Change of Heart

Written by: DreamCloud53

Summary: Lily Evans is just your typical sixteen year old girl, her mother is having an affair on her father, she and her sister hate each other, and oh yeah she's a witch. A witch that has perfect grades, one of Gryffindor's Prefects, and a witch that's had some very drastic changes.

Lily Evans sighed as she watched her mother walk up to the porch with her lover. The summer nights were getting a bit cooler signaling the end of summer vacation. She sat on her balcony relaxing in a large cushioned sun chair. Her silk black nightgown lay around her in folds like a beautiful dress. A light breeze ruffled her long red hair.

Her eyes narrowed as her mother giggled when the brown haired man lightly kissed her ear. She got up and turned towards her French doors when a moan stopped her in her tracks. "Harold," her mother moaned again this time a slight lilt to her voice. Lily's full lips turned into a scowl and she turned around just in to see her mother kiss Harold. Lily's eyes became large and round, she turned to stalk off of her balcony down the stairs to the foyer. She waited impatiently tapping her slippered foot on the stone floor.

She heard the faint click of a key in the lock and saw the doorknob turn gently. Her face was set in a deep disproving look as her mother walked in sporting a silly schoolgirl grin. Seeing this only worsened Lily's resentment towards Carroll. Carroll looked at her daughter and laughed, sauntering past her. Lily could feel her anger rising and her eyes starting to cross. Crossing her eyes was a bad habit she'd had when she was younger and now she couldn't help the way they slightly crossed when she was angry.

She took a deep breath and took a step towards her mother where she stood removing her white satin gloves and hanging up her real faux fur wrap. Lily reached out and laid a firm but gentle hand on her Carroll's shoulder. She turned to face her daughter an annoyed look enlightened her face.

"I know what you're doing. I've known for quiet a while and… I-- I just really don't think you should be doing that to Daddy Mum. It's wrong," Lily finished quickly afraid of her mother's reaction. It was something that had to be done she knew but she didn't know if she could take the wrath of Carroll just then. Lily tensed herself for a scorning but it never came. Instead Carroll snorted and shook her head.

"Of course it's wrong Lily! If it weren't why would I do it? You're father doesn't cut it anymore. I need to live, to be young. Not some old housewife with two daughters and a dottering old fool for a husband. Lily dear, I love you and Petunia and your father very much but… Just let me do this okay? Mummy needs a break," after this she sighed and walked up the grand staircase. Lily closed her eyes and then headed towards the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

Lily walked slowly and careful as not to spill her steaming tea or wake her family. She crept into her room quietly shutting the door. She sat in her butterfly chair and curled up clutching the cup. She took a sip of the tea, grimacing as the hot liquid burnt her tongue and throat. She blew on it sending steam over her face. Lily sat the cup on a coaster and leaned back. Lily was almost asleep when she heard a faint tapping noise. She mumbled incoherently and turned her head. The tapping grew louder and Lily sat up blinking away sleep. She squinted in the direction of the tapping and saw a snowy owl at her window.

Lily opened the window to let the owl flutter in. It landed on her desk and caused some of her schoolwork to scatter to the floor. Lily scowled and took a letter off of the offered leg. The owl went over to her eagle owl's cage and starting drinking from a bowl. Lily shook her head and opened the letter. It read:


Have you gotten your Hogwarts supply list yet? I have and I was just wondering… do you want to meet in Diagon Alley sometime next week? You haven't written me is something wrong? If you need anything just tell me and I'll help you. I've been writing to Sirius for a while now. He is going to be meeting me in Diagon Alley too. James and Remus will probably be there also. He said there was something he needed to ask me! Send a reply! (Only one more year until we graduate!)


Lily sighed, Nat was always swooning over a guy. She switched weekly, so did Sirius. They'd be good for each other. Lily scanned the letter again. True, Lily hadn't written but she had a good reason not to. She wasn't the old Lily. The old Lily was a chubby, shy girl with orangey red hair, glasses, and braces. She was no longer chubby. She was down to a size one two and still possibly going down. And her hair now had fiery red and blond streaks running through it. Her mother had made her shed the glasses for contacts and her braces had finally been removed to reveal perfect white teeth.

She didn't want anyone to see her like this. They would think she was trying to be popular which, as she was reminded daily from the Gryffindor snobs, she defiantly was not. Her mother and her sister Petunia had bombarded her as she got off of the train. They had dragged her off to a beauty parlor and then a weight loss center. Or as Lily had put it "Barf City". She had gone through four pain stacking weeks of dieting and exercising finally loosing sixty pounds. Lily shook her head and opened a desk drawer.

