
Mt. Ebott.

Legends says that those who climb the mountain never return.

Everyone residing within this sad excuse of an orphanage, which just happened to be built dangerously close to the infamous landmark, was familiar with this legend. This insanely popular and ridiculous tall tale about magic and Monsters rattled through Jett's brain repeatedly, her hectic mind blocking out the sound of her shoes crushing the dry dirt on the unpaved path she walked. Her eyes anxiously scanned the outskirts of the thick forest brush that encircled Mt. Ebott, isolating the short mountain from the rest of the bustling world around it by a few miles of untouched backwoods.

Despite Jett being a young adult at the age of 18, she still felt relatively uneasy about these widespread rumors. Whether they were legitimately true or merely a tactic to scare children from venturing into the dangerous mountain terrain was something she never really wanted to find out for herself. Under normal day-to-day circumstances, Jett wouldn't go out of her way to be as 'adventurous' as she was trying to be in this moment, forcing herself to get out of her comfort zone and deal with the complicated issue that she found herself tangled up in.

Her slender fingers nervously tugged and pulled at the hem of her dirty, blue denim shorts. Her beaten up, over-sized, purple zip up jacket fanned out behind her with the passing summer breeze as she hesitantly approached her destination. The petite brunette girl stopped at the entrance of the dirt and gravel trail that led up to the mountain's base, glancing over the posted warning signs that were level with her bright blue icy eyes. She inhaled the fresh smell of pine wafting in the dry air, holding her breath for what felt like minutes before exhaling deeply in a poor attempt to calm her restless nerves.

As she nervously kicked up a bit of loose dirt with her battered black and white canvas shoes, she combed her fingers through her long hair, an anxious tick of hers that she developed in the last year or two. Snagging some tangles here and there with her chewed nails, her mind continued to run rampant.

This had to be done.

She ignored her better judgment to merely go back to the orphanage to get the help of an adult, not knowing how much time she had left to spare. No one would probably care enough to bother to help in a reasonable amount of time anyway. Besides, Jett knew exactly what, or she should probably say who, she was looking for.

She knew that her younger brother, Frisk, had come through here, heading towards Mt. Ebott. Jett stopped her fidgeting for the moment and clenched her fists at her sides. Her mind replayed the last encounter that she had with her younger sibling; desperately trying to pick out what she could have done to avoid this circumstance, even though it wouldn't do her any good anymore.

The Orphanage Director had recently informed Jett that, because she had become of age at 18, she could no longer stay at the orphanage. Normally, she wouldn't care about this. She has wanted out of this place from the second her and Frisk arrived. She was sure she'd be able to get a loan and go to a college with a dorm, or at the least get a simple job and live in a cozy one bedroom home. Living expenses weren't all that bad in this area if you lived outside of the nearby cities' range. The weighing factor that distressed Jett, was that Frisk wasn't able to go with her since she was deemed unfit to take care of him on her own realistically.

The Orphanage Director patiently listened to her requests to stay there for Frisk or to take him with her, but no matter how much she pleaded and cried, nothing would change his mind. He had given her exactly one month to get herself a job and a place to stay, not a day later and all on her own.

The entire month given to her to get ready flew by faster than expected, Jett never finding enough courage to bring herself to tell Frisk that she had to essentially abandon him at this dreadful place. The positive outlook she had for leaving the orphanage years ago did a compete 180.

What made matters worse was that her expectations on what life was going to be after she left was a mere fantasy. Her positive outlook of living comfortably on her own turned into a more realistic expectation, one where she worked a minimum wage job while living out of a crappy room-for-rent. She didn't even have enough time to get loans and take the tests it took to get into a college, let alone even research which schools would be best for her. These kinds of things would have been nice for the adults who ran the orphanage to prepare us all for, but she shouldn't be so surprised. This stress did not make anything better for her already troubled mindset.

So, she stalled. Kept everything a secret until the very last day that the two had together. She didn't want to tell him, she just couldn't hurt him like this. The two of them were the only family that they had, always inseparable, day after day... but there were no alternative option for her at this point.

Jett walked along-side Frisk out in the courtyard next to the old oak tree in the far end of the orphanages yard, the place where they would always hang out. Hand in hand, they would silently enjoy the fresh air after their lunch period in this spot. Years' worth of carvings littered the trunk of the tree, many of which were from Jett and Frisk on their lazy days when they would relax under the tree's shade for hours. Together they would listen to the birds and passing breezes, or Jett tell stories that she would make up to entertain her brother.

