Chapter: Beggining

Kazuma POV

"Satou Kazuma-san, welcome to the after-life. Unfortunately, you have died. It might be short, but your life is over."

Someone suddenly spoke to me in a certain room.

In the room was a set of office desk and chair, and the one who announced that my life was over there seating on that chair. It is a very beautiful girl.

If there was a goddess, she must be it. Her beauty was beyond the idols shown on television, she had glamour that surpassed humans. Her long blue hair looked silky smooth.

She seemed to be about my age.

She wasn't too busty or too lacking. She had a light purple hagoromo draped over her clothes.

The beauty blinked her eyes which were the same aqua blue color of her hair, staring at me who didn't know what was going on.

… I then try to remember what happened moments ago.


Today on the rare occasion I decide to go outside, for hikikomori like me this is really is a rare occasion. All of this is in order to purchase a limited first release version of a popular online game, I got up early to queue up.

After buying the game I decided to return back home immediately.

However on my way back I noticed a girl crossing the road while looking on her cellphone. The light is green, so there should be no problem at all, but at this time I noticed a large shadow coing toward her.

That must be a large truck heading towards her at high speed.

When I came to my senses, I had knocked that girl away.

After that I am already here…


As I remembered the whole thing, I then begin to speak and ask the beauty in front of me…

"… Can I ask one thing?"

The beauty nodded in response to my question

"Please go ahead."

"… That girl… that was knocked away by me, is she still alive?"

That was the most important thing.

If I did something worthy at the end of my live I think that I can pass on peacefully. If I fail I might feel frustrated and unable to pass on.

"She lives! But she fractured her leg."

Thank goodness…

I didn't die in vain. I did something good at the very end…

However, as if ignoring my feeling the beauty continue her words…

"But, she would not had been hurt if you didn't knocked her away."

"… Huh?"

"That tractor would had stopped before hitting that girl. That was expected, it was just a slow tractor after all. That means your unnecessary meddling by acting like a hero made things worse… Pu he he!"

The beauty start to laugh while covering her mouth.

What is this, this was the first time I met this girl. It might be rude, but I felt like beating her up.

… Wrong, hold it. I think I heard something that was more important than that.

"… What did you say? Tractor? Not a truck?"

"That's right, a tractor. If a truck was speeding towards that girl, she would had noticed and got away."

"Eh? But what about me? Didn't I die after getting hit by the tractor?"

"No, you died from shock. You thought you were ran over by a truck and went into shock. I had been doing this for a long time, but you are the first to die so unnaturally!"

…What the shock?!

"Because of your close call with the tractor, you lost consciousness and control of your bowels and were sent to a nearby hospital. As the doctors and nurses were saying 'What's with this guy, how useless– (lol)' amidst laughter, you did not regain consciousness and your heart failed…"

"Shut up–! I don't want to hear it!"

"Your family had reached the hospital, but before they felt the sadness from their loss, they couldn't help bursting into laughter after hearing your cause of death…"

"Shut up shut up! This can't be real! How could there be such a useless way to die, this is unbelievable!"

Looking down at me squatting with my head in my arms, the girl covered her mouth and laughed.

Shit, I really angry right now!

"… Well, that ends my de-stressing session. First time we met, Satou Kazuma-san. My name is Aqua. I am a goddess that guides young people who die in Japan… Now, putting aside how funny your demise was, you have two options."

…This fellow! She completely looking down on me!

Forget it, this would just delay the progress of the conversation, I will just bear with it.

"First would be reincarnating and beginning a new life. The other option would be staying in a place sort of like heaven and live the life similar to an old folks home."

What a lazy way to describe the options.

"Eh, well… How is the place that is sort of like heaven? More importantly, what do you mean by old folks home?"

"Heaven isn't as great as you humans imagined. You don't need to eat after dying and won't be able to make anything naturally. There aren't any ingredients or necessities for you to use anyway. I am sorry if I disappointed you, but there is nothing in heaven. No television, no manga and no games, there are only other people who died before you. And since you are dead, you can't do anything kinky, you can't since you don't even have a body. The only thing you can do is bask in the sun with your predecessors and chat. Forever.

No computer games and no entertainment. Instead of heaven it was closer to hell.

But to become a baby and restart my life… still to lose all memory is ju-

"Hey, you don't want to go to a boring place like heaven right? But asking you to let go of all your memories and start again as a baby is the same as erasing your existence since your memories will be gone. And so! I have great news for you."

Great news? Coming from this girl the word itself is doubtful, but let's hear it for now.

"Do you… like games?"

