Hey guys this is my first fanfic in five years so be nice this is the story about Ahsoka Tano and my oc Zack archer yes they will be paired but not yet it ake place at the beginning of season 3 enjoy

Disclaimer i dont own star wars it belongs to George lucas

Coursant, the heart of the the galatic republic home of many jedi here we see a 17 year old boy walking down the halls of the jedi temple. He has golden blonde hair with light skin,wearing a traditional jedi outfit with a padawan braid in his hair and a lightsaber attached to his belt,this boy's name is Zack Archer and he is on his way to meet his new jedi master.

Zack walks into the jedi council room where he sees a man possibly in his late 30's he had light brown hair as well as a beard to go with it also wearing a traditional jedi outfit as well as a lightsaber on his belt, this man's name was Obi-wan Kenobi former master of the chosen one Anakin Skywalker.

Obi wan glaced at Zack and smiled. "So i take it your my new padawan am i correct?" Obi-Wan asked

Zack nodded his head "It's an honor to meet you master Kenobi im Zack Archer" Zack shook Obi-Wan's hand.

"So master Yoda tells me your quite saber master" Obi-Wan said with a smile, Zack blushed and rubbed the back of his head,

"Well i wouldnt say master but i guess im good" Obi wan chuckled "Lets go to the training room and test your strength shall we?" The master and young padawan went to the training room in the temple as Obi-Wan iginted his blues blade, Zack ignited his blade exept his was emerald green,Obi wan made the first as he charged toward Zack but to Obi-Wan's surprise Zack quickly blocked it.

Zack pushed his master back then charged at him, the blue a green blades clashed Obi-Wan was very impressed with Zack's quick reflexes,then he twisted Zack's lightsaber out of his hand and threw it across the floor then pointed his blade at Zack.

"Well looks like i lost" Zack said as Obiwan smiled "i must say u have impressive reflexes my boy" Zack called his saber with the force "Thank you master Kenobi" Zack said bowing to his new mentor.

"Lets go my freind Anakin is meeting us shortly with his padawan" Obi-Wan said as he deactivated his saber, "Who's his Padawan Master?" Zack asked

"Her name is Ahsoka Tano" Obi-Wan said,Just then Zack's heart skipped a beat Ahsoka was his childhood friend and his crush but he never told her because jedi weren't allowed to love and he hadn't seen her ever since see was assigned a master.

"Ahsoka Tano, wow i haven't seen her in a long time" Zack told Obi-Wan,

"Were u freinds" Obi-Wan asked. Zack nodded

"Well im sure she'll be happy to see you lets go" Obi-Wan said.

About five minutes later Zack and Obi-Wan went toward the shipyard as two jedi stood outside one was a male in his mid 20's stood about 6' tall had dark brown hair and was wearing a leather jedi suit this jedi's name was Anakin Skywalker who was believed to be the chosen one, The other one was a female tourgata about 16 years old was wearing a female jedi outfit and she had two lightsabers on her belt, Her name is Ahsoka Tano and when she saw Zack her face lite up.

"Hey Ahso- OOF!" was all Zack could say before Ahsoka tackled him to the ground with a hug, this made anakin and Obiwan laugh "Zack i missed you so much!" She said as she hugged him tighter.

"I missed you too Ahsoka but i can't breathe" Zack wheezed out, Ahsoka let go and helped her childhood freind off the ground, "Sorry its just i haven't seen you in a long time you look great"said Ahsoka.

"So do u" Zack replied cuaseing Ahsoka to blush just as anakin walked up to him, "So ur Obi-Wan's new padawan?" Asked Anakin.

"That's me" Zack replied as he shook Anakin's hand, "Good Luck kid,your gonna need it with him" Anakin said as Obiwan glared at him.

"The council wants to see all of us at once" Obiwan said as the two knights and padawans headed for the council chambers.

As Zack and the others entered the council room they were surrounded by the jedi council members one of them was known as Master Yoda the grand master of the jedi temple.

"Welcome master Kenobi,Skywalker and Padawans Tano and Archer a mission we have for you" the old master said as another known as Mace Windu spoke.

"We believe that the sepritists have sent a droid army to fulica they must be stopped."

"We will not fail Master Windu" Obi-Wan said as he,Anakin,and the two padawans bowed and were excused.

Later at the ship yard Anakin and Obi-Wan were helping out the clone troopers with some supplie,this gave Zack and Ahsoka a chance to catch up.

"I cant believe your the Padawan of the chosen one" Zack said "im jeleous" this made Ahsoka giggle, "Why your the Padawan of the guy who trained the chosen one"

Zack chuckled "i guess that means ill be better u then at everything" Ahsoka then playfully punched him is the arm "you wish Archie" She said,

Zack rubbed his arm, just then Ahsoka hugged him "i missed u" She said as Zack returned the hug "I missed u too" as they released Anakin walked toward them

"Come on you two time to go" He said

"Right behind you Skyguy" Ahsoka said smirking cuasing Zack to raise an eyebrow.

"Sky guy?" He asked

"Long story"Ahsoka said as they both walked to their ships.

"This is going to be fun" Zack thought himself.

Like i said guys this is my first fic in 5 year so no flames R&R