A bit late but hey ho... Couldn't really be asked to spend ages editing so I apologize for any mistakes.


Three years later

The sunlight peeking through the slightly-open curtains woke him up from his slumber, signalling that it was sunrise. He was a very light sleeper, a fact that he'd come to resent when his boyfriend often forgot to close the damn curtains... Yeah, he'd blame Oikawa for that fact. It totally wasn't Iwaizumi's fault.

Now he could blame the brunette's incessant snoring on him. Yet another thing that would often wake him from his sleep.

He glanced over to the sleeping figure that was currently laying across from him, his body curled in the duvet, arm draped across Iwaizumi's bare chest. In his tossing and turning he'd managed to take most of the duvet from him, Iwaizumi only managing to cover himself just enough because of their close proximity. Half of his face was smothered by the pillow, his hair all ruffled up from sleep- and the previous night's events. One look at the adorable man he'd come to love and the annoyance fell away. He didn't care that he'd been woken up earlier than he wanted to - A lot earlier at that. Not when he could see Oikawa completely serene, his face plainly showing the emotions of his dream, his eyes darting beneath his eyelids.

Iwaizumi grinned as he saw Oikawa's brows furrow, his lips parting slightly to let a breath filled gasp escape. It seemed like the dream he was having was interesting... He knew the telltale signs of when his boyfriend was getting all hot under the collar from whatever his mind was conjuring up. Part of him was jealous he'd never know exactly what was happening in his dirty dreams.

The brunette groaned, moving slightly so he was laying on his back, his head turning so he was facing Iwaizumi. He was still clearly sleeping, his eyebrows still cocked downwards and eyes squeezed shut. Tufts of his brunette locks stuck to his face from being buried in the pillow for hours.

"Iwa-" He gasped, a lust filled voice that shocked even Iwaizumi. And aroused him, if he had to be honest. "Iwa-chan...!"

At least he had an inkling to what he was dreaming. Oikawa never called him Iwa-chan unless he was seriously turned on. The thought that he was dreaming about the two together brought him to the night before, the memory of bare skin connected as sloppy mouths made their way across each others mouths, necks, chests, everything. It turned him on in turn and seeing Oikawa squirming in bed, thinking of him, just made things ten times hotter.

As to not wake him up Iwaizumi moved the bed sheets slightly, slipping under them and between Oikawa's legs. He tentatively raised the duvet and saw he was still sound asleep, although his breathing was labored. One look at his bare member showed that he was just as hard as Iwaizumi was. Good. Without missing a beat he enveloped his erection in his mouth, feeling Oikawa twitch at the contact, a loud groan coming from his mouth. He began to suck, swirling his tongue around the tip, his hands resting on his thighs.

"Iwa... What are yo-ah!" Oh good, he's awake. Iwaizumi sucked harder, feeling the male grip the sheets either side of him, panting loudly. "I'm-" He slightly bared his teeth, putting the slightest amount of pressure - knowing how to send Oikawa over the edge - which caused him to come, shaking slightly as he dealt with the aftermath of his orgasm.

"Oh god." Oikawa said in-between breaths, his chest rising and falling as he tried to keep it under control. Iwaizumi flopped down on the bed next to him, a grin on his face. Oikawa playfully pouted. "That was... nice."

"Oh?" Iwaizumi feigned hurt. "Only nice, huh?"

The brunette rolled his eyes, moving so his arm was propping his head up. "Okay, you got me. It was an interesting way to wake up." He laughed, his eyes slightly crinkling around the corners. Oikawa glanced downwards, then up again, cocking his eyebrow upwards. "What about you?"

"Me?" Iwaizumi grinned, moving slightly closer. "What did you have in mind?"

He replied by capturing his lips with his own, shifting so he was straddling Iwaizumi, his erection pressing into his back slightly. Oikawa broke the kiss, sitting up slightly straighter- the motion caused his ass to rub against his member. Iwaizumi groaned loudly in retaliation, closing his eyes.

The brunette ran his slender hands over the slight curves of his body, touching every available place that wasn't covered by a stray piece of duvet. When he gently ran his fingers over his nipples Iwaizumi whimpered, opening his eyes as lust filled green met with playful brown. Oikawa smirked, seeing how aroused he made his boyfriend with basic actions. He brought his head down to kiss Iwaizumi but stopped millimeters away, gazing into his eyes.

"I love you." He hummed, kissing the edge of his lips. The other male sighed a content sigh, his eyes fluttering shut again.

"Right back at you Shittykawa."

