Harrison Black and the Mystic Falls.

Chapter 4: Conversation with a Master Manipulator.

Bold- Spells.

Italic- Thoughts.

Underlined- Compulsion.

New Black Manor

2:36 am.

"KREACHER!" Harry's angry yell startled Katherine enough that she stopped her sensual attack on her blood pop.

The pop of Kreacher's arrival was like a crack of thunder upon the silence in the room.

"Master called?" said Kreacher nervously as he felt the anger rolling of his Master in waves. Harry's angry eyes never left Katherine but his clipped tone was directed solely at the Black House Elf.

"I distinctly remember giving you strict orders for her to be put in the library and stunned if my spell wore off…" growled Harry, the veins under his eyes showing as his temper got the best of him.

"Master she is!... Kreacher swears, Kreacher stunned her like you told him too." Cried Kreacher as he looked at Harry, his wide scared eyes begging to be believed.

Kreacher pleads confused the hell out the immortal wizard.

Harry broke his staring contest with Katherine to stare at his old House Elf, who was becoming more hysterical by the second.

"Kreacher did Master, Kreacher swears! I did, I did, I did." Cried the old Elf as it pulled on its ears and swayed in place.

Harry had no idea what was going on until he, from the corner of his eye, caught the smirk that appeared in Katherine's face.

"What did you do to him?" growled Harry as his eyes snapped back to Katherine. Said vampire just slowly stood from her sitting position on the couch and carefully walked towards him and Kreacher.

"I might have compelled him, but only a little bit." Said Katherine with a saucy smile as she looked down at the hysterical House Elf.

"Compelled?" asked Harry as he glared at her.

"Really Harry, you haven't discovered the wonders of compulsion yet? What have you been doing since I left you in that forest." Smirked Katherine as she stuck her blood pop back in her mouth.

"I been stuck in an apartment in New York dealing with new found vampire bloodlust and trying not to attack every single living person I came across." Snapped Harry enraged she had done something to Kreacher, the little guy had been a god send during those two months, bringing him blood and dealing with the bodies every time Harry had slipped and killed someone.

During that time Harry had grown to care for the old semi crazy House Elf and he wasn't going to let some vampire mess with him.

"You have five seconds to undo whatever it is you did to him before I show you how painful the Cruciatus Curse can be." Growled Harry, his eyes changing, the whites of his eyes turning red as black veins danced under them.

Katherine winced at the mention of the torture curse before she nodded and slowly, as to not spook Harry into cursing her, moved till she was standing next to the sobbing Kreacher.

"Here, watch what I do." Instructed Katherine, she shot a quick glance at the still glaring Harry before she kneeled down to be at Kreacher's eye level.

She had to grab Kreacher's head to get him to look at her and even them he just stared into space like he couldn't see her in front of him.

Harry, from where he was standing over them, was stunned to see the pupils of her eyes dilate before she spoke to Kreacher who was now staring at her intently.

"Kreacher, I want you to calm down and stop crying…" said Katherine and almost instantly the tears that had been streaming down the House Elf's face stopped falling.

"… good, now the second I stop talking you're going to be able to see me and you'll remember what happened in the library when your Master's spell wore off." Said Katherine and true to her word the second she stopped speaking Kreacher released a loud gasp and glared at Katherine with hate pouring out of his small black eyes.

"Halfbreed tricked Kreacher! Made Kreacher disobey Master Harry!" Screamed Kreacher so loudly that he almost knocked Katherine over. The vampire stared amused as the house elf threw a temper tantrum.

"5, 4, 3, 2…" Harry remembering the way Kreacher dealt with Mundungus took a quick step back.

The second his mental count down reached one Kreacher let off a loud scream of rage and Katherine was send flying back towards the brick wall behind the couch.

"HALFBREED BITCH WILL PAY." Screamed Kreacher as a iron skillet materialized in his hand. With a cry of rage the House Elf jumped through the air wielding the skillet like a sword.

