White Rabbit: Epilogue

The next day, Chopper trembled as Sanji held him tightly, his entire body stiff with restraint. He'd purposefully skipped another dosage, and Chopper understood that this visit was very important to Sanji. He didn't get all the details, but from what he knew now, Dr Hiluluk had imprinted an order onto the man, to kill Zeff the moment he saw the man in person. But Sanji was determined to get over that terrible order – he figured coming over in the throes of withdrawal would be more useful than hopped up on the chemical mixture that nearly destroyed his mind in the first place.

Chopper knew he could help if he had access to the formula Law was using, but he was too shy to offer at the present moment.

Sanji remained standing in one spot with Chopper in his arms and Law nearby with a frown, ready to react if he had to. And Chopper was looking up at the other man that looked down at him with immense disapproval and a murderous air, obviously wanting to get his hands on him.

Chopper was terrified, but even more so when he realized that if he tried to run, there were two people that could easily kill him. At the same time, Sanji was squeezing him so hard that it was difficult to breathe. It made sense why Sanji held him – he had to. If he let go of Chopper, the two would pounce – it would keep his hands busy, keep them from reaching out to Zeff to begin another attempt on his life.

The bed and breakfast was a quaint Victorian house at the edges of the countryside – far enough away from the city to see its overpopulated borders, towers in the distance, but close enough to civilization to allow travelers to pop in for a curious look around.

Law remembered this place when they were children, and Corazon had tried taking them to a movie. He had no idea how Cora had lost his way, but with the lake shoreline nearby, he remembered being sullen about the entire thing, but Sanji had been happy just experiencing something new and exciting. He could hear the sound of the seagulls squawking in the air as they took flight, Sanji yelling about sandcastles, and Corazon moping nearby, holding his head in his hands. The memory made him smile vaguely, because only Sanji had seen the better side of things, and Law needed that in his life. He needed someone to see the light when he was used to lingering in the darkness, so it was almost symbolic that they were back for this moment.

Sanji struggled to keep his murderous thoughts to himself. It felt so alien, being filled with rage and false memories, false emotions, just at the sight of Zeff in person. But at the same time, he could see all his own memories of the older man, and he knew their relationship wasn't of hate and anger.

"Old man. I found him. But he's going to live with us, now," he said tightly, looking at Chopper. "Kureha passed away not long after I left."

"After you were 'taken'," Zeff corrected stiffly. "And you make a decision like this? He'll want revenge after what was done."

"We talked about it – "

"If he stabs me in my sleep, I'll be pissed, too, Sanji," Law said from nearby.

"I won't be doing any of that!" Chopper cried, hiding against Sanji's chest. "What happened was very unfortunate! I felt guilty that I couldn't stop him!"

"Both of you will have to accept that he's here, now, and he's under my care," Sanji said, glaring at both of them in turn.

"You can't even take care of yourself," Zeff pointed out impatiently, taking a step closer to him, and watching Sanji's body stiffen up, feet shifting to take a wide stance. But Sanji actively relaxed that stance and struggled to stay facing away from him. The wide porch was covered, decorated with fashionable outdoorwear, with guests inside enjoying snacks of hot chocolate and sandwiches, taking no note of what was happening outside.

"He has no one else. So he has me, now."

"And you let this happen?" Zeff asked Law. Law shrugged because he had no answer for it, so Zeff snorted. Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he looked down at Sanji with a scowl, Chopper turning his head slightly to look at him.

"Despite this, you're looking a lot better," Zeff said to Sanji, reaching out to pat his shoulder. "Not so predatory. You could eat more, though. It'll take me a few to send you home with some frozen meals, so you should stay here until then."

"I have something to discuss with you, but you can't get mad, or start throwing your foot around," Sanji told him. "I don't want you having a heart attack and dying because you're so old, you can't handle a bit of news."

"Watch what you say, brat. I'm not that old. I can still kick your ass if I have to," Zeff warned him. He then looked over at Law with accusation. "You did it this time, didn't you? You sick fuck. You found a way to make him pregnant, didn't you?"

Law choked on his spit. 'NO!"

Sanji couldn't stop himself from kicking out at him, Zeff avoiding the leg deftly.

"NO! OLD MAN! What a thing to say!"