The two sat in the cool, unkempt green grass that was shaded by the enormous canopy of leaves, the two letting several minutes of silence pass by as Frisk patiently waited for what his older sibling had to tell him. He sat quietly as he always did with a content look on his face, a look that he normally wore throughout the day. Frisk didn't really talk much at all anymore after him and Jett came to the orphanage years ago, and Jett never truly understood why, since it was never really addressed. She had just assumed that he could have been traumatized from the prior events, leaving him essentially eternally speechless.

There were even times where the other orphans, in which Jett would promptly come to his defense promptly, would tease Frisk for being mute. Despite this, Jett and Frisk never seemed to have any kind of problem with interacting with each other, even with the lack of actual verbal communication on Frisks end. The time spent together is all that seemed to matter to Frisk anyway, so Jett never saw a need to try to force him to speak out until he was ready to do so, if ever.

Jett's hands fidgeted and tugged at the grass below her, pulling up a few blades as she built up the courage to finally look Frisk in the face. Seeing his sister's uneasiness, Frisk grabbed Jett's hand in a comforting manner and beamed a bright and encouraging smile for her as his quiet way to calm her down. This gesture only caused Jett's heart sink even further as her eyes began brimming with unwarranted tears, threatening to spill out with each passing second. After a few minutes, which had felt like long, agonizing hours of silence, Jett told him the news.


Frisk didn't handle this well at all, and after several more minutes of an uncommon awkward silence between the two, Frisk let go of Jett's hand. The action itself felt as though a part of her had been torn away, and before Jett had a chance to react, Frisk leaped up from his spot and ran back for the orphanage, leaving her behind without bothering to look back at her.

An hour and a half passed from when she last saw Frisk, her mind blank and heart full of sorrow while she finished packing her single suitcase in the bedroom that she shared with a few other girls. A passing conversation from some of the other orphan's in the hallway broke Jett away from her deadpan trance, as the topic was, conveniently enough, related to her state of affairs. One of the girls gossiped to the other carelessly about how she had seen 'the mute kid' sneak through the gates surrounding the orphanage and head towards Mt. Ebott's forest trail, which was less than half a mile from the secluded orphanage. Before they could talk any more about it, they both walked in to the room with Jett and immediately stopped talking about it. Red in the face with being caught in their gossip, Jett dumbfoundingly starred at them for a few seconds before bolting out the door.

So, this is where we are now. This is how Jett found herself in this reckless mess. A distraught younger brother trying to escape the inevitable loneliness by simply running away from everything and everyone, and his hot mess of an older sister, whom of which is not doing much better than he was in this situation by any means.

Jett inhaled and exhaled once more, eyes closed as she reached up to clench onto the teardrop shaped, jeweled charm of her necklace tightly. She reopened her eyes and starred at the dimly lit forest, her lips parting slightly to talk out quietly to herself.

"I'm an adult now. I'm on my own. I can do something as simple as this."

With that, Jett took her first steps on to the dirt trail, venturing into the fabled forest of no return.

Surprisingly enough, the dense forest that caused Jett so much distress grew less intimidating the further Jett had ventured in to its depths. Inviting rays of the evening's light spilled in through the gentle rustling of leaves in the tall trees, and the finches and sparrows that hid among the vegetation happily chirped throughout the entire forest. These relaxing sounds were frequently interrupted with Jett's calls for Frisk, the worried girl keeping an eye out for any kind of sign that could tell her if he had been through the area.

It had been hours since Jett had crossed into Mt. Ebott's territory, and despite the peaceful surroundings, this never-ending anxiety that dwelled inside her was rapidly intensifying with the setting of the sun beyond the horizon. She needed to find Frisk fast, or she'll soon be finding herself joining Frisk on the missing peoples' list in tomorrow's newspapers.

"Frisk!" She cupped her hands over her mouth, her voice drowning out the quieting chatter of birds as she silently listened for any kind of response back to her. "Frisk, please come back!" She desperately cried out again after a few seconds of silence, her voice cracking as a tight twinge began to occupy her chest. More panic swelled inside her disoriented mind with every minute that passed by without any sign of her sibling. Eevery fiber in her body was telling her to go back the way she came. She hesitated on the thought before shaking her head. No, it'sit's far too late to consider turning back now.

She inhaled past the sick feeling in her stomach, shouting out in to the vast forest

"I'm not going to be gone forever! I swear, I'll come and visit as much as they'll let me!"