Harry winced as Kreacher landed the first blow, cleanly hitting Katherine on the side of the head and knocking her clean out.

"People really need to learn not to fuck with House Elves." Said Harry as he moved over to his liquor cabinet to get himself something to drink.

"Kreacher, not the head I need her clear headed for when I question her." Said Harry as he grabbed a clean glass and filled it to the brim with blood, from a wizard this time.

He had a feeling he would need his magic a full strength when dealing with Katherine.

"Yes Master Harry." Yelled Kreacher mid swing.

Harry took a sip from his glass as he turned around and almost spat it out in laughter when he saw Kreacher had stopped swinging his skillet and was now attacking Katherine with magic.

Her long brown hair was now bright pink and her eyesbrows were neon green. Her clothes, which previously been black skinny jeans so tight they looked painted on and a blood red corset like top that showed an impressive but not indecent amount of cleavage and a pair of expensive looking high heels, had been replaced by a multi colored jumpsuit that would not look out of place on a clown.

Harry, wanting to complete the look waved his hand at her feet and transfigured her high heels into a pair of bright red clown shoes.

"In for a penny, in for a pound." Thought an amused Harry as he imagined her reaction when she finally saw what she was wearing.

"Ok Kreacher that's enough." Called Harry as he walked to the House Elf and the unconscious but groaning vampire.

"Yes Master Harry, Kreacher will go back to cleaning and setting up Master's Attic." Said Kreacher as he glared down at Katherine one last time before turning on his feet and leaving the parlor muttering insults about vampire halfbreeds all the way up the stairs.

The first day they moved into the house Harry had asked Kreacher to move all his magical items, paintings, jewelry, weapons, potion equipment and even the Black Family Pensieve into the Attic to keep all the magic stuff out of the way in case Harry decided to invite muggles into his home.

Later, when the room was finished, he would go up and set up some muggle repelling wards and some other extra security so himself, Kreacher and people he personally invited could get inside the room.

"Ok then, playtime is over." Said Harry as he waved his hand over Katherine causing her unconscious body to glow a dull white.

"Locomotor Mortis." Katherine's body lifted up from the wooden floor and floated after him as Harry calmly walked up the stairs towards the library, where he was planning on interrogating his sire.

New Black Manor.


3:22 am.

Katherine regained consciousness almost an hour later to find she was sitting down on a comfortable leather recliner.

When she opened her eyes she saw Harry sitting across from her, his elbows resting on the recliners arm rests and his chin laying on top of his intertwine hands.

"Good to see you're up." Said Harry dryly as he stared at her.

In truth he was doing all he could not to burst out laughing since he had, while she was still out cold, added a small red clown nose to her face to complete the look.

"What the hell happened?" groaned Katherine as she touched the side of her head wincing in pain from the pounding inside her skull.

"You messed with a House Elf, not a good idea." Said Harry as he shook his head the grin on his face annoying the still in pain Katherine.

"People really needed to learn not to mess with the small creatures." Though Harry fondly as he remembered his fierce title friend Dobby launching Lucius Malfoy across a room.

It was a bittersweet memory which was followed by great grief as he remembered the way Dobby died in his arms.

"I'm still struggling with not letting my heightened emotions take over." Most times it took Occlumency and calming draughts to keep him from losing himself in his grief for what happened at the Final Battle.

"God, he did this?" muttered Katherine as she tried and failed to adjust in her seat, her sudden question helped Harry by distracting him from his thoughts.

"Why can't I move?" glared Katherine as she struggled to lift her butt from the leather seat.

"Sticking charm. I figured since you enjoyed it so much when I used it on Damon you wouldn't mind me using it on you." Smirked Harry as he stared at the fuming Katherine.

"So, now that you have me all tied up and alone, what are you going to do with me." Said Katherine switching tactics and deciding to use her feminine wiles to try and get under Harry's skin.

