Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Percy Jackson and the Olympians or any other elements used in the story.
Note: All REVIEWS will be answered on my Facebook page after a 24-hour period.
Betad by: HaretaSora

Please Note: Despite having two immortal deities as parents, Naruto will come off as a Demigod. The reason for this will be explained later on. Please be patient.

Everlasting Fire: The Lightning Thief – Prologue

The Fishcake that plays with Fire

Yancy Academy. A private boarding school for troubled kids in upstate New York which surprisingly consisted of a majority of students that came from well-off, rich families. Despite this however, and as one might expect from a place filled with mental-case kids, the school was also common place for trouble-making delinquents.

"So, will you be going?" A random student asked his friend as they conversed within the hallways of the school.

"Heck yeah! It's stinkin' popular! – Ah!" The friend answered before suddenly perking up when he saw a certain group of three boys walking down the hallway.

"Who are they?" The other student asked once he noticed his friend getting startled at the sight of the three boys.

"They are," The friend started dramatically as he gulped, "The fresh crop of this Yancy Academy Delinquents, The Namikaze Party!" He exclaimed loudly before pointing at the boy walking at the right of the group. "First, we have the Goatman, Grover Underwood!"

Grover appeared to be a scrawny kid with Caucasian skin, curly short brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a blue t-shirt with orange outlines, a dark colored zip-up hooded jacket and baggy jeans. He also carried around crutches to help him walk.

"Goatman? Seriously?"

"Next!" He exclaimed once more while ignoring his friend as he pointed towards the boy walking by the left of the group. "We have the Destroyer, Perseus Jackson!"

Perseus was a twelve year old boy of average height with messy jet black hair with bangs falling over his sea green eyes, and tan skin. He was dressed in black cargo pants, and a black t-shirt over which he wore a button-up navy blue short-sleeved shirt. Finally, in his right hand twirling within his fingers was his beloved black-inked ballpoint pen that he affectionately called, Anaklusmos.

"Destroyer? Isn't that just the English meaning of his name?"

"Finally, we have the leader!" He once more ignored his friend and pointed towards the third boy walking in the middle of the group.

He was also a twelve year old boy who appeared to be about a couple of inches or so shorter than Perseus with golden blond hair that spiked at places, and cerulean blue eyes. He also had three whisker like marks on each side of his face and similar tan skin. He was dressed in black jeans, a long sleeved black t-shirt with an emblem of fire in center, right above his heart over which he wore an orange short sleeved, button-up checkered shirt that was left completely open.

The boy then proceeded to close his eyes with a smug little smile playing on his lips as he waited for his awesome intro. Though that smile was quick to melt away along his face contorting into an annoyed one when the guy spoke up again.

"He's– Err… um… who was he again?"

His eyebrow was twitching violently at this point. "Naruto Namikaze is the name you asses!" The now named Naruto Namikaze snapped at the two with a big tick-mark twitching over his forehead. "And didn't you just call us the Namikaze Party!"

Backing up, the two random students looked at each other. "Oh crap! Let's run away!" The two said to each other before running away from there.

Naruto for his part just stood there taking deep breaths to calm himself as he watch the two idiots scurry away.

"Sorry Naruto," Grover said, hoping to provide some comfort. "We stand out a bit too much."

A new tick-mark appeared on Naruto's forehead before he rounded to his friends. "Yeah, you do! And how the hell can you stand out more than a guy with bright yellow hair, who wears freaking orange is beyond me!" Naruto exclaimed in irritation.

"Why are you so passionate about this anyway?" Percy asked Naruto while also secretly enjoying his friend's predicament.

"What do you mean why!?" He turned to Percy as if he couldn't believe his friend would even ask something like this. "Of course, it's my dream to someday stand at the top of this school's delinquents!" He exclaimed proudly as he pumped up a fist with a broad grin on his face.

"I see. That sounds quite interesting indeed."

Naruto froze when those words were spoken to him out of nowhere before slowly and shakily, he turned to the speaker. "H-hey Mr. Brunner…"

Mr. Brunner was a middle-aged man confined to a motorized wheelchair with thinning brown hair, bushy eyebrows, intense brown eyes, and a scruffy beard who always seemed to wear a frayed tweed jacket. He was their Latin teacher and while at first glance one would never think of him as someone cool but when asked, Naruto would be the first one to admit that he was the coolest teacher in the whole school!