Jett froze when she heard a strange noise off to the left of where she was standing. It sounded like a soft whisper, the weirdly familiar voice intermingling with the quiet breeze. She turned her attention to the thick brush that resided a few yards away from where she was standing, noting the cracked twigs and broken branches around the unruly bushes

It looked as though something, or someone, had forced their way through the defenseless, almost wall-like growth. She peered through the makeshift throughway, unable to see what lay on the other side Jett starred back at the setting sun through the leaves above her again, swallowing the lump in her throat before changing course to follow the trail left behind by, who she could only hope to be, Frisk.

She cupped her hands around her mouth again and called for her brother while wiggling her way through the narrow pathway. "FRISK! Come on… ANSWER ME PLEASE!"

She pushed herself as quickly as she could through the bush, little twigs catching on her clothes and hair as she hurried through. When she emerged from the long throughway, she stopped and surveyed her new surroundings.

She was in a relatively open area of the forest, the gap between each tree far wider than before. She noticed that the trees in this area were different from the previous ones she saw in the forest, these ones looking thicker, darker in color, and taller than the former trees. Her eyes desperately darted around her surroundings, the rays of light that found its way in to the forest nearly gone at this point.

Her frantic eyes, surveying of the land, fell upon the small, gentle shoe imprints left in the softened dirt with a sole pattern that was recognizable to her. She felt a wave of relief overcome her, but only for the moment. Finding evidence of her brother being here without him actually physically being within eye distance caused her mind to run wild with the terrible possibilities that could have led to his hypothetical demise. She clenched her fists and shook her head, shaking her negative thoughts away with it before taking another glance back at the shoe prints.

Lucky enough, the dirt and grass in this area of the forest seemed to be soft all the way through, for the rest of the prints were clearly visible one after the other. She didn't hesitate any further and started to run alongside the shoe sole trail, leading her deeper in to the forest.

"FRISK..! I KNOW...YOU'RE HERE!" She shouted in between weak breaths as her short legs poorly carried her, panting and silently cursing herself for ducking out of previous physical education classes that the orphanage would hold. Her running slowed to a jog before she stopped several meters away from a cave entrance, a cascading grass hill gliding up beside the smoothed out rock opening in the Earth. Sure enough, the shoe prints followed the hillside towards said opening.

She didn't give any thought about the danger that could come along with her wandering into a strange cave that could potentially be home to wildlife. She vigilantly walked in to the dark cave's unwelcoming opening, only daring to enter a few yards away from the entrance.

"FRIIIIISK" Her voice called out to her brother for the millionth time. It echoed over the sounds of the dripping moisture residing inside the dark cave before turning back to silence. No response. The only sound heard were her heavy pants as she tried to catch her breath. Her eyes squinted, trying to adjust to the dim lighting while taking a few more brave steps further in to the cavern. Her hope diminishing and her body trembling from exhaustion, Jett took in another big breath to call Frisk's name once more.

"FRI-aAAH!" Her call was cut short when her foot unexpectedly snagged on a thick vine that she had failed to see due to the poor lighting, forcing her body to fall forward towards the damp ground. She attempted to catch herself, or at least cushion the impact by putting her hands out in front of her, just something to stop her from slamming her face on to any unseen rocks that may be lying in the dark.

Astonishingly enough, she had failed to even find the ground in front of her. Nothing made contact with her hands. Instead, her whole body fell. She felt gravity take her straight down into a large hole in the cave floor that was hidden in the darkness.

She frantically tried grasping the air in front of her. The sound of the passing wind from her long fall whistled past her ears, drowning out the panicked noises that escaped her. Those noises soon turned to audible screaming, a single spec of strange light seen far in the distance below her growing larger by the second as she picked up more speed, plummeting down to her unexpected demise. Jett voice gave out as she found it harder to keep air in her lungs, and the soon to be dead girl had then passed the threshold of what she could mentally and physically take. Her eyes started to blur before fluttering shut, the sound of the wind dimmed away to white noise as her consciousness left her.

Her body accepted her sad fate, allowing death to take away her short life.

Jett's fingers trembled, and then wiggled around gently. Her consciousness found its way back to her. Her fingertips grazed over what felt like short, soft grass, the sweet smell of it intermingling with the aroma of fresh flowers. The combined scents wafting under her twitching nose were comforting, helping Jett wake up from her blackout as she let out a faint groan.

'I'm dead. I'm dead and this is some kind of afterlife…'

She scrunched her face up and groaned again, her eyes slowly cracking open.

