Hey guys, I just wanted to make sure everyone knows that though the title says 4 years later, it's more like 4 years and 10 months later. Also, I know I totally screwed up the timeline and Rory graduated Yale three years after Jess confessed his love, so I changed it. Now she graduated in five years, instead of four. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

"He held her in his arms and he said, "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my Mommymother you'll be. The End." Lorelai closed the book and threw it on the floor before gathering her son in her arms and giving him a loving hug.

"Again momma, again," Jonas pleaded.

Lorelai shook her head. "Buddy, we have already read seven books. You are just like your sister. I always knew she got her smarts from me." Lorelai gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight, I love you baby."

Luke, who had been sitting in a rocking chair across the room, stood and walked over to them. "Goodnight, Jonas," he said, then gave his only son a kiss on the forehead and mussed his hair.

"Night, night Ddaddy," Jonas said, then laid down in his Lightning McQueen bed on his Star Wars themed sheets and closed his eyes. Lorelai turned on Jonas's nightlight, then both the parents walked out of the room. They walked into the living room like they did every night after tucking Jonas in, but this night they sat in silence staring at a blank screen.

"Well," Lorelai said after a few moments of silence.

"Hmm," Luke said, as if he were agreeing with her.

She leans in closer to him and rests her head on his shoulder. "Do you think we should have done more to try to get her to tell him? Should we have made her?"

"Hey, you can't make that girl do anything she doesn't want to," Luke reminded her.

"True, I just wish he didn't find out this way. The whole time she was pregnant I thought that as soon as Lori was born she would tell him. Then after her first birthday she brought up how she felt guilty that Jess wasn't there, but she never brought it up again."

Luke put his arm around her shoulder and rubbed ithis gently. "I just can't believe I didn't tell him. After all I went through with April. I mean I missed so many firsts and then the same thing happened to him. I should have gone and told him and left him to decide what to do about it."

Lorelai rubbed his shoulder. "Listen, we can beat ourselves up about what we should have done, or we can help them deal with what we can control. The future. God knows they'rere gonna need our help."

Luke shook his head, "No, those are two hard-headed kids. They will not ask for help unless we force it on um."

Lorelai disagreed. "I know Rory. She is probably freaking out and is going to text me in three two." On the one, a phone buzzed, but it wasn't Lorelai's. Luke reached into his back pocket and pulled out his cell phone.

He stared at the screen for a moment, before asking, "What happened?"

"It looks like you got a text," Lorelai answered like it was obvious.

"Who the hell'd be texting me?" he asked gruffly.

"You know there's a way to check it," she said sarcastically. He raised his eyebrow, so with a huff she took the phone out of his hand and read the text. "Iit's from Jess. All he said was, 'Need help. Bring Lorelai.' Wow, he is such a mini you." Luke grabbed the phone out of her hand. "Well, I guess you should go. I'll stay here with Jonas."

"No, you should. You're much better at dealing with this kind of thing. I'd just make it worse."

"But he texted you." The two adults thought it over for a second, before jumping up, grabbing Jonas, and running out the door.

"Did he respond back?" Rory asked nervously. Jess, who was leaning against the kitchen counter while watching Lori sleep, shook his head.

"No. He's probably trying to figure out how to send a message back." Rory nodded, then she let out a loud yawn. "You tired?"

She leaned against the table as she fought to keep her eyes opened. "Maybe just a little bit. It's been a long weekend."

"Tell me about it," Jess muttered as he walked over to the table and sat across from her. They sat in silence for a while longer, waiting for Luke to text him back, when Jess asked, "Did you think I wouldn't be a good dad?"

Rory, who was seconds away from falling asleep, shot up and with wide questioning eyes, and looked at Jess. "What?"

"Did you not tell me, because you thought I wouldn't be a good dad?"

"No, Jess I told you I didn't want to ruin your life. I just wanted you to be able to be free and happy and not tied down in a place like Stars Hollow for the rest of your life."

"But you got out. You started going to Yale. You met a better guy who you play house with. You did it all and you didn't want me messing up your perfect life." Rory's blood started to boil as she grabbed Jess's arm and pulled him out of the room.