He was much more lenient than the rest and would tell stories and jokes and would even let them play games in class. He also had this cool collection of Greek and Roman armors and weapons which he would sometimes bring to class. So as such he was the only teacher whose class didn't put them sleep.

However, Naruto will admit to finding him a bit creepy at first due to the fact that when he first arrived – out of nowhere with their previous teacher disappearing at the same time – he had seemed to have had taken quite an interest in both Naruto and Percy and would always stare at them long and hard as if trying to figure them out. It would quite unnerve Naruto with the behavior continuing for about a couple of weeks before Naruto came to learn that he was actually well acquainted with his mother and those seemingly longs weeks of staring had been to confirm his little suspicion.

Still though, after learning who Naruto's mother was, he had become much more attentive yet strict when it came to Naruto and Percy too.

"Yes, hello to you too Naruto." Mr. Brunner nodded at him before turning to the other two and also nodding his greetings, "Percy, Grover."

Both Percy and Grover nodded but remained silent. It was best if they didn't say anything.

"Now Naruto, what was it about that dream of yours?" Mr. Brunner asked as he looked at Naruto almost accusingly.

"Heh-heh… now, now Mr. Brunner…" Naruto began as he chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his head, "That was just meant to be a joke. You know… to lighten up the mood?" He asked more than said lamely. He didn't want his mother to hear about this after all.

Mr. Brunner for his part seemed to study Naruto for a long moment before conceding. "I see. Well in any case, as long as it was only a joke then it is fine. Now come along, we have to get going for our class trip." He said one last time before turning to leave.

"Yes sir," Naruto said before starting to follow Mr. Brunner and was joined by the other two.

"Sure sucks to have a teacher that knows your mom, doesn't it." Percy whispered to Naruto as he stuffed his hands – along with his pen – in his pockets and walked beside him.

Naruto casted a glance at Percy before giving a sigh, "Yeah it does."

"Maybe, you should stop." Grover said as he tried to get Naruto to stop doing what he was doing; which was throwing wads of sandwich at the student sitting in the seat right in front of theirs.

"Why should I? She started it." Naruto replied as he threw another piece of peanut butter and ketchup sandwich that stuck in wild frizzy red hair.

Currently, Naruto along with Grover, Percy, and twenty-eight other mental-case kids and two teachers were on a yellow school bus heading to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for their class field trip to look at some ancient Greek and Roman stuff.

The trip up to that point had mostly been uneventful with Naruto, Percy, and Grover minding their own business and talking their time away when the resident Yancy bitch – otherwise known as Nancy Bobofit – had thought it was fun to throw pieces of her lunch at Grover. And Naruto being Naruto, had decided to take it upon himself to retaliate on the behalf of his friend by snatching her entire lunch away, then breaking said lunch into little pieces, and throwing them right back at her.

This was actually a rather common occurrence as being a cripple, Grover was considered to be an easy target and subjected to a lot of bullying. That is until Naruto and Percy came into the picture with the two beating up or getting back at anyone who bullied him. Which was how they ended up getting labeled as delinquents.

Despite this however, the moment their backs were turned, Grover would once more become the target for bullies.

One of those bullies, and the most persistent one at that, just so happened to be Nancy Bobofit. The messy and kleptomaniac horrid girl that was also one of the school's biggest bullies. She tended to keep a sweet appearance in front of the teachers while behind their backs she would bully a lot of kids. She had even tried her luck with Percy and Naruto but got dumped with water from head to toe by Percy with no one believing her when she complained to the teachers as there was no water source with Percy suddenly at the other side of the school and in end she herself got scolded for misbehaving.

And with Naruto, well, the fact that the school itself was owned by Naruto's mother aside, he was far too crafty and tended to turn whatever she tried right back at her with her getting blamed for it all.

And so she had decided it was best to just keep away from those two as things never ended up well for her when she tried anything with them. That still didn't stop her from bullying Grover however. And due to the fact that she couldn't do anything to Naruto or Percy, she tended to try something with Grover at any chance she got.

"Don't think you will get away with this Namikaze!" She gritted out while taking the piece of sandwich from her hair as she glared at Naruto. Although, she did know that he was going to get away with it but what else was she to say?

"Of course I will!" Naruto grinned tauntingly before throwing another piece of food at her. "Besides, haven't you heard the old saying: 'Finger the devil and he will finger you right back!'"

All those who heard him sweat-dropped and thought collectively, 'since when?'

