Hiccup walked up the stairs of Tuff's and Ruff's home to where Astrid and Merida were sleeping, the nine were staying with the twins for the week for the Qudditch World Cup – it was just easier to put all nine in one place for the week then trying to all meet up at the event…and more fun, without knocking Hiccup came inside the room and saw both girls sleeping, Astrid was twisting, turning, and groaning. "Astrid." Hiccup put his hand on her shoulder; and she turned her head away from him. "Astrid." He said louder and shook her.

Astrid woke up with a loud gasp and seemed surprised to see Hiccup.

"You okay, Astrid?" Hiccup asked and sat next to her.

Astrid sat up and said: "Yeah, I'm fine." She hugged Hiccup.

Hiccup hugged her back and noticed how wet with sweat she was. "Are you sure?"

Astrid pulled away from him, lightly cleared her throat and swallowed, and then told him: "Yeah." She smiled.

Hiccup smiled and put his hand on Astrid's cheek. "Okay."

They then had their first kiss of the day and smiled at each other.

"Hells bells, Hiccup, don't chya knock?" Merida asked, finally awake.

Hiccup smiled at Merida.

Astrid giggled. "She has a point, you know."

Hiccup grinned at Astrid. "Alright", he turned away looking at the wall. "I know when I'm not welcomed", he stood, "I get it." He started to leave the room.

Astrid took a second to admire how much he has grown, with his unruly hair, red long sleeved shirt, with a brown vest over it, and his brown pants and boots.

"Aye, get out." Merida threw her pillow at Hiccup just as he was closing the door.

Astrid smiled at Merida and then they heard Hiccup go into Ruff and Tuff's room.

"Ruff! Tuff!" Hiccup yelled at them. "Get up! It's time for breakfast!"

Tuff then yelled: "Make me!"

They heard a crashing sound.

"What the?" Both girls turned to the wall.

They heard Hiccup say: "Oh, so you wanna play like that, huh?"

"OOF!" Tuff uttered.

Ruff then yelled: "Daaaaamn!"

Hours later:

The nine, Ruff, Tuff, Stoick, and Valka are all walking to their rendezvous point.

Tuff groaned as he held a piece of steak against his eye.

Stoick chuckled. "How's that steak treating you, Tuffnut!?"

Tuffnut groaned even louder and looked at Ruffnut. "I just didn't expect Thor's mighty hammer to explode out of Hiccup's scrawny fist!"

Everyone laughed at Tuffnut.

Astrid kissed Hiccup's right hand, the hand she was holding; and Kristoff bumped his arm against Hiccup proudly – Kristoff was much taller and muscular now too. Astrid is wearing her blue t-shirt, red skirt, purple leggings, brown uggs, light brown wristies, and her brown leather head-wrap.

Jack, finally in his blue hoodie, stretched and wrapped his arms around Elsa and Anna's shoulders.

They both rolled their eyes and pushed Jack's arm off of them, but Anna ran up to Kristoff and started walking with him.

"Well then." Jack said, putting the tips of his fingers against his chest, sarcastically offended – causing Elsa to giggle.

They heard Rapunzel and Flynn kiss.

Jack turned to the couple. "Gross."

Flynn punched Jack's arm.

Jack yelled out in pain: "Mother of a whore!"

Merida leaned her head back to Jack. "Watch yer mouth."

Jack thumped Merida on the forehead.

"Ach!" Merida groaned. "Mother of a whore." She said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Stop that!" Stoick boomed.

Jack and Merida yelled: "YES, SIR!"

"There she is!" Valka pointed at a woman up ahead with her back turned to them. "Hey there, Cass!"

The curvy brunette turned to the group, smiled, and waved. "Hey, you guys!"

Hiccup Haddock and The Goblet of Fire