MissTeller-Ortiz-Dixon: I'm exactly the same, I can't watch the show without seeing Vickie in it. When I was watching with my grandparents, I actually had to read along with the show :P I'm glad you're enjoying the story :):)
Adagio c: One more chapter means... One more chapter until the end of the season... This is it the end of Journey. But I'll be back, don't worry ;) as for your old account, well that sucks :/ I actually message people and talk to them too, so I thought we could talk too, but that's all right :):) I'm glad you're enjoying the story xo
Guest: I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for the review!
Sighing Guest: Thanks for the review, I'm pleased to know you like the story :):)
I woke up and instantly knew three things. One, I was not in my home. Two, my head hurt. And three, I'd upset a lot of people yesterday which meant I was in some trouble...
Sitting up I sighed as I looked around the empty bare room I was in. I'd been put on a mattress on the ground with some pillows after someone must have patched me up- hence all the bandages and such.
I couldn't help but be reminded of another time when I'd been rounded up and put away... the thought made me chuckle before I groaned and laid back down.
"What's so funny?" Michonne's voice asked.
I looked over into a corner, seeing her sitting there watching me. I hadn't noticed her before... "You were here the whole time?"
She nodded. "All night." she answered before asking again. "What's so funny?"
I sat up once more with a sigh. "It's like the train car. After the whole thing, I'm still there."
"Deanna wanted you in here. Calm things down." she explained. "Rosita patched you up. Carl came by for a while. I sent him home. Aly and Vickie wanted to come too, but I told Aly it was best she wait. And well, Vickie's in no shape to be worrying about you." she gave me a pointed look. She stood up then and moved her chair closer before sitting again. "Rick." she sighed. "What are you doing?" when I didn't answer she went on. "We put Pete in another house. You could have told me what was happening.
"It moved fast." I told her. "And then Noah." I shrugged. "I couldn't tell you about the gun."
She shook her head. "No, you couldn't." something was telling me she was being sarcastic.
"Oh, you wanted this place." I reminded her.
"We had to stop being out there."
I looked around the room. "Well, we're here."
She just scoffed. "Well, you just said you weren't." we shared a look for a moment before the front door to the house opened.
Carol, Glenn and Abraham walked in.
"Where'd you get the gun?" Michonne asked me.
"You took it, right?" Carol asked, covering her tracks. "From the armoury?" she looked at me, pausing a moment before shaking her head. "That was stupid. Why did you do it?"
Knowing I couldn't out her, I shrugged, playing along. "Just in case."
"Deanna's planning to have a meeting tonight. For anyone who want to." Glenn informed us.
"To kick Rick out?" Abraham asked.
"To try." Carol spoke.
Glenn shook his head. "We don't know that. Maggie's with Deanna right now. She's gonna find out what it is."
"At the meeting, you say you were worried about someone being abused, and no one was doing anything about it." Carol started. "You say you took a gun just to be sure that Jessie was safe from a man who wound up attacking you. You say you'll do whatever you want them to. Just tell them a story that they want to hear. It's what I've been doing since I got here."
"Why?" Michonne asked.
"Because these people are children and children like stories." Carol answered simply.
"What happens after all the nice words and they still they to kick us out?" Abraham had a good point.
"They're guarding the armoury now." Glenn told us.
"We still have knives." Carol pointed out. "That's all we'll need against them."
I gave a short nod. "Well, tonight at the meeting, if it looks like it's going bad, I whistle. Carol grabs Deanna, I take Spencer, you grab Reg." I nodded to Michonne before going on. "Glenn and Abraham cover us, watch the crowd."
"We can talk to them." Michonne insisted.
"Yeah, we will." I assured her. "If we can't get through, we take the three of them and say we'll slit their throats."
"Like at Terminus?" Glenn asked, seeming to not like the plan.
I shook my head. "No, we just tell 'em. They give us the armoury and it's over." I finished.
Glenn looked at me with disappointment. "Did you want this?"
