Hello Everyone,

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

This is my first Fan Fiction story and I am really excited to bring out more. I hope you all like the story. Before you move on to Chapter One, There are a few points to notice,

1. This is an Alternate Universe.

2. According to Flash, This is happening following the events of The Runaway Dinosaur with the slight change that Caitlin is still kept in Zoom's Lair.

3. According to Supergirl, This is happening after the Myriad and Non incident and No pod has arrived.

Please enjoy the story and leave you suggestions. Thank You.

Chapter One: World without you!

Earth 3:

It's been few weeks since Kara's promotion and the Non & Myriad fiasco. After all that, things have been little quite in National City. Finally, Kara believed there might be a slight chance in happiness, looking forward for her new life. As far as relationship, things haven't been much optimistic as somehow, Kara felt that even though she likes being with James, it wasn't Love. Kara, being the loving person she was, gave her best to try and make it work.

While on the other end, Alex and Hank have been putting all their efforts in finding Project Cadmus and Managing DEO with the confidence gained from their latest victory. Everything said, there was still this lingering incompleteness in Kara's life. Something she couldn't explain. Something that was emotionally too deep! Somehow, her world felt incomplete.

On this thought, Kara decides takes out some time to rediscover herself, Leaving National city for a couple of days.

"Have fun! Safe journey! Wait, who am I kidding, you are always safe!" Winn smirked with happiness and confusion as the Kara was prepping up for her trip to wherever she was headed to.

"Be back soon! I will be waiting for you." James said halfheartedly. James, having this doubt about their relationship decides this break is for the best. He was still not finding it okay for Kara to leave without even disclosing her destination. James thinks about going for a kiss but settles for a hug.

"Guys, Relax! I will be back before you can notice, don't worry!" Kara says as she sets off to her search, to find what is missing.

A couple of weeks later,

Catco Media

"Come on man! Let's go get a drink. You have been grumpy since Kara left for that trip. Just take a break. Relax!" Winn exclaimed as James was going at his articles. This break has been a drag for James since Lucy moved back to National City to work with the DEO to cover the low level threats as they had no clue about her trip.

"I am good! I just need to get this done. Else, Cat will grind me live." James replied instantly.

"Don't worry, I will help you out to finish it quicker. Then we can make it." Winn claimed as his phone binged. A message from Alex. This is serious. She never texts Winn.

Get to DEO! Both you and James. Important.

Winn and James rush to DEO as they see Alex, Hank and Lucy waiting for them with stern expressions. As they took a look, they saw that the Headquarters was ransacked. It seemed like someone broke into the facility.

"Where is Kara?! We thought she was just taking a break from Supergirl stuff but she wasn't in her apartment." Alex questioned as the guys had blank expressions.

"Hmm, Well, She said she need a break and left" James paused, took a look at Alex and Hank's expressions and continued, "A Couple of weeks ago."

"COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO!" Exclaimed Alex.

"Why didn't you inform you before?" Hank questioned.

"Aghh… She told she needed a break and told us she would be back in a few days. We didn't expect her to be gone for this long. We were going to come to you but decided maybe she didn't want to be disturbed." Said Winn immediately regretting his words.

"Doesn't want to be disturbed! What the hell were you thinking! She might be in great danger for all we know!" Alex screamed at the top of her voice as her caring yet possessive side burst out.

"At least tell where she told she was going to?" Hank asked the guys as Alex kept staring at James and Winn.

"We… Don't… Know…" James said meekly.

"Seriously! Aren't you guys dating? At least you were supposed to know where she was going!" Alex questioned with more serious expression on her face. Lucy, still having her emotions turned attentive as Alex put forward the question.

James hung his head down and said, "We weren't doing so well. We were having a rough patch." As everyone keenly listened, Winn saw the guilt in his face and asked,

"You didn't say something to her, did you? Is that why she wasn't in her best that day? That's why you were being Grumpy since she left!"

James hung his head with Shame and Guilt. "We were out on a date and I knew we weren't working out. She was trying her best and I couldn't keep up the act. I couldn't lie anymore. So I told her that and we had a fight. I might have said some stuff. I truly regret doing that!"

"You broke up with her!" Everyone exclaimed as they were all worried about what might be happening to her and where she might be of to.

"Not exactly..." James murmured.

"Then why that Black creature came here looking for her and trying to get information about her. What does it have to do with her?" Lucy said trying to change the topic.

"Black Creature! It's Zoom." Exclaimed Winn as he remembered the deadly psychopath from the Flash's description. He went on to question these descriptions to everyone as they nodded. He explained about Zoom to everyone as their expressions went sore.

"This is terrible! Why would he come here! He doesn't even know about Kara. And he look hurt as hell!" Predicts Alex as they move towards to their monitoring systems to look for Signs of Supergirl on the day she left. They were bewildered by what they saw!