Once they were in the hallway with the doors closed, .

sShe grabbed him by the face and said, "Look at me. You left. You. Not me, you. I gave myself to you, because I loved you, and you left. I thought that we could finally be happy again. So, when I woke up to find myself alone, a part of me broke. I felt so lost. I never thought that you could have done something to me like that. I was so hurt and then I found I was pregnant with your baby. I was only eighteen and you were the boy who stole my heart and ran with it. So, you're going to stand there and be mad at me for not telling you about our daughter when I knew what it was like to be left and I didn't want the same for her!"

With that, Rory stormed back into the room and closed the door, leaving a stunned Jess standing alone in the hallway. He continued to stand there, his jaw practically on the floor and his eyes glued to the wall, until Luke and Lorelai came storming in.

"What happened? Why are you standing out here?" Luke asked, finally getting Jess to look up.

"Uhh, we had a disagreement."

Lorelai rolled her eyes. "What am I going to do with you two?" She handed a sleeping Jonas to Luke. "Here take him. You," she said pointing at Jess, "come with me." She started to walk away and when he didn't follow, she grabbed his leather jacket covered arm and pulled him into the room.

Rory was laying down on the bed behind Lori. Her tears had stained her face and her hands shook as theyit laid on Lori's shoulder, her thumb gently brushing against the fabric of her shirt. Once Rory noticed her mother standing with an apprehensive Jess,s. Lorelai pointed her finger at Rory and then waved her to them. Slowly, without moving the bed too much, she got up and made her way over. The three of them went into the hallway.

"Go take him inside and lay him on the bed, then come down stairs and we can all have an overdue family chat," Lorelai told Luke. He disappeared into the room, then once he returned they all walked down the stairs to the dinener. Lorelai, Jess, and Rory all walked over to one of the tables while Luke started a pot of coffee.

"Okay, who wants to start?" Lorelai asked, making both young adults practically jump out of their seats and open their mouths. "Order in the court, please. Alright, how about this?. Why don't you start, Jess?"

"Seriously?" Rory asked annoyed as Jess gave her his signature smirk.

"Yes, Rory," Lorelai turned to him. "What do you want out of this talk?"

"I want to be able to be around my daughter, a lot. I want her to know I'm her father," he answered truthfully.

"Okay, that sounds fair. Rory, do you have anything to add?"

Rory huffed before sinking future in her chair, "No."

"Alright then, um… LUKE COFFEE!" Luke ran across the room with a cup of coffee. "Thanks." She took a long sip and it was as though a switch was flipped. "Okay, well then we have a lot to work out tonight. First, Jess you live in Philadelphia and Rory, you're moving to New York in a few weeks. That's what? Two hours away from each other?" They both nodded. "Well, I'm sure we can find a way to split Lori between the two of you."

"Don't forget, Lori is starting a new Preschool in the fall," Rory added.

"Yet another decision I was not a part of," Jess muttered.

"Shut up!" They both looked up at her with wide eyes. "Seriously, guys I know this is a big deal and yes Rory should have told you, and yes, Jess you shouldn't have left her again, but come on. Let's get pastsed this, so that we can finally make some progress, because no matter how much you argue, neither of you can change the past, right?"

Rory immediately nodded. Jess took a moment but agreed as well.

"Okay, so yes Lori will be attending preschool in the fall, but since it's just May, we can discuss that later. Now I want to talk about now." Jess raised his hand. "This isn't school Jess. Just say what you want to say."

"Before we figure out any time sharing or whatever, you should know that I just started a six-week book tour. I won't be home until after."

Rory let out a huff and looked at the ceiling, "Of course, leaving again right when your daughter needs you."

"She apparently hasn't needed me for the past fours years. Why does she need me now?"

"Stop acting like children. You have a child, so you have to be the adults. It's only six weeks, right? By time you get back it would be June 25th?"

"27th," Jess corrected.

"Okay, why don't you go on your book tour while you get moved into your new apartment in New York. Then when you're done Jess, meet up with Rory and you two will hopefully have matured a few years."

"Okay," Jess agreed, "just one thing. I want to tell her I'm her father before I leave."

"No," Rory denied.

"Yes," he fought back.

"No, you can't tell her until you prove that you'll be around for her."

"I will be."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I'm sorry, you don't get to make that decision. I am her father and she deserves to know. I have just as much of a right to her as you do, so I'm telling Lori I'm her father."

"WHAT?" they all heard someone behind them scream, making them turn. Standing in the door was Lori and Jonas, who had just heard everything.