Chapter 7: Tasting Desire

I'm not done. Echoed in Yona's ears as a blush rose over her cheeks.

Hak's lips descended upon hers in a light kiss that was followed by one hand touching her cheek as his mouth went down the column of her throat over her collarbone and dipped between the valley of her breasts. Her breath caught in her throat as his free hand gripped her hip and on instinct her legs opened to allow him to settle there. He kissed each breast followed by nips by his teeth and a quick suckle. He made her head feel like it was spinning. He did not rush but took his time enjoying each mound until both were thoroughly perk, the nipple red from overuse and now quite sensitive.

Hak pulled his mouth away from her body and trailed his hand down from her face, to her neck and sides, then gentle took one breast in his large hand and began to massage and tease it. He smiled as he watched the pleasure appear on Yona's face, but it wasn't enough. Moving his hand from her hip, he dipped it down between her legs and watched her eyes widen in surprise.

"Hak!" She cried out as his fingers found what they were searching for.

He could've groaned when he felt how wet she was. He'd done that to her, caused her to become aroused by his words and his touches. His finger parted her lower lips and quickly found her hooded clit. Moving his finger he massaged the sensitive part of her body that soon had her moaning. Leaning forward he took her breast back into her mouth as her hips began to buck against his hand.

"Ah! Ah! Ha-ak!" She gasped for him as her hand both found his head and gripped onto his hair as she panted and moaned for him. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes. Something... She thought. Something is happening to me. Indeed something was as her heart sped up, her blood rushed through her veins and the pleasure Hak evoked from her body; it was all too much. Pressure built with her lower stomach like water against a damn and she knew something was going to happen, she wasn't certain what but it had to be good. The pleasure Hak was giving her felt so good, so right. She needed it just as much as she needed him.

Yona suddenly felt that damn burst and screamed Hak's name as her vision whited out and her body shook from the violent but pleasureous release she experienced. When her breathing calmed down and her body had stopped shuddering from her release Yona opened her eyes to find Hak licking his fingers like he had hers back in Awa a month ago. It made her cheeks turn redder but she couldn't remove her eyes from his.

When Hak had heard her cry out his name with her release he had felt pride swell within his chest. It was his name on those sweet lips of hers that she cried out with pleasure with. Not Su-won or any other male; his name and his alone. After she'd collapsed for a moment a reprieve he had pulled his hand away from between her legs. He'd almost missed the glistening moisture on his fingers, but he had seen it at the last moment before he'd wiped his hand on his outer shirt. He'd tasted her and groaned as he sucked the flavor off his fingers. When he'd opened his eyes she was watching him. The look in her eyes wasn't one he'd seen before on her but he recognized it nonetheless. She wasn't disgusted at the sight of him licking her release from his fingers instead it seemed to spike her desire for him as she reach out a shaking hand towards him.

Hak grasped her hand and pulled her nude form to his and kissed her swollen lips once more before pulling away. He pulled off his tops, the sash around his waist and kicked off his shoes before pulling his pants down and throwing those to the side, this left him in a loincloth; which he quickly took off. When he looked at her again she was looking away from him.

Gripping her chin Hak turned her to face him. Taking one of her hands he placed it on his chest over his heart so that she could feel how hard his heart was beating for her. Laying her down on her clothes he settled once more between her legs. "Princess..." He whispered to her. "Yona." Her eyes looked into his own. "This will hurt. I cannot stop the pain." He watched her nod. "If you want to stop-" he didn't get to finish his words.

"Don't stop Hak." She stated with determination filling her eyes. "I want this. Please?"

He didn't need any other words. Placing one hand on the ground beside her to steady himself he reached between them and found her opening. She was still wet from her release, but before he entered her and took his pleasure from her, he wanted to make this as painless as possible. He pushed a single digit into her causing her to gasp in both pleasure and surprise. He began to move the digit inside her before pulling it out and repeating the process. He then added a second digit and watched her face for any discomfort. He moved the fingers inside of her stretching her passage as he pumped the duo in and out. Next he added a third finger for good measure and received a low moan from her. This caused him to smirk as her head rolled to the side and her breath speeding up. Pulling his fingers out he gave her clit a gentle rub making her hips to jump and thrust against him. Grabbing his manhood he lined them up and slowly entered her.

Inch by inch he slowly entered her snug passageway. He buried his face against her neck and shoulder and groaned at how tight she was. Then he came to her barrier. Keeping himself still for a moment her lifted his face to look upon hers. Then he pulled his hips away from hers which pulled him slightly out of her before giving one full thrust into her. He heard her release a whimper of pain and stilled himself, though that alone took some strength. He kissed her cheek and whispered his sorry's and love to her.