"So if you don't like this happening to you then you shouldn't have started it in the first place." Naruto continued while oblivious to the incredulous looks the others were sending him.

Meanwhile, Grover had turned to Percy, who was sitting there as if watching some sort of soap opera while munching on a bag of salt flavored Lays, for help in stopping Naruto.

Percy merely shrugged at Grover though. He was actually enjoying this so it's not like he was going to interfere. And so he decided to just kick back and relax while watching Naruto return Nancy Bobofit's lunch back to her in small, bite-sized pieces.

Once the bus had made it to the Museum with the students having all piled out, Mr. Brunner had turned to them before telling them to stick together and stay out of trouble – though he had said it to everyone present, Naruto knew that it was mostly pointed at him and Percy.

After giving out some more instruction, Mr. Brunner started the Museum tour.

Riding up the front of the group in his wheel chair, Brunner led them through the big echoey galleries, past marble statues and glass cases full of really old black and orange pottery. It was impressive really that all of these things have survived for thousands of years but what was even more impressive was the color orange. Clearly, even the gods recognized the greatness of orange!

Moving on, Naruto continued to look at the different relics and statues in fascination. Though as he looked at all the different statues of gods, demigods, Titans and such, he was struck with a sudden thought and studied the statues with his brow frowned and a thoughtful look on his face.

"What's gotten you so thoughtful about?" Percy asked once he noticed how silent Naruto has been and took a glance to see a deep, thoughtful look on his friend's face.

Naruto didn't say anything at first and just studied the different statues before finally addressing Percy, "Say Perce,"

"Yeah?" He inquired, turning to Naruto as the two trailed behind the rest.

"Who do you think–" Naruto started to say but got interrupted by someone from behind them.

"Keep up Jackson, Namikaze."

Naruto and Percy turned to the other teacher chaperone, Mrs. Dodds who was walking at the back of the group.

Mrs. Dodds was this little maths teacher from Georgia who always wore a black leather jacket even though she was fifty years old. She had come to Yancy halfway through the year when their last maths teacher had a nervous breakdown. From the moment she arrived, she immediately decided that she didn't like Naruto and Percy. She was always giving them the evil eye as if expecting them to do something bad.

At first, it was only Percy but the more she took notice of the close interactions between the two, the more her dislike for Naruto also grew.

Naruto and Percy turned to each other and Naruto mouthed 'later' with Percy nodding his head in return before the two went to catch up with the rest of the group.

Once they caught up, the two noticed that Mr. Brunner had them all gathered around a four meter tall stone column with a big sphinx on top and started to explain how this stone was a grave marker, a stele, for a girl about their age. He even told them about the carvings on the side.

Both Naruto and Percy were listening with rapt attention. Or at least trying to as both of them had reasons to learn everything there was to learn about everything related to Greek gods. However, with everyone around them talking away it was hard to concentrate, and every time either of them told them to shut up, they would once more receive the evil eyes from Mrs. Dodds.

However, both of them ran out of patience when Nancy Bobofit snickered and muttered something about the naked guy on the stele.

Percy was about to tell her to shut up when Naruto beat him to it, "Yeah we get that you're a perv who likes to ogle at naked statues but will you shut up!" It come out louder than Naruto had intended and the whole group laughed while Nancy Bobofit went red in the face.

"Mr. Namikaze," Brunner stopped the story and turned his attention to Naruto, "Did you have a comment?"

"No, sir." Naruto replied as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Then perhaps you can tell us what this picture represents?" Brunner said as he pointed at one of the pictures on the stele.

Looking at the carving, Naruto instantly recognized it. "That's Kronos eating his kids."

"Yes." Mr. Brunner said, obviously not satisfied. "And he did this because?"

"Because of the prophecy given to him by his father, Ouranos, who had prophesied that one day Kronos would suffer the same fate at the hands of his own kids before Kronos had chopped him up and thrown his pieces into the ocean." Naruto replied instantly as he actually knew this story pretty well. "So when Kronos had his own kids, he realized that they weren't Titans but gods. Fearing that his dad's prophecy would come true, he then ate five of his kids but his wife Rhea hid their sixth and youngest kid, Zeus, and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. So when Zeus grew up, he tricked Kronos into barfing up his brothers and sisters–"

Naruto choose to ignore the "Eeew" that came from one of the girls behind him.

