Silvers lead Hiccup into his office, sitting him down on a stool, and then asking him if he was alright.

Hiccup nodded.

"How does it feel?" Silvers nodded to Hiccup's new quarter of his leg.

Hiccup wiggled the toes. "I can't really describe it."

"Might I look at it?"

Hiccup nodded again.

Silvers took the leg into his metal hand and started to feel around the young man's metal appendage with his other hand.

"The cup was a portkey." Hiccup said.

Silvers looked up at him.

Hiccup told him: "Someone bewitched it."

"What was it like?" Silvers stood. "What was he like?"

Hiccup quirked a brow. "Who?"

Silvers leaned down to Hiccup's level and whispered: "The Dark Lord."

Hiccup looked down and Silvers stormed off to the side.

"What was it like to stand in his presence?" Silvers fidgeted slightly.

"I don't know." Hiccup replied.

Silvers quietly started to grunt in pain.

"It was like I had fallen into a nightmare…like Astrid's."

Silvers went to drink from his bottle, but it was empty and he began to search through a wooden box of bottles; he threw his head back and let out a small gasp. "Were there others? In the graveyard, were there others?"

Hiccup shook his head. "I – I don't think I said anything about the graveyard, professor."

"Do you think that oaf Gobber would've led you into the woods if I hadn't suggested it?" Silvers began to search about the room. "Do you think Tadashi Hamada would've told you to open the egg underwater if I hadn't told him first myself?! Do you think Anna Arendal, the girl with her head in the clouds, could've provided you with gillyweed if I hadn't given her the book that led her straight to it?" He growled the words in Hiccup's face and he licked the side of his mouth quickly.

"You put my name in the Goblet of Fire." Hiccup said as he realized everything. "You bewitched Krum…but-"

"But, but." Silvers made fun of him with a whiney voice and then leaned towards him. "You won because I made it so, Haddock. You ended up in that graveyard because it was meant to be so. And now the deed is done." He grabbed Hiccup's metallic leg. "This is a gift from the Dark Lord himself!" He yelled out in pain, turning away from Hiccup…but then he turned back and Hiccup saw part of his face become flat.

Hiccup stood and backed away.

"Imagine how he'll reward me", he walked towards Hiccup; as Hiccup backed away, "when he learns that I have once and for all silenced you." His arm switched to his wand!

The offices door blew into pieces and North casted Expelliarmus at Silvers' chest, blasting him to a chair that hit the wall!

North ran towards Silvers, followed by Munds, Toothiana, and Sandy. North grabbed Silvers' face and forced his mouth open. "Munds."

Munds poured a liquid down Silvers' mouth.

Silvers tried to cough it up; but North yelled: "Glotat!" And Silvers swallowed the liquid.

"Do you know who I am?!" North asked.

"Nicholas Claus." Silvers answered.

"Are you John Silvers? Ty?!"

"No." The imposter said.

"Is he in this room? On v etoy komnate?!"

The man looked at the large chest in front of Hiccup.

North yelled to Hiccup: "Ikota, move from there!"

Hiccup ran around and stood behind Toothiana.

Munds used his wand to open the chest, which opened like a Russian nesting doll, with smaller chests coming out from it.

They slowly walked to the chest, looked down into it, and saw the real John Silvers sitting at the bottom.

"Are you alright, John?" North asked.

"Aye", John sighed, "I'm sorry, Nicholas."

Hiccup shook his head. "If that's Silvers then who's…"

Munds opened the imposter's bottle and smelled it. "Polyjuice potion."

North then said. "Now, we know who's been stealing from you."

Munds looked at Hiccup.

"Looky there." Hiccup said to Munds.

North then yelled down to Silvers: "We'll get you up in a minute!"

Silvers nodded.

They heard the imposter groan, they turned and saw him start to deform. The Mad Eye fell from his face, as did all the metal appendages. Leaving a muscular form, looking down at the ground.

Hiccup leaned down at looked at the man, who lurched for him, but North pulled Hiccup away and Munds, Toothiana, and Sandy all pointed their wands at the imposter.

