"My heart hurts and it stings,
That's just what love brings..
Hurt, silence and tears."
Bad time, bad place that's where I am, a collision. It hit Me. Hard. Than what? Of course. Something I thought of as a dream. I woke up and I was not with him. The answer to everything is; death. Suddenly... it just took away my breath...
"Solstice! Wake up! You'll be late for school again!" My mother's shouting was always loud... I hate it when it's so loud especially in the morning.
"Mom... I'm awake just don't shout anymore please..." I just hate mornings, I'm always groggy and still half asleep. Oh, and stiff too.
Standing up and going to the bathroom to change, for a short time I stood before my mirror and just stared at it.
"Wonder if I'll ever change, huh?"
But just so that you know, I'm Solstice Carrose. A creepy teenager with idiotic dreams, always had them and always will. How old am I you ask? Seventeen. The dreams I always have are just flashbacks of a previous day or so, nothing major.
Washing my teeth, looking into my own eyes in the mirror, there's something odd with them, I could never tell what... I really don't know, it's just the feeling of somthing wrong, never could put my finger on it so don't ask.
Changing into my clothes, a black t-shirt with an illuminati insignia and leggings I was out of my bathroom making my way to the kitchen where m mother was, She's just slightly smaller than me now.. We don't really look similliar. I've got all of my features from my father. Like my long black hair and piercing blue eyes.
"Hi mom" She jumped a little bit, didn't hear me coming did ya?
"Finally, you're awake!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah, yeah I'm awake, what's for breakfast today?" I asked her a litlle irritated. Yeah mornings are not made for me.
"Help yourself." Haha very funny, thank you very much!
"Sure, I'm out" And Just like that I was on my way to the door, puting on my shoes and grabing my schoolbag, I was out of the house.
A really nice weather awaited me outside like... rain. emYay! Rain! Maybe add a little sugar too wont ya?! I didn't even take my coat with me! /emMaking my way down the street I saw some people from my school, Those playboys and overly girly girls. Ignoring them I was going to the traffic lights but something caught my eye... like a little kid running trough the street and behind him, his mother trying to catch him. And just then I realized the arriving truck from the distance. Well if "panic" is the word enough to describe my feeling at that moment, than it's not enough to describe my actions.
Just like that I was out on the street, shoving the kid to the side just a second before the truck hit me. And it hit Me. Hard. One second I was there and the next I was out cold.
AN: So, this is my first ff, it's short and not professional. I hope to improve thought. There are a lot of errors in this one, short chapter and I'm aware of that. So please if you don't like it,
just ignore it. It's just a small request from me. Still if you liked it, RR!