"No." I answered. "I hit my limit. I- I screwed up." I admitted with a sigh. "And here we are." I shrugged. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna sleep some more." I told them as I moved to lay down and roll back on to my side as I listened to all four of them leave.
"Somebody came through here awhile ago." I told Aaron as we walked through the trees of he woods, still looking for people.
It'd been two days now and I couldn't deny the fact I missed Vic and Aly. I knew that would happen, it wasn't the first time. But what was odd was how it made me feel. I wanted to be with them. I wanted to make sure they were alright. I still didn't even know how the run Vic went on was. I had no idea if she, or everyone else, got back safely. That thought alone was enough to have my worry increase a whole lot.
Aaron, who clearly had no idea how I was feeling, spoke up. "If we see them, we hang back, set up the mic, watch, and listen."
"For how long?" I just wanted to go back...
"Until we know." he answered. "We have to know."
By the tone of his voice, I could tell there was something up. "You've sent people away?"
"Yeah." he answered.
"What happened?"
"It was early on. It was three people. Two men and a woman. Davidson was their as hell, strong. I thought they'd work out. They didn't. I brought them in and I had to see them out. So me, Aiden, and Nicholas, we drove them out, far. Gave the a day's worth of food and water and left them."
Listening to him talk I'd kept tracking as he followed behind me. I'd taken it all in, not missing the part where I'd figured out the fact that if I brought people in and they had to leave I'd be the one to send them off.
I also didn't miss the part where he didn't mention them putting up a fight...
"They just went?"
"We had their guns." he admitted. "We had all the guns." he sighed, stopping. "I can't make that kind of mistake again."
Someone shaking my shoulder woke me up from my sleep. Looking over my shoulder I came face to face with Carol as she sat on the edge of my mattress. Sighing I rolled over and sat up so I could face her properly.
"It's good what happened last night." she started. "We have more cover now. All of them think you've been found out, that's it over." she handed me another gun.
I hesitated a moment as I watched her before finally taking it. "Why didn't you want to tell them we had more guns?"
"Michonne stopped you. She knocked you out."
"Well, I deserved it."
"Well, it was stupid."
"She's with us." I insisted. "Glenn is."
"I didn't tell them about the guns just in case."
I sighed. "I don't want to lie any more."
She just looked at me with amused eyes. "You said you don't want to take this place. And you don't want to lie?" she shook her head. "Oh, sunshine, you don't get both."
I walked through the front door of my house, finding Carl in the living room with Judith, Houdini and Aly.
"Dad." Carl stood, moving towards me.
Aly looked up and gave me a simple smile before she turned back to her dolls. I could tell in an instant that she'd been told not to bother me which is why she was staying quiet. Not that I would have minded if she'd said hi or anything. She was a sweet girl and as time went by, the more I got to know her the closer I was to calling her a granddaughter- seeing as she was a daughter to Vickie.
"Hey." I smiled lightly at Carl as he hugged me, my arm going around him in return.
"You okay?" he asked as he stepped back.
I nodded. "Yeah. Look, I'm sorry." I told him before taking a few steps to leave.
His voice stopped me as he spoke. "I heard about the meeting."
Stopping, I looked to him again. "You're staying home." was all I needed to say.
"That's what it is now, right? Home?" he gave a little grin.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"They need us. They'll die without us."
Sometimes it amazed me how Carl could be so kind yet so strong. I knew without a doubt that if it came to it my son could take care of himself. I'd seen it before. Walkers or humans, he'd fought and he will fight. But he wasn't a hard, empty shell. He was compassionate and understanding.
Here I was, willing to risk everyone's lives for the sake of my family's- not just blood related. Yet I stood in front of my son who was willing to help the same lives that meant very little to me. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to teach them and protect them, just like we had to with Aly and Judith.
Carol was right, these people were children. Maybe Lori was right, the world isn't meant for children anymore...
Sighing I moved back to him. "I might have to threaten one of them. I could have to kill one of them."
"You won't." he insisted.
"I might."
He just shook his head. "You have to tell them."
"Well, I told them last night." I reminded him.
"You have to tell them so they can hear you."
