A Dire Wolf For Dire Times

Chapter one: The Sterling trailer

What a mess. Where the thoughts of one Schnee president as he gazed at the fire that had begun to engulf his families dust mines from the comfort of his luxurious office. The Faunas had attempted to use the dust to stave off the attacking Grimm, some of them running to the refinery only to be gunned down with the Grimm. A beast is a beast after all. Others had attempted to hide deep within the mines, under the misguided belief that their night vision would mean they can hide from the snarling monsters that chased them. No way of knowing that most creatures of the Grimm see clearer in the dark. Chortling at the stupidity of his mongrel staff he turned his attention back to the flames. No doubt that the dust would be unscathed, neither of the savage breeds had any clue on how to utilise it after all.

The staff trapped deep within remnants crust however….

"Alison." He spoke as he pushed a button on his scroll, waiting for his receptionist's response.

"Yes, Mr Schnee?" the young woman replied quickly, to which a sly grin formed on his face. The woman was fresh out of puberty, not at all qualified for such a high ranking job as a receptionist to a CEO, at least the girl seemed to realise why she was employed as such as she was all too eager to earn his approval.

"Post that there will be new positions within the mines opening up within the week." He frowned as a Beowulf Alpha charged towards his refinery, its claws slashing into one of the robot's midriffs as another fell to its jaws before it fell. That would be expensive. "And once this attack has ceased, gather any orphaned children that have survived."

"Very good sir."

"Gentleman. As we all are aware the White fang situation has negativity levels in our mines at an all-time high, so high in fact I dare say that they rival our profit margins." He jested, false smile firmly in place as he regarded his chuckling board of governors. Like filthy hyenas. "However in all seriousness this has not gone unnoticed by the Grimm. They kill our staff, and destroy our technology as they salivate at our door step desperate to get inside. The deaths of our staff means we must post increasingly high mortality rates and offer increasingly higher amount of lien to our staff to compensate. Money that would otherwise be known as profit." The mumbling of the corporate big wigs buzzed to life like a swarm of bees defending the nest. Panicked expressions on fat faces as his chief treasurer's chins wobbled in a fashion most comedic. "And the Androids aren't cheap either, despite the compromise we have with the military upon my daughter's enlistment." Muffled words of sympathy were wasted upon him as they filled the room next. "And finally the funerals of the deceased meaning our profit margins have plummeted to 34%." The President sat down and rubbed his moustache as he looked at his fellows. "Any solution's?"

"We pay hunters to guard our walls and staffs instead of buying new androids." His head of security offered his input.

"That means more funeral expenses when they inevitably fall, mortality rates would continue to rise as well. We must seek more negotiations on price with the military to procure more drones." His treasurer counter offered.

"Both good ideas, unfortunately both are flawed from the ground up. You attack the plant; I shall attack its roots." He declared before he pushed a button on his desk. The door opening and a young faunas stepping inside, his white ears twitching upon his head as he squinted at them all. "Gentleman I would like you to meet Denzel Alexander Sterling. Some wolf faunas that was born within our mines and has such never seen the sun. His mother passed away in the most recent Grimm incursion, and as such left him orphaned, the Father died before his birth in a rockslide. Say hello, Denzel."

"Good afternoon Sirs." The young boy greeted as he nodded his head.

"Denzel here is my answer to our problems. He is the first of many children to receive the Schnee Scholarship to any hunter's academy he chooses." He boasted, the child's tiny chest swelling with pride. His white hair bore great likeness to the owner's own family, and many suspected that their president had sired a half breed, however his peridot green eyes were anything but Schnee. Pale skin already marred with scars across his arms from labour, and his clear discomfort in a suit made evident as he pulled at the restricting collar of his shirt.

"With a Faunas hunter the miners would feel safer, and with him being from here we know he isn't a white fang member in disguise." The advisor pondered as a stock holder grinned.

"And if we give them a scholarship the white fang would be dismissed much more readily, meaning the negativity would drop rapidly." The grin grew wider as he gazed at the faunas. "We expect great things young man!" he cheered as he stood to shake his hand. The young Faunas smiling despite the confusion he no doubt felt currently.

He would grow talented in due time, he would after all, have his aura unlocked by a Schnee.

10 Years Later.

"Here, this will help you." Weiss Schnee, youngest heiress to the infamous Schnee Dust Company said kindly as she handed a cartridge of dust to her teammate and friend Blake Belladonna who accepted it with a nod. The beautiful faunas placing the cartridge into the hollow hilt of Gambol Shroud ready for the upcoming battle. The three elder girls of team RWBY dashing forward through the locomotives carriages with grim determination etched onto their faces.

They would stop this train.

Pushing their way through the first carriage the three girls found themselves staring down well over twenty white fang grunts all ready to stop them getting to the control room. The rookie combatants were quickly dispatched by the trio of huntresses in training, making sure to avoid as little damage and to use as minimum aura as possible with the exception of Yang. Who made sure to deliberately take a couple of hits in order to charge up her semblance. There would be bigger fights the closer they got to the front after all,

Walking into the next carriage the girls were surprised to see the ice cream themed woman they had ran into several times before smiling politely at them before bowing deeply. And where Neo Politian stood, Roman Torchwick wouldn't be far behind. Smashing her knuckles together as Ember Cecilia became its weaponized form.

"She's mine." The blonde called as she launched a round at the tiny body guard. Her team mates using it as a distraction to run by into the next carriage.

The next carriage held a far more intimidating individual as a shockingly tall man wielding a chainsaw walked forward slowly, revving the blades as he dragged the weapon across the metal floor making it shriek horribly and sparks fly. Laughing maliciously, he swung the mighty weapon at the heiress who managed to deftly block it with a little assistance from Blake who then left a clone and ran to the final carriage. Strong, but slow. The heiress smiled as she assesed her opponent.