"… Am I… alive?" She mumbled into the terrain as she laid sorely on her stomach, her blurred vision adjusting best it could before she bothered to move. She took her time lifting herself up, readjusting her arms to the side of her to push her pained body up from her facedown position. With a grunt, Jett sat back on to her butt, her legs awkwardly laying on either side of her, and brushed back her long bangs out of her eyes to survey her surroundings.

She was defiantly still in a cave, her surroundings consisting of bland rock walls, and yet she found herself sitting in the center of a bed of beautiful golden flowers in a patch of healthy grass. The light that she had seen whilst falling encircled the flowerbed like a spotlight, making the already bright plants stand out even more in the glum room. Much to her surprise, the flowers were completely undamaged by her unexpected fall, the petals of each individual plant looking picture perfect and undisturbed.

"If my body didn't hurt this badly, I'd defiantly think I'm in limbo." Jett muttered to herself. She ceased the admiration of the plants she was sitting around and got back up on to her feet, the silent popping of her back and knees causing her to hiss out in discomfort.

"…I can't believe I'm alive. The fall must not have been as bad as I thoug-" Jett stopped mid-sentence as she glanced up at the enormous drop above. Even though the cave she had entered was initially dark, she could make out the spec of dim light high above. Her mouth gapped open in disbelief.

"..How in the hell?"

She didn't ponder on the miraculous event for long, shaking her head from side to side to snap out of her dazed staring and giving her cheeks two light slaps with her hands to get herself to focus. She can't waste her time trying to ponder on how she managed to remain relatively unscathed. The only thing that mattered was that she was still alive and well, and that's all.

The next thing she needed to plan out however, was a way of getting back up to that cave entrance up above. Frisk was still out there somewhere, and she's not going to make any progress finding him if she can't save herself from her predicament.

She surveyed the dimmed pit she had fallen into and noticed a long, natural dirt hallway off to the left of her. This seemed like it was the only exit out of this place, considering her options consisted of either; taking the mystery hallway and seeing where it goes, or attempting to climb back out of what seemed like a half a mile drop. She glared at the hole above her, the idea of even attempting to climb out making her heart start to race.

"...You win this time, hole."

She decided to go with the safer option of going down the hallway and hoped for the best. Just because she survived the drop once, doesn't mean she'll be so lucky a second time around.

Jett brushed some loose dirt off the front of her clothes and legs before making her way down the only available path in the cave. She glanced back over at the flowerbed as she walked away from it, feeling somewhat saddened that she had to leave such a gorgeous garden without fully taking in its beauty and quiet serenity.

She reluctantly pulled her eyes away from the sight and turned left at the end of the shadowy hallway to find another room, which was similar to the last. The first thing she noticed was the pillar columns that were on each side of this entrance. She eyed them curiously, as they looked man made. The room itself was dimly lit just like everywhere else in the cavern; the only real light that came through was a very small spec of light from above, focusing right in the center of the room where a single golden flower rested silently.

Even though the similarities between this room and the last were almost no different, a weird sense of dread flooded over Jett, making her shudder under the doorway before thoughtfully continuing into the area. She looked around, surveying the walls for any kind of ledge or exit that could get her up to higher ground and, hopefully, out of this place.

"Howdy!" Jett let out a timid yelp when a cartoony voice cut the silence. Startled, she looked over towards the direction of the voice, right where the single flower rested. Not seeing anyone in the area, she naturally defaulted to looking down at the flower that lay planted firmly in the ground.

Her face dropped in disbelief, unable to register exactly what she was seeing while the lone flower stared up at her with happy black eyes and a friendly grin. It looked almost like something you'd see on a children's show. Once the talking plant saw that her attention was on him, he continued with his friendly introduction.

"I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower!"

"Uh...H-hi?" She hesitantly replied and gave an awkward wave of hand. "I'm, um… Jett." Was she going crazy? Maybe she hit her head on the way down here. Something didn't feel right, that's for sure. She was talking to a flower, for god's sake!

"You're new to The Underground too? I can tell by the look on your face." His grin was unfaltering as he spoke with words that sounded honeyed. She disregarded it at the mention of her location, Jett simply paling to his question.

"…The Underground?" The previously dismissed tale and legend of the war between Monsters and Humans, that apparently actually happened, flashed through her memory. She took a step back and crossed her arms tight against her chest, shaking her head side to side in disbelief. "Woah, woah, woah. Wait a moment. We're in The Underground. As in The Underground that "Monsters" are sealed in?"

