was on the Portland BC cell case, before the bureau took over.

He nods "Yeah, she mentioned it when I last talked to her…Shit happens, sorry about that"

Feeling my throat tightening, I decide to deflect the conversation. I really need a distraction, anything that would take my mind away from my problems.

"Hey, do you want to do something fun?" I ask cheerfully

Nick raises an eyebrow suspiciously "No"

"Great, let's go throw toilet paper around Juliette's house"

"You do realize it's my house too? Oh, and by the way, we're not teenagers anymore"

Threes more shots and fifteen minutes later, we're skillfully arranging toilet paper and Chantilly on his front yard while laughing like two teenagers. We stare proudly at the result of our artistic work as we hear a police car approaching. Shoot, someone must have seen us and called the cops.

Ok, we can handle this, we're two adults who should assume whatever they do

Nick grabs my hand and leads me to an empty alley "Come on, hurry"

"I'm doing what I can, try and run with a three inch heels" I scold, when I hear the police car approaching, I remove my shoes and start running barefoot. Nick is still holding my hand, while we run. The cold night wind feels like a caress against my skin. For a second, I close my eyes and inhale the deep sent of the night.

"I think we're safe, now" Nick informs me when we reach a park. He lays on the grass and I lay beside him "That was…puerile" he admits, eyes fixed on the stars

"We can still blame alcohol for that"

His beautiful eyes scrutinize my face "I'm not drunk"

I'm not either, but it was more fun than I had in years

"I'll keep it a secret" I wink "So, are you spending the night in this park?"

He shakes his head "I think I'll sleep in my car, I don't want to go home and find Juliette waiting for me"

With that, I jump to my feet and extend my hand to him, Nick looks at me quizzically "Get up" he takes my hand reluctantly and I help him up, not that he needed it in the first place. I have no idea why I did it

"Let's go" I order


I hold my coat tightly, September nights are getting really chilly "My place" I glare at him "I'm not propositioning you, I'm just offering you a shelter for the night"

"Let's call a truce for tonight and go back to being enemies in the morning" I add

My last statement puts an end to Nick's mental debate, as he nods reluctantly. He drives me back to Tony's to get my car back, then follows me to my place.

"Beer?" I ask as soon as we're inside



My head weighs a hundred pounds…No, wait, my whole body weighs about three hundred pounds. Other than my pounding head, I feel like my bed is on my body, rather than my body on my bed. How is that possible? It's like a two hundred body is sprawled over me…images of last night parade in my head…Shit, shit, shit

Tell me it's a nightmare

This is not happening

I open my eyes slightly and reluctantly and see an arm and a leg on my body…Yeah, human body parts are hanging on me, as I turn my head to the left my suspicion becomes real.

I slept with Nick Burkhardt