"Finally I get to kill a Schnee!" He cackled, the white haired teen readying her aura as she got into a combative stance.

"This will only take a minuite." She declared calmly as a glyph appeared underneath her form.

Bursting through the door of the last carriage Blake came face to face yet again with crime syndicate leader Roman Torchwick who smirked and tilted his cap before saying in his usual overly cocky voice.

"We've really gotta stop meeting like this kitty cat- people are gonna talk!" Making her snarl in disgust as she charged forward to strike the redhead down. Roman rolling his eyes before raising a whistle to his lips and blowing, Blake only just managing to catch the faintest echoes of the shrill sound readied herself for the incoming enemy that would have heard it loud and clear. Turning to the door she waited, careful to keep a watchful eye on Roman on the possibility it was a trick.

The sound of glass smashing made her jump despite all her training as she realised with wide eyes that this carriage had a glass window on the roof for emergency exit. Swinging her weapon around rapidly she wasn't quite fast enough as her new assailant ducked under the swipe before in a show of grace back flipped, striking out with their left foot in mid-air before landing in a protective crouch in front of his boss.

The assailant was very clearly a man if the thick corded arms and rippling chest muscles were any indication. In fact, as far as Blake could tell he was roughly her own age. Though she may be a couple of years off either way due to the full face mask he wore, standard of a white fang member. However, Blake noticed that his mask had a rather peculiar amount of detail for something that would have been so mass produced with the influx of new recruits. His mask had two segments so that it would move with his jaw if he spoke or ate and he had the heads of two wolves howling on each cheek, the shattered moon of remnant at the centre of his forehead. The moon only just being visible as his long white hair hung over his mask with his canine ears only barely visible due to its length. "Ever so sorry kitty cat but this train has a high level of security, and the mutt here says that you gotta go." Roman smiled as he turned back around to control the train.

At that the opposing faunas charged at Blake, Roman carelessly tossing his cane to the teen to parry Gambol shroud before he span around and pointed the projectile end of the weapon in her face and pulled the trigger making Roman wince at the messy end of the girl. Only to find the head missing of a stone statue, the real Blake attempting to run at Roman only to be ensnared by the grapple hook end of the cane and yanked back to the teen who threw her against the farthest wall from the redhead. Standing in-between them so that her view of him was obscured.

"Who are you?" Blake asked the masked man as he tossed the cane back to his boss and tensed his fists.

"Denzel Alexander Sterling." He replied as he waited for her to stand steadily. Seeing his lack of will to attack whilst he was down made Blake wonder if she had met the boy during her own time in the white fang. Any other recruit would have finished her by now, and if they knew each other maybe she could get answers.

"Why are the white fang working for scum like him!?" She screamed in frustration as Roman gasped in mock horror. Den not answering but charging at her one again, striking at her ribs with his right fist he growled as a fire clone exploded and pushed him back, yet again Blake appearing behind him and attempting to strike at his back before grunting in frustration as he ducked underneath before standing straight up rapidly to slam his head into her chin. As she stepped back and went to stab at him the boy simply smacked the flat of the blade so it barely missed his shoulder before slamming his aura infused palm into her chest knocking her flying once again and forcing the air from her lungs. Grabbing some chain off of the floor he walked forward at a leisurely pace, his red eyes glinting between the mask.

Just as he raised the chain high to whip it down and crack open her skull like a high impact bull whip the entrance flew off its hinges with Weiss unconscious upon it. The chainsaw wielder cackling before coughing as Blake kicked him in the head, revealing the version lay on the floor in front of Den to be another Clone. Wasting no time Den hurled the chain like a bolas at Blake only for his eyes to widen in surprise as it turned out to be an electric clone. His supposed comrade kicking the clone away from himself and towards the teen as it exploded.

"Two white haired brats for the price of one!" He cackled before turning back to Weiss, assuming her semblance had been something stupid like to self-destruct. Lifting the chainsaw high in the air Blake waited up on the roof for the fool to strike at the clone of Weiss only to be shocked as her own opponent appeared behind him and wrapping the chain around his neck, choking him.

"You shall not harm her!" He bellowed as he placed his feet on the larger man's back and straightened out, putting all of his weight and strength on the chain choking his foe, from this angle Blake could see that his mask had shattered to show his left eye, which was now a peridot green rather than the feral red it appeared to be whilst under the mask. "Where ever you're hiding!" he yelled as he grunted, the other masked individual now pulling on the chain as well, slowly over powering the younger man. "Brace yourself!" He yelled as the chain snapped between the two's combined strength, causing him to fall to the floor, kicking his opponent in the back of the knee so he fell too before grabbing his hair and pulling his head close. "And look away!" he hollered. just as Blake managed to close her eyes she heard the sickening snap of a bone. Opening her eyes she looked over the edge to see green and red orbs staring at her before he made to grab her, panicking she turned away to grab Weiss and flee before she saw it.

They were heading straight for the wall that sealed vale from the Mountain Glenn railway.

They had failed to stop the train.

So I hope you enjoyed the Sterling trailer, which like the rest of the trailers just explains why he fights and offers a breif showcase in his abilities.

But yeah I have a favour to ask, if anyone knows all the names for all of the grimm can you do me a favour and let me know in the review or via PM. I think im mostly okay besides the names of the t-rex ones, but a list nonetheless wouldn't hurt!

Please follow and favourite, or don't! Just be make sure to review and say nice ego stroking things…..pls

Anyhoot see yall later guys