Author's Note: This is the darker ending to "The Eternal Sabre" that I promised to write. I hope you enjoy reading it. I certainly did not enjoy writing it (okay, maybe I enjoyed it a little). Let me know what you think and which ending you prefer.

I am disappointed by the total lack of reviews for this story (so far). If you like it enough to favourite it or follow it (like six people in total did) please tell me why you liked it. Hopefully I will get more reviews for this (more shocking) chapter.

The Eternal Sabre - Alternate Ending

Anakin floated upwards a little and there he stayed suspended, his form glowing, utterly unaware of anything but a deep sense of relief.

"You will not fail me again, my friend," said Obi-wan, "You have done what was necessary to weaken the dark side and indeed you will never return to it. That much is true, from a certain point of view."

Obi-wan stuck out his hand and concentrated on the light sabre Anakin had tossed into the chamber where Ben Solo sat meditating. The sabre flew off its pedestal and out of the physical world, but not before knocking against the mask it had landed next to. Obi-wan steadied his stance and caught it.


Ben Solo opened his eyes. A dull clink had disrupted his focus. He watched as a sabre handle spun several times through the air before disappearing into nothing. He looked to the mask of his deceased grandfather for guidance. "What was that?"

Kylo Ren, the voice of Supreme Leader Snoke entered the mind of his follower, the sabre came from a world beyond, occupied by the souls of the fallen Jedi and your grandfather, Anakin Skywalker.

"Anakin Skywalker is not my grandfather," said Ben Solo, "He does not exist. He is not only dead, but gone. My grandfather, my true grandfather, replaced him."

He is not gone, not yet. Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader, the once powerful and loyal Sith Lord. He was chosen to preserve the rule of the dark side over the galaxy, but he gave into sentiment in his final moments in the physical world and was stolen from us by the light. I have been helping him realise that and relive his former glory, but now his very existence is in peril. I can show you where he is, there is still enough of the dark side in him for us to use.

"Tell me what I must do, Supreme Leader."

Recall what I have told you of your grandfather, as he was before his death, before the light weakened him. Do you remember what made him strong?

Ben Solo rose to his feet, closed his eyes and concentrated. "His lust for power, his hatred for the Jedi and his total lack of mercy, yes I remember it all. He would have been a fine teacher in the use of the dark side. If only I had known him, before his death, I mean."

Be careful, Kylo Ren, do not allow your admiration of him to turn into anything … personal. You are, however, correct, he had a great deal of unrealised potential. His desire to know the Force in its entirety, his need to control the galaxy and his contempt for inefficiency would have made him an excellent leader for our side. The First Order needs someone like him.

"Someone like him? What do you mean? You claimed you could bring him back. He is still with us. I sense him." Ben Solo slipped the mask of Kylo Ren over his head.

Not for long. Open your eyes.

In place of his dark chamber, Ben Solo saw a shimmering, silver mist and an elderly man in a brown robe hovering slightly beneath him. The man clutched the sabre handle in one hand. He stroked his white and grey beard with the other, his eyes downcast.

"A Jedi," said Ben Solo, his mask producing a synthesised voice, "my grandfather is with them, after all."

The thoughts of Snoke travelled with his student to the mysterious realm controlled by the light side of the Force. He is not just any Jedi. He is Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi. Your grandfather was once his faithful friend and his Padawan learner.

Behind the dark mask, Ben Solo grimaced at the thought of it. He lifted his right hand, his fingers spread wide, his gaze cold, but nothing happened.

You are not truly here, Kylo Ren, you will not be able to use the dark side of the Force in this world. We are only witnessing it through your grandfather. He is our pathway into this desolate prison, our key to destroying it, but his power is ebbing away. We must use it while we can. I only wish he had agreed to let us in. If he were conscious now he would wish for the same thing, but it is too late.

"No," said Ben Solo, "Wake up, grandfather."

He cannot hear you. Your voice is only present in the physical world.

Obi-wan turned on the sabre. Its light shone with dangerous intensity.

His brows furrowed, Ben Solo attempted to contact with his grandfather once more. Wake up, Lord Vader, destroy Anakin Skywalker before you are wiped out. Do not leave me, I need you.

Kylo Ren, you imbecile! The words of the Supreme Leader were like thunder in the mind of his apprentice. What did I tell you about trying to use the Force here? There is nothing you can do to make him more powerful. Your concern for him is making the light side stronger, enabling it to entrap him further. You will not be able to save him. You must witness his end.