Robert Callaghan Jr. sat in the chair, staring at Hiccup (imagine from HTTYD 2: Eret). "If you let me get a closer look at your scar, I'll show you what The Dark Lord left me."

North pushed Hiccup forward, pulling back his head, putting his chin in full view.

Jr. licked the side of his mouth and then pulled down the left side of his shirt to reveal the skull and snake tattoo on his left pectoral. "You know what this means, don't you? He's back. Lord Drago has returned." He chuckled.

"Send an owl to Azkaban." North said. "I think they're missing a prisoner."

Jr. chuckled again. "I'll be welcomed back like a hero!"

"Never had much time for heroes myself." North led Hiccup out and they were followed by Sandy and Toothiana.

Munds put the tip of his wand against Junior's neck and pushed him back…

Jr. grinned wildly at Munds.

The next day was a somber day…North sat in his chair in the Great Hall in front of everyone.

"Today…" North started, "we acknowledge – a terrible loss." He began to stand. "Tadashi Hamada, as you all know exceptionally hard-working…infinitely fair-minded…and most importantly – great, great friend…and brother. Now, I think you all deserve to know exactly how he died. You see…Tadashi Hamada was murdered – by the Dark Lord Drago! The Ministry of Magic wishes for me to not tell you this. But to not do so, would be an insult to his memory! Now, the pain…we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me…reminds us…that while we may come from different places and speak different languages – our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events…the bonds we have made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that…and Tadashi Hamada will not have died in vain. You remember that…and we will celebrate a boy…who was…kind and honest – and brave and true, right to the very end."

Hours later:

Gobber and the real Silvers fashioned Hiccup a hand-made metallic leg (the one he has in the second movie) and did away with the one he was given by Drago.

Later…everyone was outside the castle saying goodbye to old and new friends.

Krum came up to Elsa. "Elsa." He nudged her away from Anna and the other girls. "This is for you." He gave her a piece of paper. "Please write to me." He then started to leave.

"Bye." Elsa said with a blush; and Krum blew her a kiss.

The girls huddled around Elsa and they started to talk.

Hiccup sat alone, watching his eight friends talk.

Odette pulled Aurora to Hiccup and kissed him on the cheek.

Hiccup turned to the young girl and smiled at her.

Aurora then put her hand on his shoulder. "Au revoir, Hiccup." She kissed his forehead.

Hiccup smiled up at her. "Au revoir, Aurora."

Aurora grabbed Odette's hand and led her away, but not before Odette could wave bye to Hiccup and he waved back.

Hiccup then watched all the students from the three schools, hug and/or shake hands as they said goodbye.

As the Beauxbatons and the sons of Durmstrang left, Hogwarts students cheered and applauded for them.

Hiccup was walking about idly and was jumped on by Jack!

The two started to laugh as Jack let go and the other seven arrived behind Hiccup.

"Do you think we'll ever have a quiet year at Hogwarts?" Jack asked.

Everyone lightly laughed and said: "NO." Causing Jack to chuckle.

"Didn't think so." Jack said.

Astrid shrugged. "But what's life without a few dragons?" She put her arm around Hiccup and smiled at him.

"Very funny." Hiccup told her.

They all started to walk ahead, except for Anna.

"Anna?" Elsa turned to her sister.

Anna smiled at them. "Everything's going to change now isn't it?"

Kristoff walked to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Yes." He nodded and the two shared a small laugh.

Anna stood on her toes and kissed Kristoff's cheek, then she wrapped her arm around his waist with his arm over her shoulders and then she linked arms with Elsa; and then everyone joined in as they could. "Promise me we'll ALL stay together forever."

They all started to nod.

"Nope." Flynn put his nose in the air. "You guys put me in way too much danger. I'm leaving as soon as I can."

Merida then complained at him: "You weren't in any danger."

"You won't leave, Flynn." Anna told him. "Because Rapunzel won't leave." She winked at the girl.

Rapunzel stuck her nose in the air. "That's right." She winked at Flynn; and he chuckled.

They then went to a balcony and watched the two schools leave.