
Cast: Gunter
Prompt: Gunter's point of view during the end of Revelation

Gunter smiled.

Corrin had done it. Against all odds, Corrin had brought together the two warring nations and restored peace. It was a hectic journey, with many high points and low ones. There was even a time when Gunter had tried to end the journey prematurely. Thank the gods he had raised Corrin to be stronger than that.

This really was for the best.

He had been forgiven. It was naïve of Corrin to forgive him, Gunter knew. But that was what Gunter appreciated about Corrin- there was always a second chance. And now that that beast was nothing but a memory, Gunter trusted Corrin and Azura to do right by Valla, and maybe teach those other families how to rule a kingdom.

Gunter was unsure of how he had learned Corrin's true heritage. It merely entered his mind when he first made that pact with Anankos. But that was not all Gunter had learned. This situation certainly explained everything about Lilith. For years, Gunter had wondered about the stable hand's past. To think that she had managed to find Corrin after all that time. With Anankos gone, Gunter wondered if she would tell her secrets to Corrin. Of course, being a newly crowned monarch is stressful enough. Perhaps another time.

Lilith… Gunter was glad she was able to see this through. All of his children did. Jakob and Felicia stayed with their liege to the bitter end of this war, and they would likely continue to serve. They were at their happiest when they stood by Corrin. Gunter was a little less certain of Flora's future. But he smiled in the knowledge that, whatever the maid chose, she would have Corrin's blessing. And Corrin… to think Gunter's own little Corrin would end up ruling an entire kingdom. Or at least in spirit. He figured Lord Xander and that Ryoma would probably work out some arrangement with Corrin in the future.

Gunter turned to leave.

His job was finished. Corrin had become a fine young adult. It was a brand new day, Corrin's day. And Gunter would be content to retire to the shadows and allow the world to continue.

Things were different now. There would be new experiences and possibilities in these young peoples' futures. As for Gunter… he had been sentenced to live. For his family, for Scarlet, for anyone who was not allowed to live because of Anankos. And so Gunter would live. Corrin would protest to his departure. They all would, even Jakob. But Gunter knew it had to be done. Their lives needed to go on, and Gunter… he will welcome a rest. He needed to sort out his own feelings, see what this brave new world had in store for him.

Perhaps someday he would pay his little monarch a visit. But until then, Corrin had their own life to live, as did Gunter. Or all of them, for that matter. The world was about to change, and the real trial would soon begin. As daunting as war and destruction were- recuperation and restoration were easily the bigger ordeal. But Corrin would handle it, just like everything else. And in his own way, Gunter would handle it too.

With one last smile, Gunter left.


I... think I'm finished with writing drabbles. So I wrote this as sort of a subtext fic and to put me at an even 50. But you see, the drabble blog has been very inactive in the last few months. A few of us would post a token drabble every once in a while, most often I would.

And... I just got kind of tired of that. Especially because I have a lot of other ideas planned and I don't want to keep resuscitating the blog with a token drabble every few weeks.

It happens. The other mods just have life things going on, or they have other passions than writing drabbles. That's part of the reason I'm doing this, too. And this doesn't have to be the end. If they come back, I will too. But for now, I'm ready to move on.

So I hope you enjoyed reading these. I certainly had fun writing them, and I feel like they helped me grow as a writer.

-P.T. "Mod Jakob" Piranha