Harry for his part did his best to ignore the tightening of his jeans as stared at her emotionlessly.

"Even dressed as a clown she radiates sex appeal." But even still she would not get best of him even if he did find her, and Elena for that manner, to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"Well sweetness I'm going to ask you some questions and if you know what's good for you, you will answer me honestly." Said Harry with a sadistic smile letting her know she wouldn't like what would happen if she lied to him.

"Ok shoot." Said Katherine smiling innocently at Harry, said wizard just frowned back at her.

She was giving in much too quickly for Harry's liking.

Something about her behavior set Harry's teeth on edge, she gave off a vibe Harry was familiar with couldn't quite recognized.

"Who does she remind me off?" thought Harry annoyed as be stared at the gorgeous girl before him.

"Ok then, let's start with something small, what's your full name?" asked Harry starting the interrogation with quick easy questions.

"Katherine Pierce." Said Katherine quickly and succinctly. Harry nodded his head before he thought of another question to ask her.

"For how long have you been a vampire? Asked Harry as he moved forward eager to hear her answer.

"Don't you know it's rude to ask lady her age." Said Katherine staring at him with a raised eyebrow.

When she remained silent Harry gave up on the question …for now.

"Ok fair enough. What say you we get into the heart of things?" Asked Harry as he moved forward till he was sitting at the edge of his seat leaning over toward her.

As he did he couldn't help but take a deep breath and take in how great Katherine smelled, a mixture of lilacs and blood.

It made him both hungry and highly aroused.

"Please do." Said Katherine with a sexy smirk as she licked her lips and stared at him knowingly.

"She probably caught me smelling her." Though Harry and it was only thanks to his iron willpower that the embarrassment he felt didn't show on his face.

"Why did you choose me, why turn me into a vampire?" asked Harry putting his embarrassment behind him and staring at Katherine in the eyes.

The vampire didn't even blink bad she answered.

"I been following the Magical Conflict in Britain since Voldemort returned to power back in June last year…" Said Katherine grinning when she saw Harry smiled when she said Voldemort's name.

"Keep going?" said Harry.

"You wanna know a secret?..." said Katherine with a coy smile, which fell a little when Harry didn't respond, he just stayed quiet waiting for her to talk.

"You're no fun … well I'll you anyway, my mother Ivelina was a squib and on her 11th birthday she was cast out of her family for it." Said Katherine, and Harry wasn't surprised, for was a long standing thing for Magical families to disinherit squibs, even the Weasleys as much as he loved them did it.*

"Luckily for her, her dyado* adored her, so he took her in and on her fifteenth birthday arranged for her to marry." Said Katherine and Harry was beginning to what was the point of her story.

"What does this have to do with you turning me?" growled Harry trying to make her get to the point and answer his question.

"Tsk, tsk patience is a virtue you know." Said Katherine smiling at him with what she thought was a sultry look which was totally defeated by the fact that she still looked like a clown.

"Anyway the man my mother was set to marry was a Traveler, a assume you leaned about them in school?" Asked Katherine to which Harry only nodded.

He had in fact learned about them in school, they were derisively known in the Wizarding World as 'Magical Muggles', since they derived their power from nature, Druid Magic.

Most of the derision they got from the Wizarding World had to do with the fact that while their magic was inherited by blood like 'Proper Wizards and Witches, Travelers and Ancestral witches couldn't use wands.

And because of it they were classed along with beings like Goblins and House Elves.

"You're a silent one…" drawled Katherine getting annoys with his continued silence.

"Anyway because of that I had a fascination with your world since I was a child, so when I heard that Voldemort was back and targeting a fourteen year old boy my curiosity got the best of me." Said Katherine and far Harry had detected no lies coming from her but he wasn't sure.

"So I did I what do best, I inserted myself in the situation, embedded myself into Voldemort's ranks and made myself indispensable." Said Katherine making Harry growl at angrily.