"Oh! So you know a little about the history, huh?" Flowey confirmed her question, Jett's chest tightening up instantly at his response. She would get herself trapped down in a rumored fantasy world while her brother is still missing somewhere. Flowey casually continued as Jett silently panicked for what she can only guess to be the 10th damn time today.

"Well, judging by your reaction and incompetent look, you're obviously clueless to how things work around here! Since I'm so helpful, I can show ya' a thing or two about how things work down here in The Underground!" Flowey gave a little wink and stuck his tongue out playfully. "Are you ready?"

Jett felt an unfamiliar pressure in her chest, which distracted her from the weirdly nice way this talking flower worded something that would normally be considered, in her opinion, pretty rude. She uncrossed her arms away from the building force in her chest cavity, her mind muddled at what the little talking flower had done to her without laying a hand on her.

The pressure she felt though… it didn't feel like the usual pressure she would get whenever her anxiety got too much for her to bear. It was something completely new, leaving her whole body feeling almost warm and comforted. Jett looked down when the pressure got to its peak, and with wide eyes, she watched a mysterious foreign object phase out of her chest.

The thing that emerged from her very own body was a pure white heart that hovered out right in front of her, emitting a soft light that grew brighter with each passing second. Jett grew enchanted by this mystifying thing that came out of her. Despite never seeing this object ever in her entire life, or even knowing what it exactly was, she felt like it was something that was familiar to her. The longer she starred at the heart, the more she felt that it was a direct extension of herself. Like a mother with their newborn child, her heart was telling her that she needed to protect this part of her. No matter what.

Flowey's voice cut Jett away from her trance, readdressing her attention back on him.

"This is your soul! This is the very culmination of your being. Your soul starts off weak, but you can make it strong by collecting lots of LV."

"LV..?" Jett questioned the abbreviation, now feeling uneasy and vulnerable with this little heart of hers out in the open.

"LV stands for LOVE! I already gave some to the human before, but I'm willing to give you the rest of my LOVE if you want!" Without hesitation, white petal-like pellets shot out from behind Flowey and hovered all around him, violently and quickly spinning in place. Jett glanced between the petals and Flowey, the uneasiness she felt now growing even more.

"LV is shared through these white friendliness pellets! To gain LV and make your soul strong, you need to collect it with your soul! Go ahead and catch as many as you can!"

Jett's gut instinct was telling her that something defiantly was not right here. This random talking flower that she had only just met is showing her this thing that is supposedly important, which she had also never seen before in her life, and then he claims that he wants to 'make it stronger' by shooting it with 'friendliness pellets'.

Despite her cluelessness on souls, she was always pretty good at spotting bullshit whenever it is presented to her, and at this point she knew that Flowey was serving up a full platter of the nastiest bullshit to her. She watched as the pellets shot straight towards her, slowly enough for her to casually step off to the side to avoid them from striking her. Her soul followed her movement to the side, something that she had naturally expected, as the pellets tumbled right past her and into the ground, silently shattering away and leaving no trace behind. Jett rolled her eyes before glaring back down at Flowey, the smile he had now looking more forced than before.

"I don't think you're being 100% honest with me here, little flower." She changed her composure and put her hands on her hips in a cocky manner, something she never really shows to others for the sake of being polite. For this situation however, with this weird need to protect her soul from this plant, she figured she could live with being rude to him.

"You're not as stupid as you look." Jett dropped her cocky expression when Flowey's face warped to a sinister, toothy grin. The corners of this mouth curled up high on his face and his friendly eyes narrowed in to create an almost nightmarish look, a complete 180 from how he looked just a second ago. Flowey let a gravely laugh out under his breath. Nope nope nope.

"That other pesky human that fell down here didn't catch on quite as quickly as you." Jett felt her heart skip a beat at the mention of this 'other human' that supposedly came through these parts today. She did follow those shoe prints into the cave where that hole in the ground was, so could Frisk have survived a fall down here too?

"...Another human?" Jett felt that uneasy feeling creeping up on her again as Flowey's sick grin twisted even more so when he noticed her interest in the 'other human'.

"Yeah, some foolish kid fell down here today and, unlike you, fell for the 'friendliness pellets' bit. Lucky for him, that stupid woman in the Ruins prevented me from taking his soul." Flowey rolled his beady eyes before letting a few low chuckles escape from behind his monstrous teeth." But, you know what, that's okay, 'cause that woman comes down to these parts of the ruins only once a day. So, since you're sooo smart… you should know what that means for you."