"Which then begins the ten-year long war called the Titanomachy with the gods winning in the end when they had chopped up Kronos with his own scythe – the same one he had used to chop up his own dad – and had thrown his pieces into Tartarus."

When Naruto finished, Percy turned to Naruto with a raised eyebrow before whispering, "You actually know this stuff so well?"

Naruto looked at Percy out of the corner of his eye and whispered back, "Yeah well, my mom actually knows pretty much everything about Greek gods and would always tell me different stories ever since I was a little kid."

While Naruto replied to Percy, some snickers were heard at the back of the group before Nancy Bobofit mumbled to one of her friends, "Like we're going to use this in real life. Like it's going to say on job applications, 'Please explain why Kronos ate his kids.'"

"And why Mr. Namikaze," Brunner began, "to paraphrase Miss. Bobofit's excellent question, does this matter in real life?" He asked as he gave Nancy Bobofit a hard glance.

"Busted." Grover muttered.

"Shut up!" Nancy hissed back at Grover with her face at this point having gone redder than her hair.

Paying her no mind, Naruto started to think up an answer but failed to come up with anything. Fortunately, he was saved by Percy who decided to answer once he noticed that Naruto had noting, "Who knows but perhaps someday we will come across a Greek god and this information will actually help us."

His answer emitted laughs from the rest of the group. However, Naruto was the only one to notice the silent hardening of Percy's eyes as they narrowed ever so slightly while he rubbed his ball-point pen with his thumb. He also noticed that both Brunner and Grover weren't laughing but rather Brunner was studying Percy with a critical eye while Grover appeared to be a nervous wreck as he looked at Percy.

Naruto for his part rubbed the back of his head. Was he missing something?

"I see." Brunner said as if realizing something and Naruto also noticed that he didn't rebut Percy's answer. "On that happy note, it's time for lunch. Mrs. Dodds would you lead us back outside?" He said getting a nod from Mrs. Dodds.

As the rest of the group drifted outside led by Mrs. Dodds, Naruto chose to stay behind.

"You coming?" Naruto turned to see Percy and Grover waiting on him.

"Nah, you guys go on ahead and I'll catch up later. There's something I want to ask Brunner." Naruto said getting a shrug from Percy and a nod from Grover before the two left following the rest of the group outside.

Naruto watched his two friends disappear before turning to Brunner to find him looking sadly at the stele, like he had been at the girl's funeral. Naruto shook his head. That was just crazy. With that thought, he immediately made his way over to Mr. Brunner.

"Hey, Mr. Brunner!" Naruto called out, catching the Latin teacher's attention once he reached him.

"Yes, Naruto? Is there something you needed?" He asked as he turned his attention to Naruto and away from the stele.

"Well, I wanted to ask," Naruto began as he scratched the back of his head, "Who stands at the top of this world?"

Brunner blinked. "Could you elaborate?" He asked, confused as to what Naruto was trying to ask.

"I was thinking that the Titans overthrew their father who was a Primordial god, and then the gods overthrew the Titans and took over the rule of the world. But then the Fates are said to control even the gods, Titans, mortals and other beings as well, but I don't think the Fates control the world itself but rather the destinies of the beings within the world. So going by that, they all control one thing but not another. So I was curious," Naruto paused as he thought over his own question for a bit, "Who stands at the very top? You know, who exists at the top of all beings and the world?"

Hearing Naruto's rather unnatural question, Brunner was honestly surprise. He had not expected Naruto to question him about something like that!

Getting over his surprise, Brunner thought it over for a bit. "Honestly speaking. None that I know of,"

"What? So there isn't anyone?" Naruto asked as he slumped slightly in disappointment.

"However, there is a certain sect that comes to mind." Brunner continued as he held his chin in thought before his face hardened at the thought of the prestigious sect. "Tell me Naruto, are you familiar with the term, the Distinguished Heavenly Gods?"

"Ah, no." Naruto replied as he crossed his arms, having no clue what the 'the Distinguished Heavenly Gods' were.

"How about the Four Heavenly Kings?"

"Never heard of 'em."

"The Masters of Chaos and Order?"

"Nope, doesn't ring a bell."

"The Four Emperors?"

"The ones from One Piece?"

Brunner was silent for a moment. "I see. In any case, the Distinguished Heavenly Gods are the four almighty entities that came to existence all on their own prior to the creation of the world." He paused here to look at Naruto to see him listening with keen ears, "They are thus referred to as the Grand First-Class Singularities, or Singular gods." He spoke as Naruto seemed to digest the concept.

