The deliberate crossover was, of course, COLD FEET! I didn't think I had hidden it all that well, so thank you to everyone who boosted my ego by claiming not to have seen it.

Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed, followed and favourited. Your support has kept me going through some very difficult times recently. Truly Andith shippers are the very best.



"Anthony, if you were young, I might not have trusted you enough to become fond of you. Young men have always overlooked me, remember? And as for your wound, it happened to you while you were fighting for your country. It is a reminder of your honour and bravery, as well as all the other things that I've heard you call it. I wish it hadn't happened to you, but it did. We will learn to live with it. Which is what I was trying to tell you about Anna. She has shown me some literature about…about how to cope with a war wound within marriage." She cast her eyes briefly towards Stewart. "I'll tell you more when we get home."

Home. She called Locksley 'home'. As naturally as you please, as though she felt like she had lived there all her life. It brought tears to his eyes, and a vast pride to his chest. At least he had given her that. He had made Locksley a safe haven from her family and all the world. Thank God he could provide something for her.

There are ways, sir, of managing.

She had talked to Anna who had talked to her husband, perhaps, although she probably didn't need to, then Anna had advised Edith on those 'ways'. Then Bates had seen him on the brink of disaster in the church and with his wife's encouragement had come to steel Anthony's nerve. God bless them both. He would certainly show them his appreciation when he could. Anthony felt humbled that Edith, and these members of her family's staff whom he had never really met before, had cared about Edith's and his happiness enough to go out of their way to advise and support them. It wasn't something he was used to. His whole life had been filled with duty and propriety and expectation due to his position, and he hoped that he had come up to the mark and earned whatever respect was shown to him, but kindness? Hardly.


For some time, Anthony had suspected that Stewart was some kind of supernatural being, seemingly able to be in two or more places at once and reading minds as if they were laid out in front of him. The man surely had magical powers.

Stewart held the Rolls door as Anthony and Edith alighted at the front door of Locksley. They thanked Stewart for his support then he took the car round to the garages. They had paused only long enough to tease each other gently about whether perhaps Anthony could carry his new bride over the threshold with a fireman's lift, and then decide at last to jump over it together holding hands, but there, within the space of only a few minutes, he was! Stewart was in the hallway to welcome his master and new mistress holding a silver salver bearing two flutes of Champagne. How did he do it?

But Anthony couldn't be bothered to think about his butler's astounding abilities, not just now. His wife…his wife…Dear God she really was…was sipping the golden wine and watching him flirtatiously over the rim of her glass. It was having the most remarkable effect on him. It couldn't be the wine causing his blood to rush and his breath to hitch, because he hadn't even tasted his own drink. He swallowed hard, felt in need of liquid courage, and downed the bubbly in one.

"Will you be needing me further, sir?"

Anthony had to shake his head to drag his eyes away from Edith's.

"What? Oh, no. No, thank you, Stewart. That'll be all. Thank you for everything."

"My pleasure, sir. My lady. Congratulations again to you both." Stewart bowed graciously and faded away.

And with that, they were alone.


She had tried, really she had, to flirt, to make eyes at him, to encourage him, to let him know that she wanted this, wanted him. But she had probably just come across as making silly faces and gurning at him. Mary was the expert flirt; Edith was the awkward wallflower. To her dismay, he looked confused, and a bit worried, probably wondering whether the woman he had married was slightly mad. And now the servants had gone she was seized by her usual shyness. What if she made a mess of…of trying to be a wife to him, like she usually did with everything? She tried to take a little more wine to steady her, but there was none left and she realised that she looked foolish slurping at the empty glass. Anthony turned his back to her, and her heart fell.

"Let me top you up" he said quietly, turning back to her with the bottle.

"Um…thank you." She'd never needed the warmth provided by the Champagne as much as she did then.

"A little Dutch courage?" he asked mildly.

"No!…I…it's just that…"

"You're nervous, I can tell." Anthony's voice went straight to her heart without touching her ears. Such a lovely voice, gentle and comforting, just like its owner. Oh God, let me please him, let me comfort and reassure him. Please, please, please!

She nodded silently and took a little more wine as he turned away to put the bottle back on the table, and spoke facing away from her.

"So am I. Very. I am still so scared that I won't be able to be what you want me to be, Edith. Whatever it is that Mrs Bates has told you, I do so hope….I'll be able to make it all right."

She could hear the catch in his voice.

Love flooded her, forcing all other emotions into second place. In that moment she knew without doubt that this was the "mutual society, help, and comfort, that the one ought to have of the other, both in prosperity and adversity" that melded them so firmly together with or without the formal vows they had taken less than eight hours before. They both had a deep need of the confidence of the other. She had promised to provide it for him, all her life, and she wanted to offer it to him, now and forever.