"I am going to lift your left sleeve and if I find a Dark Mark branded there you will die a long excruciatingly painful death." Said Harry power rolling off him in waves, ever since that night in the forest, even before being turned into a vampire, Harry had developed a no quarter given mentality about Death Eaters

It was quite simple, of they were marked they died…painfully.

His casual display of power made Katherine shiver in her seat and it wasn't all do to fear.

"Please like I would allow this perfection to be marred by something as ugly as the Dark Mark." Scoffed Katherine insulted and Harry couldn't help but smirk at her lack of humility.

"…" Harry said nothing as he lifted a finger and Katherine's sleeve started rolling itself back up showing nothing but smooth skin, no mark or imperfection in sight." Unconsciously Harry breathed a sigh of relief, for some reason the thought of having to kill Katherine unsettle him.

It was when Katherine looked down at her rolling sleeve that she first noticed what she was wearing. "What the fuck."

It was as Katherine was whipping her head around at the monstrosity that she was wearing that a strand of her hair fell in her line of sight.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO." Screeched Katherine whipping her head around so she could see more of her hair. Harry smirked in amusement before pulling out the Elder Wand and conjuring a tall silver mirror which hovered in place in front of Katherine.*

As Katherine saw her reflection in the mirror, Harry couldn't help but bust out in big barking laugher at her horrified expression.

"Remember that, next time you want to mess with a House Elf." Laughed Harry, tears streaming down his face as he stared at Katherine's red angry face.

He was laughing so hard he lost concentration making his hover charm falter and fail letting the conjured mirror fall to the library floor and shatter into a million pieces.

"Undo it, undo it you British bastard or I will make you regret it." Yelled Katherine as she struggled in her seat try to get at Harry and rip him to shreds.

Harry smiled at her for a few more moments before complying and waving his hand, returning her clothes back to normal but leaving the little red nose and her hair unchanged.

Seeing she was about complain about her hair Harry continued talking.

"Finish your story quickly and I might, might mind you, change your hair back to normal." Said Harry in a tone of voice that let Katherine know she wasn't going to changer her mind.

"Fine!..." snapped Katherine before a sat back in a huff as she leaned back in the recliner and glared at Harry for a few seconds before deciding she wanted her beautiful luscious hair back to normal.

"Like I said, I got inside his rank and made myself indispensable, helping him and his death munchers get in touch with a few of the more reclusive vampire leaders in Europe." Said Katherine getting a scowl from Harry in return.

He could still remember the few vampires he spotted during the Battle of Hogwarts.

"Bitch" thought Harry with a scowl as he stared hard at Katherine.

"Get to the Forbidden Forest, I saw you there in the woods as i was fighting the Death Eaters." Said Harry, scowl still planted in his face.

When he mentioned his fight in the forest a strange look appeared on Katherine's face as she looked at him.

She looked goddamn ecstatic.

"You mean when you slaughtered them all?" asked Katherine happily.

Something about her response didn't sit right with Harry, why would she be so happy about him killing Death Eaters. Wasn't she an ally of them.

Once again her words made him feel the familiar feeling only this time he recognized it.

He was being manipulated, her words, her looks, her flirting, it was all just one big ruse.

"God she's just like Dumbledore!" That's who she remained him of, the Master Manipulator himself.

Don't get him wrong, he understood why Dumbledore did what he did, but that didn't mean it didn't break Harry's heart when he found out the man he saw as a grandfather figure had basically raised him as cattle to be slaughtered.*

"All for the greater fucking good." Thought Harry bitterly as he forced himself to break out of his thoughts and pay attention to the still speaking Katherine.

"I mean here you where a seventeen year old boy that didn't even finish his schooling taking on and soundly killing wizards that had twice some of them even thrice your experience and knowledge…it was magnificent, you were magnificent." Finished Katherine with a look on her face that Harry could firmly identified as lustful.