"Legend has it that the Four Heavenly Kings were the ones to separate matter from Chaos, and create the world." Brunner stated and Naruto's eyes seemed to have widened a portion in interest. "It is said that following the gathering of all matter by the four, one had stepped forth, taking a quarter of all matter and had set it on fire, creating the blazing dome of the pit that covers the Void of Chaos. He is thus symbolized with the Element of Creation, Fire.

"Then another had stepped forth, too taking a quarter of all mater and turning it to dirt and placing it atop the fires of the pit, creating the earth. He is thus symbolized with the Element of Creation, Earth.

"Then the third one had stepped forth, taking another forth of all matter and turning it to water and raining it to fill the craters upon the surface of the earth, creating the oceans and the seas. He is thus symbolized with the Elemental of Creation, Water.

"Finally, the last one had stepped forth, taking the remaining quarter of all matter and had turned it to air, creating the dome of the sky that protects the world from the vacuum of space. He is thus symbolized with the Element of Creation, Air.

"Proceeding from there, the Four Heavenly Kings then initiate the cycle of creation through these four elements, and unleash Order upon the world – creating the world as it is today.

"As far as this physical world goes, the Distinguished Heavenly Gods know no equal. However, there are no records of them in mythology, so there is nothing to go by but word of mouth."

"I see. Still," Naruto spoke as he grinned in fascination, "first time I'm hearing of it all, but it all does sound so cool!"

Brunner couldn't help but chuckle at Naruto's enthusiasm. 'I wonder if…' he stated to think before immediately discarding the thought. It wasn't his place. "Come along Naruto. We don't want to be late for lunch." He said before starting to leave. He stopped though, when he noticed that Naruto had started on the opposite direction. "Where are you going Naruto?" He asked, watching him walk away.

"To the bathroom!" Naruto answered from over his shoulder and continued on his way while Brunner shook his head before also going on his way.

"Damn I'm late." Naruto muttered to himself as he walked along the empty hallways of the Museum trying to find his way back outside and over to his friends so he could have his lunch. He was actually getting hungrier by the second.

As Naruto kept on wondering the corridors of the Museum, his eyebrow began to twitch and he couldn't help but feel like someone was screwing with him.

First, he gets the irresistible urge to take a leak right before lunch, then ends up getting lost when he goes to find a bathroom and wastes a good chunk of his time – partially due to his dyslexia and partially because the place was just too damn big! Then after he finds the bathroom and relieves himself, he once more ends up getting lost! What the hell!?

Naruto kept on grumbling to himself as he continued to try find his way back to the others.

After some more grumbling and a bit more walking, Naruto finally found himself back where he first started his little adventure, the Greek and Roman section of the Museum. However, as he came to a stop within the section, he took notice that he wasn't the only one present there.

"Mrs. Dodds?" Naruto said to himself, before his eyes widened when he felt a familiar feeling of blood lust. "No, a monster!"

Of course, while Naruto was incapable to distinguishing a monster that has disguised itself as a human, the moment they began to show their blood lust, Naruto could instantly recognize them. It has been this way ever since he first came to know monsters existed. Though he didn't know why Mrs. Dodds had disguised herself as their maths teacher for the past half year nor did he know as to why she had not made a move or shown her blood lust till now, if she was a monster then Naruto was going to take her out.

That's how it has always been. Besides, it's not like he was actually going to miss her.

With that thought and new found conviction, Naruto started to make his way over to Mrs. Dodds who had her back turned to him at the moment as she studied a big marble frieze of the Greek gods with her arms crossed. Naruto could clearly make out the growling noise she was making over the silence of the section as he drew closer to her. Most likely wanting to pulverize it.

"Now Percy, honey," She began to say without turning to him as he came to a stop a few meters away from her.

So she was after Percy. Naruto didn't know her reason, but he'd be damned if he let this monster anywhere near his friend.

"Sorry, but Percy won't be coming. So you'll just have to deal with me." Naruto cut her off as the skin of his right hand began turning red as steam started to come off of it with tiny flames flickering to life around his fingers and hand.

The moment she heard Naruto speak, Mrs. Dodds turned to Naruto and her growl became louder. "You." She hissed in displeasure.

"Me?" Naruto returned mockingly as the flames on his right hand continued to grow ever so slightly.

