We met in the middle of a fucked up situation.

I wasn't expecting him, well them, and they certainly weren't expecting to find me either. In the center of a vampire nest, covered in my brother's blood, sobbing and babbling incoherently. Dean had spoken first, patting me on the shoulder. Out of reflex, I'd swung the machete at him, but when Sam wrapped his strong arms around me, I'd quit my fighting.

"Strong little hellion," Dean called me.

The third man with them remained silent, his crystal blue eyes appraising me like I was a lifeform all my own. I wriggled against Sam's hold and pushed my wavy hair out of my face.

"I'm fine," I said softly.

Dean looked at the carnage around us and raised an eyebrow at me.

"You do this all on your own, kid?"

I snorted.

"I'm twenty-four, dude. Ain't been a kid for a long time."

"Answer the question."

"Yes. The man's head at your feet belongs to my brother," I told him drolly. He kicked it away from him with a grimace and motioned towards the dead nest.

"How'd you do it all by yourself? No offense, but you're...not exactly the biggest chick I've ever come across," Dean said with a grin.

He was gorgeous, sure. So was Sam.

Shit, so was trenchcoat dude who was still staring at me.

"You guys think we could talk about this where the smell of blood isn't threatenin' to make me puke?," I asked quietly. Sam seemed to snap out of his awe first, because he nodded and pointed towards the door.

"Sure, come on."

And from then on, we were inseparable.

Dean was the older brother I no longer had; which believe me, was a far more amazing thing than I ever realized I needed. Sam was my best friend and confidant, and Castiel? Well, we circled each other like two fighters in the ring. I wasn't sure how to take him, and to him I was the biggest mystery since sliced bread.

I wanted him.

I wanted him, bad.

Sam made fun of me in private, which always rankled, but hell. I was only one female, and Castiel was ten kinds of sexy. Half of the time we spent together consisted of either painfully awkward staring, or both of us arguing over something that didn't need to be argued about. Dean told me it was because Castiel didn't know what to make of me, like I was some kind of relic he'd never encountered before. But I knew better.

Cas can't stand me.

He absolutely hates me, and hatred is against his nature.

Every time he entered a room I was in, he left immediately after. Every time we had to travel together for a case, he bitched the whole time, trying to make Sam and Dean leave him behind for some other job.

It hurt my feelings entirely too much, and the boys definitely made up for it.

They were the best friends I could have ever had, and if they could deal with me when I was going through what I went through after I had to kill my only family, then I could deal with anything they threw at me.

I was crazy for months after that.

Dean was pretty sure I was the one that flew over the cuckoo's nest.

Like now, when both of them were trying to convince me that I had to pretend I was married to Castiel for the sake of the case.

"You know that fucker hates me! Why would I pretend to be married to him? All weekend for that matter!," I argued. Sam rolled his eyes and dropped his head back in frustration.

"Listen,sugar. We need you to do this. We need to get in there and kill that ghost. The only way we're gettin' through that security is if you two get in first. It's invitation only," Dean said calmly.

He's always so patient with me.

"I want your Zepplin shirt."

His brow furrowed and his mouth dropped open.

"Hell no! It's signed," He told me.

I crossed my arms across my chest and smirked.

"Cas is the last dude I'd wanna marry; he can't stand to be in the same room with me for longer than five minutes. You really expect me to stay in a hotel room with him, alone, for two nights in a row? I want somethin' to sweeten the deal, sugar."

Dean scoffed and Sam began to laugh, shaking his head.

Dean glared at him.

"Dude, you taught her the art of negotiation. This is all you," Sam said cheerfully, winking at me when Dean groaned.

"I'll give you permission to wear it whenever you want, but you can't keep it!," He bartered. I cocked my head to the side and held out my hand.


When he looked at my hand like it was covered in snot, I shrugged.

"What? You wanna kiss on it? You ain't a demon anymore, Dean...,"

He barked out a laugh and shook my hand, before he pulled me onto the floor between him and Sam and began to torture me by tickling me.

"No! I said I'd do it!," I yelled, trying to catch a breath between giggles.

"Say I'm the best!," Dean demanded. I squealed as Sam got a hold of my little feet.

"Dean! I am a grown ass woman! Let me go!," I said through a fit of laughter.. The grins on both of their faces made my torture worth it, and I was instantly grateful for both of them. After everything we'd been through together; all the fights, the cases, the blood and pain. Everything was worth it, and if there was still a God out there...well I could thank him for sending me these two idjits.

A flutter of wings ruined the moment.