Zeff laughed, reaching out to ruffle his hair, much to Sanji's consternation because he was too afraid to let Chopper go, knowing he'd attack once he felt he had the chance to do so. Chopper reached up and quickly combed his hair back into place, sensing the distress.

"All right. What is it? What's so important about this that you refuse to tell me over the phone?"

"Well…um, I decided to become involved. With Luffy and the others. We're going to take over your position, to keep these fools in line," Sanji said slowly, watching his expression.

Zeff crossed his arms tightly, leveling Sanji with a direct stare. "Yeah, I heard."

"You did? So why didn't you say anything before we came out here?"

"Sanji, I have my contacts. When this decision happened, I knew practically the moment it was decided – Mihawk and I are close," he added, raising his eyebrows. "We talked about it – the group is a good candidate for keeping those assholes in line, considering the age difference and the gap of understanding between new and old. While you were gone, they did well in intimidating them into cooperation – it was only a matter of time before they realized what they were missing. When Mihawk thought of it, he spoke to me, first. He knew you'd run along with them like the idiot you are, and while I didn't approve of it, considering what I had done to keep you out of that life, I knew I had no control over your decisions. I knew you'd fall in line with them.

"It's fine that you do, as long as you understand your own boundaries, and for the fact that you're not well at the moment to make your own sound decisions."

Sanji huffed, Law frowning at Zeff for his understanding. Shifting Chopper in his arms, Sanji said, "There you go, making decisions for me, and telling me what's best for me."

"Shut up, eggplant, you're like a small child barking up at an adult, demanding respect, but you don't earn respect by demanding it – you earn it! No doubt you've heard more of this from him than you have of me, and guessing by his expression, you didn't listen to him, either! Instead of wearing myself out insisting that you follow a rule, I accept that you're going to do what you want to do, like the idiot that you are. You always have to learn the hard way, what your decisions mean to you. I can't do anything about it, but sit back and wait for the chance to say 'I told you so'."

"I'd thought you have a fit about it," Sanji mumbled, Chopper reaching up to run a handkerchief over his face and forehead.

"You're not a child, anymore," Zeff said heavily. "The decisions you make now are your own. Unfortunately. Shitty brat. So if you want to run around with your idiot friends doing this and that with a world I tried very hard to keep you away from, then all my effort was wasted. I just have to live with that. All I ask is that you continue with your schooling in the meantime, and be a normal citizen with a boring fucking job so that you're not completely dependent on this one. you need to learn to be yourself, again, and not what this one tells you to do."

"Yeah, because I'm so much of an influence on him," Law said sarcastically.

For a few moments, Sanji just stood there, unable to come up with a thing in response. He'd been prepared to argue his side of the mess, but since Zeff waved it off, he wasn't sure what to say, now. The vague memories that came rushing back were a flutter of noise and images, jumbled together to show him pictures of his and Zeff's relationship as a family and not the pirate duo that served together on the Baratie. The man before him had been so tall and massive when he was a kid – his 'Papa'.

Now Zeff was much older, not as big, and when Sanji faced him, he was almost face to face to him, and the weathered lines of his face were much deeper than the ones he'd seen before. His heart ached for the lost time between them. There was helpless frustration building inside of him because of Hiluluk's intentions, keeping him from falling back into that loving relationship that they had. He wanted so badly to give the man a hug, to invade his space with familiar action, but he feared what would happen if he let go of Chopper to do so.

So he pushed aside the images that were trying to crowd over his pleasant memories, the disgusting images of wanting to kill him, and said, "Well, I'm glad you aren't fighting it. It would be useless. I decided on this. And I expect you to help out from time to time, as well."

"There you go with your demands," Zeff said. "Thinking you already have a foot in the door. The job is easy to do, but I don't think you should jump in head first, quite yet. Do your homework. Know each one individually – "

"You're not giving him advice right now, are you?" Law interrupted with disgust. "Talk to a more lucid mind in this situation. if anything, talk to Mihawk's brat or Robin about it. Sanji will forget most of this once he takes his medication."

"He won't forget this time," Zeff assured him, reaching out and touching Sanji's shoulder, then leaving his hand there. "He'll remember. Have more faith in him – if he can remember petty things from his childhood, he'll remember this."

"I am not a petty person," Sanji snapped, bristling at his touch but welcoming it at the same time.

"I thought you'd have more of a mind to not approve of this," Law told Zeff.

