DarkPriestess66: If you knew where most of my OCs come from you wouldn't believe it. They are not based on me! I do not own anything at all, this purely entertainment.

It was a your normal avenge night on number four privet drive, that is if you couldn't the three figures leaving the year old child on the door step of his aunt's home.

"Albus, must we leave him here?" One of the asked.

"He is not safe within our world." Albus responds

"But these muggles are the worst I've ever seen why the child alone was throwing a tantrum for sweets as his mother went to the store." The woman points out.

"They are his only living relatives in England, my dear." Albus replies, as he placed the baby that Hagrid brought from Godric's Hollow on the door step, "Good Luck, Harry Potter."

The next morning rose with a chill in the air as Petunia open the door to get the milk and instead found a basket with a baby and a note inside.

Petunia looked around to see if any of her neighbors were watching and snatched the basket and brought it inside, without even touching the note.

A young woman in her twenties came down the steps, only to see her eldest sister pale as a white sheet.

"Petunia, what's wrong you act like you seen the tax man or something.?" The woman asked. She saw the basket and the baby in it "What's that are you getting visits from the stork now as well as milk?"

"My only child is Dudley, that thing is your nephew." Petunia states, looking at the basket with hate.

"What do you mean my nephew? why is he here? where is Lily?" the woman questions

"My guess is that Lily gotten herself blow up by her freakish lot!" Petunia exclaims

"For the love of all that is holy, you're still a jealous git." the woman states, as she went over and picked up the now crying baby. "Hush little one."

The baby coos at her and reached a hand out to her. "Momma."

Petunia watched in disgust as her baby sister Rosalie fussed over the thing that was going to abnormal as its mother and father.

Rosalie Evans grabbed the note from the basket and opened as she read it, she didn't realize that the wards that were meant to protect Petunia and her family, settled on her.

"Well Rose, since you want to care for the 'child' I suggest you best take him to your home because I will not have the freak stay here and polluted my little Duddykins" she sneered at the basket.

"Fine, I'm tired of starving to death any way." Rosalie states, as she stashed the note in her back pocket. "I'm stealing one of your little Dudley-poo's baby bottles."

"That's fine the sooner you're both gone the better, your just as much a freak as Lily was."

"You're as plain as a post and dumb as a box of rocks." Rose replies, as she went the kitchen grabbed the bottle filled it with formula. She then went upstairs put her clothes back in her suitcase and gave a disgusted glare at her sister. "When you decide to grow up, give me a ring. Until then sod off."

Petunia didn't answer her just turn her back to her and went back to her kitchen to start her day like nothing had happened.

"You are so stupid the word special comes to mind." Rose muttered as she walked down the road, carrying her nephew and then hailed a taxi.

The taxi drove up to her and the driver asked "Where to miss."

"Any hotel in London." Rose replies

"Right away, ma'am" and began the drive. As they drove, the driver looks back at her. "Had a fight with the Mister, I know a good lawyer if you want a divorce."

"I don't think its in the law to divorce a stupid sister." Rose responds

The driver just shook his head "Sad to say there isn't one or i would have done it long ago with my waste of a brother and his mad talk."

Rose didn't answer, she just stared at her nephew.

After a short while and no more talk they came to a nice hotel near the train station. "Here ya are miss and don't worry about the fare this one on the house." As he got out and opened the car door.

"Thanks..." Rose replies, as she dragged her suitcase into the building, paid for a room, and then went up to figure out what she was going to do.

Harry began to stir and fuss in the basket crying softly for momma.

Rose went to tend her nephew, unsure how to raise a child and still continue her work in genetic research.

The baby grabs her hair still asking for momma and pa'foot.

"Shush, little one, momma's not here anymore, and Auntie Rose will take care of you." Rose states, as she held the child to her.

Harry's cries became louder as the lights began to flicker on and out erratically.

"Enough." Rose states, as she stuffed the bottle into the child's mouth.

Harry gave a startled yelp and began to suck on the bottle and the room return back to normal.

Rose closed her eyes. "Yep, you're a wizard alright."

Harry gave a happy little burp then dozed off.

Rose sat on the bed, and thought about what she was going to do. If she knew the laws of the wizarding world, she didn't have a legal say in Harry's life. Unless she went above their heads.

The rest of the day, Rose went to the market with Harry to get pampers and more formula for him.

After she got Harry settled once more she heard someone knocking on her door.

Rose looked around for a weapon of some guy thinking it was the creep of a cab driver. She opened the door and looked at the most outlandish woman ever.

"Hello Ms. Evans, I am professor McGonagall and I'm sure your surprised to see me but i came in regard to your nephew."

"Just tell me the truth, what happen to Lily." Rose replies

The professor asked to be let in and then sat down with a grim face and a sigh began to tell all she knew about what happened to the Potters.

Rose did as she was asked and sat down beside her nephew. "Petunia didn't want him, and the only problem is I do not live in the United Kingdom any longer."

McGonagall thought for a moment then snapped her fingers "Well that is a problem that should be fixable as I can send a letter to the American Magical Congress and and file Harry as your ward and they should have a Representative there to guide you in all the matters of the magical community."

Rose groaned, "Look at my expression, do I look like I care about the magical world, I am many things but a traitor to my blood, I am not."

McGonagall shook her head. "I see you worried about raising the child as well." She stood up and began to pace "list me all your concerns and we see about handling them."

"Explaining to him about his parents once he's old enough to understand. For another that he is famous in your world, and that I may or may not be able to hide accidental magic from him." Rose replies

"Yes those matters must be dealt with as for his accidental magics someone from the magical world will come to explain such matters and there are guides available to help as well if you wish to read up on them, in fact we should go and get the books as soon as possible. "

"Oh really, how do you explain to people like my parents who gave birth to a witch? I don't think you just gave them books!" Rose snarled, she stood up, and went over to the window. "All your lot care about is my nephew being your savior, does he have a choice? What if he doesn't want to join your world, what if he wants to stay in the muggle world?"

The witch stepped back as if she was just knocked out of a daze then looks over at Rose and Harry and flopped back into her chair and just began to cry.

"She was your student and friend, I understand that but Lily was my big sister. My loss is slightly more then yours." Rose states, as she gripped the window sill.

"Yes your right your lost is greater than almost any of us, and I am sorry about it if you wish we can do what ever you wish done to help you in anyway possible."

"I don't want Harry to be my ward, I'm saying this out of my heart, not out of grief. I want him as my son. I will never take the place of Lily, and I'll make damn sure no one ever tries to take the place of James as the his father. But I want to make sure there is no legal way of separating us." Rose states

"Yes there is a way to do that but i must be done in the morning at the bank they can do it and no one in the ministry has no say what's so ever." She quickly explains what it would involve to both of them

Rose nods.