Dozens of Flowey's petal projectiles shot from behind him without another second wasted, surrounding Jett from all angles and spinning more hostilely than before. She let a small gasp out as she looked around for some kind of gap to escape though, the petals threatening to close in on her, but Flowey had covered enough space to ensure that she couldn't do such a thing.

"AH HA HA!" He mocked her with his demented laughter, tongue hanging from his mouth. "It means that NOBODY is going to come to save you! Now DIE." More manic laughter escaped from the small flower, the gut wrenching noise loudly echoing throughout the walls of the cave as the flower's pellets slowly descended in on Jett.

Jett looked all around her at the closing projectiles, her mind switching between several different emotions all at once. Her anger, her sorrow, the fear, the confusion. She fought the urge to curl up in a ball, to let things take their course. The sheer idea that this thing may have potentially came in to contact with her brother, or the idea that this monster may have tried to hurt Frisk in some way.

Jett furrowed her brow and closed her eyes tight, her fists clenching at her side as time appeared to slow down around her. This wave pool of all the different emotions that she felt were slowly dissipating away, all merging into one solid feeling. The thought of the other Monsters that could be just as deceiving and horrid as Flowey, all trying to hurt the only family she has. This feeling fed her need to find Frisk even more so than before, if possible. This feeling filled her with more… more determination.

She was determined to get out of here, determined to find her brother, and she was damn well determined enough to show this flower that she wasn't just going to give him what he wanted without a fight. Jett clenched her teeth and found her voice.


Jett's eyes shot open as she shouted in defiance, an uncharacteristically fierce appearance fixed on her face. The pellets than were once darting towards her, abruptly stopped in their tracks about a foot away from where she stood. Jett's soul vibrated violently and filled the entire room with a blinding light, blowing the pellets far away from her with unknown force and scattering them all around the room. She watched them loudly shatter against the cavern walls like glass like nothing.

"WHAT?!" Flowey's cockiness quickly turned to rage. "How did YOU..?" His facial expression froze for a few seconds as he processed something, all while Jett just stared blankly back at the talking flower, just as confused as he was. Flowey then smirked up and chuckled at the human girl. He held a newfound confidence, despite his failure to harm her. "I see what's going on now... You're something special now, aren't ya'?"

"I… have no idea what you're talking about..." Jett took a shaky step forward. "But I think it's time for you to go now, weed." Her tone was dripping with hesitant self-assurance. Flowey simply chuckled again in response to her confident comment.

"I'll back off. At least for right now." His face reverting to his fake facade, Flowey gave a brimming and practically mocking grin. "But I will see you again sometime in the near future. There is something special about your soul, and I WILL have it. Until next time, Jett." He spit her name out like venom before Flowey retreated down into the ground, leaving a loose pile of dirt left in the spot he was planted mere seconds ago.

Jett let the breath she was holding out all in one big huff, her hand reaching up to her fast beating heart while her soul slowly retreated into her chest, safe once more. She moved away from her heart and gently overlapped both of her hands where the soul withdrew to, feeling the lingering warmth that it left behind disappear within her being.

Instantly after, she felt her body's exhaustion catch up with her, her knees buckling and almost giving out from right underneath her. She cautiously crossed the room to the opposite door, her body trembling and thoughts scrambling in her mind.

"What… the hell was he talking about?!" Her voice cracked as she shouted into the empty room. She brushed her trembling fingers over her forehead, brushing her bangs back with her fingernails as she tried to piece together what the fuck just happened.

"There's something that he wants from me..?" She mumbled to herself as she stumbled through the doorway into a more welcoming, well lit, and completely purple room. Bright red leaves scatted across the aged floor, standing out nicely against the purple ground, and strangely enough a square shape on the floor was made from some of the loose leaves. Her exhausted mind didn't focus much on the odd formation, and instead stayed focused on the aftermath of her interaction with her very first real Monster.

"I think he wants the thing inside of me, but wasn't he trying to destroy it…? UGH, I'm so fucking confused… and Frisk… Frisk might be down here, too..?"

Jett dragged her heavy body over to a large pile of leaves that rested between two curved stairwells that led up to the same platform, setting herself down to rest a while on top of the bright red leaves.

"I… think I can find him down here. I just have a feeling… This other human HAS to be him…" She rested her back up against the wall, gripped her necklace's charm again, her head becoming fuzzy, and eyes heavy with the unusual fatigue.

"You better be safe, you idiot... I'm coming for you… Frisk..."