"I am deeply sorry, Anakin," said Obi-wan, "but you yourself told me that I should do what is best for everyone and that you hoped you will not resist me. Well, now you will not. This will not hurt at all. You will never even know it happened. I will tell you wife and your children that you loved them. Your son will be devastated. He would kill me if I were not already dead. He loved you too, you know, more than you deserved. You did slaughter young children after all."

Ben Solo tried to muffle his sobs, which sounded like static through the mask. "If they had even a trace of your treachery and cowardice in them they deserved it."

Good, allow your hate to conquer your misery. Use it to grow stronger.

"Your struggles end now," said Obi-wan, "Goodbye, my dear friend. I love you. I always will."

Ben Solo removed his mask to reveal gnashing teeth and a face twisted by fury. "Liar!"

With great care, Obi-wan adjusted the sabre so that the tip of its blade was right in front of where the heart of his closest friend would have been were he alive. The Jedi Master released a sharp breath to calm himself. Then, in one swift movement, he stabbed his fellow Jedi through the chest.

Ben Solo winced as if struck by the blow himself, but Anakin did not. His figure remained motionless, the sabre embedded in his fading form. The image of the afterlife which had appeared to his grandson began to swirl until it became a grey blur.

We have lost access to that world, for now.

"I will find another way, Supreme Leader." Ben Solo gasped and fell to his knees. In place of the bright world he had witnessed there was only the darkness, through which he could faintly see the disfigured mask on the pedestal. His hand quivering, he touched it. A part of it crumbled. There was nothing holding it to together, no dark power emanated from it. His grandfather was truly gone.

Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader, the Jedi made no distinction, he is nothing but a memory now. What they did to him, they will do to others who show the same weakness. The mercy, forgiveness and peace the Jedi preach is a lie, a cunning trap for those with feeble hearts. They lull those they target to sleep with false promises. Then they move in for the kill. They will spare no one. Fly too close to the light and you will be blinded, then destroyed.

"I understand. I will not surrender. I will silence the seduction of the light in me. I will defeat the Jedi, starting with the Jedi who took my grandfather from us at the end of his life, Luke Skywalker. He will meet the same fate as his father, only his death and elimination will be far more painful, as will that of Obi-wan Kenobi. There must be a way to get to him, to erase him, before more of us are lost forever. Teach me all you know, Supreme Leader, I will not give in."

Ben Solo clasped his hands together as if preying. The voice of Snoke cackled in his mind. You now understand the danger the light poses to you. Break all ties with it. Do what Darth Vader could not. Kill your father and I will complete you training. Then we will deal with your mother and your uncle.

"With the Jedi all dead, they will not be able to attract any other targets to their realm."

Yes, but that will not be enough for you, will it, Kylo Ren? I sense you want more.

Ben Solo lowered his nose to the floor. "I want all the dark side has to offer me. I want to be freed from the pull of the light side. I want the whole galaxy to be freed. I will not rest until the Jedi are no more, until they are nothing but reviled and withering memories, like my grandfather."

Such passion, such hate, Obi-wan should have known that destroying his friend, as he called him, would not diminish the darkness present in all who use the Force, only intensify it. The Force is not as strong in you as it was in your grandfather. However, if you apply yourself and do away with every last vestige of light in you, you will be even more powerful than he was, when he existed.

His words made his pupil growl like an enraged animal. He felt the power of the dark side flow into him. It gave him the strength to stand and put on his mask once more. "His loss will not be in vain, Supreme Leader. I will not fail."

With those words, Ben Solo strode out of the chamber, more eager to complete his mission than ever. Meanwhile the mask on the pedestal, all that was left of the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, rusted away to nothing.

The End

No, this is not the ending, the other ending is the real ending, I swear,

Sorry, I had to pin my toy to my peluche (stuffed toy) to my bed and wave a lit match near it to stop it from choking me for writing that ending. Now I know how Ben Solo must have felt at the end of the Force Awakens. Why did I do that? Why did I make Obi-wan do that, I destroyed his character too.

Seriously, I do not think Obi-wan could ever do that to Anakin after he had been redeemed, so I do consider the other chapter to be the true ending to the story. Still feel free to leave reviews for this chapter and thanks for reading. I am going to lie on my bed, cry and beg my toy for forgiveness now.