"Why did she disappear suddenly near the desert? How did she do that?" Hank noticed as they went over the footage as they saw her at the same location holding a Woman on her arms and disappear again.

As they reached to the monitors at the present time, they saw a man, looking similar to Zoom but in red. "Barry!?" Winn exclaimed as the speedster was coming towards the Headquarters.

"Where is Kara? Is she okay?" Barry exclaimed.

"We should ask that! Where is she? And How come you are here?" questioned Alex.

Barry ignored the question as he was staring at the screen which was showing Kara holding the same woman, someone he recognized.

"Caitlin!" Barry said to himself as everyone moved towards the screen as Supergirl was headed there. In a second, she was in the headquarters holding a knocked out Caitlin in her arms.

"Kara, Caitlin!" he exclaimed as went and gave both of them a hug with tears in his eyes "Zoom came to my world looking for you, all tried. I got so scared that he was looking for you. So I came here as fast as I could! And here you are surprising me. Why is Caitlin with you? She was kidnapped by Zoom. Is that why he was looking for you?" All others were still shocked and confused with what was happening.

"I was headed towards your place Barry, and I kind of ended up on the wrong planet as I mixed up the vibrations and while looking for you, I saw her being held captive. Then this guy in black showed up and I figured he the Zoom you talked about. I remembered you mentioning him breaking your back. So I kicked his ass and broke her cell. Then I tried again to reach your earth and ended up here. So I went back to Zoom's earth and notice that he was still up. I guess that's when he came looking for me here and in your Earth. So, I kind of dealt with him by throwing him out to the space. Then I tried again and I saw you on the breach. So I figured you came to my place. BTW, I am so tired, wanna get some Donuts?" Kara explained the whole thing without the break. Barry again went for a tight hug, filled with gratitude and happiness.

"Thank you. Thank you so much!" he said. "Yes, I would love to have donuts!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Time out! Why where you going to his place? What is going on? You are acting like you were gone for seconds, but It has been two weeks!" Exclaimed Alex as she and Hank were bewildered with this man in red suit.

Kara and Barry went on to explain everything to them as they held on to their expressions. They explained how inter-dimensional travel worked and why it was two weeks for them and how he is fast. As others understood and went on to stabilize Caitlin, both Barry and Kara left for Donuts at god speed. Both of them looked happy! Everyone seemed to feel that Kara was happy seeing that Barry is happy.

"That was weird!" said Lucy just to break the ice.

"Super weird! But kind of Cute. I mean she goes across dimensions just to hang out with him and he ran his life through just to check on her. That's just Aww!" Winn said as everyone stared at him although agreeing to what he said. They somehow had this chemistry and understanding. Something they figured that she wouldn't find in anyone else.

Back in Kara's Place,

"Wow! This is awesome. BTW, why were you headed to my place? Did something show up?" Barry asked with excitement. He was on cloud nine learning that Zoom was taken care of in an awesome way. He couldn't remember when he was this happy and satisfied.

Kara blushed, "I was feeling lonely and remembered you. I have thought about meeting you before but I couldn't. But that day, I wanted to see you badly." Kara said with a sly smile.

"Wow! You can always come to me whenever you want. I am there for you." Barry said to her and gave her a hug. For once she felt like she had someone to support her.

Kara smilingly said "Well, I guess I have some explaining to do to my sister and Hank."

"Haha! You don't have to do it alone! BTW, what happened after I left? What happened to your big bad?" Barry questioned as Kara began to fill him up everything that happened since he left.

"Cool! Also, I hope I am not making it weird between you and James. I know you guys are… You know" Barry said with slight hesitation.

"It's fine. We weren't working out. And it doesn't matter as I tried my best but I wasn't worth all that effort. He couldn't get over the idea that I need to have some secrets from him and stuff which I can't share with him. I mean if I am telling you that my sister had to put down my evil aunt. I can surely say that you won't be judgmental about it." Kara confessed as she showed Barry her true emotions that no one knew of.

Barry offered his had in a gesture. "I will never judge you because I can understand what it is like to make hard choices. In our field of work, we have to make choices. I don't expect anyone to understand us, but I do feel others find us as if we have all the power in the world. Sure, I am a super fast time travelling inter-dimensional superhero and you are a bad-ass super powered alien, but we guys do have a human side to us and we are no invincible. Sometimes we are forced to do some stuff we are not proud of! But that doesn't mean we endorse it." Barry said giving his true feeling, something he can only express in front of her and Oliver.

"I am so glad you are here!" Kara said wiping out a tear and went for a hug. "I am so glad you are here in my world. Seriously, I would hate to be in a World without You!"