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear...

I watched Castiel take in the sight before him; Me lying on my back with one leg stretched out of my reach with the attached foot tucked into Sam's big hand. Dean with his hands wrapped around my waist and one of my hands stuck to the side of his face, covering his mouth.

All at once we moved away from each other to stand in more dignified positions, with me fixing my wild hair and Dean adjusting his shirt.

"This is not what I expected to find," Castiel said. I rolled my eyes, a terrible habit I'd picked up from Sam that drove Dean insane, and headed for the kitchen.

"Let me know how this one goes, boys. I'll be cuddlin' in my new shirt!," I said excitedly.

"That's my shirt, sugar, and don't you forget it!," Dean called after me.

He sure does love me, sharin' his favorite t-shirt.

I stopped walking when I heard Castiel start to speak.

"I simply cannot agree to this preposterous idea," Castiel said.

"Come on, what do ya got against her anyways? She ain't ever done us , or you wrong," Sam said casually.

As I peeked around the corner, I saw Dean nod in agreement.

"We are not suited to one another's tastes."

"Well hell, Cas, what does her taste have to do with it?," Dean asked.

I fought the urge to slam my palm against my face.

"He means they don't get along, Dean. Get your mind out of the gutter for five minutes, would ya?," Sam scoffed.

Castiel tucked his hands into his pockets.

"I will do as you ask of me.

On one condition."

"I ain't got no more t-shirts I'm willin' to share!," Dean said with a frown. Castiel shook his head.

"If I agree to partake in this plan of yours for the next seventy-two hours, then I must insist you never ask me to work with her again."

That stings like a bitch.

Damn, that really hurts.

But I knew dean wouldn't agree.

Not really.

I was a part of their team, and they needed me as much as we, (although I hated to admit it) needed Cas.


Just like that, my feelings were crushed.

"You sure you're okay? You're bein' too quiet," Dean asked me for the hundredth time in an hour. I sighed and swept my hair out of my face, tossing the heavy mass onto the top of my head in a messy bun.

"Do think I'm attractive?," I probed.

Dean's mouth dropped open and he resembled a fish out of water for a few seconds before he caught himself.

"Hey, I view you as-,"

"Answer the question, dude. Don't make it weird; if we were not in the life that we are, would you hit on me in a bar?"

His green eyes roamed over my body, and he nodded.

"'Course I would, what's this about? It ain't like you to be insecure about yourself," He said. I could hear the genuine curiosity in his voice and I felt stupid once more.

Cas just hates you.

He just does.

No rhyme or reason.

"No reason. We ready to get drivin'? If I have to put on that stupid dress for this gala tonight, I want to make sure I have time to actually look presentable," I mused.

Dean dropped a kiss to my forehead and headed inside, leaving me alone outside. I watched as the sun began to rise, and like it did every morning, the sunrise brought a smile to my face.

These days simple was all I had, and the sunrise was simply beautiful.

"Why are you smiling like that?," I heard beside me.

Cas has managed to catch you off guard again.

Just remember he basically requested to be kicked out of the rat pack because he can't stand you.

I cleared my throat and shrugged.

"This is the last time we have to work together, right? What else could make me smile so big?," I snapped, watching as he began to frown fiercely.

An indelicate sound slipped past my lips as I headed inside to grab my coat and blanket. All of my bags were already in the car.

"Yo, let's roll Scooby and Scrappy," I called, putting an apple into my mouth.

I heard muted replies and slipped on a sweatshirt, grateful for the added warmth to ward off the chills.

Sam came around the corner first and motioned towards Castiel.

"Take it easy on him today, alright?"

"Me? Take is easy on him? Why in the hell would I do that?"

"Because, the last time you guys argued, you called him some pretty interesting names and he's still bothering me about their exact definitions," Sam said, his tone particularly annoyed.

I giggled remembering that something along the lines of 'ass hat, scrotum sucker, and salad tosser,' had been among the colorful few. Dean smacked my ass and sent me scurrying to the car, my giggles echoing around us.

"Alright Cas, you can get in the backseat, and you," He said pointing at me, "Be nice."

I stuck my tongue out and climbed into the back seat, snuggling into my corner of the car and glaring at Castiel as he scooted in next to me. His cold stare landed on me for only a moment before he had himself pressed against the farthest side of Baby he could.

"Dean, wake me up when we get there. I made an appointment to get my hair and makeup done."

Sam peeked at me from the front seat.


"Hey, I don't ever get to look like an actual female. I'm not gonna miss this opportunity."