Author's note:

Sorry for the delay in update, I've been running so many trouble in this several month which lead to this delay. Please do forgive me I will try to increase my pace in writing this to make up for the delay.

Chapter 5: First Reincarnator

Aqua POV

Suddenly some girl that we don't know about appeared in front of us…

For some reason this girl seems to know my name… She even asked Kazuma to confirm it…

And of course as a result both me and Kazuma were in surprise...

Hmm? Is this one of those event thing in game and Manga?

Fufu, as expected of me the real Main Character of this story it seems I've triggered an event…

"Aqua, I don't know what you're thinking right now? But wipe out that smug face of yours, don't you realize you look like a villain."

While I'm thinking happily suddenly Kazuma said something rude.

This HikiNEET, how dare he said something like that!

"Yo, You jerkzuma! T-There is no way a beauty like me would look like a villain right?! No matter how you look at it, I look like main heroine."

"…Ah… is that so…? Well I guess everyone can believe whatever they want. Don't you think so miss?"

"Eh? Ah, I-I guess you're right?"

Said the girl reflexily to Kazuma who seek her confirmation confirmation.

This girl how dare sh— Hmm? … This girl I got a feeling that I've seen her somewhere…

… No good I can't remember, maybe if I hear her name…

While I'm thinking like that Kazuma started talking with the girl…

"Ahem, so miss. It seems that you want to confirm whether or not this girl is Aqua. The answer is yes, this girl name is indeed Aqua. Do you have some business with her? Ah, but before that can you please tell me your name? My name is Satou Kazuma please call me Kazuma."

Nice job Kazuma!

Now if this girl introduce herself I can probably remember her now.

"Eh, ah! I'm sorry to not introduce myself first, my name is Aizawa Shiori, please call me Shiori."

Aizawa Shiori…. Aizawa Shirori….

Hmm… I knew it had heard this name somewhere. Just a bit more I can remember…

At this time Kazuma once more talk to the girl

"So Shiori-san, what business you have with Aqua?"

"Ah, that's right! Actually I want to confirm whether sh—"


At this time I let out a big voice cutting Shiori words, and as a result Kazuma suddenly look at me curiously…

"What's wrong suddenly raising your voice like that?"

"I remember now!"

"What is?"

"I know this girl! I've met her before…"


Kazuma begin to make a confused look…

But that is only for a moment, soon enough as if he realized something he said this…

"This girl… is she a reincanator as well?"

Kazuma ask looking for my confirmation…

I then nodded my head and the girl called Shiori also nodded along with me.

This girl are one them one of the people who are sent by me from Japan.


Kazuma POV

When Aqua said she know the girl called Shiori, for a second I thought 'What is this idiot saying?'

Both of us just arrived in this world yesterday, so there is no way Aqua know someone in this world. However, I then realized something. There is one exception…

And that is reincarnator.

Though Aqua only arrived in this world yesterday, she had sent several people to this world. That mean if Aqua truly had met her the only possible time when this girl die and got sent to this world.

Of course this is but a hypothesis of mine I have no proof at all, but soon enough Aqua and Shiori-san confirmed my theory with a simple nod.

"I see. So you're an a reincarnator send here before me huh How long have you been here Shirori-san?"

"Ah, I had been here for 3 months. A-Ah, wait d-does Kazuma-san also reincarnator then? A-Also as I expected s-she really is Aqua-sama. W-Why is she here?"

"Fufu, I had come to bring peace to this wo-"

"Aqua I beg you don't say anything unnecessary, I will handle this. For now Shiori-san, how about we take seat first we can talk all we want. Standing like and shouting out loud will only attract attention anyway."

"Ah, y-you're right!"

Agreeing with my word, Shiori-san decided to follow my words. And so we take a seat at one of the free table.


The talk started by Shiori-san short introduction of herself.

