Saitama's new world chapter 1

It all started on a quiet afternoon. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and some guy in a yellow suit was punching the crap out of a giant robot! pretty much just a normal day.

The man's name was Saitama. He had been fighting bad guys for almost a year now, and had only recently been promoted into class A, after he had defeated Lord Boros. Still, the bald hero was board, and even though bad guys were appearing left and right, he never really thought of them as a challenge. Saitama sighed as the metal giant began to charge a punch, because he knew that he could take the brunt of the attack. As the giant swung its massive fist at him, Saitama jumped straight toward punch ,hoping that it would prove to be exciting. But it wasn't. Saitama released his punch at the last second, causing the giant's fist to shatter into multiple pieces and spread apart in the air. The metal beast took one look at his hand and began to howl in rage and pain as Saitama stood looking up at him with a blank expression on his face. The robot yelled and raised his foot to stomp Saitama into the ground as a final act in desperation. Saitama sighed once again and said, "Serious series: serious punch", as he began to wind-up his final attack.

The metal monster growled as it sent its foot sailing down on the hero, but Saitama merely looked up at it and said, "Oh, crap….I forgot to get the milk." With that, Saitama launched his fist into the heel of the giant's foot, causing a shockwave to result from the collision. The force of the punch traveled up the leg of the giant and to its face, then the metal giant exploded, causing millions of shards to fall from the sky. Saitama watched the pieces fall with an emotionless face, as they gently descended and landed on the ground. "Well", said Saitama, breaking the silence," now I need to go and get the milk. I hope they have a Bargain sale.", he said as he slowly turned and walked away. However, as Saitama was leaving, he felt that something weird was behind him. He turned around to see what looked like a the sky? Saitama was visibly shocked by this as he knew what it was. He remembered that back when he had been training to become one punch man, Saitama would often practice his punches on nearby mountains in order to become stronger. One such punch resulted in the formation of a rift between parallel universes, and although Saitama had never entered, he was always curious as to where it would lead. Well, I guess now is as good a time as any.

Saitama slowly walked toward the hole and peered inside. It was dark. Almost like looking into space itself. 'Well..', thought Saitama as he continued to inspect the rift, 'It was getting pretty boring here anyway. Besides, Genos can take care of this place until I come back." With that final thought, he lept into the depth of darkness, wondering what trials might lay ahead.