"You of all people should know better," Zeff snapped at him. "I thought you were some sort of genius, here. You lack common sense in the matter."

"Clearly, I have no back up anywhere," Law muttered to himself, frowning at Sanji.

"It's an unfortunate lesson to learn, but once the plan is set into motion, you realize your relationships with people held previously will change," Zeff told Sanji, forcing the man to look at him as Sanji was giving Law a satisfied smirk. "You can forget about that idiot family being your friend – don't think that just because you're screwing around with this kid that they'll look at you fondly, anymore."

Sanji was uncomfortable with the subject. The thought of Doflamingo and Corazon disagreeing with their tactics and fighting with them as they used to fight Zeff felt painful. But it was going to happen. He figured he'd understand it better when the time came.

Zeff looked at Chopper, the reindeer trembling slightly in his arms. Sanji held him a little more firmly, knowing Zeff was going to say something.

"And you…any wrong move, and I'll enjoy you as a stew," Zeff threatened softly, the warning more menacing because of the deliverance. "A little at a time. Just enough for you to watch me enjoy what I do with the meat I take away from you. It'll be one leg at a time, so you'll live a little longer – "

"Stop!" Sanji snapped, kicking at him lightly while Chopper gave a sound of distress. "None of you will touch him!"

Zeff then reached out and hugged him tightly, resting his head against his – Sanji wasn't so little, anymore. He was nearly a grown man – he didn't fit as he used to, and he wasn't going to have the time he'd lost with him, as well. But as time passed, when they could talk on the phone or FaceTime with each other over various things during the course of a day, it was getting easier to feel relief come back. Sanji was getting his mind back, and he was settling back into place, and he was making his own decisions.

As alien as they were, he was still the stubborn, troublesome boy that he'd always been, and Zeff was thankful for that.

"I'm just glad you're home, boy. Everything else will be figured out when it comes."

Sanji had a million things to say in response, but none of them came to tongue. He just felt embarrassed at how emotional he felt being so close to the old man, remembering all the old times when he was a small child and Zeff would hug him without any effort at all.

"Okay," was all he could say in response, eyes burning slightly as he continued to combat the need to kill him while he was so close.

: :

Bonney snapped her gum while Apoo argued with Krieg nearby.

Drake and Crocodile were talking over coffee and smoking guns, Doflamingo was taking a selfie with all of them in the background, Corazon chewing on a straw while playing on his phone, and Arlong and Dr Hogback snapping at each other for encroaching each other's space in the parking lot. The conference room was too warm with too many bodies, and too many minions shifted restlessly because Bonney's girls were making vulgar observations and displaying too much flesh nearby.

Kid was twirling Law's glasses around on one finger, looking troubled. His feet were propped up on the table, and Bonney had just asked him why he looked so blue.

"First off, I was pissed because my soulmate refuses to chase after me after I threw myself at him, totally making it obvious that I'm interested in him," he said dejectedly, as Arlong and Dr Hogback's voices rose and Crocodile snapped at them to quiet down. "What's that guy got that I don't? I asked myself, like, over and over again. So, like, literally, I get this thing in my head where I'm just going to go over and ask him – what the fuck? You know? Why can't you give me a chance?"

"You did not tell yourself to do that!" Bonney laughed, digging a sandwich out of her purse, eating it while digging chips out from the Party Sized!bag near her.

"Me, myself and I have interesting conversations after we've finished a drink or two," Kid confessed, brushing the feathers from his face as he adjusted his coat.

"So, after a long night of thinking it over, I go over, right? I know where he lives. I've been there a few times."

"Smelling his underwear, you creep?" Bonney joked.

Kid looked troubled, rubbing his chin. "I think he's starting to catch on that I do this."

"You're so gross!"

"Because he does laundry like, every day."

"You're such a stalker, it's hilarious."

"So I go over there, I'm all prepared. I got a speech all laid out, and I wrote it on my arms, even. I'm ready to throw my heart out there!" Kid sighed heavily, slumping in his chair, holding onto the pair of glasses with one hand before slipping them into his inside jacket pocket.

"So I go over there and…never in my life…NEVER IN MY LIFE, Bonney gal, did I ever want to be the meat of a man sandwich so bad."

Bonney's eyes widened comically, food falling from her mouth.

"At that moment, I decided that I am fully capable of taking on two dudes at once. Fuck it, if I have to share the love of my life with someone else, I'm going to participate."