"Saw the look enough times whenever Ron was in a room at the same time as Fleur." Thought Harry feeling a bit awkward with the way Katherine was staring at him.

"So what? Are you telling me you turned me because you like then way I killed Death Eaters?" asked Harry incredulously getting only a shrug in response from the smirking Katherine.

"What can I say I'm a fickle creature." Stated Katherine as she leaned back in her seat.

"So are we done here?" asked Katherine as she ran her fingers over her corset top and acted like nothing was wrong and she wasn't at his complete mercy.

Harry just laughed at her while he shook head.

"Not even close Kitty Kat." Said Harry as he produced a small crystal vial from his jacket pocket.

Katherine's eyes landed on the vial before shooting up back to his face. She now looked nervous.

"What's that?" asked Katherine wearily, knowing there were some potions in the wizard world that could cause devastating effects on vampires.

"This Miss Katherine is a rather expensive and highly regulated little potion called Veritaserum." Said Harry getting a confused frown from the female frown.

"I'm not surprised you don't recognized the name, only people in the potion making business or Law Enforcement would." Said Harry as he stood from his chair and waved his hand and instantly Katherine sat stock straight and her head tilted up to look at him straight in the face.

"Three drops from this little concoction and you'll be spilling your deepest darkest secrets Kitty Kat." Said Harry with a please smile as he grabbed Katherine's face, which had developed a look of pure horror, and used a small bit of magic to force her lips open.

"There we go." Said Harry as he dropped five drops of the potion on Katherine's pink wet tongue.

Almost instantly Katherine's eyes clouded over and lost focus letting Harry know was under the effects of the potion.

Harry let go of her face as he moved back to seat on his recliner the leather of the seat still cool thanks to Elf cooling charms.

"Now tell me…tell me your story Katherine." Said Harry as he summoned a note book and a dictation quill, he had a feeling he would be hear a while and hear things worth writing down.

"My name is Katerina Petrova…" started Katherine, or Katerina, in the typical emotionless tone associated with Veritaserum.

Harry stayed there hours listening to Katherine talk and talk, he learned about her childhood in Bulgaria, her strict and cruel father and sweet but cowed mother.

He learned of her teenage pregnancy, the lost of her daughter and being banished from her home by her father after the man took her daughter from her.

She spoke of her move to London and of her meeting the charming and rich Mikaelson Brothers.

Of learning about vampires and learning she was an doppelganger, the essential ingredient Niklaus Mikaelson needed to break a curse upon his person over five centuries before.

"The Original Vampires huh?" thought Harry, that was something he hadn't learned in school, most wizards scholars agreed that Vampirism was a magically created affliction but they could never agree on when and where had it started.

Before he could continue questioning Katherine he had to force a few more drops of the potion to Katherine since her advance healing factor burned through the potion faster that a wizards body would.

At his side the quill moved as lightning writing down everything that came from Katherine's mouth.

As he sat back down he motion for Katherine to continue, learning of how she escaped the Mikaelson's, seducing Elijah and fleeing after stealing the Moonstone and other ingredient of the Hybrid Ritual.

How she tricked a vampire named Rose into turning her into a vampire and the following five hundred years she spend running from the vengeful Niklaus.

She told Harry about when she met the Salvatores, how she wrapped the boys father, Giuseppe, around her finger and got herself a place to stay.

How she seduced the brothers. First Stefan, with coy smiles and her proper lady behavior, then Damon with lustful stares and sexy smirks that promised pleasure beyond his wildest imagination.

How she turned them against each other for her amusement, how she promised Damon an eternity with her fully knowing she wasn't planning on delivering.

"Why would you play with people's emotions like that?" Asked Harry disgusted as she recounted all thing she did to turn them against each other.

"My switch was off, I did what I wanted, who I wanted , when I wanted." Said Katherine, her emotionless voice making her words sound harsh.

"Your switch? What is that?" asked Harry having a feeling it was another vampire perk/ability.