Oikawa lent lower and connected their lips, a brief, loving peck. He then deepened it, kissing the male with more passionate intensity, Iwaizumi running his tongue along his bottom lip. Oikawa didn't hesitate to obey his impassioned tongue, opening his mouth, letting the passion surge within it. He pulled away just as Iwaizumi was deepening the kiss further, switching to attack his neck instead, grazing the soft skin with his teeth. Iwaizumi moaned, wrapping his arms around his neck and moving his hands through Oikawa's hair. Although it spiked and looked like it held a lot of gel, it was completely natural, meaning it was softer than it looked. He loved to tug on his locks whenever things got intense.

The brunette let out a pleasured sigh at the hair-fondling, moving to kiss down his lower neck, shoulder, collarbones- only to stop at his chest. He licked and sucked one nipple while massaging the other, looking upwards at Iwaizumi's lust filled gaze. He began moaning Oikawa's name, biting his lip softly. Oikawa continued his ministrations with his mouth, moving one of his hands to rest on the bed and the other to Iwaizumi's erection, grabbing it lightly, making him half moan and half gasp in surprise.

Oikawa smiled against Iwaizumi's nipple, removing his hand and trailing his tongue away from the sensitive organ and down to his stomach, dipping his tongue in his naval then continuing south, stopping when he reached Iwaizumi's member. He slowly put it in his mouth while keeping his eyes locked with Oikawa, the same way Iwaizumi had before, and began to suck. He threw his head backwards as he moaned loudly, only to gasp at the loss of heat as he removed his mouth.

"Look at me." Oikawa commanded, a sly grin on his face. "I want to see you come."

A few painful seconds later Oikawa moved down and began sucking again, the two keeping their gazes locked. Iwaizumi could feel the pressure building up at the bottom of his stomach, the familiar feel of release starting to build. Without a warning to Oikawa he came, squeezing his eyes shut in ecstasy as he moaned his name out in an incoherent mess. When he came down from his orgasm-fueled high he was laying down on the bed, Oikawa next to him.

"Sated?" Oikawa asked, his face inches from Iwaizumi.

"I don't know about you, but I'd be up for round two." He grinned, capturing Oikawa's lips with his own. When they broke apart the brunette was smiling.

"You spoke the words right out of my mouth, Iwa-chan."

They walked hand in hand down a desolate path, small pink flower petals falling at their feet. Frail branches on trees swayed in the light breeze, a couple of picnickers resting on the park's clean-cut grass. Oikawa was chatting about a random sport event that was going on- Iwaizumi wasn't really paying attention. He was admiring every inch of the person he had come to call his, every little movement and quirk. The way the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled or laughed. Or the fact that his smile was the second most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on. The first had to be Oikawa himself. His personality was bright, caring, calming. He stood up for the people he loved and never backed down, a temper inside him to fight for what he believed in, yet he could be the sweetest around Iwaizumi. He loved hearing the giggles, the passionate rants, the compliments, the moans, the pants. Oikawa was a diamond in the rough. His diamond in the rough.

The brunette turned his head towards Iwaizumi, his slight spikes bouncing as he did so. He was pouting, though the playfulness in his eyes showed that he wasn't mad. Oops. Maybe he'd zoned out a little too long and missed something important.

"Are you even listening?" Oikawa scolded, crossing his arms. "Well?"

"I- err..." Iwaizumi scratched the back of his head. "Sorry?"

Oikawa rolled his eyes. Phew. "What am I going to do with you?"

"...Be mine?" Iwaizumi grinned, though it was a nervous one. Oikawa frowned, stopping in the middle of the path.

"I already am, silly." Oikawa said with a hint of a smile, while Iwaizumi looked away.

"No... I mean..." He sighed, looking back at Oikawa with determination in his eyes. "Oikawa..." He slowly got down on one knee, pulling out a small box from his pocket. He couldn't bear to look up. For the first time in his life he was well and truly scared. Scared of what? That he couldn't answer. Iwaizumi pushed away the seed of doubt and opened the box, looking back up. Oikawa was staring at the box, holding the ring, with wide eyes, tears slightly brimming in them.

"Will you marry me?"

At first he didn't answer. His eyes just stared, transfixed, at the box. Right as Iwaizumi was starting to panic- all the things to be insecure about and it was this- Oikawa shifted his gaze from the box to Iwaizumi, a grin breaking out on his face.

"So is that a yes?"

Oikawa nodded as he flung his arms around Iwaizumi, tears brimming. "Yes, yes, a million times yes!" He giggled, moving so he was facing him. "I love you so much."

"Love you too, Shittykawa."

Look at all the cheesiness. Damn it.