"What did you see?" she asked excitedly. "Was it big? Was it everything that we'd dreamed of?"

"I'm just saying, if that man wants me to plow his wife while he's plowing me, I'm not even going to hesitate," Kid said with a sigh. "After that, I ran away. And I can't even look at either of them the same, now. All I see when I look at them is him giving him all his attention and fingers and making him squeal and - ! it was a bunch of ass play, I didn't even stay long to see his cum face, but goddamn - ! it was the first time I let up on my monogamy views."

"Who? WHO? Who was sticking who? I bet he's a total animal and was devouring that skinny prick like a last meal!"

"Oh, Pornhub doesn't have a setup this amazing. I didn't even stay long. I had a nosebleed so bad, it was like a murder scene. Now I'm obsessed, and I'm angry because this is the most brutal thing that has ever happened to me! I should NOT be obsessed with no man this hard!"


Almost immediately, all of them reacted with dismay towards the voice that hollered from the main doorway nearby. Once they saw Luffy standing there in a stiff suit and tie, hair combed neatly with his hat dangling behind him, the other Strawhats dressed similarly in their own fashion, mouths dropped.

Only Kid turned away, blushing bright red as he covered his face with one hand, Bonney looking at him with concern.

"What's this, Strawhat? You called us here, again? You little shit," Crocodile snapped, tapping his hook against the table.

"What's with the pig suit?" Doflamingo asked skeptically. "You look ridiculous. You're trying too hard."

"Did your momma and poppa extend your curfew?" Drake asked with a snort, leaning back in his seat.

"Mock me all you want, you mouthy old bastards," Luffy said, walking up to the table, various minions forced to make a wide berth away from him, lest they suffered a blow from one of Zoro's swords, or caught the hard end of Nami's Clima-Tact, or a slap from one of Robin's hands. All the Strawhats spread themselves around the groups, taking up certain positions that caused many of the syndicate heads to bristle.

"Tonight, things are changing. Mihawk said he met with you, and warned you what was going to happen. And I made my decision! From tonight on, anything you do or say or plan for some future endeavor will have to be approved of by me," he said, grinning wide once many faces shifted with consternation.

"Bullshit!" Doflamingo shouted out. "We're not listening to you!"

"You're fucking delusional if you think we'd follow your orders!" Arlong cried, slamming his fist onto the table.

"Like I take lip from some boy," Bonney said with a snort.

"Disagree with me all you want," Luffy said, stretching his neck to peer around Crocodile's shoulder, retreating when the man threatened to decapitate him. "But we're here, and we're doing this. I understand that the transitional period for all you old codgers will be a hardship, but you younger set – we understand each other quite well. You want street rep? You want a foothold in respect? Then you follow the rules that these guys built during their time here."

Apoo, Bonney and Kid laughed.

"Like we'd take someone like you seriously," Apoo cried. "Little nose picker."

"What, like I gotta call you up and tell ya when I'm getting my nails done?" Kid asked. "That's brutal. Hell with that."

"I don't take orders from no man," Bonney roared.

"Then you'll take them from another woman," Nami warned her, leaning over her chair as Robin leaned around the other side to smile down at her.

When Bonney moved to touch them both, arms sprang out of her own forehead and shoved her hands flat onto the table. Bonney's girls grumbled and started to act, but a low vibration began, warning them not to make a move as Nami faced them. They backed off, touching their hair and clothes as the sensation of static electricity caused them a little distress.

"We need to return this organization back to what it used to be," Luffy said, reaching out and snatching Bonney's chips, causing her to exclaim. Stuffing his mouth with chips, he continued to speak. "When we had rules and shit. All of you bastards are out of control, and embarrassing yourselves. Like, you're all a big joke, now. All of you used to be respected, but not now. It's because you lack rules that you look this way. I'm here to whip you into shape!"

"So we'll be fighting a lot, huh, Sanji?" Gin asked, leaning back in his chair to look at him with a devilish grin. "I'll be looking forward to that."

"Calm down. It's only if you step over the line," Sanji told him.

"You can bet I'll be toying with that line a lot."

"Can you not flirt while you're on the clock?" Pearl asked Gin impatiently.

"Does this mean you won't be cooking for us, anymore?" Doflamingo asked Sanji, reaching out and pushing Gin's chair away so that Sanji could focus on him.