She put down the glass and stroked her hands down his arms, then hugging him with her head resting on his back she said "Anthony, my darling, there's nothing, nothing you can do, tonight or ever, that could stop you being the man I love. You already are the man I want you to be. Because no matter what happens, I love you because you are you."

He turned, a sad smile playing on his lips.

"But you shouldn't have to settle for only that. I don't want to be just that. I want…" He paused, willing the whispered words out. "…I want to be your lover."

That took her breath away. During their engagement he had hinted that he wanted more than he would allow them before marriage. She had fervently hoped that he meant what she wanted him to mean. But here was the first real evidence of his…his…desire.

"Oh Anthony! I want that too!" But her eagerness only made him doubt more. He was beginning to lose it again, just as he had in the church. She heard the desperation in his hushed wail.

"But I'm not absolutely sure that I can?! What did Mrs Bates tell you? Will it help, do you think?"

She didn't know where the courage came from (the Champagne perhaps, but also the quiet strength she had seen in Anna's eyes), but she took a steadying breath, looked up at him from under her eyelids, licked her lips, and said "It would be easier…just to show you."

She held out her hand to him. Though still concerned, his frayed nerves had been soothed enough by her obvious confidence in him for him to take it firmly and together they walked upstairs to their bedroom.

Despite her boldness she felt rattled. Anthony, she realised, was on a knife edge. What happened tonight would colour his judgement of whether he had made a mistake or not, a mistake that he believed she would pay for…

That was it. In a moment of searing anguish, it all suddenly became clear to her. The nightmares, the shell shock, the responsibility of rank…making decisions that other people paid the price for…whether it be marriage…or giving orders to go Over The Top and face death… Her eyes clouded, her chest tight.

She watched him close the bedroom door after them, then turn and walk towards her, body tense, eyes burning. She placed her hands softly on his chest and waited for him to look at her.

"This is my choice, Anthony. I'm a grown woman and I have the right to make my own decisions and to accept the rewards and consequences of those decisions. Whatever we face from this moment on, we face it together. I love you. I want you. I want to share my life with you, and that means sharing duties and responsibilities as well. We will build our life together. You are not alone anymore."

It was exactly what he needed to hear. He could feel his soul beginning to glue itself back together again. Without the intervention of his sense of propriety, he began to weep like a little boy with the relief of it, hugging her close.

"I love you, Edith. I love you so much."


He kissed her neck gratefully at first, then more tenderly, then more passionately. She felt the atmosphere change and thanked her lucky stars that she seemed to have said the right thing.

And she kissed him back.


Lady Quantock never called on the Dowager Lady Grantham. Violet couldn't remember her ever coming either to the Abbey or the Dower House before. Yet here she was making small talk and devouring a very large number of sandwiches and cakes and a huge quantity of tea.

In between mouthfuls she was boasting of her son.

"Of course my big news is that Gerald was returned to The House last spring. I think he will make an admirable MP."

"Your son certainly seems to think he will be a great success. Does he see the Commons as a sort of training ground for the Lords? He will take his seat after Charles dies, won't he?" Violet asked politely, wondering when this insufferable woman would get around to what she came for.

"Of course, though naturally I don't like to think of that sad and, hopefully, far off time. Charles has been a wonderful husband. Which reminds me…"

Ah, here it comes at last! Violet's smile settled with pleasure. This is going to be fun.

"How is your charming granddaughter?"

"Lady Mary is enjoying married life very much I believe. Mr Crawley was an unconventional choice, but at least he is the heir apparent, and it will be very useful to have a lawyer in the family."

"Er no, no. The other granddaughter."

"Lady Sybil? She is expecting my first great-grandchild. We are all very excited. I do hope she comes home from Dublin for the delivery."

"No, no, no! The other, other granddaughter."

"Lady Strallan?"


Thoroughly enjoying herself, Violet replied "She has the happiest marriage of all of us. Her husband is the most uxorious man I have ever met, and she cherishes him to the moon and back. Their happiness was hard won and thoroughly deserved."

Lady Quantock looked for all the world like a clipper with the wind taken out of her sails.


"I wouldn't be surprised if they provide Robert and Cora with their next grandchild."

"Really?! Despite…?"

"Oh yes indeed! You see, my dear, Anthony is brave, patient, and loving, and a very determined man and where there's a will, there's lots of ways!"

Much to Violet's satisfaction, Lady Quantock choked on her tea.