A/N: I've gotten a few reviews asking if the other girl was Terra. I won't put a name to the girl, as I want it to be interpreted as however you want it to be.

Beast Boy had a lot of what ifs going through his head.

What if she had never come?

What if he had never decided easier was better?

What if everything was different?

But at this point in time, what ifs were completely and utterly useless. Because she had come, he did decide, and nothing was different. He slumped back against the bench, the bouquet of lilacs crinkling under the weight. He stared at the bookstore across the street. He remembered the first time she took him there.

Beast Boy sighed dramatically as they walked inside the store. "Rae, no offense..but this place smells like dust."

She shot him a look and started walking down the aisles, browsing the books. He groaned and followed her. Eventually she decided on two and purchased them. "I don't understand why I had to come with you." He complained.

She rolled her eyes. "Said the person who dragged me to the comic store."

"That..that was different."

She looked at him. "Look, part of being a..couple is-"

He smirked. "You mean being boyfriend and girlfriend."

She shot him a glare and continued. "Part of being a couple, is doing things that the other enjoys, even I you might not enjoy it yourself."

He grinned and put a hand on her waist. "So, girlfriend, does that mean I can kiss you in public?"

She rolled her eyes and took a step back. "There's a difference between compromising and making someone uncomfortable."

He pouted. "Well.." He inwardly took a breath and reached down to connect their hands. Part of his nervousness went away when he saw her blush. "What about this?"

She looked down at their intertwined fingers and smiled. "This..this is fine."

Beast Boy sighed and put his head between his knees. It had been hour. She wasn't coming, he didn't blame her.

And then he smelled it.

The amazingly, suffocating smell of lilacs and tea. He savored the smell for a few seconds before turning in the other direction to see her small frame. "..Hi."

She didn't say anything, but she walked over and sat next to him. He stared at her, then suddenly remembered the flowers. His hands started sweating and he handed them to her. "I..these are you."

She took them from him and placed them her lap, which she stared down at. "Thank you." It was so quiet he barely heard her. "I got your note."

"I thought you weren't going to come."

"I almost didn't." Her voice shook. "Look, if you want me to stay away from you I-"

His widened in shock and words ran through his head. "No, Rae you..you saw the note, I..I wanted to say I'm sorry and that..well that I still love you."

She looked him in the eyes for the first time. "But what about-"

"Forget about her. I made a mistake. Maybe the biggest mistake of my life." He noticed her hands were shaking. He wanted nothing more than to reach down and hold them. "I don't..I don't know why I thought easier would be better, she didn't even make me happy, I just..I don't know. Rae..I love you, I think I'm always going to love you..I want you back, Rae, I want us back."

It took her a few moments to respond and he felt like he was going to choke on his own breath. "It's hard to trust you."

He took a shaky breath in. "Yea, I know."

"It'll be different.."

He leaned against the bench and ran his fingers through his hair. "..I know."

"It's going to be hard to figure you."

His heart sunk. "I know."

He felt her hand nervously rest on top of his. "But..I can try."

He looked down at their hands and intertwined their fingers. He squeezed her hand. Hope. That's all they needed. He looked at her and nodded, staring into her violet eyes. "Okay."

They sat there for a few moments, until he worked up the nerve to put his arm around her shoulder. And to his delight, she put her head on his.

Nothing would be the same.

But maybe that was a good thing.

Because it won't be the same, but it could be better than it had been.