I understood what he meant, I just wasn't sure if it was possible."I don't know if they can." I told him. "Does that make you afraid?"
He shook his head. "Just for them. You have to tell them."
Seeing that he needed this from me, I nodded, willing to at least give it ago. But if it didn't work, the plan was still in motion. If these people weren't willing to learn, then we'd just have to take everything from them.
I nodded, resting a hand on his shoulder. "I'll do what I can." looking to the stairs I asked, "Your sister in her room?"
He shook his head. "She's in the garage." the look on his face told me he wasn't happy about that.
Frowning I took my hand off his shoulder and started for the laundry. Once inside I turned to the door that was connected to the garage, opening it and looking in. Sure enough Vickie was there, at the work bench with Daryl's red cloth, cleaning up...
"What are you doing?"
She jumped at the sound of my voice, turning to look at me with a hand to her chest. "Dad, you scared me half to death."
Walking into the garage I repeated myself. "What are you doing?"
She shrugged before getting back to what she'd been doing. "Cleaning. I want everything to be nice for Daryl when he gets back." she answered.
I shook my head. "Two days ago you nearly died. Yesterday you were bedridden- and I think I saw you in a wheelchair. Do you really think moving about and cleaning up is the best thing for you right now?"
"Nope." she answered honestly.
I frowned, not understanding. "Then why are you doing it?"
Sighing she stopped once more, resting her hands on the bench. "Because I can't sit in bed anymore. Not with everything that's happening." as she spoke she refused to look at me. "Noah is dead. Tara is in a coma. You're going crazy. And now theres a meeting." she laughed bitterly. "They're going to kick you to the curb right when our family is scattered all over the place."
I moved towards her. "Vickie-"
She cut me off as her head snapped to look at me with a deathly glare. "I have a little girl in there depending on me. I am in no shape to be out in the wild yet. And I can't leave anyone I love behind."
"You won't have to." I insisted, seeing the pain- both physical and emotional- in her eyes.
She laughed again. "How can you say that? If they kick you out, I can't let you go alone. But I will not leave without Daryl." I noticed her finger were fidgeting, and when I looked down I saw a ring on her ring finger. She continued on. "I will do anything to keep my family together. But if you screw this up, I don't know if I'll be able to forgive you."
I blinked, eyes wide as I watched my daughter standing before me, eyes ablaze with a strength I never knew she had. Just like Carl, she was both gentle and tough. And just like Carl, she hadn't started that way.
Vickie was just an ordinary girl when the world fell apart. She'd secretly learnt how to shoot a gun before hand but other than that she wasn't the fighting type. I remember how the group would always make sure she was close by and not wondering off- once again, just like her brother. Daryl had been kind enough to take care of her, which is how their relationship started. But now she was one of strongest most capable people.
The eight months she was on her own Vickie went from a girl, to a woman. She could do things none of us would ever be able to do. She was stealthy, and smart, and willing to do whatever it takes. I'd seen her in action, I'd seen her take down enemies- both living and dead- and I'd seen her stand her ground. She wasn't the kind of person who easily broke.
But she wasn't just this warrior woman, she was also the sweet girl I'd brought up. She'd always had a love for children, which is why she wanted to be a teacher before the world fell apart. She'd shown her compassion with Carl, Sophia, Judith, Aly and all the other children we'd come across. Not only that, she was patient and understanding when it came to others. The elderly, the sick, the weak. No matter who it was, Vickie allowed herself to care and protect other's when they deserved it.
So seeing her standing here clearly telling me that if our group- our family- ended up back in the wild, she wasn't going to put up a fight with Alexandria. No, she was going to put the blame on me, because it would've been my fault they'd kicked us out.
Yeah, seeing her like that had me feeling proud, guilty and wondering what my next step should be.
"I love you dad. I do. But I'm not a little girl anymore. I don't need my dad taking care of me. I have my own family. I have to protect them, and nothing's going to stop me from doing what's best for them."
"I don't know how to change their minds." I admitted.
