Hey guys thanks so much for reviewing and because of that I will do this chapter because I can't wait for your reaction, Hope you enjoy!
Annabeth's POV
As I walked towards the gate to Olympus I could hear distant yelling, which I immediately recognized as Poseidon and Athena, then them stopping for a brief second then resuming. I ran towards the big building and I heard him my best friend the defender of Olympus. I thought about his raven black hair, that handsome face of his and his troublemaker grin.
When I walked into the room Athena and Poseidon arguing while Percy was slumped in a chair obviously giving up but when he saw me his sea green eyes perked up and he immediately got up, and ran really fast towards me. We embraced for what felt like hours but then he pulled away and said, "I missed you wise girl," I replied almost instantaneously,
"Not as much as I missed you seaweed brain,"
Then I noticed that Poseidon and Athena had stopped arguing and were staring at us.
Athena Shouted, "Annabeth this is unexceptional you leave that sea spawn alone or he will make you hate him as much as I hate Poseidon!" She then continued, "I forbid you to see him."
Poseidon then spoke up calmly, "Percy as much as I despise Athena I agree you cannot be friends with her." He said the last bit with his finger pointed at me like I was the worst thing in the world. I stood speechless and I ran so fast I could barely think, I needed to get out of there as quick as possible before the tears came streaming out. I heard Percy argueimng in the distance but it was no use. I had to find a way around the forbidding, I had to cheat the goddess of wisdom.
Hey guys do you have any ideas I could use for my story because that would be much appreciated and can you tell me how long you want this book to be. Also what did you think of this chapter did you like it if not then how could I improve