"Hak." She sighed his name as she wiggled her hips slightly experimenting on how painful or none painful she was feeling. "Move. Please?" She begged.

As he pulled his hips back away from her, he hissed at having to go so slow and groaned as he pushed back into her causing her own groan to join his. Grabbing her legs he wrapped them around his lower back and began a slow thrusting motion of pulling himself half way out before thrusting fulling back into her.

Within minutes of beginning Yona found herself panting and begging him for more though he seemed less inclined to do so, wanting to keep it gentle for her first time. He didn't want to hurt her. Pulling his face away from her neck he gripped her hip and tipped it ever so slightly and as he sank into her once more he felt her inner muscles spasm as he seemed to deepen the penetration causing her to gasp out a strangled moan. Seeming to understand that she wasn't going to break on him Hak's hips began thrusting against her body at a fast speed as pleasure for both increased.

Yona felt that burning pressure building once again and knew this time what to expect. Hak on the other hand was struggling to not release just yet, he wanted her to enjoy this. Lifting her hand Yona touched his face and kissed his lips by wrapping her arms around his neck and thrusting her hips faster against him. She needed that release. Her panting and moans drove Hak's own pleasure and suddenly just as he thought he couldn't last any longer he felt her muscles clamp down around him as she cried out her release. It felt as it her muscles were trying to pull his member deeply into her and with the last bit of strength and willpower he had Hak pulled himself fully out of her and released against her thigh.

Hak's groan caused Yona to open her eyes as she felt something wet and warm spray against her inner thigh. Hak's arms were wrapped around her as his face was buried into her neck. She heard another groan from the man she loved as she felt another spurt of something thick and wet against her thigh. A moment then two passed before Hak pulled his face away from her.

Looking at his face Yona spied redness crossing the bridge of his nose. He's embarrassed about something. She thought before inspecting her thigh. "Hak?" She questioned as she looked from her leg to his face. A hum was her answer from him. "Did you..." Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. Her cheeks lit up. Oh. She thought as she realized why he'd released on her thigh. "Never mind." She smiled at him before standing on wobbly legs and walked over to the riverbank to wash off. Looking over her shoulder she saw Hak begin redressing and smiled as she dipped her hand down against her thigh and swiped a finger against it. Placing it in her mouth she found that Hak's release tasted like he smelt on most days. A sandlewood taste and a bit salty with a musky aftertaste that just reminded her of him. Smiling she washed the sweat and other miscellaneous things off of her body. Once done she walked over to Hak who was holding out her clothes for her.

The two then walked back to camp in silence.

Morning came much too early for the group. With the first rays of light came the clattering of pans against the stone cave floor. This woke the group to find Yun awake and hobbling around to get breakfast ready. "Yun!" Yona cried out surprising the self-proclaimed pretty boy and causing him to glare at the Princess.

"What?" He asked as his expression softened only marginally.

"You shouldn't be walking around on that foot of yours." She ran over to his spot and began helping him out.

Jae-ha chuckled. "Dear Yona seems to be in better spirits today than she was when we went to sleep."

"She probably slept well." Kija stated as Shinah nodded in agreement.

A whistling sound caught the groups attention towards the mouth of the cave and looked towards the source. Hak was leaning against the cave wall with a leg hitched up on the boulder he was sitting on. His weapon by his side and every so often the morning light caught his eyes causing them to sparkle slightly.

"Seems Mister is in a good mood too!" Zeno piped in as he gave a knowing smile towards both the Princess and bodyguard. Zeno would've laughed but decided to hold it in. He just hoped the two knew how to prevent any accidents from happening. They surely didn't need a baby tagging along with them at this point in their journey. Perhaps I should ask Yun to talk to her about Moon Tea and it's benefits. He thought as he looked at the young Miss who was laughing at something the Lad had said. Little Miss would surely be embarrassed if Zeno talked to her. He thought. "Mmm...what's for breakfast Yun?" He asked as he turned everyone's attention away from the couples matching happy moods.

"If one of you rare beasts will go fetch something I'll make it." The young man replied.

"Hak and I will go get it." Yona intervened as she ran off out of the cave. As the two left everyone noticed Yona grab Hak's hand.

"Is it me or do they seem different this morning?" Yun asked the group as they all watched the Princess and her bodyguard disappear into the forest.

M-Angel: With that, this completes my sequel to The Box. I hope everybody enjoyed it. If you go to my profile I have a poll on who my next story should be about. It's gonna be Yona shipped with somebody other than Hak, so please help me decide!