She pulled out a pen and a piece of parchment. During the summer Lily preferred muggle pens and pencils to the quills, they got on her nerves and she usually ended up cutting herself. She wrote a note back to Natalie telling her she could meet and sorry she didn't write any and asking if Friday would be all right. She tied the letter to Nat's owl and took him to the window and watched him fly off.

Lily walked back to her bed and laid back down. She looked at her clock and saw it was three in the morning. Lily rolled back over and fell asleep.

* * *

It was finally Friday, the day Lily would go out in public with her new look. She was nervous as she got ready. She pulled on a pair of khaki cargo capris and a pale blue and pink halter-top. She quickly ran a brush through her hair and dabbed on some mascara and lip-gloss. Carroll honked the BMW's horn and she threw on a pair of brown slip on sandals, grabbed her Sak purse, and ran down the stairs skipping every other one. She got in the car breathing heavily. Carroll backed up and Lily turned the radio on. She put in her favorite cd and turned up the music. Carroll sighed.

Sooner then she liked, they were parked in front of The Leaky Cauldron. "Do you have money?"

"Yes Mum."

"Alright, I'm going into the book store over here. Be back within two or three hours. Do you have your cell phone on?" Lily sighed at the normal procedure.

"Yes Mum. Bye Mum!" Lily jumped out of the car before Carroll had a chance to bother her more. She walked into the dimly lit pub. She went up to the bar at sat down. Tom, the innkeeper, came over to her.

"Can I help you-- Lily?" Tom peered at Lily with a shocked expression on his face. Lily grinned.

"Hello Tom. How are you?"

"Fine thank ye… Ye don't seem too bad yerself," he returned the grin.

"I guess you could say that. Say Tom you haven't happened to have seen Natalie have you?"

"Aye, I have. She came through ten fifteen minutes ago."

"Thank-you Tom," Lily nodded at him and went out the back. She tapped on the bricks and watched amazed as they formed themselves into a large archway. Magical things no matter how many times she'd seen them worked constantly fascinated her. Her eyes swept over the grand splendor of Diagon Alley. Shoppers in all different colors milled around looking at dragon liver, brooms, books, scales, cauldrons, gobstones, and one eccentric looking witch was cooing over an overly large plant with four inch fangs. Lily smiled.

She walked down the street and dropped by Flourish and Blotts, the books store. After she made her purchases she went across the street to the little ice cream parlor and ordered a triple raspberry chocolate sundae with nuts. She lavished each mouthful knowing she was disobeying her diet rules and her mother's as well. She loved it. Just as she was putting one of the last bites into her mouth she felt a tap on her shoulder. Lily turned around to find a confused looking Natalie. Her usually straight black hair was curly and half put up with chopsticks. She was wearing a short blue jean mini skirt and a red polo shirt.

"Are--are you…um…" Lily laughed at Natalie's stuttering and stood up pulling her best friend into a hug.

"Hello to you too Neets!" Natalie pulled back looking at Lily with shocked eyes. Lily stood back so she could be inspected.

"What happened? You look… good," Natalie finally choked out. Lily looked a bit dejected at her friends less then enthusiastic response.

"Oh you--you don't like it?"

"No it's not that I don't like it, it's just that… it's not you. You understand." Lily didn't understand. Of all people she thought that Natalie would be the happiest about her change. Suddenly three panting figures appeared at their side. The slightly taller more muscular of the three straightened up and put an arm around Natalie. She looked like she was overflowing with happiness and smugness. She smiled coyly at Lily and turned to kiss Sirius. Lily looked disgusted as did the other two of the group.

"Get a room would you?" said one of the others. He was almost as tall as Sirius and just as muscular. His black hair constantly looked windblown and his gray eyes always sparkled. The third member of the trio chuckled. His light brown hair looked very soft and it was down to his chin. He had bright baby blue eyes. Natalie straightened up and turned towards Lily. Everyone followed her gaze. Lily raked a hand through her hair as the three famous Marauder's gawked at her.

"Lily," Natalie said drawing her name out, "I believe you know my boyfriend Sirius, and James and Remus?" She laughed," of course you do! How silly of me."

"You are Lily Evans? You're Chubby Bubby? Oh my gosh, what happened to your whale-- oof!" Sirius shut up when Remus elbowed him in the stomach. Natalie smiled cruelly.

"Hello Lily, you look very nice," Remus said politely shaking her hand. Lily smiled and put her hands in her pockets, a very unattractive move, she knew but she didn't care.