Corazon continued playing on his phone, letting everyone else drown each other out with protests, arguments and exclamations over Luffy's decision.

Luffy was laughing and eating all of Bonney's chips, not really caring about the animosity building, Zoro ready to fight. Ussop was hiding behind him, slingshot at the ready.

"I still can," Sanji reassured him. "Just follow the rules."

"You realize this is the end of it, right?"

"It's not the end. Not when we're coming over for dinner tomorrow night."

"No olives, or you both get shot."

"Tell Law to bring me my book I loaned him," Corazon said. "It's really important. I need it back."

"Hush, I'm talking to my daughter," Doflamingo told him, big finger over his red lips. Corazon slapped his hand away.

"I am not your daughter!' Sanji exclaimed, kicking his chair. "I am obviously a man!"

"I get confused, sometimes, especially when your voice gets all shrilly like that."

"This is going to be a mess," Zoro observed, mainly to himself as Sanji's familiarity with the Donquixote family showed a bias factor that might prove troublesome later on down the road.

"it'll be fine," Luffy assured him, misreading the situation. "Look! They're all in agreement!"

"That they hate us, yes."

"Not only that, but we made a good choice. The more they hate us, the more they have to make us make them follow the rules," Luffy added, hitting fist within palm, a dangerous gleam to his eyes.

"There's that."

Luffy laughed in delight. "This is going to be so fun!"

: :

"Well? How'd it go?" Law asked curiously as Zoro returned Sanji home, just a little after midnight.

"They took it as expected," Zoro answered. "A lot of tears and threats and clothes were thrown."

"Mostly Bonney's," Sanji said. "She threw her panties at Zoro as we were leaving. It was rather shocking."

"Aren't you popular?" Law commented with a disgusted expression.

Sanji then stared at him, Zoro rolling his eyes, digging in the fridge for something to snack on before settling on a Tupperware case full of something that needed a microwave. With a loud yawn, he said, "Later", and was gone.

Law looked after him with a frown. "Did he just snag the last piece of lasagna I was saving for later?"

"He did. And what's this." Sanji looked down at him, tugging off his scarf and removing his jacket.

"I'm studying."

"And Chopper?"

"I don't know. He's your pet."

Sanji looked from Chopper to him, trying not to be delighted. The reindeer had fallen asleep on the man's lap, holding tightly onto a binded edition of a recent neurobiology essay, and Law was holding his book at an angle to avoid disturbing him.

"You guys are getting along."

"I was cold. Momo has fur. It all makes sense."

"It's Chopper, ass. Not 'Momo'."

"I keep getting them mixed up. Anyway, anything else?" Law asked him, shoving Chopper to the side to get up, the reindeer rolling into the cushions with a snort. But all he did was resettle back into a comfortable position, and Sanji leaned over to pull a throw blanket over him, the one he used to cover himself with when he went smoking in the mornings.

"No, not really. All of them reacted predictably. We should have our hands full."

"That's real cute, I'm sure they liked the idea of the Strawhats keeping them in line."

"Of course! After hearing their opinion, it was decided that nothing else could be said on the matter, since Luffy had made up his mind. Oh, and Cora said for you to bring that book over when we meet them for dinner, tomorrow night," Sanji said. "

You realize how awkward it's going to be, trying to keep those two in line, right?" Law asked, turning off the lights and locking the door as Sanji looked over Chopper one more time.

He left a nightlight on in the corner of the living room, then followed after the other man. Shachi was sleeping in his room, textbook over his face and his headphones on, so Sanji turned off his lights and shut the door. "They're not going to like that you're telling them what to do."

"I won't 'tell' them what to do, I'll just gently suggest that whatever it is they're doing wrong, they're doing wrong," Sanji said, leaning down to slip off his shoes. "But I do see that we have a long road ahead of us. I see that we have a lot of work in proving ourselves to these people that we're capable of performing certain duties in order to maintain balance in this lifestyle."

"It probably wasn't that easy for Zeff, but he's a respectable lout, and you kids are just…kids," Law said, reaching out and undoing his tie for him. "With a lot to prove. Almost no one can take you seriously, especially with Strawhat at the helm."

"It'll be fun, though," Sanji admitted, reaching over and undoing his belt, slipping the leather out from his belt loops. "I'd like to see where this takes us. There's a lot going for us in the future."