The tension in her body relaxed a little as she sighed. "Don't be the monster they think you are." she gave me a little smile. "Be the hero I know you can be."
"We checked the forest, we checked the roads, we can't find him." Aaron spoke as I looked through the pair of binoculars we'd brought with us. "All right, sometimes they slip away. It happens. But you don't some across something like this every day."
We both looked at the four trucks parked in the lot in front of us. They were canned fruit delivery trucks, and they appeared to be untouched. The few walkers that were moving about the empty lot must have been enough to turn other's way from the find. But I could see they wouldn't be much trouble for Aaron and myself.
"We do this now, it means we're giving up." I noted.
"Home is fifty miles back. It's time to go."
I agreed with him, I really did. There was nothing I wanted more than to go home and be with Vic. I missed her, and being out here was, away from her like this, was not sitting right with me. But I didn't want these two days to have been for nothing.
He went on. "You saw last night. There's bad people out here."
"That's why we ought to keep looking for the good ones."
"We need more people and we'll find them. But when we do, we'll need to feed them." he had a good point.
"All right." I nodded as I pulled my knife out. Tapping it against the metal of the gate I waited for the walkers to move our way.
Walking between two of the trucks, we headed for their doors. I just wanted to get the cans a go. The faster we got home, the faster I could see Vic and get rid pf the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that was telling me there was something wrong...
"Whoa." Aaron got to the ground as he gestured to one of the trucks number plates, chuckling. "Wasn't sure I'd ever see one of these." he grinned as he pointed to the word Alaska. Letting him do what he wanted I looked at the other trucks as he continued to talk. "Hey, listen, I don't like giving up either, but the guy is in a red poncho. You can see him from a mile away. You know, we've gone a lot of miles here. No sign of him. But if we come away with a trailer full of cans, I'd say that's a good trip."
moving to meet him at another truck I gestured to it's leaver. All the others had been broken, but this was intact. "Here we go." I grunted, getting to the ground before pulling the lever up.
It all happened so fast. One moment we were standing there, ready to get some food and go home. The next all the doors to the trucks opened revealing walkers hanging from the roofs, and others walking out and coming after us.
Aaron and I moved as fast as we could, trying to get away from the walkers. But as we moved to the end of the trucks to head back the way we came, we saw one of the trucks had opened at this end, causing walkers to fill the lot and close us in.
I pulled out my knife and killed one as Aaron used the number plate he'd grabbed. But there was no way we could kill this many.
"Over here!" he called me over.
I followed as he moved us back to the trucks. Seeing walkers coming from everywhere I grabbed his jacket and got to the ground.
"Come on!" I yelled as we scurried under one of the trucks.
But it was no use. Walkers were coming from everywhere, determined to get us as they followed us to the ground and under the truck.
Moving fast I grabbed the chain that sat on the ground and moved to the other side of the truck were there weren't as many walkers. Aaron was still close behind, struggling to keep the backpack on his back.
I used the chain as a whip and killed the three walkers that stood in front of us before I grabbed my crossbow off the ground again. Once I turned I could see another holding Aaron against the truck. With a quick stab to the head I killed her.
Moving fast- backpack now forgotten- Aaron followed me as I lead as to the nearest safe spot I could see... a car abandoned in the middle of the lot and in the middle of the herd.
"Come on! Go!" I called to Aaron as I climbed inside.
He was close behind, getting in and moving to close the door.
A walker moved in the way of the door, but Aaron still tried to close it, causing the walker's head to burst and get in the way even more. Though Aaron fixed it by opening the door and letting the remains fall to the ground before he then managed to finally close the door.
Breathing heavily I looked at all the walkers surrounding us outside of the car...
"Glass will hold for awhile, right?" Aaron asked.
"Maybe." I answered honestly. "Maybe we can make it so they can't see us." I suggested. "In a couple of hourse, something will come by, they'll follow it out. There's got to be something in here we can use to block the view. We can cut up these seats." I told him as I turned in my seat to look in the back.
As I turned back I noticed a piece of paper in his hands. Reading it I froze.