Apparently she die from a car accident during her family trip, thankfully it seems all of her family other than her come out alive (or so she said). Hearing this I feel impressed at her, if it was me I will resent unreasonableness of me dying when all the people there somehow alive. I start to see her as very wonderful person. I want her as my wife! Ah! Ahem, that is not important… a-anyway let's continue.

After she die she then met Aqua who for some reason at that time busy reading manga and eating snack. Aqua then forced her to go another world with cheat, and give her a catalogue of Skill and weapon to choose from. Basically she experience the same thing as me until this point.

After she choose something she then, arrived in this city and after making a party with adventurer she met she then begin actively doing adventurer job in this city. Then, suddenly today when she come to the guild she met a girl who look exactly like Aqua (which turn out the person herself) walking around inside the guild. Surprised and curious she decided to call out to me who are next to Aqua to confirm, as for why she didn't directly talk to Aqua it is because she thought that if she is really Aqua she didn't have confidence that she can establish a talk with her considering her temper when they last met.

"I see, so surprised in seeing a girl that look like Aqua you talk to me to confirm whether or not she really the person you know…"

"Y-Yes, a-and can you please tell me w-why Aqua-sama is here?"

"Ah, well I guess it is alright to tell you… but Shiori-san can you promise to not tell anyone."

Shiori-san then begin to ponder to herself, and…

"O-Okay I promise not to tell anyone"

As she nodded I begin to tell her the thing happened yesterday.

Mainly about how Aqua got sent here because she spread bad rumour of other Gods and Godesses, and how she tasked to slay a Demon Lord with me. The b*tch try to fool Shiori-san by telling some lie, but it seems Shiori-san doesn't even lend an ear to Aqua..

"I-I see… back at my time Aqua-sama also bad mouthed other Gods as if it's normal, but to think she punished for that."

"No, I think she had it coming, so please don't show concern for her you will only waste energy."

Not only this girl beautiful, but her heart is also kind she even pitied Aqua…

However, Aqua case her punishment is something she had it coming. There is no need to show concern for her…

"Also it is not like they abandoned her or anything, they even give her a chance to go back by defeating Demon Lord."

"Yeah, but they forced me to work together with this HikiNEET! They should have picked a better partner for me!"

"Be grateful that I even willing to cooperate Goddess(lol)!"


Seriously this girl really don't know how to be grateful

"E-Etto, Kazuma-san and Aqua-sama sure get along huh."

"Nope! I just babysit her because I will feel guilty to leave her alone. Anyway I'm surprised that you're fine seeing me acting casually to Aqua. Because it seems you're one with common sense I thought you will panic because I badmouth a Goddess."

Thought Aqua s a b*tch and idiot she is still a Goddess normal people that now this should have been panic and act all formal in front of her out of fear for divine punishment. Yet, Shiori-san who look normal doesn't even react.

"Eh, ah! Well I also had met Aqua-sama myself after all, and h-how do I say this. A-After I talk to her somehow I just can't see her as something that great…"

"Ah, I get it. I get it…"

"Hmm, what do you mean by that?"

Aqua titled her head in confusion to our words…

You just don't look or sound that great, being honest despite spending a whole day with you, I can't see you as anything but idiot…

"Anyway Shiori-san as I previously said please don't tell anyone about this."

"Obviously, or if I must said no one would believe me."

"That's true, but still please don't tell anyone. However, I've been thinking about this earlier, but I never thought I would run to my very fellow after just one day. By chance, is there a lot of reincarnator in this world?"

Well though I said this I bet there are at mot 10 or so people.

I mean it is not like Aqua sent every person who died young to this world right? Also Aqua said most people that come here killed by monster when they are still low level, so it shouldn't be that much.

However, Shiori-san answer betray my thought.

"Umm… I don't know all of them, but so far I've met 15 reincarnator in this country. Also there are about 60 people that I've heard rumour about, that are active adventurer in another countries. But I think there are still even more of them."

Huh? Are? W-What is this? Isn't that a bit much?

"Hey, Aqua. How are there so many reincarnator in this world?"

