Chapter 1: The Dream

Darkness surrounded him, the kind that no light could pierce through. "I'm not as oblivious as I project." His eyes widened as he recognized the voice next to him. "I care for you too. Have for awhile now. Just wasn't...wasn't ready to say something." He turned his head towards the voice and saw a burning flame. The flame started out small and insignificant, but it began to grow and consume the darkness around him until all that he saw was a burning red fire. A figure stepped out of the fire, a girl; no a woman. Her hair was as red as the fire around her. Her eyes violet but burned with unknown passion. Every step she took towards him made his own blood feel hot until she was right in front of him and his blood felt like it was boiling. He was afraid to touch her, not that she'd hurt him; but that he'd hurt her because of the heat in his blood.

Her eyes looked into his, the intensity therein would've scared any other man, but Hak; he saw a woman he desired having gone through a transformation, one that would change their world forever.

She lifted her hand and touched his chest, this caused his heart to pump faster, beat harder and his blood to speed through his veins. His fingers itched to touch her, but his arms felt like lead. Slowly, that hand of hers made it's way up to his cheek causing him to bend his neck down so he could see her better.

"Princess." He whispered.

Her eyes softened as he used her title. Her second hand took hold of his and placed it on her hip. "Don't leave me." She whispered to him.

He swallowed hard and closed his eyes before bowing his head."Never." He whispered back to her.

Standing on her tip toes she was about to touch her lips to his when - light exploded everywhere.

Hak frown as his eyes had been forced to open. Laying against his left cheek he found a foot prodding it. Picking it up he moved it to his shoulder. Zeno slept on as if nothing had occurred. The former Wind Tribe general shook his head at the yellow dragon. On his other side snuggled up against him laid the object of his desire; Princess Yona. The young woman slept on, oblivious to her guardians mental problems that involved her. Hak looked about the tent and found that the rest of their companions were fast asleep as well.

Moving from his spot as silently as he could he lifted the tent flap to find that it was still dark out. Probably only been asleep for a couple hours. He mused to himself. As he sat next to the dead campfire he found his mind back to the dream. He could still feel his blood boiling under his skin, his heart beating so hard that it hurt to breath and then the sight of Yona and her words. The fire around them had been so intense. He shook his head to rid himself of the vision before him.

Ever since being trapped in that box with her weeks before he had been having nonstop dreams of the princess. Some were of him fighting for her, others were like the one he just had and then there had been one where his dream hadn't stopped with a simple kiss. It had led to him making love to her. Her soft noises, her touches and kisses had led his imagination on an emotional roller coaster that had led him waking up with a hard on and the need to find some sort of release. Finding the release was easy, finding a place be alone? Not so much.

Hak sighed as he rubbed his face. The images his mind played and teased him and mocked him. When he removed his face from his hands he spotted Ao looking up at him. Lucky little bastard. He thought. Doesn't have to worry about things such as these. He looked back at the tent.

"P'kyuuu!" came the all familiar noise that the squirrel made.

Hak looked back down at the little creature and sighed as he held out his hand. Once Ao had jumped onto his hand Hak headed back towards the tent. Opening the tent flap he found Yona hugging onto Yun, the young man sleeping contentedly with his face against her neck. Somehow that seemed to annoy Hak to no end. Pushing Zeno back to his original spot he laid down next to the princess. Ao having jumped off his hand beforehand allowed Hak to find a semi-comfortable spot. Just as his eyes were closing he felt two strong arms wrap around his middle. Looking down he once more found Yona hugging him in his sleep. A blush spread across the bridge of his nose and heated his cheeks as a smile spread across his face. If this is how she likes to sleep... He thought as he laid back. I can get use to it. was the last thought that flitted across his mind before he was once again consumed by darkness.

M-Angel: Yeah. A new story. This is a sequel to my other Akatsuki no Yona story The Box. It doesn't have to be read but there will be some referencing to that story. So tell me what you thought of the first chapter! Reviews are welcome! ^_^