Aaron turned to me, both of us sharing a look. We both knew at that moment that waiting for something else to come along to scare the walkers off, wasn't the best idea after all.
I walked up the steps towards Jessie's house, seeing her trying to cover the broken window from yesterday with a blanket.
Once she looked up at me, she sighed. "You should go."
"I just wanted to check on you." I told her, coming to a stop. I nodded to her face. "Your eye."
"He did it right when it was happening. It wasn't you." she assured me before pausing a moment and then going on. "People shouldn't see us talking right now."
"I'm not sorry I did it. No matter what happens or what I have to do." I told her before turning to leave.
Right before I could go, she spoke again. "Don't turn around, Rick. You were right" was all she said.
I knew that was the end of the conversation, and so I continued to leave, heading back home.
Shaking my head, I chuckled lightly to myself.
"What?" Aaron turned to me.
I shook my head. "I came out here to not feel all closed up back there. Even now, still feels more like me than back in them houses. That's pretty messed up, huh?"
I didn't feel the need to mention the fact that being with Vic was when I felt right. Completely right. But it didn't matter where the two of us were, just as long as we're together. Keeping that in mind, I prefered to be outside... It was easier to survive when you had an idea of what to expect. Being with people back at the town, I didn't know what was heading our way.
"You were trying." he noted.
I shrugged. "I had to."
"No, you didn't." he shook his head. "Listen, when I saw you with your group out there on the road, then you went off on your own by the barn, then you and Victoria... I heard what she said. I'd seen how the two of you were together before that, I could tell something was off. But when she told you what had happened, you cared for her. You love her. And then the storm hit and you led your people to safety, that was it." he nodded. "I knew I had to bring you people back." he went on. "You were right. We should have kept looking for that guy in the poncho. I shouldn't have given up. You didn't."
Listening to him I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility land on my shoulders. He had a life and people who cared about him. Sure I did too, but one of us had to step up here.
I put a smoke in between my lips. "I'll go. I'll lead them out. You make a break for the fence." I told him before lighting my smoke.
"No, no, no, this was my fault. And I could never let you do that when Victoria and Alyssa are waiting for you back home."
I shook my head. "Wasn't a question. And this ain't your decision. It ain't nobody's fault. Just let me finish my smoke first."
"No, you don't draw them away. We fight. We go for the fence. We do it together, all right? Whether we make it or not, we do it together. We have to."
Looking at him, seeing the determination and the fact there was no chance of changing his mind, I nodded.
"All right." I took the smoke out of my lips. "You ready?"
"Yeah." he nodded before getting ready to go as I did the same.
"We'll go on three." I told him.
"One, two-"
Before I could finish the end of something wooden came through one of the walker's head as it stood by Aaron's door. The both of us froze for just a moment as confusion settled between us. Was this help? Or were the bad people already here?
The door opened and before we could really thinking about what we were doing, me started to move, crawling out of the car.
Outside stood a man with a long stick, which he used to fight of the walkers that still surrounded us. I stabbed others, while Aaron used his machette. When there was a path for us to use, we made a run for it, heading for the gate, not stopping until we were safe. As son as the three of us were out, we closed the gate behind us, locking the walkers in.
"That was..." Aaron smiled. "Oh. Thank you." the man simply nodded before Aaron went on. "Uh, I'm Aaron, this is Daryl."
"Why?" I asked, having no idea why someone would help out strangers in a situation like what we'd been in.
"Why?" Morgan chuckled lightly. "Because all life is precious, Daryl."
"Whoever set that trap, they're coming." Aaron started. "But I have good news. We, uh... we do. We have, uh, a community not too far from here. Walls, electrictiy, it's safe. If you'd like to come join us-"
Morgan cut him off. "I thank you. But I'm on my way somewhere. Fact is, I'm lost. So if you could ell me where we are." he puled out a map, offering it to me.
Unfolding it I found something written in the corner which caught my attention.
Looking back at Morgan I wondered...
I sat at the end of my bed, thinking about my options and what I should do. I could feel the pressure I was under. There was a lot peolpe were expecting me to do and I had no idea how to do it, or if I could...