Aqua as me while smiling deviously


Aqua confidently explained her so called good news.

This was the gist of it…

In a world different from where I was, there was another world with a demon king. And with the attack of the demon king army, that world fell into crisis.

There were magic and monsters in that world.

To put it simply, it was a fantasy world similar to the famous games Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.

"The people who died in that world were killed by the demon king army, and were very afraid, saying they don't want to die like that again. So as the result the Birth rate in that world fall dramatically. If that keep up the world will cease to exist. So we Gods decided to drag people from another world."

…What sloppy immigration policy? Does all Gods this loose?

"And because we plan to send them over there in order to increase live we purposely pick people who died young, and still have a will to live more. We then give them a new body with their memory intact so they continue their live there. And as a bonus we Gods also going to give them power in a form of ability so they can survive in that harsh world. What about it? For Japanese like you this is a very good offer right?"

I see, it does sound great.

I always love games, so this did make me excited. But before that I need to confirm something first...

"Erm, I have a question, what about the language of that world? Can I speak the language of the other world?"

"This isn't a problem. With the gentle aid of the gods, you will instantly learn the language directly in your brain the moment you head over to the other world. You will even be able to read! But there is a side effect, your brain might be wiped blank if you are unlucky… And so, all you need to do is to choose a powerful ability or weapon."

"Hold on, I heard something important just now. Did you say my brain would be wiped blank if I am unlucky?"

"I didn't say that."

"You did."

The tension from earlier was gone. I am speaking to a goddess, but my attitude was akin to speaking to an equal. Well she don't have much charisma so let's ignore that…

…Still it is an attractive proposition.

It was scary that there was a chance to wipe my brain blank. But I am not bragging when I say I am confident in my luck since I was young.

At this moment, Aqua showed me something like a catalogue.

"Please choose. I can grant you one and only one power that would match any person. It could be a powerful unique ability. For example, a legendary weapon. Come, it can be anything. You have the privilege to bring this one thing to the other world."

After hearing Aqua's explanation, I took the catalogue and started browsing it.


After that I try to look over the catalogue, but there are so many choice that I can't decide properly

"Nah~ hurry up~ it doesn't matter which one you choose. I have no expectations of a hikiNEET, can you just pick one and be on your way? Anything will do, hurry up~ Hurry up~

"I, I am not a NEET…! And I died outside, so I am not a hikikomori…!"

I answered in a trembling voice, but Aqua simply toyed with the ends of her hair and told me disinterestedly:

"It doesn't matter, just hurry up and choose~ there are still many dead souls waiting in line!"

Aqua sat in her chair as she spoke, munching her snacks without even looking at me…

... This fellow, mocking my causes of death even though it was the first time we met, acting so stuck up because she was pretty. Her can't be bothered attitude make me mad.

No, let's calm down… If I get angry on this B*tch I lose, I should hold my anger.

...Still though...

"Hey, are there no skill that will increase your Skill point, or Skill that increase one status growth, or even skill that level you up faster?"

I try to look at the catalogue Aqua gave me, but while there are many great skill. Most of them are like weapon with great destructive power or something that will increase one stat momentarily. Simply put all of them are flashy type ability.

While most people will think that those skill are good enough. As a gamer I know that a true cheat is the one that will help me grow faster.

"Ah, those huh. Well many Japanese who come here actually requested for that kind of skill, so I run out of stock for now."

Seriously? As expected of my fellow Japanese they know what skill is rare.

What should I do now?

The skills I want are all gone, that only leave the skills on this catalogue.

None of them are particularly bad, but none of them seems useful to me.

…At this time I finally noticed a certain type of skill hidden on the very bottom.

Ripping Arm of Silver:

A special skill created by God Nuada, and it can only be used on sword. It will grants the user an ability that can make any object from a sword to a toothpick into an invincible sword that can cut through anything. Magic, Ghost, Diamond none of it are exception, the weapon the user wield will cut down anything. It also cost nearly no MP, as it is only enhanced a sword

*Note; it will only active when the tool are in contact with the user. Once the user no longer in contact with the weapon will turn back to normal. Also the power limited to only one object at the time.

*Note; while it said it can enhance anykind of object however, the wielder need to treat the object as if it is a sword. For example despite using a lance you need to wield it as if it is a sword or else the skill will not active.

...What a cheat skill!

There are some problem like I need to wield all tool like a sword in order to activate it. But with this skill I will be invicible. This skill basically allow me to cut down any enemy while ignoring their defence. A one hit-kill skill.