"Chopper was talking about his own experience with the Tea Party," Law said, pulling off his suit jacket and neatly folding that to put it aside. "He'd created his own cure. He said he would like to assist with yours. He actually has a very brilliant mind for a pet. He didn't say much when I'd visit Kureha, but he knew his books."

"He's not a pet."

"He's not a child, either. You can't take him in as one."

"I didn't say I was! I said he had no one else, and I'm that person for him."

"As long as you're aware that this is all you making this decision – "

"Who is this talking?" Sanji asked, reaching up to pull on his goatee so that he could pull his face down to allow him to look up into his eyes. "Is this you talking, or is this Doffy?'

"Shut up, I'm very sensitive to that topic!" Law snapped at him, jerking his head back and ripping open his shirt, buttons flying.

"Stop! You touchy scoundrel, this is a nice shirt!"

"I'll just buy you a new one. You're feeling well, right?"

"Depends," Sanji said, blushing a little as he attempted to cover himself because Law was looking at him a little too closely. "Not so loud, though. We have guests."

"So, I'm faced with coy, shy Sanji, now," Law observed, pulling his shirt off his shoulders and flinging the material away. "Shachi's passed out. He can't stop me, this time."

"Chopper might not understand what's happening – you're so aggressive, he might think you're killing me, or something," Sanji protested, stiffening as Law's hands settled over his bare waist, thumbs moving over his abs before lifting and rubbing lightly at his nipples.

With a sigh of impatience, Law left him, shut and locked the door – then pushed the dresser up against it. Sanji had to snicker because drastic measures were needed. Then Law returned to him, pushing him towards the bed, following him down atop of it. Wrapping his arms around his neck, Sanji held him close so that they could kiss, feeling one of Law's hands come between them, touching his bared skin.

Nervous over what could happen, Sanji let him dictate the movement, shifting his hips slightly so he could wrap a leg around his. Law's hand went from his stomach down over his pants, palming his half-hardened erection. Feeling his body respond eagerly made him feel light headed, but after doing this with Law previously, Sanji didn't feel quite so shy. He helped the other man out of his clothes, lightly kissing exposed flesh and using his hands to touch and appreciate what was given to him. He marveled at the feel of muscle in his back, at the trim width of his waist, and liked the way it all pressed down on top of him as Law undressed him and resettled over him once more.

Sanji reached up to shift his fingers through Law's hair as the man moved, kissing his way from Sanji's neck to his chest, his hands moving over Sanji's form with near rough action.

Sanji covered his mouth with one hand once he felt Law's fingers encircle and stroke his erection. He couldn't help but lift his hips up to assist with the light pumping motion, shifting his legs around to open wider for him. He could feel Law kissing the line at his hips, the bony part just above his thigh.

The scrape of his facial hair against his sensitive skin made him want to pull away, ticklish. He reached out and pulled him back up to his face with an embarrassed noise, Law frowning at him as he was interrupted.

"You're going to make me loud," Sanji told him with a self-conscious air.

"That's the point. I like hearing your voice."

"No. Quietly. Just kiss me until I'm ready," Sanji said, coaxing his head to his. "There's another time for that. I'm ready for you, now."

"Hold on, tiger," Law said, kissing him briefly before reaching over to the nightstand, shifting Sanji's legs around him as he did so. "You're always taking huge steps, ignoring the ones in between."

Sanji reached up to cover his own mouth once he visually appreciated all of the naked man before him, reaching out with his other hand to touch and feel all the ridges and indentations visual to him. When lube slicked fingers touched his opening below, he tensed slightly, feeling apprehensive the more he looked at the organ Law intended on using on him.

He decided not to look anymore, because he could feel himself tightening up as Law gently slipped a finger in. he leaned over and kissed Sanji, tasting the slight metallic edge beyond the taste of ash. He withdrew his tongue immediately, not wanting a repeat of that one time, but as he stretched and played with Sanji's hole, he used his other hand to stroke him. Sanji was trying to keep quiet, but little noises escaped him, his fingers clenching on Law's flesh, lightly scraping his nails over his muscle.

Once he was able to use two fingers, Law settled over him, pulling his hips to him so that Sanji's legs were dangling against his own. Those long limbs locked over him, Sanji looking up at him with trust and desire, face flushed. He lifted his hips at the same time Law did, reaching down to press up against his lube-slicked opening. Sanji was too afraid to look, tilting his head back with nervous apprehension, and when he felt the beginning of the invasion, he whimpered slightly, breathing hard, covering his face because his pain-filled expression was too great.