"Rick... you ready?" Michonne asked from the door way.
"Carol, Daryl, Vickie, and me, we worked it out together. Carol took four guns from the armoury. I still have one, she still has two." I sighed. "We lied to you because I wasn't sure how you'd take it, what you'd do." I offered her the gun.
She threw her jacket on to the bed. "You'd think I'd try to stop you?"
I lowered the gun. "Well, you did hit me over the head."
"That was for you, not them."
Standing I moved until I was in front of her. "I was afraid you'd talk me out of it. You could've."
"We don't need them here." she gestured to the gun. "I don't need my sword. I think you can find a way. We can find a way. And if we don't, I'm still with you." she smiled lightly. "Something's gonna happen. Just don't make something happen."
Nodding, I offered her the gun again. But she simply shook her head and pushed it back to me. I knew then, she was giving me the choice, instead of taking it away from me.
"Don't be too long." she told me as she walked out.
I sat back down on the bed, thinking about a lot of things, but mostly what Bob had told me about this world being a nightmare...
Standing I looked out the window as I kept thinking. Only something seemed to catch my eye... something deffinatly not good.
I rushed towards the gate, seeing it open. There was no one on guard. In fact there was no one in sight. I had no idea how long it had been open, and I had no idea if anyone or anything had gotten inside...
Turning back to the latch I found blood and skin caught on it. Something had gotten in. Not someone. Something.
Seeing a trail of blood drops on the ground I started to follow it- not before closing the gate and latching it- knowing that I found to find the walker before it found someone who wasn't capable of taking care of themselves.
I sat in the living room with Aly, Houdini and Vickie. We were in the middle of playing a board game.
The meeting had started, and as much as I'd wanted to join everyone, I knew listening to dad and staying home was the righ decision. Vickie hadn't been interested in going. Not when she was still healing. Not when she wasn't sure if she could keep her cool and not snap at everyone who wanted dad and the rest of us gone.
So here we were, the two of us playing monopoly while Aly brushed Houdini's fur. It was a simple and sweet moment between the three of us. Judith was asleep upstairs in her room, her sleeping form displayed on the baby monitor screen by the board game.
"You think she'll keep dad's blue eyes?" I asked out of nowhere.
Vickie looked to the screen before she looked to me. "Do you remember what mum looks like?"
"Yes and no. I remember her, but there's somethings I can't. I don't remember her voice. But I remember the way she smelt. I can remember her hugs and kisses... but when I think about her face, it changes every time."
She nodded. "She was beautiful. With a smile that lit up the room. But when she got mad, or disappointed, she had this look in her eyes that felt like she was freezing your insides. Her laugh." she shook her head. "It was so infectious. You just couldn't help but laugh back. And it made these little crinkles show up in the corner of her eyes as she beamed happily..."
"You miss her." I noted.
"Everyday." Vickie admitted. "I miss everyone from our old lives. But I'm thankful for the new family we have and people we've met."
Houdini lifted his head at that moment growling lightly as he faced towards the stairs.
Vickie put the dice down instead of rolling them as she looked in the same direction as her dog. "You know if anyone's home next door?" she asked me.
I shook my head. "Everyone should be at the meeting..."
Houdini got up and rushed towards the laundry, disappearing behind the corner. The sound of him barking had all three of us looking up now.
"Stay here, and stay together." Vickie told Aly and me as she got up from the couch and followed the dog.
I followed the sound of a dog barking, which lead me to my house... I knew in an instant that it was Houdini and that he was trying to warn someone one about something. My guess was that the walkers had made their way up here. And it turned out my guess was right.
Houdini stood at the glass back door in the laundry, barking his head off. I looked around in the dark, trying to see if I could find the walker, but of course it found me first.
The walker threw itself on me snarling and snapping it's teeth.
Before I could even react, the blade of a knife went through the skull of the walker. Now dead, the walker fell to the ground.
Standing there, knife now in hand, Vickie looked to me with wide eyes and out of breath. "You okay?" she asked.