Mrs. Dodds then tsked. "I was going to confront Percy directly, but seeing how closely acquainted you two are, I am sure you were also involved with the theft." She stated as her eyes began to glow. "Now where is it?"

Naruto looked at Mrs. Dodds blankly before, "Huh?" he tilted his head to the side and a big question mark made out of flames flew overhead.

"Do not play dumb with me Naruto Namikaze!" She snarled at him the glow in her eyes growing more prominent. "We are not fools. It was only a matter of time before we found the both of you out. Now confess and you will suffer less pain!"

Naruto continued to look at her weirdly. He was honestly lost as to what she was talking about. And weren't monsters supposed to only be interested in eating him? So just what the hell was Mrs. Dodds going on about?

"Well?" She demanded impatiently.

"Sorry but," Naruto began as he scratched the back of his head with his flaming hand which in turn set his hair on fire, "you really have me lost here." He said paying no mind to his currently on fire head.

"I see. In that case I will just have to kill you and then confront Percy!" She hissed before the glow in her eyes grew even bigger with her eyes now resembling barbecue coals. Her fingers stretched and turned to talons. Her jacket melted into large, leathery wings and her teeth grew into sharp yellow fangs.

She had finally taken on her monster form. That of a shriveled hag with bat wings, claws and a mouth full of yellow fangs ready to chew him raw.

Naruto whistled. "Wow! You were ugly enough as it was, and I didn't think it was possible, but you just got even uglier!" Naruto commented actually sounding impressed before a grin overtook his face. "Alright ugliest! I'm glad you took on your uglier form. Ugly as you were, I don't think I could have roasted an old lady, but the way you are now, I can burn you to ashes without a second thought!"

Just when Naruto made that statement, the flames around him all erupted into an inferno that covered his entire right side with the flames on his face morphing and giving him a menacing appearance, especially with that grin still on his face.

Mrs. Dodds though, didn't appear to be affected by Naruto's display of power in the least. And if she was, then she certainly didn't show it.

"Foolish honey!" She said as he flapped her wings and floated a couple feet above Naruto. "I am a creature of the Underworld! Playing with fire is my very job! You can't burn me with those flames of yours!"

Naruto though grinned even wider at her statement. "Why don't we see about that then?" Naruto said as he made a 'come at me' gesture at Mrs. Dodds.

Mrs. Dodds for her part snarled once more before lunging at Naruto. "Die honey!"

Just when she made it within Naruto's range and made a move to bite out his throat, Naruto moving faster, placed his right hand right in her face and released a large amount of flames that completely engulfed her. What followed next were Mrs. Dodds blood curdling screams as she was burned to ashes down to her very bones.

"Can't be burned by my flames you say," Naruto started as he looked down at her ashes with his grin still present, "yeah, I've lost count of how many times I've heard that before, but in all those times there never was a monster that wasn't burned to ashes by my flames!"

"That's quite the fearsome power you have."

Naruto blinked at the sudden voice before he turned to find Percy standing behind him looking impressed as he watched Mrs. Dodds ashes disperse into the wind.

"Ah, hey Perce," Naruto asked while inwardly wondering how long he had been there.

Percy was silent for a moment as he walked over to Naruto. "So," Percy started as he turned his attention over to Naruto and decided to cut to the chase, "you're a demigod too."

"Too?" Naruto blinked before his face lit up in excitement. "You mean you're a demigod too!" Naruto exclaimed with an excited grin on his face. This was the first time he had met another demigod, and it was his friend!

"Yep!" Percy replied before a teasing grin broke on his face. "Don't tell me you hadn't figured it out already." He teased causing Naruto to flush slightly in embarrassment.

"I… ah… I totally had!" He exclaimed, giving Percy a thumbs-up with a grin on his face. Although, he did not make eye-contact with Percy as he said this and his grin was a bit awkward.

Percy sweat-dropped. "Yep, you're lying." It was expected really. Despite the trouble he seemed to get in most of the time, Naruto was actually a pretty honest guy and had zero talent for lying.

"So anyways," Naruto immediately decided to change the subject. "So who's your dad? It is your dad right?" Naruto asked excitedly. Wanting to know more about his fellow demigod.

"Yep, my dad," Percy relied while pointing towards a certain statue.

Following Percy's finger, Naruto's eyes widened when he saw him pointing at the statue of a man with a trident in hand. "No way man! The Sea-god! That's so cool!" Naruto exclaimed in excitement before a thought hit him. "Wait, so you've actually met your dad?"