"The Humanity Switch, all vampires have the ability to turn off their emotions, it's a counter balance for when the heightened emotions become too much." Said Katherine and this info along with what she had said and showed him of compulsion would go in a separate notebook, purely dedicated to his new vampire nature.

"So Katerina Petrova with her switch off is a bitch." Said Harry with a grin and even though he hadn't asked a question Katherine's monotone voice answered him back.

"I'm a bitch either way but without my emotions I don't care what my actions might cause or who they might hurt as long as I get what I want." Said Katherine as she stared straight with a vacant look on her face.

"And when they're on, do you feel guilt for the things you done?" asked Harry trying to understand The mystery that was Katerina Petrova.

"I am a survivor, I do what I do to remain alive…" said Katherine but before Harry could feel too disappointed with her answer she continued talking.

"…but I do, things with the Salvatores for example, I turned brothers, best friends really, against each other for no reason. I saw the misery that had been their lives for the last 150 years and I regret ever stepping foot inside Salvatore Manor." Said Katherine showing Harry that deep down, real deep down, there was still humanity left in her.

They both stated silent for a few minutes after her answer and Harry took the opportunity to drop a few drops of the potion into her tongue, the last few drops in the vial.

"I best get on with the show." Harry idly making a mental note to tell Kreacher to get some more Veritaserum.

One of the many, and Harry meant many, Business owned by the Black Family was a chain of apothecaries that sold high end, if somewhat, illegal Potions.

Because of it he had unlimited access to a lot of rare and expensive potions.

The shops made him a very pretty penny each month.

"Why did you turn me Katherine?" Asked Harry s he leaned forward eager to hear what she had to say.

"I been watching you since the summer after Voldemort was brought back to the living, I was planning to capture you and deliver you straight to him…" there Harry interrupted her story with a question.

"Why?...why this need to get so close to Voldemort?" asked Harry, from what had said she needed to get into Voldemort's good graces.

"He was powerful, almost ridiculously so, and I needed a weapon as powerful as him on my side." Said Katherine and even with the potion Harry could hear the hints of desperation escape.

"Because of Klaus?" Asked Harry softly, he could sympathize with her, he knew a thing or two about being constantly pursued by a deranged madman.

"Yes…I'm tired of running and being afraid of what he will do if he finds me." Said Katherine. Harry could only nod along, he could certainly understand that.

"Keep going with your story, you were planning on capturing me, what changed your mind.?" Asked Harry his eyes moving along her face as he took in her features.

"I saw you…that's what happened, I saw you drive off two Dementors as if they were nothing. " said Katherine, awe escaping the confines of the potion and slipping into her voice.

"You know about Dementors?" asked Harry, then he remember her mother was squib and her dad a druid.

"My maĭka* used to tell me stories about the Wizarding world as bedtime stories." and she had memorized each and every thing her mother had shared about the world that cast her out.

"After that I watched you as much as I could, snuck into Hogsmead and managed to compel the old caretaker, Filch, into reporting back to me." Said Katherine, weirding Harry out knowing she had Filch reporting his every move back to her.

"When I saw you in the forest, that's when I made my decision, I wanted you instead of Voldemort." Said Katherine making Harry frown at her.

"As a weapon?" asked Harry disappointed for reasons he could explain, his question got a head shake from Katherine, he would not allow himself to be used as a weapon again, no matter how attractive he found her, and he did, he found her damn attractive.

"I'll definitely get you to help me with my Klaus problem but like I said when I snapped your neck, some people are just too interesting to let die." Said Katherine surprising Harry, he was waiting to hear her plan to use him as a weapon.

He was tempted to ask how she was planning on convincing him to help her fight the Original Hybrid, but unfortunately that's when the last drops of the potion faltered and she broke through the haze.