"Ah, I forgot to tell you this huh. Actually I'm not the only Goddess who sent people to this world, after all with just Japanese people there is no way we can actually fix this world low birth rate. So several Gods and Goddess that are tasked with Earth also sent people from their respective country to this world."

Ah, I see.

Now that I think about it reincarnator are here to help this world low birth rate, so there is no way only Japanese got sends here. Hmm, but wait if there something that then something doesn't make sense…

"Nah, Aqua… if there is that many reinarnator. How can the Demon force still push humanity to the point they are in danger? I mean even if they are not as strong as the Demon King, with their cheat reincarnator should not be defeated by a mere demon right? Or was the demon that strong?"

I've seen the weapon, skill, and talent that Aqua allowed to give to us, and all of them truly outside human realm. In the first out cheat are meant to fought Demon King, just some random Demon should not even be their opponent. And considering the number of reincarnator the Demon King army at least should not be able to push human force by this much.

There are possibility that some reincarnator sided with Demon King but those should be minority, because if we defeat Demon King the Gods will grant us anything we want. With that in mind those who side with Demon King must not be much.

"Hmm? Isn't that obvious? Because there are several Demon King in this world even the Reincarnator have trouble to defeat them all."

Aqua answered my question with unbelievable revelation.


"Wait! Several Demon King? Aqua what do you mean?"

"Ah, Kazuma-san had only arrived here yesterday, so you might not know, but there are several Demon country in this world, and with that said there obviously more than on Demon King."

Shiori-san begin to explain.

Ah, I see.

If I think about it Demon are creature mad off many race, even if each race nowhere near the amount of human, the total population of all those race will at least be about the same as human. And these population are spread around all over the world, if that's the case there is no way a single Demon King can lead them all. On top of it, Demon are all a very prideful creature, there is no way they easily follow someone order. Realistically speaking they might end up creating several country just like human.

"Well then how many Demon King are there?"

"13... also thought this not related there are 70 human country and several country of beast people Dwarve and elves. Each of these force are pushed by the 13 Demon King army."

That are more than thought, and with that many force to be pushed around the Demon King must be ridiculously powerful/

"Wait Aqua… don't that Angel you met told you to slay Demon King? Does that mean I need to kill all 13 Demon King! If that's the case you better give up now, beating one alone might b miracle for me, 13 are impossible."

"No way! In the first place there are never been reincarnator or any human that able to defeat all Demon King! Just one is fine, and then we will grant you a single wish within the limit. In this aspect I also will be able to go back as long as we defeat one of them."

Fuu, then it is alright.

"Hmm… wait! Aqua, how long we've been talking here."

"Hmm? I think we've been here for only about an hour or so."

Yosh, it seems the time had not passed by that much.

Still any longer than this will be bad, we should end the conversation here…

"Sorry Shiori-san both me and Aqua are about to take a quest now, o if possible I like to end the talk here."

"A-Ah, okay! Sorry for bothering you like this."

"Ah, no, no! I'm glad to meet a fellow reincarnator and a Japanese at that, hope we can meet again here."

"Fufu, yes. I'm also staying in this city after all o we should meet very often."

She smile.

For the first time since we talk she smiled.

Wah! Her smiling face is cute, ah wait! I got distracted again.

"Well then see you later."


After that we part with Shiori-san and head to the forest.

At this time I didn't know that my meeting with her will lead to an event where I will see this world ugliness for the first time.

Author's note:

Hey, my reader It seems many of you think this girl going to be part of Kazuma party, but don't worry Kazuma party will stay the same as the original story. The girl name Shiori will only help Kazuma from time to time, I to plan to add her to the harem but those are still not certain. Also as you ra up there I've make several Demon King, so Kazuma will not only fight Demon King army in another country, so sooner or later my sorry will become different from the original.

Kazuma: By the way author's you said I'm to see this world ugliness, what do you mean by that?

Author: If I reveal now it will be spoiler, but well let's just said it is an event that will change your easy going attitude.