"Th-- thank you. Um… Nat? Could I speak with you for a moment? In private?" Without waiting for an answer she pulled a protesting Natalie by the arm into a nearby shop. "What is wrong with you?" Natalie frowned rubbing her arm where Lily had grabbed her.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you, you mean! You're the one trying to be an A- crowd wanna be! I guess your real intentions finally showed through when you lost all of your fat layers. Well you looked better when you were chubby!" (A/N: Sorry I went kind of Princess Diaries with the A-crowd wanna be thing.) Lily looked shocked and walked out of the shop and past the staring Marauders.

Lily took all of her confusion and angry towards Natalie out on shopping. She hit every store and came out with at least two bags. Finally she stopped at Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions. She entered the quaint little shop and heard a faint twinkle from a bell. Madam Malkin came out with a flourish and smiled grandly at Lily.

"Lily my sweet! How you've changed! You look positively radiant my dear!" Lily was swooped down upon and taken into a crushing hug by Madam Malkin. Lily had found a friend in Madam Malkin, or Maxine as she had insisted on Lily calling her. Maxine had red hair much like her own only Maxine's was slowly but surely turning silver. Her eyes were a warm bright sparkling black and she was just a tad on the chubby side. A prefect motherly figure. When she was at Diagon Alley Lily always made it a point to stop and talk with Maxine. Lily loved Maxine as much as she did her own mother if not more.

"Thank-you!" Lily beamed.

"New robes are in order I see. Come over here and stand on this stool," Lily stepped up on a stool and Maxine snapped her fingers. Suddenly a measuring tape appeared and began going around Lily's waist, and chest and going down her legs and arms. The measuring tape flew over to Maxine who studied it then walked to the back leaving Lily alone. Lily stared around the familiar shop taking in everything she already knew by heart. The counter top that was slightly littered with magazines, books, and cosmetics. The slightly worn and fading red waiting couch, the 'Wall of Shame' covered in pictures of witches at their worst. And lastly the 'Famous' wall. It held pictures and autographs of famous witches and wizards Maxine had done costumes for. There was a story behind each one of them and Lily knew them all perfectly.

Maxine came bustling out with several selections in her arms. Lily smiled warmly at Maxine's happy face. They spent the next fifteen minutes trying on robes. Finally they were down to the last three. They were each dress robes that strongly resembled muggle gowns. There was to be a ball that year and Maxine had insisted Lily have the best. The first one she tried on dazzled even Lily. It was a succulent, rich green that made Lily's eyes shine. It had a long full skirt and a low dipping neck line. The hem and neck were both outlined in gold. The sleeves were long and came to point in a V midway down Lily's hand. Maxine beamed.

The second dress was a ruby red. It was just as long but tighter then the first. It was made of shiny material and clung to her curves. The straps were small and thin and it came to a low point on her back. The third dress was silver and made in the same fashion as the first. The neckline of this dress though, was a square cut making her breasts look full. Lily grinned.


"Hmm? Yes Dear what is it?" Maxine came over and looked Lily over gushing compliments out as she went along.

"Could you transfer the neck lines of the silver and green dress? Please?" Lily felt timid asking but straightened up when Maxine quickly and enthusiastically obliged. Lily put on the new and improved green dress and liked what she saw. She grinned excitedly as Maxine fluffed the skirt a little but the grin quickly faded when Natalie and the Marauders walked in. Lily hurriedly turned around when Maxine helped Natalie onto a stool. James, Remus, and Sirius lined up along the wall and watched as Maxine worked with measuring Natalie's ample and nicely given curves. Lily had always been jealous of Natalie. She was a natural beauty.

Lily hadn't noticed when Maxine had left to get Natalie's robes until she came back and called her over. Lily flushed crimson at having everyone's attention's on her once more. She stepped off of the stool careful not to rip the skirt. As she went over to the count Maxine leaned against she felt Natalie's, along with the Marauder's, eyes stare into her back. She flinched.

"Lily dear you're all done. You can go to the back and change if you'd like. And don't worry, it's all on the house. Think of it as an extra early birthday present!" Lily's eyes widened and she gave Maxine a large hug.

"Thank you so much!" Lily rushed to the back to change. Once she was done changing the clothes began wrapping themselves for her. Once done she took them and walked out into the store. Thankfully Natalie and her "friends" were gone and Maxine was helping another customer. As she pushed open the door to exit she looked back at Maxine and smiled at Maxine's wink.

A/N: I think I'll stop here. This is the longest chapter I've ever written so be happy. I'll try to continue this but I have so many other things I need to be doing… I have an original I'm working on and Dark Secrets. I think I might pick up where I left off on some of the Lily/James stories on my other account. I don't know though. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and review.

DISCLAIMER: This goes for all future chapter: I do not own the Harry Potter characters. J.K. Rowling does, but I do own Natalie and Carroll. So no stealing!