Percy shrugged in response. "Not really. No."

"So then," Naruto was confused now. "How do you know who your dad is? Did your mom tell you?"

The moment Naruto mentioned Percy's mom, he knew he shouldn't have done that when he took notice of Percy's eyes flashing with… something. He was about to apologize when Percy gave an uninterested shrug. "You figure it out when you have monsters running after you while screaming 'let's have son of the Sea-god for dinner.'" Percy answered, his eyes having returned to normal.

Naruto for his part gave a weak chuckle. "Yeah, I guess you do…" He said lamely. That was also how he first came to know that he was a demigod. Leaving that aside though what was that with Percy just now?

"What about you?" Percy asked.

"Eh?" Was the only thing that Naruto could make out as he was broken out of his thoughts.

"Who is your dad?" Percy asked, seeing how Naruto already lived with his mother, he could guess that his godly parent was his father.

"Well…" Naruto trailed off as he scratched the back of his head, "I don't know."

"You don't?" Percy asked a bit confused. With the way Naruto handled his power, he was sure he knew. "And didn't your mom tell you?"

"No, and I did used to ask my mom about my dad but each time I asked, she would get this sad look in her eyes before telling me to be patient and that one day I will know everything. So after a while, I got the message and stopped asking. I decided to just wait for the day I get to meet dad. But you know…" Naruto once more trailed off as a far off look appeared in his eyes.

"Hm?" Percy waited curiously for Naruto to continue.

"Despite knowing that I haven't met my dad, and my mom telling me that my dad haven't been with us ever since I was just a newborn," Naruto paused, trying to find the right words. "I have these… memories or visions or whatever where I am with a man whose face I can't see. I am just a kid within those memories, barely a couple of years old but sometimes I remember him playing with me, comforting me when I was hurt or the both of us taking a nap and other such memories. But when I asked mom, she said he was never there but," Naruto once more paused and looked at Percy with a convinced gaze, "I think he was there!"

Percy was silent when Naruto finished his tale. He seemed to be pondering on what he had just learned and shared.

"Well, there is nothing we can do about it." He finally said before going and draping an arm over Naruto's shoulder. "We'll just have to keep moving forward till the day we finally get to meet both our dads." Percy stated with conviction as he grinned at Naruto before raising his fist.

Naruto returned Percy's grin with one of his own before bumping their fists.

The two then started to make their way out of the Museum while chatting away, unaware of the eyes following their forms.

Coming out of the shadows, Brunner shook his head. Guess he wasn't needed after all. With that thought, he started on his way back.

Meanwhile, as Naruto and Percy made it back outside, Naruto turned to the sky covered by dark clouds and grinned as a single thought crossed his mind.

'Just you wait dad, I'll definitely come to meet you again!'

(Meanwhile: An unknown location)

In an unknown place, within a room shrouded in darkness; the figure of a single man sitting regally could be made out through the dim light provided by the number of fireflies that flew around him.

He appeared to be a young man in his early twenties of average height and build. He had hair like pure gold that seemed to spike here and there with two jaw-length bangs framing either side of his face. While his attire consisted of flowing black robes with gold rims. He was handsome, incredibly so, and seemed to have an ethereal glow about him that told anyone who laid eyes upon him, that he was not an earthly being.

He continued to just rest silently with his eyes closed, appearing to be quite peaceful. That was when he heard the words spoken to him,

'Just you wait dad, I'll definitely come to meet you again!'

Opening his eyes for the first time to reveal two cerulean blue orbs that were the same shade as Naruto's, he smiled.

To be continued…

AN: As you can see Naruto was raised as a Demigod within the mortal world and all I'll tell you now is that it was because of Minato telling so. Also, while he comes off as a Demigod, Naruto isn't one (not yet at least). He has yet to… awaken.

So anyways, what are your thoughts on the Four Heavenly Kings? (I couldn't come up with a better title/sect name). Who do you think the other three are? And who do you think Naruto's mother is?

The story also features a different Percy as I wanted to try out something different than a canon version of him and I will reveal more of his back story as we proceed with the story.

The pairing is also undecided though I was thinking of a Naruto x Calypso or maybe Bianca but I would like to hear you thoughts on this.

So anyways, be sure to leave a nice long REVIEW to let me know your thoughts and be sure to check my fb page for the responses after a 24-hours!

Well, ciao!

- El Emperador