"You fucking bastard." Screamed Katherine she struggled to free herself and rip him to shreds. Again Harry could understand her rage, he had just forced a strange potion down her throat and forced from her things she had kept secret for a long time.

Thankfully for his continued safety she was firmly stuck in place and come a few minutes she wouldn't remember the last hour of her life.

"I understand your anger Katerina, and I sincerely apologize for having done that but it had to be done." Said Harry as he pulled out the Elder Wand, frowning when he saw the way Katherine flinched back from the stick.

"I'm sorry Katerina… Obliviate." Whispered Harry before a fine transparent mist emerged from his wand and entered Katherine's head through her eyes.

Through his connection with the spell he could shift through her recent memories so he could pick and decide which to erased.

When he was done he say waiting for Katherine to snap back for the spell.

When she does she just smirked at him, throwing him a very flirty look as she does so.

"So are we done here?" asked Katherine as she ran her fingers over her corset top and acted like nothing was wrong and she wasn't at his complete mercy.

Harry just smiled at her as he waved his hand and made the notebook and quill go flying out of the room and into his personal office where he would later go through everything more carefully.

Katherine looked at the notebook with a confused look on her face as it flew away but didn't have a chance to ask about it before Harry spoke.

As he stood and walked towards he reached into his jacket pocket and brought out a small smooth pebble.

"Portus." Whispered Harry so low even Katherine couldn't hear him.

"It was a pleasure to officially meet you Miss Pierce." Said Harry as he released her from the leather recliner.

Then before she could stand or even say anything he dropped the pebble in her lap, Katherine's hand shooting out and catching it.

Exactly what Harry wanted.

"Mischief Managed." Said Harry activating the port-key and sending Katherine away.

"She'll stick out like a sore thumb in Antarctica with her pink hair and green eyebrows." Thought Harry with a laugh as he took off his jacket and started making his way to his room.

It was seven in the morning by the time he was done and he wanted nothing more than to curl up in his bed and sleep after such a long night.

Unfortunately he found his way barred by his loyal House Elf, holding a tall glass of blood and looking nervous.

Kreacher could feel how tired his master was and was nervous about the news he had to share.

That's why he had brought his Master a glass of Wizard Blood, since his master would need the magical boost.

"What's wrong Kreacher?" asked Harry as he took the glass from Kreacher and took a drink.

Thanks to his bond with Kreacher he could feel the old Elf nervousness.

"There's a group of people waiting outside Master, they said you invited them." Said the old Elf making Harry frown out loud.

"I did, but I thought they would come for lunch not freaking breakfast!" moaned Harry as he stared in the direction of his bedroom.

"Damn it."

"Let them in and lead them to the parlor, I'll be there soon." Said Harry as he walked in the direction of his room to get a change of clothes.

"Goddamn Morning people." Grunted Harry as he entered his room and with his enhanced hearing he could hear Kreacher usher in his guests into the parlor.


Wizard's Blood- Replenishes and strengthens Harry's magic for a brief period of time. Sort of works as a pepperup potion. (Depends on the amount drunk.)

Also for the people complaining that Harry is super weak…really? He got blindsided by once Damon, who is older, faster and stronger and twice by Bonnie but when he decided to fight back he dominated them, even the strongest can stumble from a cheap shot.

I won't make Harry some OP Ubervamp since I personally don't like that in my stories.

Thanks to his magic he's strong now, he'll get stronger when he becomes the Master of Death officially So have patience people.

And I should clarify Harry/Katherine is going to be slow-burn but it will be endgame.

Harry/Rebekah will happen first and faster.

*Dyado- grandfather.

*Maĭka- mother.

*Don't the Weasleys have a cousin they don't talk to, an accountant? Lol

*For complicated magic like healing, conjuration or advance spells like the Patronus Charm or the Unforgivables Harry must still use his wand.

*Remember in this story Harry didn't get to speak with Dumbles in the mental platform 9 and ¾.

Hey someone caught the Buffy Easter Egg!