"Ah…it hurts," he whispered, panicked.

"Just breathe out," Law said, almost unhelpfully because he was finally getting the ass he'd always dreamed about, and he wasn't going to stop until it was fully his.

"It's too big!" Sanji moaned, reaching out to either push Law's hips or grab hold, and his fingers just automatically reached up and ensnared his hair, arms tense around his head. "It's too big, take it out."

Then he cried out again as Law snagged his erection with one lube slicked hand, stroking him roughly as he concentrated on easing past the ring of muscle that clamped hard around him. With Sanji's noises, the way his flexible body moved in an effort to alleviate the pain of his first time, Law felt all reasonable thought leave his head. He was just so focused on the act – a little scared to be interrupted – that once he was all the way, he felt himself struggling to maintain control over his own body, over his own mindless action.

Sanji breathed heavily, uttering noises that escaped a panicked throat, knees trembling against him. He wondered how it was possible for anyone to get pleasure from this act, feeling Law's dick throbbing deep inside of him. Hearing the other man's low breathing, feeling the way he awkwardly stroked his dick now that he was crouched over him.

"Uh, it hurts, you're so big, I can't - !" Sanji was saying, almost in a desperate whisper as he felt himself tightening again. he could feel his eyes burning, embarrassed about it.

When Law shifted to look at him, he made a funny expression, one that made Sanji breathe tightly, reaching out to push his own hands down the length of his body, unsure of where to push the pain away. Then uttered a low noise as Law shifted over him, giving a grumbling noise. Sanji felt his skin grow surprisingly hot, and he felt his dick twitching – his own legs shook against Law's sides, too weak to grip.

Then Law looked over him again, and Sanji realized he was wearing a surprisingly embarrassed expression.

"What," he questioned immediately, reaching up and out to grip his biceps as Law propped himself over him, hair hanging over his face.

"I came. I didn't even have a chance," Law confessed.

Sanji stared at him for a few moments, then said seriously, "I can't believe after all these years, you're a one minute man."

"SHUT UP, it's because of all those years I couldn't help myself!"

"That's all it's going to take from now on, is a minute."


Sanji started to laugh, realizing that it didn't hurt so much, anymore, now that the other man's dick was softening. It was just awkward, the after part, when Law had no more strength to hold himself up and Sanji kept laughing because it hadn't been so bad after all. Law bit him on the chest with an embarrassed look, and Sanji stopped laughing to look at him.

"Okay, okay. Fine. That's okay. We just have to do it again, a few times, until you can learn to master yourself," he teased, Law's face and ears bright red with mortification.

Sanji laughed again, reaching up to embrace him tightly, kissing the top of his head, stroking his hot ears. He was relieved that it was over, but at the same time, he was looking forward to next time. After all, it didn't feel that bad.

After clean up and both of them were laying in bed, Sanji poked his cheek a couple of times. Law was still mad at himself, and Sanji couldn't help but be amused.

"Well, guess I don't need this, anymore," Law said sullenly, lifting his hand and pulling off the ring he'd worn all this time. Sanji looked it, realizing that it was only vaguely familiar – other than seeing it on his hand. He reached for it, examining the inside as Law scratched idly at the tanline left behind.

"'True Love Waits', huh? Is this a purity thing?" Sanji asked, trying it on his own fingers and finding a perfect fit on his ring finger. "There's no way you're that pure."

"Hush, you. It was yours. You gave it to me along time ago," Law said patiently. At that, Sanji did remember seeing it on his own hand. Once he had the memory, other smaller memories came to him. Including the reason why he'd given it to Law in the first place. He burned with surprised horror and realization as he sorted through the jumble of images and noises that came with it.

"Time for a new one, then," he said, tossing the ring aside, not wanting to remember anymore of that.

"Yeah. Maybe."

Sanji waited for a couple of moments before mumbling, "Hopefully you last more than a minute during the rest of our time together."

"SHUT UP! God, I hate you! Why do I even like you?"

Sanji laughed loudly as Law hit him with a pillow and turned away from him with a low grumble, reaching out to turn off the lights.

"I love you, you homo."

"I guess I can love you back, you brat."