Oh, Nuada-sama I have never got the chance to meet you, but I swear I will start to pay my prayer to you. You completely on different league from this wannabe Goddess.

"Hey! Why do I suddenly felt you mocking me?"

Seems she noticed my thought.

Wonder if this is because she is a Goddess or simply a women intuition, but she sure is sharp.

"…I do no such thing my Goddess Aqua-sama. Do you think I am the type that will think badly of other people?"

"Stop with that smiling face, it disgusting!"

…What a rude thing to say.

Oh, well right now I am in the good mood, so I can bear that kind of word.

"Aqua I already pick the skill I want."

"Hmm… let me see. Ah… the stupid skill Nuada made huh. I put it on the very bottom because there is no way a mere local God like him can create a skill better than mine."

…This fellow!

She even badmouth her own fellow Gods, she definitely don't have any friends at all.

"Doesn't matter right?! I pick this skill so please give it to me."

"Yeah, Yeah!"

After that Aqua start to put her hand in front of her while aiming at me.


Suddenly a light appeared around me, it then start to enter my body until it all disappear.

"There! Ah, also this is some money for you, it should have enough money to let you live for a month so don't waste it."

Aqua said as she handed a pouch filled money

I then received the pouch.

"Well then let's start your transfer!"

Under my feet, a blue magic circle appeared.

My body then begin to be surrounded by light, and I start to floating.

"Satou Kazuma-san. You will be heading to another world now and become one of the candidate heroes to defeat the demon king. You will receive a 'gift' from the gods the moment you defeat the demon king."

Aqua said that as she wear a serious expression

If this is before I seen her true colour I might just fell in love with her, but now I can only thing of it as disgusting. Seriously trying to act like cool beauty after all that this girl is rotten.

…Hold it, didn't she said something amazing just now…


"That's right, a gift befitting a world savior… You will be granted a wish, it can be anything you want."


I like to retort on way she only telling me now, but that doesn't matter.

…A gift huh…

I wonder what should I ask? Should I ask a harem filled with beautiful women?

"Hero! May you be victorious among the many hero candidates, and become the one to defeat the demon king… Well then, I bid you farewell!"

Like hell you will pray for me to be victorious.

Don't you just said 'you don't expect anything from me'? Oh, well no use thinking about it

While thinking like that I finally disappeared from the room


Aqua POV

My name is Aqua a great Goddess that guide dead people from Japan.

Today once again I had splendidly send a soul of a man to another world

Yet, I wonder why the great me is now floating? And why under my feet is now a blue magic circle mean to let people to go 'that' world are now glowing as it is trying to transfer me?

"Eh? What is this?"

I don't get it! Just a minute ago I just send someone to another world, and yet now the exact same spell I just used are now used on me.

At that moment with a flash of white light, a winged woman appeared out of nowhere. This girl are an Angel. At this moment I realize she is the one who casted the teleportation spell on me.

"Hey, you! What is the meaning of this? Why are you using this spell on me?!"

"Aqua-sama, I'm sorry, but I have received order to bestow a punishment upon you by the other Gods."

The angel said while making a sad face.

"A punishment?! Don't joke with me?! What did I do?"

"Well for starter you badmouth your fellow God to human."

Geh, they found out about that!

"You should know for divine being such as yourself got their power from their believer. Spreading bad rumour like you did might affect the power of the other Gods. And so the angry Gods and Goddess had decided to punish you a little."

"Wait, seriously! Those are just joke! I don't really mean to bad mouth the other Gods."

"I am sorry, I know full well Aqua-sama is simply throwing tantrum like a child everytime you talk badly about other people. But this is had been decided."

...I feel like she just say something rude, but I don't even have the strength to get angry

"And so, we decided to make you help in getting rid the Demon Lord."

Eh? Me defeat Demon Lord

"Wait! Wait! As a goddess, I possess healing powers, not combat abilities! It is impossible for me to defeat the demon king!"

I collapsed while crying for real

I have zero fighting ability, there is no way I can win against a killing machine like Demon Lord.

"Don't worry Lord Nuada who noticed this suggested that Aqua-sam simply have to help out Satou Kazuma-san who had received his skills."

That HikiNEET!

I supposed to rely on that HikiNEET…

"Well then Bon voyage, Aqua sama. Pleases leave the rest to me. We will send envoys to welcome you back right after the demon king is defeated. Before you return, I will handle all your tasks."

"No, No, Wait! KYAAA"

With my cried, I'm now gone from my own office.

Author's Note:

This is my story thinking about the possibility of Kazuma manage to maintain his calm, and properly pick a skill. I hope you all going to enjoy it.