I gave a short nod, but was unable to say anything before another walker came out from the shadows. There was no need to talk then. Vickie and I went back to back as a few more walkers came out. The two of us were ready. And honestly, I felt more alive now then I had since coming here...
Dad dropped the walker in front of the gathered people for the meeting. The two of us were a sight for sore eyes. Covered in blood, sweat and guts. But I didn't care.
I'd been mad. Everyone wanted dad gone because of what he did, and I'd been stupid enough to think they had that right. But they weren't right. We were accepted into Alexandria, they chose us, and now they were stuck with us.
If anything that was a blessing, not a curse, because dad was right. He'd told Daryl, Carol and myself that these people had been lucky, and that their luck would run out. When that time came these people were going to helpless and hopeless. There was no way they'd survive an attack. They were sitting ducks. Having us here, that gave them a chance. We could protect them. Teach them, even. We were what people should be like nowdays. We were the real kind of civilization... not these cocktail party and easy life people. We knew how to get things done, how to stay alive. We're the future.
Dad looked to the people as they all watched us with frightened eyes. "There wasn't a guard on the gate. It was open."
"I asked Gabriel to close it." Spencer told his mother.
Deanna looked to him. "Go!" that one word was enough for her son to rush off.
"I didn't bring it in." dad went on. "It got inside on its own. They always will, the dead and the living, because we're in here. And the ones out there, they'll hunt us. They'll find us. They'll try to use us. They'll try to kill us. But we'll kill them. We'll survive. I'll show you how." he turned to Deanna as he kept talking to everyone. "You know, I was thinking... I was thinking how many of you do I have to kill to save your lives? But I'm not gonna do that. You're gonna change. I'm not sorry for what I said last night. I'm sorry for not saying it sooner. You're not ready, but you have to be. Right now, you have to be. Luck runs out."
"You're not one of us." we all turned to see Pete walking in with Michonne's sword. "You're not one of us!" he limped towards dad.
Reg stepped in his way. "Pete, you don't want to do this."
"Get the hell away from me, Reg."
"Pete, just stop."
"Get away from me."
"Reg." Deanna warned her husband. "Reg."
But he wouldn't give up. "Pete, just stop."
I have no idea how it really happened. It was kinda of sudden. Everything just happened so fast. One moment Reg was standing in front of Pete, trying to get him to go. Then he was suddenly on the ground, throat sliced.
Everyone was in shock, some recovering almost in an instant.
Michonne and Abraham grabbed Pete and held him back as Deanna knelt on the floor with her husband in her lap as she cried for him.
"This is him!" Pete yelled. "This is him!"
"No! My love!" Deanna cried.
"It's him! This is him!"
It was as if dad was frozen, knowing what had to be done but waiting for someone else to tell him.
"Rick." Deanna looked away from her husband and up at my dad. "Do it."
That was all he needed.
Pulling out a gun dad took a single step towards Pete, aimed the gun, and shot. He killed him in an instant.
I stepped toward Deanna, pulling my knife out. Reg was almost gone and in a lot of pain. I knew he needed to be dealt with, but that she couldn't do it just yet.
"Let me do this." I told her. Nodding she moved away, a woman coming over to help her as I crouched down by Reg's side. "I'm sorry." I whispered before stabbing him in the temple, right into the brain, my blade going as deep as it could.
People gasped and looked away, having seen both my dad and I just kill people with barely a second thought.
We all looked up again, turning to the entryway dad, myself and then Pete had come through. Standing there was a man I did not know with Aaron, and Daryl. I could tell dad and the stranger knew each other, but at that moment I didn't care. All I cared about was the look Daryl was giving me.
As I stood I remembered my wound and the pain came back to me now that my adrenaline was gone. Wincing I just stood there looking into the eyes of the man I loved. I could only imagined what he could see. Covered in blood and guts, bloodied knife in hand, having just put someone out of their misery, hair and clothes a mess, wincing in pain. It was no wonder his eyes were full of worry... and even fear...
The End
Well, love and miss you all xox
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